Microsatellite Marker

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study focuses on estimation of the inter and intra population genetic variability of 6 duck populations. Microsatellite loci were used to assess the genetic variation and population structure of 6 duck populations under a conservation program in Poland. DNA polymorphism was assessed using 24 microsatellite markers and 50 individuals from each population. Polymorphism information content (PIC), heterozygosity with 2 estimators of genetic differentiation (FST and GST), and Nei\'s standard genetic distance were calculated. The results showed that these 6 endangered duck populations showed high genetic polymorphism. Observed heterozygosity within populations ranged from 0.14 to 0.83, with the average value of 0.58. PIC within populations ranged from 0.038 (P-8 and P-9 lines) to 0.89 (LsA line). Average number of alleles in the studied populations ranged from 4.5 (KhO-1 line) to 7.3 (LsA line). Based on the results, the pairs of lines LsA: P-33 and P-8: P-9 were found to be the most related; and the most genetically distant group was KhO-1 line, which originated as a cross between Khaki Campbell with Orpington duck.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disease caused by the inheritance of two mutant cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) alleles, one from each parent. Autosomal recessive disorders are rarely associated with germline mutations or mosaicism. Here, we propose a case of paternal germline mutation causing CF. The subject also had an identifiable maternal mutant allele. We identified the compound heterozygous variants in the proband through Sanger sequencing, and in silico studies predicted functional effects on the protein. Also, short tandem repeat markers revealed the de novo nature of the mutation. The maternal mutation in the CFTR gene was c.1000C > T. The de novo mutation was c.178G > A, p.Glu60Lys. This mutation is located in the lasso motif of the CFTR protein and, according to in silico structural analysis, disrupts the interaction of the lasso motif and R-domain, thus influencing protein function. This first reported case of de novo mutation in Asia has notable implications for molecular diagnostics, genetic counseling, and understanding the genetic etiology of recessive disorders in the Iranian population.
    Identifying the first de novo mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein in Iran: a case report with insights from microsatellite markersA child can develop Cystic Fibrosis (CF) if both parents pass on mutated genes. In some rare cases, new genetic mutations occur spontaneously, causing CF. This report discusses a unique case where a child has one gene with a spontaneous mutation and inherits another gene mutation from the mother. We used a method called Sanger sequencing to find the two different gene changes in the affected person. We also used computer analysis to predict how these changes might affect the protein responsible for this genetic disease. To confirm that the child\'s new change is not inherited, we used a type of genetic marker called microsatellite markers. The mutation inherited from the mother and the new spontaneous mutation resulted in a unique change in the responsible protein. This mutation is located in a specific part of the protein called the lasso motif. Our computer simulations show that this mutation disrupts the interaction between the lasso motif and another part of the protein called the R-domain, which ultimately affects the protein\'s function. This case is significant because it is the first reported instance of a de novo mutation causing CF in Asia. It has important implications for genetic testing, counseling, and understanding how recessive genetic disorders like CF occur within the Iranian population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Castanopsis chinensis (Spreng.) Hance is widespread in the subtropical forests of China. Castanopsis qiongbeiensis G.A. Fu and Castanopsis glabrifolia J. Q. Li & Li Chen are limited to the coastal beaches of Wenchang county in the northeast of Hainan Island, and have similar morphological characteristics to C. chinensis. It is supposed that C. qiongbeiensis and C. glabrifolia are closely related to C. chinensis. In the present study, the genetic differentiation, gene flow, and genetic relationship of C. chinensis, C. qiongbeiensis, and C. glabrifolia were investigated by using 15 nuclear microsatellite markers; a total of 308 individuals from 17 populations were sampled in the three species. The allelic variation of nuclear microsatellites revealed moderate but significant genetic differentiation (FCT = 0.076) among C. chinensis, C. qiongbeiensis, and C. glabrifolia, and genetic differentiation between C. chinensis and C. glabrifolia was larger than that between C. chinensis and C. qiongbeiensis. Demographic simulations revealed unidirectional gene flow from C. chinensis to C. glabrifolia and C. qiongbeiensis, which highlight dispersal from mainland to island. The isolation effect of Qiongzhou Strait increased the genetic differentiation of species on both sides of the strait; however, the differentiation was diminished by gene flow that occurred during the historical period when Hainan Island was connected to mainland China. Our results supported the argument that C. glabrifolia should be considered an independent species and argued that C. qiongbeiensis should be regarded as an incipient species and independent conservation unit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A study was conducted to investigate the population genetic structure and breeding pattern of 140 tropical bed bugs, Cimex hemipterus (F.) (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), collected from 14 infested sites in major cities in Iraq. The samples were genotyped using a set of 7 polymorphic microsatellite markers. High genetic variety was seen among populations, with an average of 2-9 alleles per locus. The number of alleles across 7 microsatellite loci was between 6 and 18. There was a notable disparity in the alleles per loci when comparing the overall population to those within it. The overall population exhibited an average observed heterozygosity of 0.175 and an average expected heterozygosity of 0.730. Among the population, the average observed heterozygosity was 0.173, while the average expected heterozygosity was 0.673. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that 93% of the genetic variability was within the populations, and 7% was among them. The genetic differentiation coefficient (FST = 0.045), indicates a low degree of genetic differentiation and a high degree of inbreeding (FIS = 0.761), as indicated by notably significant positive inbreeding coefficients. Admixed individuals were revealed using STRUCTURE and neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees, demonstrating moderate gene flow between populations and a lack of genetic structure in the regional groups. Thus, both active dispersion and human-mediated dispersion possess the potential to influence the low population genetic structure of tropical bed bug C. hemipterus populations in Iraq, which can have implications toward tropical bed bug and management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forcipomyia (Lasiohelea) taiwana, a small bloodsucking midge, thrives in moderately moist habitats and is commonly found in grassy and bushy areas at an elevation below 250 m. This species exhibits a diurnal biting pattern and shows a marked preference for human blood. Although not known to transmit arthropod-borne diseases, the bites of F. taiwana can induce severe allergic reactions in some individuals. As a significant nuisance in Taiwan, affecting both daily life and the tourism industry, comprehensive studies on its population genetics across different geographical regions remain scarce. The central mountain ranges in Taiwan, comprising more than two hundred peaks above 3000 m in elevation, extend from the north to the south of the island, creating distinct eastern and western geographical divisions. This study utilizes microsatellite markers to explore the genetic differentiation of F. taiwana populations located in the eastern and western regions of the mountain ranges. Our findings reveal substantial genetic differentiation among populations inhabiting Taiwan\'s western region compared to those in the eastern region. This indicates that the topographical barriers presented by the mountain ranges significantly restrict gene flow, particularly given the species\' limited active flight ability and habitat preferences. Although passive dispersal mechanisms, like wind or human activity, could contribute, this study concludes that the gene flow of F. taiwana between the western and eastern regions is primarily influenced by topographical constraints.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of microsatellite loci allows for simultaneous amplification of two or more pairs of primers in a single PCR reaction; hence, it is cost and time effective. However, very few attempts have been reported in non-model species. In this study, by combining a genome-based de novo development and cross-species application approach, a multiplex PCR system comprising 5 PCR reactions of 33 microsatellites consisting of 26 novel genomic and 7 literature-sourced loci was tested for polymorphisms, cross-species transferability, and the ability to assess genetic diversity and population structure of three walnut species (Juglans spp.). We found that the genome-based approach is more efficient than other methods. An allelic ladder was developed for each locus to enhance consistent genotyping among laboratories. The population genetic analysis results showed that all 33 loci were successfully transferred across the three species, showing high polymorphism and a strong genetic structure. Hence, the multiplex PCR system is highly applicable in walnut species. Furthermore, we propose an efficient pipeline to characterize and genotype polymorphic microsatellite loci. The novel toolbox developed here will aid future ecology and evolution studies in walnut and could serve as a model for other plant species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS) is a destructive disease that causes substantial yield losses in South and North America. Whereas four Fusarium species were identified as the causal agents, F. virguliforme is the primary SDS-causing pathogen in North America and it also contributes substantially to SDS in Argentina. In this study, we comparatively analyzed genome assemblies of four F. virguliforme strains and identified 29 informative microsatellite markers. Sixteen of the 29 markers were used to investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of this pathogen in a collection of 90 strains from Argentina and the USA. A total of 37 multilocus genotypes (MLGs) were identified, including 10 MLGs in Argentina and 26 in the USA. Only MLG2, the most dominant MLG, was found in both countries. Analyses with three different approaches showed that these MLGs could be grouped into three clusters. Cluster IA consisting of four MLGs exclusively from the USA has much higher genetic diversity than the other two clusters, suggesting that it may be the ancestral cluster although additional data are necessary to support this hypothesis. Clusters IB and II consisted of 13 and 21 MLGs, respectively. MLGs belonging to these two clusters were present in all four sampled states in Argentina and all five sampled states in the USA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transmission Ratio Distortion (TRD) is a genetic phenomenon widely demonstrated in several livestock species, but barely in equine species. The TRD occurs when certain genotypes are over- or under-represented in the offspring of a particular mating and can be caused by a variety of factors during gamete formation or during embryonic development. For this study, 126 394 trios consisting of a stallion, mare, and offspring were genotyped using a panel of 17 neutral microsatellite markers recommended by the International Society for Animal Genetics for paternity tests and individual identification. The number of alleles available for each marker ranges from 13 to 18, been 268 the total number of alleles investigated. The TRDscan v.2.0 software was used with the biallelic procedure to identify regions with distorted segregation ratios. After completing the analysis, a total of 12 alleles (out of 11 microsatellites) were identified with decisive evidence for genotypic TRD; 3 and 9 with additive and heterosis patterns, respectively. In addition, 19 alleles (out of 10 microsatellites) were identified displaying allelic TRD. Among them, 14 and 5 were parent-unspecific and stallion-mare-specific TRD. Out of the TRD regions, 24 genes were identified and annotated, predominantly associated with cholesterol metabolism and homeostasis. These genes are often linked to non-specific symptoms like impaired fertility, stunted growth, and compromised overall health. The results suggest a significant impact on the inheritance of certain genetic traits in horses. Further analysis and validation are needed to better understand the TRD impact before the potential implementation in the horse breeding programme strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to assess the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationship and population structure of five goat breeds in Shanxi, China. High genetic diversities were found in the five populations, among which, Licheng big green goat (LCBG) has the highest genetic diversity, while Jinlan cashmere goat (JLCG) population has the lowest genetic diversity. Bottleneck analysis showed the absence of recent genetic bottlenecks in the five goat populations. Genetic differentiation analysis shows that the closest genetic relationship between LCBG and LLBG (Lvliang black goat) was found, and the genetic distance between JLCG and the other four populations is the largest. The population structure of JLCG is different from the other four populations with K = 2, while LCBG and LLBG have high similarity population structure as the K value changes. Knowledge about genetic diversity and population structure of indigenous goats is essential for genetic improvement, understanding of environmental adaptation as well as utilization and conservation of goat breeds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the usability single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for parentage testing of horse breeds in Korea.
    METHODS: The genotypes of 93 horse samples (38 Thoroughbred horses, 17 Jeju horses, 20 Quarter horses, and 18 American miniature horses) were determined using 15 microsatellite (Ms) markers (AHT4, AHT5, ASB2, ASB17, ASB23, CA425, HMS1, HMS2, HMS3, HMS6, HMS7, HTG4, HTG10, LEX3, and VHL20) and 101 SNP markers.
    RESULTS: Paternity tests were performed using 15 Ms markers and 101 SNP markers in Thoroughbred horses and Quarter horses. AHT5, ASB2, ASB17, ASB23, CA425, HMS7, HTG10, and LEX3 did not follow Mendelian inheritance in Thoroughbred horses, whereas in Quarter horses, only AHT4, ASB2, and HMS2 showed Mendelian inheritance, consequently, paternity was not established. Meanwhile, 31 markers, including MNEc_2_2_ 2_98568918_BIEC2_502451, in Thoroughbred horses, and 30 markers, including MNEc_ 2_30_7430735_BIEC2_816793, in Quarter horses did not conform with Mendelian inheritance and therefore, could not be used for establishing parentage.
    CONCLUSIONS: The possibility of replacing Ms markers with SNP markers for paternity testing in horses was confirmed. However, further research using more samples is necessary.





