HD, Huntington's disease

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years scientific research has established that the nervous and immune systems have shared molecular signaling components. Proteins native to immune cells, which are also found in the brain, have neuronal functions in the nervous system where they affect synaptic plasticity, axonal regeneration, neurogenesis, and neurotransmission. Certain native immune molecules like major histocompatibility complex I (MHC-I), paired immunoglobulin receptor B (PirB), toll-like receptor (TLR), cluster of differentiation-3 zeta (CD3ζ), CD4 co-receptor, and T-cell receptor beta (TCR-β) expression in neurons have been extensively documented. In this review, we provide our opinion and discussed the possible roles of T-cell receptor beta subunits in modulating the function of neurons in the central nervous system. Based on the previous findings of Syken and Shatz., 2003; Nishiyori et al., 2004; Rodriguez et., 1993 and Komal et., 2014; we discuss whether restrictive expression of TCR-β subunits in selected brain regions could be involved in the pathology of neurological disorders and whether their aberrant enhancement in expression may be considered as a suitable biomarker for aging or neurodegenerative diseases like Huntington\'s disease (HD).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), the most prominent form of dementia in the elderly, has no cure. Strategies focused on the reduction of amyloid beta or hyperphosphorylated Tau protein have largely failed in clinical trials. Novel therapeutic targets and strategies are urgently needed. Emerging data suggest that in response to environmental stress, mitochondria initiate an integrated stress response (ISR) shown to be beneficial for healthy aging and neuroprotection. Here, we review data that implicate mitochondrial electron transport complexes involved in oxidative phosphorylation as a hub for small molecule-targeted therapeutics that could induce beneficial mitochondrial ISR. Specifically, partial inhibition of mitochondrial complex I has been exploited as a novel strategy for multiple human conditions, including AD, with several small molecules being tested in clinical trials. We discuss current understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in this counterintuitive approach. Since this strategy has also been shown to enhance health and life span, the development of safe and efficacious complex I inhibitors could promote healthy aging, delaying the onset of age-related neurodegenerative diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stroke is considered a leading cause of mortality and neurological disability, which puts a huge burden on individuals and the community. To date, effective therapy for stroke has been limited by its complex pathological mechanisms. Autophagy refers to an intracellular degrading process with the involvement of lysosomes. Autophagy plays a critical role in maintaining the homeostasis and survival of cells by eliminating damaged or non-essential cellular constituents. Increasing evidence support that autophagy protects neuronal cells from ischemic injury. However, under certain circumstances, autophagy activation induces cell death and aggravates ischemic brain injury. Diverse naturally derived compounds have been found to modulate autophagy and exert neuroprotection against stroke. In the present work, we have reviewed recent advances in naturally derived compounds that regulate autophagy and discussed their potential application in stroke treatment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO), previously known as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor, is predominately localized to the outer mitochondrial membrane in steroidogenic cells. Brain TSPO expression is relatively low under physiological conditions, but is upregulated in response to glial cell activation. As the primary index of neuroinflammation, TSPO is implicated in the pathogenesis and progression of numerous neuropsychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson\'s disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS), major depressive disorder (MDD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). In this context, numerous TSPO-targeted positron emission tomography (PET) tracers have been developed. Among them, several radioligands have advanced to clinical research studies. In this review, we will overview the recent development of TSPO PET tracers, focusing on the radioligand design, radioisotope labeling, pharmacokinetics, and PET imaging evaluation. Additionally, we will consider current limitations, as well as translational potential for future application of TSPO radiopharmaceuticals. This review aims to not only present the challenges in current TSPO PET imaging, but to also provide a new perspective on TSPO targeted PET tracer discovery efforts. Addressing these challenges will facilitate the translation of TSPO in clinical studies of neuroinflammation associated with central nervous system diseases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene therapy is rapidly emerging as a powerful therapeutic strategy for a wide range of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), Parkinson\'s disease (PD) and Huntington\'s disease (HD). Some early clinical trials have failed to achieve satisfactory therapeutic effects. Efforts to enhance effectiveness are now concentrating on three major fields: identification of new vectors, novel therapeutic targets, and reliable of delivery routes for transgenes. These approaches are being assessed closely in preclinical and clinical trials, which may ultimately provide powerful treatments for patients. Here, we discuss advances and challenges of gene therapy for neurodegenerative disorders, highlighting promising technologies, targets, and future prospects.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nowadays, nanotechnology is revolutionizing the approaches to different fields from manufacture to health. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as promising candidates in nanomedicine have great potentials in developing novel entities for central nervous system pathologies, due to their excellent physicochemical properties and ability to interface with neurons and neuronal circuits. However, most of the studies mainly focused on the drug delivery and bioimaging applications of CNTs, while neglect their application prospects as therapeutic drugs themselves. At present, the relevant reviews are not available yet. Herein we summarized the latest advances on the biomedical and therapeutic applications of CNTs in vitro and in vivo for neurological diseases treatments as inherent therapeutic drugs. The biological mechanisms of CNTs-mediated bio-medical effects and potential toxicity of CNTs were also intensely discussed. It is expected that CNTs will exploit further neurological applications on disease therapy in the near future.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients with Huntington\'s disease (HD) exhibit movement disorders, psychiatric disturbance and cognitive impairments as the disease progresses. Abnormal sleep/wake cycles are common among HD patients with reports of delayed sleep onset, fatigue during the day, and a delayed pattern of melatonin secretion all of which suggest circadian dysfunction. Mouse models of HD confirm disrupted circadian rhythms with pathophysiology found in the central circadian clock (suprachiasmatic nucleus). Importantly, circadian dysfunction manifests early in disease, even before the classic motor symptoms, in both patients and mouse models. Therefore, we hypothesize that the circadian dysfunction may interact with the disease pathology and exacerbate the HD symptoms. If correct, early intervention may benefit patients and delay disease progression. One test of this hypothesis is to determine whether light therapy designed to strengthen this intrinsic timing system can delay the disease progression in mouse models. Therefore, we determined the impact of blue wavelength-enriched light on two HD models: the BACHD and Q175 mice. Both models received 6 h of blue-light at the beginning of their daily light cycle for 3 months. After treatment, both genotypes showed improvements in their locomotor activity rhythm without significant change to their sleep behavior. Critically, treated mice of both lines exhibited improved motor performance compared to untreated controls. Focusing on the Q175 genotype, we sought to determine whether the treatment altered signaling pathways in brain regions known to be impacted by HD using NanoString gene expression assays. We found that the expression of several HD relevant markers was altered in the striatum and cortex of the treated mice. Our study demonstrates that strengthening the circadian system can delay the progression of HD in pre-clinical models. This work suggests that lighting conditions should be considered when managing treatment of HD and other neurodegenerative disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The circadian disruption seen in patients of Huntington\'s disease (HD) is recapitulated in the R6/2 mouse model. As the disease progresses, the activity of R6/2 mice increases dramatically during the rest (light) period and decreases during the active (dark) period, eventually leading to a complete disintegration of rest-activity rhythms by the age of ~16 weeks. The suprachiasmatic nucleus controls circadian rhythms by entraining the rest-activity rhythms to the environmental light-dark cycle. Since R6/2 mice can shift their rest-activity rhythms in response to a jet-lag paradigm and also respond positively to bright light therapy (1000 lx), we investigated whether or not a prolonged day length exposure could reduce their daytime activity and improve their behavioural circadian rhythms. We found that a long-day photoperiod (16 h light/8 h dark cycle; 100 lx) significantly improved the survival of R6/2 female mice by 2.4 weeks, compared to mice kept under standard conditions (12 h light/12 h dark cycle). Furthermore, a long-day photoperiod improved the nocturnality of R6/2 female mice. Mice kept under long-day photoperiod also maintained acrophase in activity rhythms (a parameter of rhythmicity strength) in phase with that of WT mice, even if they were symptomatic. By contrast, a short-day photoperiod (8 h light/16 h dark cycle) was deleterious to R6/2 female mice and further reduced the survival by ~1 week. Together, our results support the idea that light therapy may be beneficial for improving circadian dysfunction in HD patients.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Huntington\'s disease (HD), the presence of neurodegeneration in brain regions other than the striatum has been recently gaining attention. The amygdala is one such area, which has been investigated in only eight structural magnetic resonance imaging studies to date, but with inconsistent findings. This is the largest MRI study to date examining manually traced amygdala volumes in HD participants and the relationship of amygdala volumes to clinical measures of HD. Our study included 35 healthy control participants, and groups of 35 pre-symptomatic, and 36 symptomatic HD participants. When comparing the pre-symptomatic and symptomatic HD groups together against the control group, amygdala volumes were significantly lower in HD than controls and in symptomatic HD than pre-symptomatic HD. When examining relationships between amygdala volumes and clinical measures of HD, significantly smaller amygdala volumes were associated with worse motor and cognitive signs. For pre-symptomatic HD participants who were close to disease onset, smaller amygdala volumes were also associated with higher levels of anxiety symptoms. These findings suggest that the amygdala is affected in pre-symptomatic and symptomatic HD, and that the amygdala is related to the clinical profile of HD before onset of motor symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Progressive subcortical changes are known to occur in Huntington\'s disease (HD), a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder. Less is known about the occurrence and cohesion of whole brain grey matter changes in HD.
    We aimed to detect network integrity changes in grey matter structural covariance networks and examined relationships with clinical assessments.
    Structural magnetic resonance imaging data of premanifest HD (n = 30), HD patients (n = 30) and controls (n = 30) was used to identify ten structural covariance networks based on a novel technique using the co-variation of grey matter with independent component analysis in FSL. Group differences were studied controlling for age and gender. To explore whether our approach is effective in examining grey matter changes, regional voxel-based analysis was additionally performed.
    Premanifest HD and HD patients showed decreased network integrity in two networks compared to controls. One network included the caudate nucleus, precuneous and anterior cingulate cortex (in HD p < 0.001, in pre-HD p = 0.003). One other network contained the hippocampus, premotor, sensorimotor, and insular cortices (in HD p < 0.001, in pre-HD p = 0.023). Additionally, in HD patients only, decreased network integrity was observed in a network including the lingual gyrus, intracalcarine, cuneal, and lateral occipital cortices (p = 0.032). Changes in network integrity were significantly associated with scores of motor and neuropsychological assessments. In premanifest HD, voxel-based analyses showed pronounced volume loss in the basal ganglia, but less prominent in cortical regions.
    Our results suggest that structural covariance might be a sensitive approach to reveal early grey matter changes, especially for premanifest HD.





