TaqMan probes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can serve as reliable markers in genetic engineering, selection, screening examinations, and other fields of science, medicine, and manufacturing. Whole-genome sequencing and genotyping by sequencing can detect SNPs with high specificity and identify novel variants. Nonetheless, in situations where the interest of researchers is individual specific loci, these methods become redundant, and their cost, the proportion of false positive and false negative results, and labor costs for sample preparation and analysis do not justify their use. Accordingly, accurate and rapid methods for genotyping individual alleles are still in demand, especially for verification of candidate polymorphisms in analyses of association with a given phenotype. One of these techniques is genotyping using TaqMan allele-specific probes (TaqMan dual labeled probes). The method consists of real-time PCR with a pair of primers and two oligonucleotide probes that are complementary to a sequence near a given locus in such a way that one probe is complementary to the wild-type allele, and the other to a mutant one. Advantages of this approach are its specificity, sensitivity, low cost, and quick results. It makes it possible to distinguish alleles in a genome with high accuracy without additional manipulations with DNA samples or PCR products; hence the popularity of this method in genetic association studies in molecular genetics and medicine. Due to advancements in technologies for the synthesis of oligonucleotides and improvements in techniques for designing primers and probes, we can expect expansion of the possibilities of this approach in terms of the diagnosis of hereditary diseases. In this article, we discuss in detail basic principles of the method, the processes that influence the result of genotyping, criteria for selecting optimal primers and probes, and the use of locked nucleic acid modifications in oligonucleotides as well as provide a protocol for the selection of primers and probes and for PCR by means of rs11121704 as an example. We hope that the presented protocol will allow research groups to independently design their own effective assays for testing for polymorphisms of interest.
    Однонуклеотидные полиморфизмы (SNP) могут служить надежными маркерами в генной инженерии, селекции, скрининговых обследованиях и других областях науки, медицины и производства. Полногеномное секвенирование и генотипирование при помощи секвенирования могут высокоспецифично детектировать SNP и выявлять новые аллели. Однако в ситуациях, когда интерес исследователей направлен на отдельные конкретные локусы, эти методы становятся избыточными, а их цена, доля ложноположительных и ложноотрицательных результатов и трудозатраты на пробоподготовку и анализ не оправдывают их применения. Поэтому точные и быстрые методы генотипирования отдельных аллелей все еще остаются востребованными, особенно при проверке кандидатных полиморфизмов в анализах ассоциации с определенным фенотипом. Один из таких методов – генотипирование с использованием аллель-специфичных зондов TaqMan (TaqMan dual labeled probes). Метод заключается в реакции ПЦР в реальном времени с использованием пары праймеров и двух олигонуклеотидных зондов, комплементарных последовательности вблизи данного локуса таким образом, что один зонд комплементарен аллелю дикого типа, а другой – мутантному аллелю. Преимущества метода заключаются в его специфичности, чувствительности, невысокой стоимости и быстроте получения результатов. Он позволяет с высокой точностью различать аллели в геноме в одностадийной ПЦР без дополнительного этапа разделения продуктов реакции, что делает его востребованным в исследованиях генетических ассоциаций в молекулярной генетике и медицине. Благодаря развитию технологий синтеза олигонуклеотидов и совершенствованию методов подбора праймеров и зондов можно ожидать расширения возможностей применения этого подхода в диагностике наследственных заболеваний. В настоящей статье мы разобрали основные принципы метода, процессы, влияющие на результат генотипирования, критерии подбора оптимальных праймеров и зондов, использование LNA-модификаций в олигонуклеотидах, а также привели протокол подбора праймеров, зондов и ПЦР на примере SNP rs11121704. Мы надеемся, что представленный протокол позволит исследовательским группам самостоятельно подбирать собственные эффективные тест-системы для проверки интересующих полиморфизмов.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Verifying the inclusivity of molecular detection methods gives indications about the reliability of viral infection diagnosis because of the tendency of viral pathogens to undergo sequence variation. This study was aimed at selecting inclusive probes based on reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) assays for the diagnosis of the most widespread and detrimental viruses infecting honeybees, namely the acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV), the black queen cell virus (BQCV), the chronic paralysis bee virus (CBPV), the deformed wing virus variants A (DWVA) and B (DWVB), and the sacbrood virus (SBV). Therefore, previously described detection methods were re-evaluated in silico for their specificity and inclusivity. Based on this evaluation, selected methods were modified, or new ones were designed and tested in duplex RT-qPCR reactions. The limits of detection (LODs), effect of multiplexing on sensitivity and the viral RNA quantification potential in bees and hive debris were assessed. This study made available diagnostic assays able to detect an increased number of virus variants compared with previously described tests and two viral pathogens in a single PCR reaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PCR is the most effective method for detecting difficult-to-cultivate pathogens and pathogens that are part of mixed infections in animals, such as Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale, which causes bird ornithobacteriosis, or Avibacterium paragallinarum, which causes infectious coryza. In this work, we developed and validated two efficient and sensitive diagnostic assays for the rapid and accurate detection of A. paragallinarum and O. rhinotracheale DNA in bacterial isolates and clinical samples using real-time PCR with TaqMan-like probes. When designing the PCR assays, we performed in silico analysis, optimized DNA isolation methods and PCR conditions, and assessed the analytical and diagnostic performance of PCR. We designed primers and probes that have no mismatches with published whole-genome sequences of bacteria. The optimization of conditions showed that the PCR assays are sufficiently robust to changes in temperature and oligonucleotide concentration. The validation showed that the developed assays have high analytical and diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. These assays are expected to improve the differential diagnosis of respiratory diseases in chickens and turkeys.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The increasingly widespread use of beneficial microbial inocula in agriculture gives rise to two primary needs: i) the assessment of the environmental risk, i.e. their impact on local soil microbiome and soil properties; ii) being able to track them and monitor their persistence and fate to both optimize their formulation and application method. In previous years, PCR-based methods have detected bacterial or fungal bioinoculant at the species or strain level. However, the selective detection, quantification, and monitoring of target microbial species in a complex ecosystem such as soil require that the tests possess high specificity and sensitivity.
    RESULTS: The work proposes a quantitative real-time PCR detection method using TaqMan chemistry, showing high specificity and sensitivity for the Paenibacillus polymyxa K16 strain. The primer and probe sets were designed using the polymyxin gene cluster targeting pmxC and pmxE sequences. Validation tests showed that these assays allowed a discriminant and specific detection of P. polymyxa K16 in soil.
    CONCLUSIONS: The TaqMan-assay developed could thus ensure the necessary level of discrimination required by commercial and regulatory purposes to detect and monitor the bioinoculant in soil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cross-replicating associations with rs657152 at the 9q34.2c locus and rs11385942 at the 3p21.31 locus found in patients with severe COVID-19 in the Caucasian population require the study of the discovered phenomenon in various populations, including as an independent biological marker. Primers and TaqMan probes for PCR discrimination of the A and C alleles in single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs657152 have been developed. The polymorphism of the rs657152 A/C locus was determined in 129 patients with COVID-19 and in a control group of 466 healthy individuals. There were no significant differences in the frequency of distribution of the A and C alleles, 0.47/0.53 and 0.45/0.55, between patients and healthy subjects, respectively. Also, no differences were found in the distribution of alleles in patients with a high viral load in the smear (Ct in the range of 16-25) in comparison with an average and low viral load (Ct in the range of 26-40).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retinoblastoma (RB) is a childhood eye tumor, caused by RB1 mutation. Though diagnosing RB is easier, prognosticating RB is limited to examining the patient under anesthesia and imaging technique. The aim of the study is to find exosomal miRNA biomarkers to prognosticate RB. Exosomes were isolated from one control - MIO-M1 and two RB cell lines - WERI-Rb-1 and NCC-RbC-51. Small RNA sequencing was performed on exosomal miRNA isolated from the three cell lines. miRNAs specific to each cell line were shortlisted. A total of 243, 606 and 400 miRNAs were identified in MIO-M1, WERI-Rb-1 and NCC-RbC-51 cell lines respectively. Nine miRNAs were shortlisted based on adjusted p value and literature, MIO-M1 specific (n = 1), WERI-RB-1 specific (n = 2), NCC-RbC-51 specific (n = 2) and miRNAs common to both RB cell lines (n = 4) were chosen. Validation was done using specific Taqman miRNA assays.miRNA validation was carried out on cell lines, cell line derived exosomes, primary RB tissues and exosomes isolated from serum of the RB patients. Validation of the miRNAs in cell lines and exosomes derived from the cell lines, confirmed the sequencing data. However, only 2 miRNAs - hsa-miR-301b-3p and hsa-miR-216b-5p were upregulated in the primary RB tissues. None of the miRNAs had significant expression in the serum exosomes of RB patients. Therefore, serum exosomal miRNA may not be ideal for prognosticating RB.Further research on other body fluids like CSF and vitreous could serve as potential source for biomarkers for prognosticating RB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Detection of animal materials in gelatin-based products is required to address religious and cultural concerns, because porcine and bovine gelatins are prohibited in Halal, Kosher and Hindus consumer goods. In this paper, multiplex quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay using TaqMan probe was developed to discriminate bovine, porcine and fish gelatin species in a single assay platform. The assay was specific to cattle, pigs and fish, having been tested against 14 non-target species. The limit of detection, under gelatin admixed conditions, was 0.005 ng/µL. Finally, a pilot survey was undertaken testing 35 Halal branded processed food and dietary items. Out of 35 samples, only two were found to be positive for porcine species. The authenticity of these two qPCR products was confirmed by DNA sequencing analysis, which showed 99-100% similarity with Sus scrofa (Wild boar) species.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    A microbial imbalance called dysbiosis leads to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which can include ulcerative colitis (UC). Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), a novel therapy, has recently been successful in treating gut dysbiosis in UC patients. For the FMT technique to be successful, the gut microbiota of both the healthy donors and UC patients must be characterized. For decades, next-generation sequencing (NGS) has been used to analyze gut microbiota. Despite the popularity of NGS, the cost and time constraints make it difficult to use in emergency services and activities related to the periodic monitoring of microbiota profile alterations. Hence, in this study, we developed a multiplex TaqMan qPCR assay (MTq-PCR) with novel probes to simultaneously determine the relative proportions of the three dominant microbial phyla in the human gut: Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria. The relative proportions of the three phyla in fecal samples of either healthy volunteers or UC patients were similar when assessed NGS and the MTq-PCR. Thus, our MTq-PCR assay could be a practical microbiota profiling alternative for diagnosing and monitoring gut dysbiosis in UC patients during emergency situations, and it could have a role in screening stool from potential FMT donors.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Diagnostic molecular marker studies are in vogue to have insight of most prevalent animal diseases including cancer. Objectives: Gene expression profiling of pro and anti-apoptotic genes was conducted in dog Lymphoma, CTVT, SCC, granuloma, perianal adenocarcinoma and mammary tumors. Materials and Methods: Cancerous tissues of 21 affected animals were obtained. Total RNA was extracted followed by cDNA synthesis. Comparative Ct method via Taqman assay (RT-qPCR) was used to quantify corresponding mRNA molecules, Tp53 and Hspb1, as normalized by GAPDH as the reference gene . Results:Hspb1 showed ectopic expression in lymphoma, CTVT and mammary tumors; its down-regulation was observed in granuloma and oral SCC with fold difference (FD) of ±35. Similarly, Tp53 as the tumor suppressor gene with pro-apoptotic properties, showed up-regulation in all tumor types, notably 80% of mammary tumors and 60% of CTVT. The FD values were 33.31 and 2.27, respectively. Conclusion: Altered transcriptomic response of Hspb1 and Tp53 was observed in all cancer types of Canis familiaris. The resulting profile depicts the involvement of the genes in cancer pathways. Thus, the data might be helpful for diagnosis, prognosis, identification and classification of these widespread neoplasms in this species.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scanning for mutations by DNA melting analysis (DMA) is based on asymmetric PCR followed by the melting of duplexes formed by single-stranded amplicons with TaqMan probes. The method is optimally suited for clinical genetic testing; it is easy to perform, high-throughput, and sensitive. The detection limit of mutant alleles by the DMA method is about 3%, which is much higher than the sensitivity of Sanger sequencing. In addition, the DMA method is realized in a closed-tube format, while 2-h assay is carried out in a single tube without any intermediate or additional procedures thereby minimizing the risk of cross contamination of the samples. The validation of the DMA method was performed by scanning for mutations of clinically significant genes KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, and   PIK3CA in 324 DNA samples from tumors of patients with melanoma, colorectal and lung cancer. DNA was isolated either directly from tumor tissues, or from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor tissues. The detected mutations were verified by Sanger sequencing. The spectra of mutations identified in each tumor type correspond to the literature data and, thus, validate the use of DMA.





