
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) have had significant adverse impacts on the seafood industry along the Tasmanian east coast over the past 4 decades. To investigate the history of regional HABs, we performed analyses of sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) in coastal sediments up to ~9000 years old collected inshore and offshore of Maria Island, Tasmania. We used metagenomic shotgun sequencing and a hybridisation capture array (\"HABbaits1\") to target three harmful dinoflagellate genera, Alexandrium, Gymnodinium, and Noctiluca. Bioinformatic and DNA damage analyses verified the authenticity of the sedaDNA sequences. Our results show that dinoflagellates of Alexandrium genera have been present off eastern Tasmania during the last ~8300 years, and we sporadically detected and unambiguously verified sequences of Gymnodinium catenatum that were present offshore up to ~7600 years ago. We also recovered sedaDNA of the fragile, soft-bodied Noctiluca scintillans with increased relative abundance since 2010, consistent with plankton surveys. This study enabled us to identify challenges of sedaDNA sequence validation (in particular for G. catenatum, a microreticulate gymnodinoid species) and provided guidance for the development of tools to monitor past and present HAB species and improvement of future HAB event predictions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biotoxins are ranges of toxic substances produced by animals, plants, and microorganisms, which could contaminate foods during their production, processing, transportation, or storage, thus leading to foodborne illness, even food terrorism. Therefore, proposing simple, rapid, and effective detection methods for ensuring food free from biotoxin contamination shows a highly realistic demand. Aptamers are single-stranded oligonucleotides obtained from the systematic evolution of ligands by performing exponential enrichment (SELEX). They can specifically bind to wide ranges of targets with high affinity; thus, they have become important recognizing units in safety monitoring in food control and anti-terrorism. In this paper, we reviewed the technical points and difficulties of typical aptamer screening processes for biotoxins. For promoting the understanding of food control in the food supply chain, the latest progresses in rapid optical detection of biotoxins based on aptamers were summarized. In the end, we outlined some challenges and prospects in this field. We hope this paper could stimulate widespread interest in developing advanced sensing systems for ensuring food safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nodding syndrome is an epileptic encephalopathy associated with neuroinflammation and tauopathy. This initially pediatric brain disease, which has some clinical overlap with Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) Duplication Syndrome, has impacted certain impoverished East African communities coincident with local civil conflict and internal displacement, conditions that forced dependence on contaminated food and water. A potential role in Nodding syndrome for certain biotoxins (freshwater cyanotoxins plus/minus mycotoxins) with neuroinflammatory, excitotoxic, tauopathic, and MECP2-dysregulating properties, is considered here for the first time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unsafe food causes 600 million cases of foodborne diseases and 420,000 deaths every year. Meanwhile, biological toxins such as poisonous mushrooms, saponins, and aflatoxin can cause significant damage to humans. Therefore, it is particularly important to study foodborne disease outbreaks caused by biotoxins (FDOB). We collected FDOB in Yantai City from 2013 to 2022 and further established a corresponding database. Statistical analysis was carried out according to time, place, pathogen, and contamination of pathogenic factors. There were 128 FDOB, resulting in 417 patients and 6 deaths. The third quarter was a high season for foodborne disease outbreaks, the number of events, patients and deaths accounted for 65.63% (84/128), 55.88% (233/417), and 100% (6/6) of the total number, respectively. The highest number of outbreaks per 10,000 persons was Qixia (0.41), followed by Zhifu (0.36) and Laiyang (0.33). The top three causes of outbreaks were poisonous mushroom toxin, saponins and hemagglutinin, and Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. Sixty-five (50.78%) outbreaks were attributed to poisonous mushroom toxin, 18 (14.06%) outbreaks to saponin and hemagglutinin, and 12 (9.38%) outbreaks to L. siceraria (Molina) Standl. The largest number of outbreaks, patients and deaths all occurred in families, accounting for 82.81% (106/128) outbreaks, 66.19% (276/417) patients, and 100% (6/6) deaths, respectively. Followed by catering service establishments, accounting for 14.84% (19/128), 30.22% (126/417), and 0% (0/6), respectively. The main poisoning link of outbreaks was ingestion and misuse, accounting for 72.66% (93/128), followed by improper processing, accounting for 20.31% (26/128). It is necessary to carry out targeted family publicity and education, strengthen the integration of medical and prevention, explore innovative monitoring and early warning mechanisms for foodborne diseases, and reduce the occurrence of underreporting of foodborne disease outbreaks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the dramatic increase in the L. sceleratus population in the southeastern Aegean Sea, there is growing interest in assessing the toxicity of this pufferfish and the factors controlling its tetrodotoxin (TTX) content. In the present study, liver, gonads, muscle and skin of 37 L. sceleratus specimens collected during May and June 2021 from the island of Rhodes, Greece, were subjected to multi-analyte profiling using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in order to quantitate TTX and evaluate whether this biotoxin interrelates with hormones. TTX and its analogues 4-epiTTX, 11-deoxyTTX, 11-norTTX-6-ol, 4,9-anhydroTTX and 5,11/6,11-dideoxyTTX were detected in all tissue types. Liver and gonads were the most toxic tissues, with the highest TTX concentrations being observed in the ovaries of female specimens. Only 22% of the analyzed muscle samples were non-toxic according to the Japanese toxicity threshold (2.2 μg TTX eq g-1), confirming the high poisoning risk from the inadvertent consumption of this species. Four steroid hormones (i.e., cortisol, testosterone, androstenedione and β-estradiol) and the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) were detected in the gonads. Androstenedione dominated in female specimens, while GnRH was more abundant in males. A positive correlation of TTX and its analogues with β-estradiol was observed. However, a model incorporating sex rather than β-estradiol as the independent variable proven to be more efficient in predicting TTX concentration, implying that other sex-related characteristics are more important than specific hormone-regulated processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temperatures and temperature anomalies have been increasing in the sub-tropical regions of Aotearoa New Zealand and these changes may impact on harmful algal bloom (HAB) events. Benthic and epiphytic dinoflagellates, particularly the toxin producers, are the focus of this study as it is predicted that under future climate conditions they may produce more toxins or marine animals may become more susceptible to them. The results of past expeditions to Rangitāhua Kermadec Islands and sampling trips to Northland, Aotearoa New Zealand, are summarised and the results of the most recent trips to both regions are presented. The macroalgal habitats of the dinoflagellates are also characterised. Dinoflagellate species not previously identified in Rangitāhua include Coolia canariensis, C. palmyrensis, and C. tropicalis, all identified by DNA sequencing of the large subunit ribosomal RNA region. Gambierdiscus polynesiensis was again isolated and produced 44-methylgambierone and gambierone, and one isolate produced ciguatoxins, the cause of Ciguatera Poisoning. An Ostreopsis tairoto isolate, as analysed by the oxidative cleavage method, produced a palytoxin (PLTX)-like amine oxidation fragment, but when analysed for PLTX-like analogues using a new intact method none were detected indicating an \'unknown\' PLTX-like compound is produced by this isolate. Isolates of O. cf. siamensis (Ostreopsis sp. 9), collected in Northland, were also analysed using the oxidative cleavage method, with the common PLTX-like amine fragment and the amide fragment corresponding to bishomoPLTX detected in all isolates. Again, the intact method indicated no detections in the isolates, again suggesting an unknown compound was being produced by these isolates. Prorocentrum hoffmannianum isolates produced okadaic acid (OA) and isoDTX-1 and P. lima isolates produced OA, DTX-1, and isoDTX-1. It is expected that new species of potentially harmful, benthic dinoflagellates will continue to be recorded in Aotearoa New Zealand and the results from Rangitāhua provide a guide to the HAB species to expect in sub-tropical Northland as the oceans continue to warm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Algal toxins are involved in the mortality and/or illness of marine organisms via consumption of contaminated prey, or upon direct exposure to toxic cells. In this study, the presence of potentially toxic microalgal cells was investigated within the digestive tract contents of a threatened species of green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Additionally, lipophilic toxins were determined by LC-MS/MS in tissue samples (liver, stomach and/or intestine) of selected animals (n = 39 individuals) found dead-stranded in southern Brazil, from winter/2015 to autumn/2016. Thirteen potentially toxic species of microalgae (both benthic and planktonic), including seven dinoflagellates, six cyanobacteria and one diatom, were found in the digestive tract contents of green turtles. Among them, dinoflagellates belonging to the Dinophysis acuminata species complex were the most frequent (36%) and abundant (maximum average abundance of 566 cells g-1 in spring/2015). Moreover, 23% of the examined sea turtles exhibited detectable levels of the diarrhetic shellfish toxin okadaic acid (OA) in washed digestive tissues. Seven individuals accumulated OA in their intestines (max. 24.1 ng g-1) and two in the stomachs (max. 7.4 ng g-1). Toxin levels in the tissues were directly and significantly (r = 0.70, p < 0.025) associated with the cell abundance of OA-producing D. acuminata and Prorocentrum lima species complexes within the digestive contents of green turtles. Although OA concentrations were relatively low, possible chronic exposure might deteriorate general health conditions of exposed sea turtles, increasing the risk for diseases. Okadaic acid has been regarded as a tumor-promoting compound and an environmental co-factor in the incidence of fibropapillomatosis, a frequent disease in juvenile green turtles inhabiting this geographic region. Even though, only one green turtle containing OA in the digestive tissues (out of six examined) also presented fibropapillomatosis in this study. Notwithstanding, sea turtles are sentinels of ocean health. Monitoring the accumulation of algal toxins and their negative effects on these organisms contributes to conserving biodiversity and marine habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Along the west coast of the United States, highly toxic Pseudo-nitzschia blooms have been associated with two contrasting regional phenomena: seasonal upwelling and marine heatwaves. While upwelling delivers cool water rich in pCO2 and an abundance of macronutrients to the upper water column, marine heatwaves instead lead to warmer surface waters, low pCO2, and reduced nutrient availability. Understanding Pseudo-nitzschia dynamics under these two conditions is important for bloom forecasting and coastal management, yet the mechanisms driving toxic bloom formation during contrasting upwelling vs. heatwave conditions remain poorly understood. To gain a better understanding of what drives Pseudo-nitzschia australis growth and toxicity during these events, multiple-driver scenario or \'cluster\' experiments were conducted using temperature, pCO2, and nutrient levels reflecting conditions during upwelling (13 °C, 900 ppm pCO2, replete nutrients) and two intensities of marine heatwaves (19 °C or 20.5 °C, 250 ppm pCO2, reduced macronutrients). While P. australis grew equally well under both heatwave and upwelling conditions, similar to what has been observed in the natural environment, cells were only toxic in the upwelling treatment. We also conducted single-driver experiments to gain a mechanistic understanding of which drivers most impact P. australis growth and toxicity. These experiments indicated that nitrogen concentration and N:P ratio were likely the drivers that most influenced domoic acid production, while the impacts of temperature or pCO2 concentration were less pronounced. Together, these experiments may help to provide both mechanistic and holistic perspectives on toxic P. australis blooms in the dynamic and changing coastal ocean, where cells interact simultaneously with multiple altered environmental variables.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Several species of microalgae can produce potent phycotoxins that negatively affect aquatic organisms and their consumers following different exposure routes, as well as toxicokinetic (TK) and toxicodynamic (TD) processes. Benthic organisms are especially vulnerable as they are exposed to both benthic and planktonic species causative of harmful algal blooms (HABs). While benthic algae can come into direct contact with annelids during substrate remobilization, planktonic cells can settle to the bottom mostly during senescence and/or encystment stages, and in shallow and calm waters. We performed a systematic, qualitative review of the literature on the phycotoxin TK and TD processes in marine annelids, summarizing the most relevant findings and general trends. Besides, by using innovative analytical/statistical approaches, we were able to detect patterns and gaps in the current literature, thus pointing to future research directions. We retrieved and analyzed studies involving diarrhetic shellfish toxins (DSTs), paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs), brevetoxins (PbTXs), domoic acid (DA), as well as palytoxin and its congeners, the ovatoxins (treated together as PLTXs). It is worth mentioning that studies evaluating other phycotoxins (e.g., ciguatoxins, yessotoxins) were not found in the literature. The absence of data on PbTXs, PSTs and DA is the largest gap hampering TK assessment in annelids, although some relevant information on TD is already available. Whereas lethal effects from DSTs have not been reported, more potent toxins like PbTXs, PSTs, DA and those grouped as PLTX-like compounds can cause mortality and/or marked decrease in annelid abundance. In addition, phycotoxins have been linked to sublethal effects on annelid cells. Although very sparse, field and laboratory studies offer strong evidence that annelids may be reliable indicators of toxin exposure and their negative effects during both early and later stages of HABs in marine environments. Besides quickly responding to these compounds at both organismic and suborganismic levels, annelids are easily found in areas affected by HABs. The use of annelids in future investigations evaluating the action mechanisms of toxic microalgae on marine invertebrates should be thus encouraged. In this case, the choice for widely dispersed and numerically dominant species of annelids would strengthen the validation and extrapolation of results from risk assessments in areas affected by HABs worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this commentary, we offer an overview of the several environmental and metabolic factors that have been identified as contributing to the development of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD). Many of these factors involve extracranial organ systems including immune system dysfunction accompanied by neuroinflammation (inflammaging), gastrointestinal dysbiosis, insulin resistance, and hepatic dysfunction. A variety of microbial factors including mouth flora, viruses, and fungi appear to play a significant role. There is a role for the colonic microbiome becoming dysbiotic and producing toxic metabolites. Declining hepatic function contributes diminished neuronal precursors and reduces toxin elimination. Environmental toxins especially metals play an important role in impairing the blood-brain barrier and acting synergistically with biotoxins and other toxic chemicals. Prevention and treatment of AD appears to require measuring several of these biomarkers and implementing corrective actions regarding such toxicants and correcting metabolic dysfunction at early or preclinical stages of this disorder.





