• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The National Immunization Program (NIP) was introduced in Ethiopia in 1980. The NIP has expanded the number of vaccines from six to more than 14 in 2023. However, decisions on new vaccine introduction and other vaccine-related matters were not systematically deliberated nationally. Thus, the need to establish a national body to deliberate on vaccine and vaccination matters, in addition to the global immunization advisory groups, has been emphasized in the last decade. This article presents the establishment and achievements of the Ethiopian NITAG. The E-NITAG was established in 2016 and maintained its active role in providing recommendations for new vaccine introduction and improving the delivery of routine vaccines. The external assessment indicated the E-NITAG was highly functional and played a critical role in enhancing the vaccination practice in Ethiopia, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The absence of a dedicated secretariat staff was the major bottleneck to expanding the role of the E-NITAG beyond responding to MOH requests. The E-NITAG must be strengthened by establishing a secretariat that can eventually grow as an independent institution to address complex vaccine-related issues the NIP needs to address.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As dozens of new National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs) were established worldwide in the past decade, and as existing NITAGs continued to play an important role in vaccine policy, global NITAG partners recognized a need for a standardized assessment tool to evaluate and strengthen their functions. This article describes the development of the NITAG Maturity Assessment Tool (NMAT), a stepwise evaluation tool that assesses NITAGs on seven key indicators of structure and process. A draft tool was developed through an iterative, consensus-based process with an expert working group before it was piloted with an economically and geographically diverse convenience sample of NITAGs. The final NMAT is a flexible tool that can be used by in-country or external evaluators to understand NITAG maturity, identify priorities for optimization, and measure the impact of strengthening efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Americas faced a significant decline in vaccination coverage as well as increased vaccine hesitancy. The objective of this paper is to summarize the challenges and opportunities outlined by the National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and prioritize targeted interventions. The exploratory survey included open-ended questions on two primary components: challenges, and opportunities. Free-text comments presented by each NITAG were collated and classified using indicators and sub-indicators of the NITAG Maturity Assessment Tool (NMAT). Opportunities were classified thematically, and priority actions were generated from the responses. All 21 NITAGs in LAC, representing 40 countries, 76 % of which have been active for over a decade, responded to the survey. The most common challenges were establishment and composition (62 %), integration into policymaking (62 %), resources and secretariat (52 %), and stakeholder recognition (48 %). The distribution of responses was seen across the whole sample and did not suggest a more pronounced need in relation to year of establishment. Opportunities included maximizing the Regional NITAG Network of the Americas (RNA) to facilitate collaboration, information sharing, visibility, and communication; existing global, regional, and systemic analyses; the World Health Organization/Pan American Health Organization (WHO/PAHO) templates for standard operating procedures; twinning programs with mature NITAGs; and NITAGs in governance structures. Action plans were outlined to formalize the establishment of NITAGs and broaden their composition; strengthen decision-making and access to data resources; and enhance the credibility of evidence-based recommendations and their uptake by policymakers and the public. NITAG challenges are not unique to LAC. NITAGs have outlined a short-term prioritized action plan which is critical to enhancing NITAG value and importance in countries.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Despite widespread use of pneumococcal vaccines throughout Europe, the burden of pneumococcal disease (PD) in adults is considerable. To mitigate this burden, National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs) and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) agencies assess the value of different vaccine schedules for protecting against PD. The aim of this review was to assess the evidence and rationales used by NITAGs/HTA agencies, when considering recent changes to National Immunization Programs (NIPs) for adults, and how identified changes affected vaccine coverage rates (VCRs). A systematic review was conducted of published literature from PubMed® and Embase®, and gray literature from HTA/NITAG websites from the last 5 y, covering 31 European countries. Evidence related to NIP recommendations, epidemiology (invasive PD, pneumonia), health economic assessments and VCRs were collected and synthesized. Eighty-four records providing data for 26 countries were identified. Of these, eight described explicit changes to NIPs for adults in seven countries. Despite data gaps, some trends were observed; first, there appears to be a convergence of NIP recommendations in many countries toward sequential vaccination, with a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), followed by pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 23. Second, reducing economic or healthcare burden were common rationales for implementing changes. Third, most health economic analyses assessing higher-valency PCVs for adults found its inclusion in NIPs cost-effective. Finally, higher coverage rates were seen in most cases where countries had expanded their NIPs to cover at-risk populations. The findings can encourage agencies to improve surveillance systems and work to reach the NIP\'s target populations more effectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Europe, National Immunisation Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs) were established in most countries to promote evidence-informed decision-making in introducing new or improved vaccines or changing recommendations for existing ones. Still, the role, activities and outcomes of NITAGs have not been optimally implemented across Europe. Within the European Joint Action on Vaccination (EU-JAV), we conducted a survey to collect information on decision-making process including the main criteria for the introduction of new vaccines or changes to recommendations on their use. Between December 2021 and January 2022, 13 of the 28 European countries invited participated in an online survey. The criteria ranked as most relevant were disease burden and availability of financial resources. Only one country specified that the NITAG recommendations were binding for the government or the health authority. Vaccinations more often reported for introduction or recommendation changes were those against herpes zoster, influenza, human papillomavirus infection, pneumococcal and meningococcal disease. The planned changes will mainly address children and adolescents (2-18 years) and adults (≥ 45-65 years). Our findings show potential overlaps in the activities of NITAGs between countries; and therefore, collaboration between NITAGs may lead to optimisation of the workload and better use of resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Pneumococcal vaccine recommendations have become increasingly complex. This study aims to understand how national immunization technical advisory groups (NITAGs) and health technology assessment (HTA) agencies of 5 European countries and the United States formed their pneumococcal vaccine recommendations, by providing reviewed evidence and key drivers for new recommendations.
    UNASSIGNED: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and National Health Authorities Web sites were screened to capture the evolution of pneumococcal recommendations. A narrative review was conducted on NITAGs and HTA bodies\' Web sites. Assessments of pneumococcal vaccines published from 2009 to 2022 were included.
    UNASSIGNED: Thirty-four records were identified including 21 assessments for risk groups, 17 for elderly, and 12 for children. Burden of disease and vaccine characteristics were almost systematically reviewed during assessments. All 6 countries recommended the use of higher-valent pneumococcal vaccine (PCV; i.e., PCV10 and PCV13) in childhood vaccination programs, given their broader serotype coverage and their comparable profile to PCV7. PCV13 was progressively added to the vaccine schedule (in addition to polysaccharide vaccine) in at least the high-risk group, given the high burden in this population and expected additional benefits of PCV13. For the elderly, unlike the United States, European countries issued negative recommendation for PCV13 routine use because of substantial herd effects from childhood vaccination program making PCV13 likely not cost-effective.
    UNASSIGNED: This research provides an overview of decision-making processes for higher-valent PCVs recommendations and could be of interest to anticipate the place of next generation of PCVs in the vaccination landscape.
    UNASSIGNED: By describing evidence-based criteria for decision making, this study emphasizes the framework analysis of NITAGs and HTA bodies when assessing pneumococcal vaccines and demonstrates that variation exists between countries and also according to population evaluated.While the burden of disease and immunogenicity/efficacy data were almost systematically reviewed by national stakeholders, economic assessments were reported to a lesser extent but played a major role in the limited use of PCV13 in the adult population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    National Immunization Technical Advisory Committees (NITAGs) are tasked with the responsibility of guiding ministries of health and national immunization programmes in their policy development processes. Many NITAGs rely on evidence reviewed by the World Health Organization\'s (WHO) Strategic Group of Experts(SAGE) on immunization and aim to adapt WHO\'s recommendations to their respective contexts. This relationship took on exceptional importance since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, during which NITAGs have expressed a notable struggle to craft appropriate policies on population prioritization and vaccine utilization in the face of supply constraints and complex programmatic and delivery logistics. This online survey was conducted to assess the usefulness of the SAGE guidance documents for COVID-19 vaccine policies and to examine the persisting needs and challenges facing NITAGs. Results confirmed that SAGE recommendations concerning COVID-19 vaccines are easy to access, understand, and adapt. They have been found to be comprehensive and timely under the data and time constrained circumstances confronting SAGE. The Global NITAG Network (GNN) appears to be the most popular vehicle for addressing questions among high income countries, in contrast to lower income countries who favour WHO Country or Regional Offices. NITAGs place much value on interaction with other NITAGs, which requires facilitation and could benefit from increased opportunities, especially within regions. It is further noted that some NITAGs have had to tackle issues during the pandemic not typically considered by SAGE, such as supply chain logistics and vaccine demand. Learning from the COVID-19 experience offers opportunities to strengthen NITAGs and the pandemic recovery effort through the development of more concrete procedures and consideration of more varied types of data, including implementation effectiveness and uptake data. There is also an opportunity for an increasing involvement of Country Office WHO personnel to support NITAGs, while ensuring information and evidence needs of countries are adequately reflected in SAGE deliberations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Zambia Immunisation Technical Advisory Group (ZITAG) was established in 2016 as an advisory body to provide evidence-based recommendations on vaccine policy. As part of the Gave Full Country Evaluation, we evaluated the functionality and effectiveness of ZITAG and related EPI committees through an online stakeholder survey of Interagnecy Coordinating Committee (ICC), ZITAG and Extended programme on Immunisation Technical Working Group (EPI-TWG) members, document review and key informant interviews. The survey was sent out via SurveyMonkey between May and July 2020 to 69 members of ZITAG, ICC or the EPI TWG. A total of 52 individuals responded (75%). Eight key informant interviews were also carried out at the national and global level in September 2020 to elaborate further on some of the quantitative findings and for triangulation. Findingsrevealed that the EPI committees were reasonably functional and effective entities, each with its unique role, though some overlaps occurred. Functionality was shown by having a broad membership with wide expertise and long-serving members; sub-committees existed and meetings were occurring regularly. Leadership and coordination structures also existed and were largely felt to be working well. Funding challenges however persisted, in particular for ZITAG operations and functionality of its subcommittees. Effectiveness and value addition fo the committees to the EPI was illustrated through decision-making processes and evidence use as well as relatively good country ownership in terms of commitment, legitimacy, capacity and accountability. Full independence and ownership may however be compromised by funding challenges. Recent changes to ICC terms of reference and focus beyond immunisation side-lined the EPI and weakened the linkage between ICC and ZITAG with many ZITAG recommendations not having been followed through by ICC as the ultimate endorsing entity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs) and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) agencies evaluate the value of vaccines and provide decision-making authorities with recommendations. The availability of information on disease-burden evidence considered or required for the assessment of vaccines included in national immunization programs (NIPs) is limited. The aim of this review is to summarize the epidemiologic and health economic (HE) evidence considered by NITAGs/HTA agencies when evaluating pediatric pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) NIPs. A systematic literature review of national recommendation reports for PCV NIPs in children in 31 European countries, published since 2001, was performed using NITAG/HTA agency websites, Google, MEDLINE, and EMBASE. The presence of epidemiological data was mapped, HE data was extracted, and findings were summarized. A total of 46 records for 19 countries were identified. Fifteen countries\' records included a recommendation concerning implementation of PCV NIP, switching from one PCV to another or a change in vaccination schedule within an existing NIP. All of these included epidemiological invasive pneumococcal disease data, and to varying degree epidemiological data on acute otitis media and pneumonia. HE data was referenced in 13 countries\' records, with 8 countries providing in-depth details on cost-effectiveness analyses. Pediatric PCV NIP recommendations were published by 61% of European countries, with varying degree of details and decision rationale. Some countries only publish the HE aspect of their rationale. The identified material can provide insight and support local policymakers and clinicians how data influenced the decision-making process in their countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2020, National Immunization Programme (NIP) of Nepal implemented a measles outbreak response immunization (ORI) campaign, which was additional to an ongoing preventive measles-rubella SIA campaign. Both campaigns were implemented during ongoing COVID-19 transmission. By April, 220 measles cases and two deaths were confirmed from eight districts of Nepal. The NIP triangulated information from surveillance (measles and COVID-19), measles immunization performance and immunity profile, programme capacities and community engagement and applied a logical decision-making framework to the collated data to inform \'Go/No-Go\' decisions for ORI interventions. This was reviewed by the National Immunization Advisory Committee (NIAC) for endorsement. Outbreak response with non-selective immunization (ORI), vitamin-A administration and case management were implemented in affected municipalities of four districts, while in the remaining districts outbreak response without ORI were undertaken. The structure and iterative application of this logical framework has been described. ORI was implemented without interrupting the ongoing measles-rubella vaccination campaign which had targeted children from 9 to 59 months of age. The age group for ORI was same as SIA in one sub-district area, while for the other three sub-district areas it was from 6 months to 15 years of age. More than 32,000 persons (97% coverage) were vaccinated in ORI response. Overall measles incidence decreased by 98% after ORI. The daily incidence rate of measles was 94 times higher (95% confidence interval: 36.11 - 347.62) before the ORI compared to two weeks after ORI until year end. Close attention to surveillance and other data to inform actions and seamless collaboration between NIP and core immunization partners (WHO, UNICEF), with guidance from NIAC were key elements in successful implementation. This was an example of feasible application of the global framework for implementation of a mass vaccination campaign during COVID-19 through application of a simple decision-making logical framework.





