Phase shift

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This contribution reviews the role of inbred and transgenic mouse strains for deciphering the mammalian melatoninergic and circadian system. It focusses on the pineal organ as melatonin factory and two major targets of the melatoninergic system, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) and the hypophysial pars tuberalis (PT). Mammalian pinealocytes sharing molecular characteristics with true pineal and retinal photoreceptors synthesize and secrete melatonin into the blood and cerebrospinal fluid night by night. Notably, neuron-like connections exist between the deep pinealocytes and the habenular/pretectal region suggesting direct pineal-brain communication. Control of melatonin biosynthesis in rodents involves transcriptional regulation including phosphorylation of CREB and upregulation of mPer1. In the SCN, melatonin acts upon MT1 and MT2 receptors. Melatonin is not necessary to maintain the rhythm of the SCN molecular clockwork, but it has distinct effects on the synchronization of the circadian rhythm by light, facilitates re-entrainment of the circadian system to phase advances in the level of the SCN molecular clockwork by acting upon MT2 receptors and plays a stabilizing role in the circadian system as evidenced from locomotor activity recordings. While the effects in the SCN are subtle, melatonin is essential for PT functions. Via the MT1 receptor it drives the PT-intrinsic molecular clockwork and the retrograde and anterograde output pathways controlling seasonal rhythmicity. Although inbred and transgenic mice do not show seasonal reproduction, the pathways from the PT are fully intact if the animals are melatonin proficient. Thus, only melatonin-proficient strains are suited to investigate the circadian and melatoninergic systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Engineering atomic-scale defects has become an important strategy for the future application of transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) materials in next-generation electronic technologies. Thus, providing an atomic understanding of the electron-defect interactions and supporting defect engineering development to improve carrier transport is crucial to future TMDs technologies. In this work, we utilize low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (LT-STM/S) to elicit how distinct types of defects bring forth scattering potential engineering based on intervalley quantum quasiparticle interference (QPI) in TMDs. Furthermore, quantifying the energy-dependent phase variation of the QPI standing wave reveals the detailed electron-defect interaction between the substitution-induced scattering potential and the carrier transport mechanism. By exploring the intrinsic electronic behavior of atomic-level defects to further understand how defects affect carrier transport in low-dimensional semiconductors, we offer potential technological applications that may contribute to the future expansion of TMDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ecological theory predicts that kelp forests structured by trophic cascades should experience recovery and persistence of their foundation species when herbivores become rare. Yet, climate change may be altering the outcomes of top-down forcing in kelp forests, especially those located in regions that have rapidly warmed in recent decades, such as the Gulf of Maine. Here, using data collected annually from 30+ sites spanning >350 km of coastline, we explored the dynamics of Maine\'s kelp forests in the ~20 years after a fishery-induced elimination of sea urchin herbivores. Although forests (Saccharina latissima and Laminaria digitata) had broadly returned to Maine in the late 20th century, we found that forests in northeast Maine have since experienced slow but significant declines in kelp, and forest persistence in the northeast was juxtaposed by a rapid, widespread collapse in the southwest. Forests collapsed in the southwest apparently because ocean warming has-directly and indirectly-made this area inhospitable to kelp. Indeed, when modeling drivers of change using causal techniques from econometrics, we discovered that unusually high summer seawater temperatures the year prior, unusually high spring seawater temperatures, and high sea urchin densities each negatively impacted kelp abundance. Furthermore, the relative power and absolute impact of these drivers varied geographically. Our findings reveal that ocean warming is redefining the outcomes of top-down forcing in this system, whereby herbivore removal no longer predictably leads to a sustained dominance of foundational kelps but instead has led to a waning dominance (northeast) or the rise of a novel phase state defined by \"turf\" algae (southwest). Such findings indicate that limiting climate change and managing for low herbivore abundances will be essential for preventing further loss of the vast forests that still exist in northeast Maine. They also more broadly highlight that climate change is \"rewriting the rules\" of nature, and thus that ecological theory and practice must be revised to account for shifting species and processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analyzing the environmental factors affecting benthic communities in coastal areas is crucial for uncovering key factors that require conservation action. Here, we collected benthic and environmental (physical-chemical-historical and land-based) data for 433 transects in Taiwan. Using a k-means approach, five communities dominated by crustose coralline algae, turfs, stony corals, digitate, or bushy octocorals were first delineated. Conditional random forest models then identified physical, chemical, and land-based factors (e.g., light intensity, nitrite, and population density) relevant to community delineation and occurrence. Historical factors, including typhoons and temperature anomalies, had only little effect. The prevalent turf community correlated positively with chemical and land-based drivers, which suggests that anthropogenic impacts are causing a benthic homogenization. This mechanism may mask the effects of climate disturbances and regional differentiation of benthic assemblages. Consequently, management of nutrient enrichment and terrestrial runoff is urgently needed to improve community resilience in Taiwan amidst increasing challenges of climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA aptamers can bind specifically to biomolecules to modify their function, potentially making them ideal oligonucleotide therapeutics. Herein, we screened for DNA aptamer of melanopsin (OPN4), a blue-light photopigment in the retina, which plays a key role using light signals to reset the phase of circadian rhythms in the central clock. Firstly, 15 DNA aptamers of melanopsin (Melapts) were identified following eight rounds of Cell-SELEX using cells expressing melanopsin on the cell membrane. Subsequent functional analysis of each Melapt was performed in a fibroblast cell line stably expressing both Period2:ELuc and melanopsin by determining the degree to which they reset the phase of mammalian circadian rhythms in response to blue-light stimulation. Period2 rhythmic expression over a 24-h period was monitored in Period2:ELuc stable cell line fibroblasts expressing melanopsin. At subjective dawn, four Melapts were observed to advance phase by >1.5 h, while seven Melapts delayed phase by >2 h. Some Melapts caused a phase shift of approximately 2 h, even in the absence of photostimulation, presumably because Melapts can only partially affect input signaling for phase shift. Additionally, some Melaps were able to induce phase shifts in Per1::luc transgenic (Tg) mice, suggesting that these DNA aptamers may have the capacity to affect melanopsin in vivo. In summary, Melapts can successfully regulate the input signal and shifting phase (both phase advance and phase delay) of mammalian circadian rhythms in vitro and in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advanced sensing technologies and communication capabilities of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) empower them to capture the dynamics of surrounding vehicles, including speeds and positions of those behind, enabling judicious responsive maneuvers. The acquired dynamics information of vehicles spurred the development of various cooperative platoon controls, particularly designed to enhance platoon stability with reduced spacing for reliable roadway capacity increase. These controls leverage abundant information transmitted through various communication topologies. Despite these advancements, the impact of different vehicle dynamics information on platoon safety remains underexplored, as current research predominantly focuses on stability analysis. This knowledge gap highlights the critical need for further investigation into how diverse vehicle dynamics information influences platoon safety. To address this gap, this research introduces a novel framework based on the concept of phase shift, aiming to scrutinize the tradeoffs between the safety and stability of CAV platoons formed upon bidirectional information flow topology. Our investigation focuses on platoon controls built upon bidirectional information flow topologies using diverse dynamics information of vehicles. Our research findings emphasize that the integration of various types of information into CAV platoon controls does not universally yield benefits. Specifically, incorporating spacing information can enhance both platoon safety and string stability. In contrast, velocity difference information can improve either safety or string stability, but not both simultaneously. These findings offer valuable insights into the formulation of CAV platoon control principles built upon diverse communication topologies. This research contributes a nuanced understanding of the intricate interplay between safety and stability in CAV platoons, emphasizing the importance of information dynamics in shaping effective control strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Transmeridian travel is common for elite athletes participating in competitions and training. However, this travel can lead to circadian misalignment wherein the internal biological clock becomes desynchronized with the light-dark cycle of the new environment, resulting in performance decrement and potential negative health consequences. Existing literature extensively discusses recommendations for managing jet lag, predominantly emphasizing light-based interventions to synchronize the internal clock with the anticipated time at the destination. Nevertheless, visually impaired (VI) athletes may lack photoreceptiveness, diminishing or nullifying the effectiveness of this therapy. Consequently, this invited commentary explores alternative strategies for addressing jet lag in VI athletes.
    CONCLUSIONS: VI athletes with light perception but reduced visual acuity or visual fields may still benefit from light interventions in managing jet lag. However, VI athletes lacking a conscious perception of light should rely on gradual shifts in behavioral factors, such as meal timing and exercise, to facilitate the entrainment of circadian rhythms to the destination time. Furthermore, interventions like melatonin supplementation may prove useful during and after travel. In addition, it is recommended that athlete guides adopt phase-forward or phase-back approaches to synchronize with the athlete, aiding in jet-lag management and optimizing performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Repeated or chronic stress can change the phase of peripheral circadian rhythms. Melatonin (Mel) is thought to be a circadian clock-controlled signal that might play a role in synchronizing peripheral rhythms, in addition to its direct suppressing effects on the stress axis. In this study we test whether Mel can reduce the social-defeat stress-induced phase shifts in peripheral rhythms, either by modulating circadian phase or by modulating the stress axis. Two experiments were performed with male Mel-deficient C57BL/6J mice carrying the circadian reporter gene construct (PER2::LUC). In the first experiment, mice received night-restricted (ZT11-21) Mel in their drinking water, resulting in physiological levels of plasma Mel peaking in the early dark phase. This treatment facilitated re-entrainment of the activity rhythm to a shifted light-dark cycle, but did not prevent the stress-induced (ZT21-22) reduction of activity during stress days. Also, this treatment did not attenuate the phase-delaying effects of stress in peripheral clocks in the pituitary, lung, and kidney. In a second experiment, pituitary, lung, and kidney collected from naive mice (ZT22-23), were treated with Mel, dexamethasone (Dex), or a combination of the two. Dex application affected PER2 rhythms in the pituitary, kidney, and lung by changing period, phase, or both. Administering Mel did not influence PER2 rhythms nor did it alleviate Dex-induced delays in PER2 rhythms in those tissues. We conclude that exogenous Mel is insufficient to affect peripheral PER2 rhythms and reduce stress effects on locomotor activity and phase changes in peripheral tissues.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: The unprecedented influence of human activities on natural ecosystems in the 21st century has resulted in increasingly frequent large-scale changes in ecological communities. This has heightened interest in understanding such changes and effective means to manage them. Accurate interpretation of state changes is challenging because of difficulties translating theory to empirical study, and most theory emphasizes systems near equilibrium, which may not be relevant in rapidly changing environments.
    METHODS: We review concepts of long-transient stages and phase shifts between stable community states, both smooth, continuous and discontinuous shifts, and the relationships among them. Three principal challenges emerge when applying these concepts. The first is how to interpret observed change in communities - distinguishing multiple stable states from long transients, or reversible shifts in the phase portrait of single attractor systems. The second is how to quantify the magnitudes of three sources of variability that cause switches between community states: (1) \'noise\' in species\' abundances, (2) \'wiggle\' in system parameters and (3) trends in parameters that affect the topography of the basin of attraction. The third challenge is how variability of the system shapes evidence used to interpret community changes. We outline a novel approach using critical length scales to potentially address these challenges. These concepts are highlighted by a review of recent examples involving macroalgae as key players in marine benthic ecosystems.
    CONCLUSIONS: Real-world examples show three or more stable configurations of ecological communities may exist for a given set of parameters, and transient stages may persist for long periods necessitating their respective consideration. The characteristic length scale (CLS) is a useful metric that uniquely identifies a community \'basin of attraction\', enabling phase shifts to be distinguished from long transients. Variabilities of CLSs and time series data may likewise provide proactive management measures to mitigate phase shifts and loss of ecosystem services. Continued challenges remain in distinguishing continuous from discontinuous phase shifts because their respective dynamics lack unique signatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: A significant number of global deaths caused by cardiac arrhythmias can be prevented with accurate and immediate identification. Wearable devices can play a critical role in such identification by continuously monitoring cardiac activity using electrocardiogram (ECG). The existing body of research has focused on extracting cardiac information from the body surface by investigating various electrode locations and algorithm development for ECG interpretation. The present study was designed for heartbeat detection using the signals recorded from the upper arm.
    METHODS: Firstly, optimal electrode locations on the upper arm were identified for Rest and elbow flexion (EF) conditions. Next, a synthesized ECG was generated using the selected electrodes with generalized weights over subjects and trials, and then zero-phase wavelet (Zephlet) was applied for feature extraction. Heartbeat detection was finally performed using the extracted detail coefficients incorporated with a multiagent detection scheme (MDS).
    RESULTS: The F1-score for heartbeat detection was 0.94  ±  0.16, 0.86  ±  0.22, 0.79  ±  0.26, and 0.67  ±  0.31 for Rest and EF with three different levels of muscle contraction (C1 to C3), respectively. Changing the acceptable distance between the detected and actual heartbeats from 50 ms to 20 ms, the F1-score changed to 0.81  ±  0.20, 0.66  ±  0.26, 0.57  ±  0.26,  and 0.44  ±  0.26 for Rest and C1 to C3, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings make several contributions to the current literature, summarized as precise and consistent electrode localization for various muscle contraction levels and accurate heartbeat detection method development for each of these conditions.





