Sleep-disordered breathing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Children with Down syndrome (DS) are at high risk of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a polysomnogram (PSG) in children with DS prior to the age of 4. This retrospective study examined the frequency of SDB, gas exchange abnormalities, co-morbidities, and surgical management in children with DS aged 2-4 years old at Seattle Children\'s Hospital from 2015-2021. A total of 153 children underwent PSG, with 75 meeting the inclusion criteria. The mean age was 3.03 years (SD 0.805), 56% were male, and 54.7% were Caucasian. Comorbidities included (n, %): cardiac (43, 57.3%), dysphagia or aspiration (24, 32.0%), prematurity (17, 22.7%), pulmonary (16, 21.3%), immune dysfunction (2, 2.7%), and hypothyroidism (23, 30.7%). PSG parameter data collected included (mean, SD): obstructive AHI (7.9, 9.4) and central AHI (2.4, 2.4). In total, 94.7% met the criteria for pediatric OSA, 9.5% met the criteria for central apnea, and 9.5% met the criteria for hypoventilation. Only one child met the criteria for hypoxemia. Overall, 60% had surgical intervention, with 88.9% of these being adenotonsillectomy. There was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of OSA at different ages. Children aged 2-4 years with DS have a high frequency of OSA. The most commonly encountered co-morbidities were cardiac and swallowing dysfunction. Among those with OSA, more than half underwent surgical intervention, with improvements in their obstructive apnea hypopnea index, total apnea hypopnea index, oxygen saturation nadir, oxygen desaturation index, total arousal index, and total sleep duration. This highlights the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Our study also suggests that adenotonsillar hypertrophy is still a large contributor to upper airway obstruction in this age group.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Chronic kidney disease in children is a challenging condition that requires careful management. When combined with sleep-disordered breathing, it can pose even greater difficulties. This case report highlights the management challenges of a child with chronic kidney disease and sleep-disordered breathing. Through careful analysis and effective intervention, we were able to address the challenges and improve the child\'s quality of life. Understanding the complex interaction between these two conditions is crucial for healthcare professionals to provide effective care for children with chronic kidney disease and sleep-disordered breathing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) due to a hypertrophy of the adenoids and/or the tonsils in otherwise healthy children is associated with neurocognitive dysfunction and behavioural disorders with various degrees of hyperactivity, aggressiveness, sometimes evolving to a label of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Children with anatomical and/or functional abnormalities of the upper airways represent a very specific population which is at high risk of OSA (also called complex OSA or OSA type III). Surprisingly, the neurocognitive consequences of OSA have been poorly studied in these children, despite the fact that OSA is more common and more severe than in their healthy counterparts. This may be explained by that fact that screening for OSA and sleep-disordered breathing is not systematically performed, the performance of sleep studies and neurocognitive tests may be challenging, and the respective role of the underlining disease, OSA, but also poor sleep quality, is complex. However, the few studies that have been performed in these children, and mainly children with Down syndrome, tend to show that OSA, but even more disruption of sleep architecture and poor sleep quality, aggravate the neurocognitive impairment and abnormal behaviour in these patients, underlining the need for a systematic and early in life assessment of sleep and neurocognitive function and behaviour in children with OSA type III.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep-related breathing disorders, encompassing snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), are highly prevalent worldwide, and there have been important advances in recent years regarding the understanding of underlying pathophysiology mechanisms, diagnosis, and improvement in therapeutic options. The precision medicine and person-centered approaches are based on the concept that every individual is unique and a myriad of elements influence the likelihood of developing the disease, the signs and symptoms expressed, the response to different treatment modalities, and the susceptibility to complications. Thus, health and disease are the result of phenotypic outcomes resulting from interactions between biological factors, environment, and lifestyle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is a prevalent condition affecting a substantial portion of the global population, with its prevalence increasing over the past 2 decades. OSAHS is characterized by recurrent upper airway (UA) closure during sleep, leading to significant impacts on quality of life and heightened cardiovascular and metabolic morbidity. Despite continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) being the gold standard treatment, patient adherence remains suboptimal due to various factors, such as discomfort, side effects, and treatment unacceptability.
    OBJECTIVE: Considering the challenges associated with CPAP adherence, an alternative approach targeting the UA muscles through myofunctional therapy was explored. This noninvasive intervention involves exercises of the lips, tongue, or both to improve oropharyngeal functions and mitigate the severity of OSAHS. With the goal of developing a portable device for home-based myofunctional therapy with continuous monitoring of exercise performance and adherence, the primary outcome of this study was the degree of completion and adherence to a 4-week training session.
    METHODS: This proof-of-concept study focused on a portable device that was designed to facilitate tongue and lip myofunctional therapy and enable precise monitoring of exercise performance and adherence. A clinical study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of this program in improving sleep-disordered breathing. Participants were instructed to perform tongue protrusion, lip pressure, and controlled breathing as part of various tasks 6 times a week for 4 weeks, with each session lasting approximately 35 minutes.
    RESULTS: Ten participants were enrolled in the study (n=8 male; mean age 48, SD 22 years; mean BMI 29.3, SD 3.5 kg/m2; mean apnea-hypopnea index [AHI] 20.7, SD 17.8/hour). Among the 8 participants who completed the 4-week program, the overall compliance rate was 91% (175/192 sessions). For the tongue exercise, the success rate increased from 66% (211/320 exercises; SD 18%) on the first day to 85% (272/320 exercises; SD 17%) on the last day (P=.05). AHI did not change significantly after completion of training but a noteworthy correlation between successful lip exercise improvement and AHI reduction in the supine position was observed (Rs=-0.76; P=.03). These findings demonstrate the potential of the device for accurately monitoring participants\' performance in lip and tongue pressure exercises during myofunctional therapy. The diversity of the training program (it mixed exercises mixed training games), its ability to provide direct feedback for each exercise to the participants, and the easy measurement of treatment adherence are major strengths of our training program.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study\'s portable device for home-based myofunctional therapy shows promise as a noninvasive alternative for reducing the severity of OSAHS, with a notable correlation between successful lip exercise improvement and AHI reduction, warranting further development and investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a temporary airflow obstruction during periods of sleep. Patients with OSA often suffer from poor work performance, compromised sleep quality, and low quality of life which may lead to a life-threatening event. Adequate knowledge and a positive attitude toward OSA among medical and dental practitioners are crucial to the initial diagnosis and treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to identify the differences in knowledge and attitude toward OSA between medical and dental practitioners working in North-Eastern Peninsular Malaysia.
    UNASSIGNED: A comparative cross-sectional study was performed from February 2020 to February 2021. A total of fifty-two medical practitioners and fifty-two dental practitioners working at university-based outpatient clinics, government health clinics, and oral health clinics located in Kelantan State of Malaysia participated in the study, and data were collected by the structured questionnaire including sociodemographic inquiry and OSAKA questionnaire by non-probability stratified random sampling. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare knowledge and attitude scores between the two groups.
    UNASSIGNED: The mean age of the respondents was 34.6 years. The current study shows that 92.3% of medical doctors and 96.1% of dental doctors were able to correctly answer the question \"Most of the patients with OSA snore\" a significant finding in our study. Only 1% of medical professionals could answer seventeen questions correctly with a median score of 11, and only 1% of dental professionals could answer sixteen questions correctly with a median score of 9. None of them could provide an accurate answer to all the knowledge questions. Medical and dental practitioners exhibited different knowledge levels on OSA (z- statistics=-4.39, U = 827.00 with p <  0.05, and effect size, r = 0.61). However, no significant differences were found in total knowledge score by gender (p-value>0.05), ethnicity (p-value>0.05), total service years (p-value>0.05), and training attended. In addition, significant differences in attitude levels between medical and dental practitioners have been observed (z-statistics=-3.42, U = 725.00 with p <  0.05, and effect size, r = 0.47). Nevertheless, no significant differences have been seen in total attitude score by ethnicity (p-value >  0.05), total service years (p-value >  0.05), attending training on OSA (p-value >  0.05), and professional status (p-value >  0.05) except gender (p-value <  0.05).
    UNASSIGNED: A Significant difference is evident concerning knowledge and attitude toward OSA diagnosis and management between medical and dental practitioners working in North-Eastern Peninsular Malaysia. Medical practitioners in this study recorded a higher knowledge and attitude score compared to dental practitioners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Patients with syndromic hemifacial microsomia (SHFM) are at risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The aim of the study was to describe the prevalence of OSA and its management, especially in patients with Goldenhar syndrome (GS).
    METHODS: The respiratory polygraphies and clinical management of 15 patients, aged 2 to 23 years, evaluated at a national reference center, were analyzed.
    RESULTS: Four (27%) patients had no OSA, 4 (27%) had mild OSA, and 7 (46%), of whom 5 were ≤ 2 years old, had severe OSA. None of the patients had central apneas. Only one patient had alveolar hypoventilation, and another one had nocturnal hypoxemia. Two patients had severe OSA despite prior adenoidectomy or mandibular distraction osteogenesis. Median duration of follow-up was 3.5 years (range 0.5-9 years). None of the patients without OSA or with mild OSA at baseline respiratory polygraphy developed OSA during the follow up. Among the 7 patients with severe OSA, 3 required continuous positive airway pressure or noninvasive ventilation, and one patient required a tracheostomy.
    CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, patients with SHFM are at high risk of severe OSA at any age, underlining the importance of systematic sleep studies to diagnose and evaluate the severity of OSA. Individualized treatment should be privileged, based on a careful examination of the entire upper airway, taking in account potential associated risk factors. All patients with SHFM should be managed by a pediatric expert multidisciplinary medical/surgical team until the end of post pubertal growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Catathrenia is a rare sleeping disorder characterized by repetitive nocturnal groaning during prolonged expirations. Patients with catathrenia had heterogeneous polysomnographic, comorbidity, craniofacial characteristics, and responses to treatment. Identifying phenotypes of catathrenia might benefit the exploration of etiology and personalized therapy.
    UNASSIGNED: Sixty-six patients diagnosed with catathrenia by full-night audio/video polysomnography seeking treatment with mandibular advancement devices (MAD) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) were included in the cohort. Polysomnographic characteristics including sleep architecture, respiratory, groaning, and arousal events were analyzed. Three-dimensional (3D) and 2D craniofacial hard tissue and upper airway structures were evaluated with cone-beam computed tomography and lateral cephalometry. Phenotypes of catathrenia were identified by K-mean cluster analysis, and inter-group comparisons were assessed.
    UNASSIGNED: Two distinct clusters of catathrenia were identified: cluster 1 (n=17) was characterized to have more males (71%), a longer average duration of groaning events (18.5±4.8 and 12.8±5.7s, p=0.005), and broader upper airway (volume 41,386±10,543 and 26,661±6700 mm3, p<0.001); cluster 2 (n=49) was characterized to have more females (73%), higher respiratory disturbance index (RDI) (median 1.0 [0.3, 2.0] and 5.2 [1.2, 13.3]/h, p=0.009), more respiratory effort-related arousals (RERA)(1 [1, 109] and 32 [13, 57)], p=0.005), smaller upper airway (cross-sectional area of velopharynx 512±87 and 339±84 mm2, p<0.001) and better response to treatment (41.2% and 82.6%, p=0.004).
    UNASSIGNED: Two distinct phenotypes were identified in patients with catathrenia, primary catathrenia, and catathrenia associated with upper airway obstruction, suggesting respiratory events and upper airway structures might be related to the etiology of catathrenia, with implications for its treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This narrative review study investigates the correlations between obesity, allergies, and sleep-disordered breathing in pediatric populations. Searches for pertinent articles were conducted on the Medline PubMed Advanced Search Builder, Scopus, and Web of Science databases from unlimited to April 2024. Sleep-disordered breathing causes repeated upper airway obstructions, leading to apneas and restless sleep. Childhood obesity, which affects around 20% of children, is often associated with sleep-disordered breathing and allergies such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. It is distinguished between diet-induced obesity (resulting from excess of diet and physical inactivity) and genetic obesity (such as is seen in Down syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome). In children with diet-induced obesity, chronic inflammation linked to weight can worsen allergies and increase the risk and severity of asthma and rhinitis. Furthermore, the nasal congestion typical of rhinitis can contribute to upper respiratory tract obstruction and obstructive sleep apnea. A vicious circle is created between asthma and sleep-disordered breathing: uncontrolled asthma and sleep-disordered breathing can worsen each other. In children with genetic obesity, despite alterations in the immune system, fewer allergies are observed compared to the broader population. The causes of this reduced allergenicity are unclear but probably involve genetic, immunological, and environmental factors. Additional research is necessary to elucidate the underlying mechanisms. The present narrative review study emphasizes the importance of jointly evaluating and managing allergies, obesity, and obstructive sleep apnea in children considering their close interconnection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The study is to evaluate reliability and validity of the short Thai version of Functional Outcome of Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ-10T), in patients with sleep disordered breathing (SDB).
    METHODS: Inclusion criteria were Thai patients with SDB age ≥ 18 years old who had polysomnography results available. Exclusion criteria were patients unable to complete questionnaire for any reason, patients with a history of continuous antidepressant or alcohol use, and underlying disorders including unstable cardiovascular, pulmonary, or neurological conditions. All participants were asked to complete the FOSQ-10 T and Epworth sleepiness scales (ESS). Of these, 38 patients were required to retake FOSQ-10 T at 2-4 weeks later to assess test-retest reliability, and 19 OSA patients treated with CPAP were asked to do so at 4 weeks following therapy to assess questionnaire\'s responsiveness to treatment.
    RESULTS: There were 42 participants (24 men, 18 women), with a mean age of 48.3 years. The internal consistency of the FOSQ-10T was good, as indicated by Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient of 0.85. The test-retest reliability was good, as indicated by intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.77. The correlation between the FOSQ-10T and ESS scores (concurrent validity) was moderate (r =  - 0.41). The scores of FOSQ-10T significantly increased after receiving adequate CPAP therapy, showing an excellent responsiveness to treatment. However, there was no significant association between FOSQ-10T scores and OSA severity measured by apnea-hypopnea index.
    CONCLUSIONS: The FOSQ-10T has good reliability and validity to use as a tool to assess QOL in Thai patients with SDB. It is convenient and potentially useful in both clinical and research settings.





