NOAEL, no observed adverse effect level

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Products derived from olives, such as the raw fruit and oils, are widely consumed due to their taste, and purported nutritional/health benefits. Phenolic compounds, especially hydroxytyrosol (HT), have been proposed as one of the key substances involved in these effects. An olive juice extract, standardized to contain 20% HT (\"OE20HT\"), was produced to investigate its health benefits. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the genotoxic safety of this ingredient based on in vitro Ames assay and in vitro micronucleus assay. Results indicated that OE20HT was not mutagenic at concentrations of up to 5000 µg/plate, with or without metabolic activation, and was neither aneugenic nor clastogenic after 3-hour exposure at concentrations of up to 60 µg/mL with or without metabolic activation, or after 24-hour exposure at concentrations of up to 40 µg/mL. To further substantiate the safety of OE20HT following ingestion without conducting additional animal studies, a comprehensive literature review was conducted. No safety concerns were identified based on acute or sub-chronic studies in animals, including reproductive and developmental studies. These results were supported by clinical studies demonstrating the absence of adverse effects after oral supplementation with olive extracts or HT. Based on in vitro data and the literature review, the OE20HT extract is therefore considered as safe for human consumption at doses up to 2.5 mg/kg body weight/day.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Steady-calcium formula (SCF), a functional food mixture with potential of joint care, contains five major ingredients. However, the uncertain cross-reactivity among these included ingredients cannot be excluded. Hence, it is important to ensure the safety of this mixture. In this study, the safety of SCF was evaluated through in vitro genotoxicity assessment and 28-day oral toxicity study in rats. The bacterial reverse mutation test and mammalian chromosome aberration test displayed that SCF did not induce mutagenicity and clastogenicity. The 28-day repeated dose assessment of SCF in rats revealed no mortality and adverse effects in clinical signs, body weight, urinalysis, hematology, organ weight, and histopathology at all treated groups. Although some significant changes were observed in food intake and parameters of serum biochemistry at the highest dose in males, they were not dose-related and considered to be within normal range. These findings indicate that SCF does not possess genotoxic potential and no obvious evidence of subacute toxicity. These results demonstrate for the first time that the genotoxicity and subacute toxicity for SCF are negative under our experimental conditions and the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of SCF may be defined as at least 5470 mg/kg/day.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The subchronic toxicity of oral L-tryptophan produced by fermentation with metabolically engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum was evaluated in Sprague-Dawley rats. Doses of 0, 500, 1000, and 2000 mg/kg/day were administered to groups of 10 male and 10 female rats for 90 days. For the groups administered 0 and 2000 mg/kg/day, an additional 5 male and 5 female rats were tested as a recovery group. No adverse effects associated with the test substance were observed in all rats during the 90-day administration of the product, irrespective of dose, and at 4 weeks of recovery at dosages of 0 and 2000 mg/kg/day. Furthermore, histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses for L-tryptophan-associated eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) did not reveal significant changes in both sexes of groups administered 0 or 2000 mg/kg/day. Based on these results, it could be concluded that there were no significant adverse effects related to the test substance in all animals; therefore, dried L-tryptophan fermentation product can be used as feed additive material.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bartogenic acid (BA), an active pentacyclic triterpenoid, has been reported for anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, anti-cancer, and anti-tumor activity. However, toxicity profiling of BA has not been reported till date. Hence, this study is designed to evaluate the single dose (12.5, 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) and repeated dose (1.5, 6, and 24 mg/kg) intravenous toxicity of BA in BALB/c mice. Control group received vehicle. In single dose toxicity study, two mortalities were observed at 100 mg/kg of BA whereas lower doses were well tolerated. In repeated dose toxicity study, no mortality was observed. 1.5 mg/kg of BA was well tolerated in mice of both sexes. At 6 mg/kg of BA, female mice showed significant reduction in the body weight as compared to the control group however no significant change was observed in male mice. 24 mg/kg of BA showed significant reduction in the body weight in mice of both sexes. Further, these mice showed significant change in the relative organ weight. However, no toxicologically relevant changes were observed in hematology, biochemistry, and histopathology. Based on the findings, No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level (NOAEL) for BA were found to be<24 mg/kg for male mice and<6 mg/kg for female mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ANKASCIN 568-R is an extract derived from red mold rice (RMR) fermented using Monascus purpureus NTU 568. RMR fermented using M. purpureus NTU 568 prevents cardiovascular diseases and decreases blood lipid levels. This study evaluates the safety of ANKASCIN 568-R, since it has not determined yet. After daily oral ANKASCIN 568-R for 13 consecutive weeks, we evaluated the toxicity tolerance of Sprague-Dawley rats and performed dose formulation analysis on monascin and ankaflavin. The dose formulation analysis showed that ANKASCIN 568-R concentrations were lower than the target concentration and out of range ( ± 15%) at week 8 and on the last dosing day for both monascin (all dose groups) and ankaflavin at the 100 mg/kg dose. The lowest reported concentrations for the low, middle, and high dose formulations were 34.7, 115.2, and 398.1 mg/mL, respectively. We also evaluated the genotoxicity of ANKASCIN 568-R and showed no genotoxicity potential at all ANKASCIN 568-R doses investigated. The no observed adverse effect level of ANKASCIN 568-R was determined to be 796.2 mg/kg/day. This study revealed the first toxicity evaluation data of ANKASICN 568-R, and the data demonstrated ANKASICN 568-R was safe and can be used in daily life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A ninety-day oral toxicity study of saponified Capsicum annum fruit extract with 50% (w/w) capsanthin (SCFE-50 C) was performed by oral gavage administration to male and female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats at doses of 0, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg BW/day for a period of ninety consecutive days. To assess the reversal of toxicity, the treatment phase was followed with a twenty-eight-day recovery period. The treatment with SCFE-50 C in both male and female SD rats showed no mortality, and no treatment-related toxicologically significant changes were observed in any groups. No significant differences between treated and control groups were found in feed consumption, body weight gain, individual organ weights, ocular examination, clinical chemistry or blood biochemistry. The necroscopy and histopathology examination did not reveal any clinically significant changes in male and female rats from the 2000 mg/kg BW/day group. According to this study, the no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) for saponified Capsicum annum fruit extract with 50% (w/w) capsanthin (SCFE-50 C) administered by oral gavage for 90-days is > 2000 mg/kg BW/day in SD rats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Benzyl salicylate (BS) is a natural ingredient of essential oils and a widely used fragrance chemical. A number of in vitro screening studies have evaluated the estrogenic potential of BS with ambiguous results. Lack of dose-response information for the positive control 17β-estradiol (E2) in most studies makes an assessment of the relative potency and efficacy challenging. Notwithstanding this difficulty, BS has been added as the only fragrance ingredient to the list of the first 14 substances to be screened as potential endocrine disruptors by the European Scientific Committee for Consumer Safety (SCCS) and it is included in the Community rolling action plan (CoRAP) of the European REACH regulation to be assessed for the same property. Here we review all literature evidence and present new data to quantify the in vitro potency and efficacy of BS vs. E2 with full dose response analysis in both an estrogen response element (ERE) depending reporter gene assay and in the MCF7 cell proliferation (E-screen) assay. In both assays, very similar results for BS were found. BS is a partial agonist exhibiting 35-47 % maximal efficacy and it is active only close to the cytotoxic concentration. The extrapolated concentration to achieve 50 % efficacy is 21\'000\'000 higher as compared to E2 in the reporter gene assay. A ca. 36\'000\'000 higher concentration of BS as compared to E2 is required to reach equivalent partial cell proliferation stimulation in the MCF7 proliferation assay. This potency is significantly below the agonistic activity of known chemicals which cause estrogenic effects in in vivo assays. Importantly, in this study the weak agonistic activity is for the first time directly related to the activity of E2 in a full quantitative comparison in human cell lines which may help ongoing evaluations of BS by regulatory bodies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COSMOS Database (DB) was originally established to provide reliable data for cosmetics-related chemicals within the COSMOS Project funded as part of the SEURAT-1 Research Initiative. The database has subsequently been maintained and developed further into COSMOS Next Generation (NG), a combination of database and in silico tools, essential components of a knowledge base. COSMOS DB provided a cosmetics inventory as well as other regulatory inventories, accompanied by assessment results and in vitro and in vivo toxicity data. In addition to data content curation, much effort was dedicated to data governance - data authorisation, characterisation of quality, documentation of meta information, and control of data use. Through this effort, COSMOS DB was able to merge and fuse data of various types from different sources. Building on the previous effort, the COSMOS Minimum Inclusion (MINIS) criteria for a toxicity database were further expanded to quantify the reliability of studies. COSMOS NG features multiple fingerprints for analysing structure similarity, and new tools to calculate molecular properties and screen chemicals with endpoint-related public profilers, such as DNA and protein binders, liver alerts and genotoxic alerts. The publicly available COSMOS NG enables users to compile information and execute analyses such as category formation and read-across. This paper provides a step-by-step guided workflow for a simple read-across case, starting from a target structure and culminating in an estimation of a NOAEL confidence interval. Given its strong technical foundation, inclusion of quality-reviewed data, and provision of tools designed to facilitate communication between users, COSMOS NG is a first step towards building a toxicological knowledge hub leveraging many public data systems for chemical safety evaluation. We continue to monitor the feedback from the user community at







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypospadias is a defect in penile urethral closure that occurs in approximately 1/150 live male births in developed nations, making it one of the most common congenital abnormalities worldwide. Alarmingly, the frequency of hypospadias has increased rapidly over recent decades and is continuing to rise. Recent research reviewed herein suggests that the rise in hypospadias rates can be directly linked to our increasing exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), especially those that affect estrogen and androgen signalling. Understanding the mechanistic links between endocrine disruptors and hypospadias requires toxicologists and developmental biologists to define exposures and biological impacts on penis development. In this review we examine recent insights from toxicological, developmental and epidemiological studies on the hormonal control of normal penis development and describe the rationale and evidence for EDC exposures that impact these pathways to cause hypospadias. Continued collaboration across these fields is imperative to understand the full impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the increasing rates of hypospadias.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can affect the endocrine system through covalent interactions with specific sites, leading to deregulation of physiological homeostasis. The acrylamide (AA) present in some fried or baked foods is an example of an electrophile molecule that is able to form adducts with nucleophilic regions of nervous system proteins leading to neurological defects. A positive correlation between increased urinary AA metabolite concentration and reduced levels of thyroid hormones (TH) was described in adolescents and young adults. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate whether AA affects the physiology of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis and the possible repercussions in peripheral TH-target systems. For this, male Wistar rats were exposed to doses of 2.5 or 5.0 mg AA/Kg/day, based on the LOAEL (Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level) during prepubertal development. The expression of molecular markers of HPT functionality was investigated in the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, heart and liver, as well as the hormonal and lipid profiles in blood samples. Herein, we showed that AA acts as EDCs for thyroid gland function, increasing the transcript expression of several proteins related to TH synthesis and altering hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis homeostasis, an effect evidenced by the higher levels of THs in the serum. Compensatory mechanisms were observed in TH-target tissues, such as an increase in Dio3 mRNA expression in the liver and a reduction in Mct8 transcript content in the hearts of AA-treated rats. Together, these results pointed out an allostatic regulation of the HPT axis induced by AA and suggest that chronic exposure to it, mainly associated with food consumption, might be related to the higher prevalence of thyroid dysfunctions.






