Raman probe

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The early detection of procalcitonin (PCT) is crucial for diagnosing bacterial infections due to its high sensitivity and specificity. While colloidal gold colorimetric and immune-chemiluminescence methods are commonly employed in clinical detection, the former lacks sensitivity, and the latter faces challenges with a brief luminescence process and an elevated background. Here, we introduce a novel approach for the quantitative analysis of PCT using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), leveraging the enhanced properties of metal nanoparticles. Simultaneously, we employed a magnetic nanoparticle coating and surface biofunctionalization modification to immobilize PCT-trapping antibodies, creating the required immune substrates. The resulting magnetic nanoparticles and antibody complexes, acting as carriers and recognition units, exhibited superparamagnetism and the specific recognition of biomarkers. Then, this complex efficiently underwent magnetic separation with an applied magnetic field, streamlining the cumbersome steps of traditional ELISA and significantly reducing the detection time. In conclusion, the exploration of immunomagnetic bead detection technology based on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy holds crucial practical significance for the sensitive detection of PCT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Staphylococcus aureus contamination in food supplements poses substantial challenges to public health and large-scale production but the sensitive detection in a timely manner remains a bottleneck. Drawing inspiration from the sea hedgehog, gold nanostars (AuNSs) were leveraged to design an ultrasensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) biosensor for the determination of Staphylococcus aureus in food supplements. Besides the surface enhancement furnished by the AuNSs, Raman reporter molecules and specific aptamers sequentially self-assembled onto these AuNSs to construct the \"three-in-one\" SERS biosensor probe for label-based quantitation of Staphylococcus aureus. Following incubation with contaminated health product samples, the gold nanostars@Raman reporter-aptamer specifically recognize and assemble around Staphylococcus aureus cells, forming a distinctive sea hedgehog structure. This unique configuration results in an amplified Raman signal at 1338 cm-1 and an enhancement factor of up to 6.71 × 107. The entire quantitative detection process can be completed within 30 min, boasting an exceptional limit of detection as low as 1.0 CFU mL-1. The method exhibits a broad working range for the determination of Staphylococcus aureus, with concentrations spanning 2.15 CFU mL-1 to 2.15 × 105 CFU mL-1. Furthermore, it demonstrates outstanding precision, with relative standard deviation values consistently below 5.0%. As a showcase to validate the practicality of the SERS method, we conducted tests on determining Staphylococcus aureus in a herbal food supplement, i.e., Ginkgo Biloba extract (GBE); the results align closely with those obtained through the conventional lysogeny broth agar plate method, pointing to the potential applicability in real-world scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For Raman hyperspectral detection and imaging in live cells, it is very desirable to create novel probes with strong and unique Raman vibrations in the biological silent region (1800-2800 cm-1). The use of molecular probes in Raman imaging is a relatively new technique in subcellular research; however, it is developing very rapidly. Compared with the label-free method, it allows for a more sensitive and selective visualization of organelles within a single cell. Biological systems are incredibly complex and heterogeneous. Directly visualizing biological structures and activities at the cellular and subcellular levels remains by far one of the most intuitive and powerful ways to study biological problems. Each organelle plays a specific and essential role in cellular processes, but importantly for cells to survive, mitochondrial function must be reliable. Motivated by earlier attempts and successes of biorthogonal chemical imaging, we develop a tool supporting Raman imaging of cells to track biochemical changes associated with mitochondrial function at the cellular level in an in vitro model. In this work, we present a newly synthesized highly sensitive RAR-BR Raman probe for the selective imaging of mitochondria in live endothelial cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flow cytometry is an indispensable tool in biology and medicine for counting and analyzing cells in large heterogeneous populations. It identifies multiple characteristics of every single cell, typically via fluorescent probes that specifically bind to target molecules on the cell surface or within the cell. However, flow cytometry has a critical limitation: the color barrier. The number of chemical traits that can be simultaneously resolved is typically limited to several due to the spectral overlap between fluorescence signals from different fluorescent probes. Here, we present color-scalable flow cytometry based on coherent Raman flow cytometry with Raman tags to break the color barrier. This is made possible by combining a broadband Fourier-transform coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (FT-CARS) flow cytometer, resonance-enhanced cyanine-based Raman tags, and Raman-active dots (Rdots). Specifically, we synthesized 20 cyanine-based Raman tags whose Raman spectra are linearly independent in the fingerprint region (400 to 1,600 cm-1). For highly sensitive detection, we produced Rdots composed of 12 different Raman tags in polymer nanoparticles whose detection limit was as low as 12 nM for a short FT-CARS signal integration time of 420 µs. We performed multiplex flow cytometry of MCF-7 breast cancer cells stained by 12 different Rdots with a high classification accuracy of 98%. Moreover, we demonstrated a large-scale time-course analysis of endocytosis via the multiplex Raman flow cytometer. Our method can theoretically achieve flow cytometry of live cells with >140 colors based on a single excitation laser and a single detector without increasing instrument size, cost, or complexity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, Raman spectroscopy has been used to study biological tissues. However, the analysis of experimental Raman spectra is still challenging, since the Raman spectra of most biological tissue components overlap significantly and it is difficult to separate individual components. New methods of analysis are needed that would allow for the decomposition of Raman spectra into components and the evaluation of their contribution. The aim of our work is to study the possibilities of the multivariate curve resolution alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) method for the analysis of skin tissues in vivo. We investigated the Raman spectra of human skin recorded using a portable conventional Raman spectroscopy setup. The MCR-ALS analysis was performed for the Raman spectra of normal skin, keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, and pigmented nevus. We obtained spectral profiles corresponding to the contribution of the optical system and skin components: melanin, proteins, lipids, water, etc. The obtained results show that the multivariate curve resolution alternating least squares analysis can provide new information on the biochemical profiles of skin tissues. Such information may be used in medical diagnostics to analyze Raman spectra with a low signal-to-noise ratio, as well as in various fields of science and industry for preprocessing Raman spectra to remove parasitic components.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of mitochondria goes beyond their capacity to create molecular fuel and includes e.g. the production of reactive oxygen species and the regulation of cell death. In endothelial cells, mitochondria have a significant impact on cellular function under both healthy and pathological conditions. Endothelial dysfunction contributes to the development of various lifestyle diseases and the key players in their pathogenesis are among others vascular inflammation and oxidative stress. The latter is very closely related to mitochondrial dysfunction; however, it is not straightforward. First, because mitochondria are small cellular structures, and second, it requires a sensitive method to follow the subtle biochemical changes. For this purpose, Raman microscopy (RM) was used here, which is considered a high-resolution method and can be applied in situ, usually as a non-labeled technique. In this work, we show that RM can not only locate mitochondria in the cell but also track their functional changes. Moreover, we test if labeling cells with Raman probes (Rp) can improve the specificity and sensitivity of RM (compared to conventional labeled techniques such as fluorescence, and the non-labeled Raman technique). MitoBADY Rp was used to detect changes in mitochondrial membrane potential as an indicator of mitochondrial activity, e.g. hyperpolarization or distortion of the proton gradient in the intermembrane space (depolarization). Thus, we show and compare RM, in the form of a label and non-labeled, to such a subtle cellular analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Raman spectroscopy is promising as a noninvasive tool for cancer diagnosis. A superficial Raman probe might improve the classification of bladder cancer, because information is gained solely from the diseased tissue and irrelevant information from deeper layers is omitted. We compared Raman measurements of a superficial to a nonsuperficial probe, in bladder cancer diagnosis. Two-hundred sixteen Raman measurements and biopsies were taken in vivo from at least one suspicious and one unsuspicious bladder location in 104 patients. A Raman classification model was constructed based on histopathology, using a principal-component fed linear-discriminant-analysis and leave-one-person-out cross-validation. The diagnostic ability measured in area under the receiver operating characteristics curve was 0.95 and 0.80, the sensitivity was 90% and 85% and the specificity was 87% and 88% for the superficial and the nonsuperficial probe, respectively. We found inflammation to be a confounder and additionally we found a gradual transition from benign to low-grade to high-grade urothelial carcinoma. Raman spectroscopy provides additional information to histopathology and the diagnostic value using a superficial probe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A bis-triarylborane tetracation (4-Ar2 B-3,5-Me2 C6 H2 )-C≡C-C≡C-(3,5-Me2 C6 H2 -4-BAr2 [Ar=(2,6-Me2 -4-NMe3 -C6 H2 )+ ] (24+ ) shows distinctly different behaviour in its fluorimetric response than that of our recently published bis-triarylborane 5-(4-Ar2 B-3,5-Me2 C6 H2 )-2,2\'-(C4 H2 S)2 -5\'-(3,5-Me2 C6 H2 -4-BAr2 ) (34+ ). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction data on the neutral bis-triarylborane precursor 2 N confirm its rod-like dumbbell structure, which is shown to be important for DNA/RNA targeting and also for BSA protein binding. Fluorimetric titrations with DNA/RNA/BSA revealed the very strong affinity of 24+ and indicated the importance of the properties of the linker connecting the two triarylboranes. Using the butadiyne rather than a bithiophene linker resulted in an opposite emission effect (quenching vs. enhancement), and 24+ bound to BSA 100 times stronger than 34+ . Moreover, 24+ interacted strongly with ss-RNA, and circular dichroism (CD) results suggest ss-RNA chain-wrapping around the rod-like bis-triarylborane dumbbell structure like a thread around a spindle, a very unusual mode of binding of ss-RNA with small molecules. Furthermore, 24+ yielded strong Raman/SERS signals, allowing DNA or protein detection at ca. 10 nm concentrations. The above observations, combined with low cytotoxicity, efficient human cell uptake and organelle-selective accumulation make such compounds intriguing novel lead structures for bio-oriented, dual fluorescence/Raman-based applications.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Existing approaches for early-stage bladder tumor diagnosis largely depend on invasive and time-consuming procedures, resulting in hospitalization, bleeding, bladder perforation, infection and other health risks for the patient. The reduction of current risk factors, while maintaining or even improving the diagnostic precision, is an underlying factor in clinical instrumentation research. For example, for clinic surveillance of patients with a history of noninvasive bladder tumors real-time tumor diagnosis can enable immediate laser-based removal of tumors using flexible cystoscopes in the outpatient clinic. Therefore, novel diagnostic modalities are required that can provide real-time in vivo tumor diagnosis. Raman spectroscopy provides biochemical information of tissue samples ex vivo and in vivo and without the need for complicated sample preparation and staining procedures. For the past decade there has been a rise in applications to diagnose and characterize early cancer in different organs, such as in head and neck, colon and stomach, but also different pathologies, for example, inflammation and atherosclerotic plaques. Bladder pathology has also been studied but only with little attention to aspects that can influence the diagnosis, such as tissue heterogeneity, data preprocessing and model development. The present study presents a clinical investigative study on bladder biopsies to characterize the tumor grading ex vivo, using a compact fiber probe-based imaging Raman system, as a crucial step towards in vivo Raman endoscopy. Furthermore, this study presents an evaluation of the tissue heterogeneity of highly fluorescent bladder tissues, and the multivariate statistical analysis for discrimination between nontumor tissue, and low- and high-grade tumor.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A spatial heterodyne Raman spectrometer (SHRS), constructed using a modular optical cage and lens tube system, is described for use with a commercial silica and a custom single-crystal (SC) sapphire fiber Raman probe. The utility of these fiber-coupled SHRS chemical sensors is demonstrated using 532 nm laser excitation for acquiring Raman measurements of solid (sulfur) and liquid (cyclohexane) Raman standards as well as real-world, plastic-bonded explosives (PBX) comprising 1,3,5- triamino- 2,4,6- trinitrobenzene (TATB) and octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) energetic materials. The SHRS is a fixed grating-based dispersive interferometer equipped with an array detector. Each Raman spectrum was extracted from its corresponding fringe image (i.e., interferogram) using a Fourier transform method. Raman measurements were acquired with the SHRS Littrow wavelength set at the laser excitation wavelength over a spectral range of ∼1750 cm-1 with a spectral resolution of ∼8 cm-1 for sapphire and ∼10 cm-1 for silica fiber probes. The large aperture of the SHRS allows much larger fiber diameters to be used without degrading spectral resolution as demonstrated with the larger sapphire collection fiber diameter (330 μm) compared to the silica fiber (100 μm). Unlike the dual silica fiber Raman probe, the dual sapphire fiber Raman probe did not include filtering at the fiber probe tip nearest the sample. Even so, SC sapphire fiber probe measurements produced less background than silica fibers allowing Raman measurements as close as ∼85 cm-1 to the excitation laser. Despite the short lengths of sapphire fiber used to construct the sapphire probe, well-defined, sharp sapphire Raman bands at 420, 580, and 750 cm-1 were observed in the SHRS spectra of cyclohexane and the highly fluorescent HMX-based PBX. SHRS measurements of the latter produced low background interference in the extracted Raman spectrum because the broad band fluorescence (i.e., a direct current, or DC, component) does not contribute to the interferogram intensity (i.e., the alternating current, or AC, component). SHRS spectral resolution, throughput, and signal-to-noise ratio are also discussed along with the merits of using sapphire Raman bands as internal performance references and as internal wavelength calibration standards in Raman measurements.





