Babesia vogeli

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus is a complex of tick species with an unsettled species concept. In Europe, R. sanguineus is considered mainly a Mediterranean tick with sporadic findings in central and northern Europe. R. sanguineus is known as a vector of a range of pathogens of medical and veterinary importance, most of which not yet reported as autochthonous in Hungary. A total of 1839 ticks collected by veterinarians from dogs and cats were obtained in Hungary. The study aims at precise determination of ticks identified as R. sanguineus and detection of pathogens in collected ticks. All ticks were morphologically determined and 169 individuals were identified as R. sanguineus. A subset of 15 ticks was selected for molecular analysis (16S rDNA, 12S rDNA, COI). Phylogenetic analyses invariably placed sequences of all three markers into a single haplotype identified as R. sanguineus sensu stricto. All 169 brown dog ticks were tested for the presence of A. platys, E. canis, R. conorii, B. vogeli and H. canis. None of the investigated ticks was positive for the screened pathogens, though A. phagocytophilum sequence was detected in a single tick.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular surveillance of canine tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) in Bangladesh has constantly been undervalued. Therefore, the emergence of new pathogens often remains undetected. This study aimed to screen tick-borne pathogens in stray dogs and ticks in the Dhaka metropolitan area (DMA). Eighty-five dog blood and 53 ticks were collected in six city districts of DMA from September 2022 to January 2023. The ticks were identified by morphology. Screening of TBPs was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), followed by sequencing. The PCR assays were conducted to analyze the 18S rRNA (Babesia gibsoni, B. vogeli, and Hepatozoon canis), 16S rRNA (Anaplasma phagocytophilum, A. platys, and A. bovis), gltA (Ehrlichia canis and Rickettsia spp.), flagellin B (Borrelia spp.) and 16-23S rRNA (Bartonella spp.). Three tick species, Rhipicephalus sanguineus (50/53), R. microplus (1/53), and Haemaphysalis bispinosa (2/53), were identified. Babesia gibsoni (38 out of 85) and A. platys (7 out of 85) were detected in dog blood. In contrast, four pathogens, B. gibsoni (1 out of 53), B. vogeli (1 out of 53), H. canis (22 out of 53), and A. platys (1 out of 53), were detected in the ticks. However, the detection rates of TBPs in dog blood and ticks were not correlated in this study. The phylogenetic analyses suggested that a single genotype for each of the four pathogens is circulating in DMA. This study reports the existence of B. vogeli, H. canis, and A. platys in Bangladesh for the first time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Babesia species infect a very wide range of mammal hosts across the globe, and zoonotic infections are of growing concern. Several species of the Babesia genus infect dogs, and some of these cause significant morbidity and mortality. The Apicomplexan parasite resides within the red cell and infections result in direct damage to the host through intra- and extravascular hemolysis. An exuberant inflammatory response by the host to some species of Babesia parasites also results in significant collateral damage to the host. Canine infections have been the subject of many studies as the well-being of these companion animals is increasingly threatened by the spread of tick vectors and an increasingly mobile dog population. There are currently no widely available and effective vaccines, and effective treatment can be challenging. Understanding disease pathogenesis underlies the development of new treatments. The varying pathogenicity of the various Babesia parasite species that infect dogs offers an opportunity to explore the molecular basis for the wide range of diseases caused by infection with this parasite genus. In this review, we focus on what has been reported about the clinical presentation of Babesia-infected dogs in an attempt to compare the severity of disease caused by different Babesia species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Canine babesiosis is an emerging tick-borne disease of major veterinary concern in Europe. Its prevalence has increased in the last two decades and is spreading rapidly toward the north. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of Babesia spp. strains isolated from naturally infected dogs in a tick-endemic area (Dobrogea) in southeastern Romania. For this purpose, a total of twenty-three samples from dogs diagnosed with various clinical forms of babesiosis, evaluated by means of clinical history, physical examination, and hematological tests, were subjected to a molecular investigation using PCR, sequencing analysis, and genetic characterization. A microscopic examination of thin Diff-quick-stained blood smears revealed large intra-erythrocytic Babesia piroplasms in all dogs. The PCR and sequencing analysis results indicated the presence of Babesia canis in 22 dogs (95.7%) and Babesia vogeli in 1 dog (4.3%). Among the B. canis isolates, two genotypes were distinguished based on two nucleotide substitutions (GA→AG) observed in the 18S rRNA gene sequences (at positions 609 and 610), with the AG genotype predominating (54.5% of samples), while the GA variant was identified in 9.1% of samples. In the remaining isolates (36.4%), both variants were identified. The B. vogeli-positive dog also tested positive for antibodies against Ehrlichia canis and displayed severe disease. This study reports, for the first time, the presence of genetically heterogenic B. canis strains in dogs with clinical babesiosis in Romania. These findings provide a basis for future studies on the relationship between the genetic structure of the causative agents of canine babesiosis in Romania and the course of the disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Implementing hemoprotozoan control strategies in dogs has become difficult because of the co-infections. A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out for simultaneous detection of the co-infections of Babesia gibsoni, B. vogeli, Hepatozoon canis and Ehrlichia canis from dogs (N = 442) in Andhra Pradesh, South India. The co-infection combinations were classified as (i) B. gibsoni + B. vogeli + E. canis + H. canis (BEH), (ii) B. gibsoni + B. vogeli + E. canis (BE), (iii) B. gibsoni + B. vogeli + H. canis (BH) and (iv) E. canis + H. canis (EH) groups. The parasite-specific multiplex PCR amplified 18S rRNA gene of B. gibsoni, B. vogeli and H. canis and VirB9 gene of E. canis. The age, gender, breed, medium, living condition and region of dogs were studied as risk factors for co-infections using logistic regression model. Among the co-infections, the incidence was 1.81%, 9.28%, 0.69% and 0.90% for BEH, BE, BH and EH infections, respectively. Young age (< one year), females, mongrels, rural dogs, kennel dogs and presence of ticks were the identified risk factors for overall prevalence of tick-borne pathogens. The incidence of infection was less in rainy season, especially in dogs with a previous acaricidal treatment. The study concludes that the multiplex PCR assay could simultaneously detect natural co-infections in dogs, emphasizing the need for the assay in epidemiological studies to reveal the real pattern of pathogens and select pathogen-specific treatment protocols.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Canine piroplasmid infections can be caused by Babesia spp., Theileria spp. and Rangelia vitalii. In Brazil, canine babesiosis caused by Babesia vogeli is endemic and reported throughout the country. On the other hand, Rangeliosis caused by R. vitalii has only been described so far in the South and Southeast regions. Despite that, studies analyzing the laboratory and molecular characterization of these hemoprotozoa are still scarce. To investigate the occurrence, the laboratory features, the molecular characterization, and the diversity of piroplasmids from Midwestern Brazil, a survey was performed using blood samples obtained from 276 domestic dogs from Brasília, Federal District, Midwestern Brazil. A broad-range quantitative PCR (qPCR) targeting the mitochondrial large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU4) was used to detect piroplasmid DNA. The overall molecular occurrence of piroplasmids was 11.2% (31/276), with 9.7% (27/276) of the sequences identified as Babesia vogeli (98-100% identity to B. vogeli isolate from the USA). Based on a partial 18S rRNA sequence pairwise alignment (-250 bp), 1.4% (4/276) of the sequences showed only 76.8% identity with B. vogeli but 100% identity with opossum-associated Babesia sp. (MW290046-53). These findings suggest the exposure of dogs from Brazil to a recently described Babesia sp. isolated from white-eared opossum. None of the analyzed dogs was positive for Theileria spp. or R. vitalii. Subsequently, all positive sequences were submitted to three additional PCR assays based on the 18S rRNA, cox-1, and cytb genes, aiming at performing a haplotype network analysis. Haplotype network using cox-1 sequences showed the presence of six different haplotypes of B. vogeli; one of them was shared with isolates from Brazil, the USA, and India. When including animals co-infected with other vector-borne diseases, piroplasmid-positive dogs had 2.3 times higher chance of having thrombocytopenia than the negative ones. The molecular results demonstrated that the compared Babesia vogeli sequences showed a low variability as well as evidence of exposure to a putative novel opossum-associated Babesia sp. in dogs from Midwestern Brazil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Europe, most cases of canine babesiosis are caused by Babesia canis, Babesia vogeli (large piroplasms) and Babesia vulpes (small piroplasm). Molecular diagnosis is recommended due to its high sensitivity. Species identification after sequencing allows applying a rapid and efficient treatment, leading to a better prognosis; however, it is expensive and time-consuming. Thus, the objective of the present study was to develop a time-saving multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for simultaneously detecting and discriminating between large and small forms without sequence analysis. A new multiplex PCR was designed and tested using blood samples from 79 dogs showing clinical signs compatible with babesiosis which were previously analysed using blood smears and molecular methods. Multiplex PCR successfully discriminated between both Babesia groups showing bands of 700 and 890 bp for B. canis/B. vogeli and B. vulpes, respectively. No significant differences in the results of both PCR were detected and a substantial agreement between protocols (κ = 0.64) was found. Our multiplex PCR represents a reliable tool for detecting infections by the major Babesia spp. in dogs from Europe. Since no sequence analysis is required for identifying the species involved, this PCR allows the rapid administration of an appropriate treatment, thus improving the survival rate of the infected animals. In addition, it will represent a helpful tool for unravelling the real prevalence and distribution of B. vulpes and its implication in clinical cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Babesia species are intraerythrocytic piroplasms that can result in disease characterized by hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia. Of the 5 species that are known to infect canids in the United States, Babesia conradae is most frequently diagnosed in California, and Babesia vogeli is prevalent in the US. Despite the recent re-emergence of B. conradae, the mechanism of transmission is not known. Coyotes (Canis latrans) have been a proposed reservoir of disease, and previous work has shown that dogs with known aggressive interactions with coyotes are at greater risk for infection. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of B. conradae in wild coyote populations in California to assess the viability of coyotes as a potential source of infection for domestic dogs. Four hundred and sixty-one splenic samples were obtained during post-mortem examination of coyote carcasses from Southern California, Fresno, and Hopland. Demographic data including age, sex, cause of death, and urbanity were collected for each coyote. DNA was extracted from samples and amplified using real-time PCR with primers specific for the B. conradae ITS-2 gene. The 18S gene was amplified and sequenced using conventional PCR primers specific to the Babesia genus from any coyotes positive for B. conradae. In total, 22 coyotes tested positive for B. conradae in Fresno (n = 15), Orange (n = 4), San Bernardino (n = 1), and Los Angeles counties (n = 1) with an overall prevalence of 4.8%. Coyotes from Fresno (P<.01) and rural coyotes (P<.01) were significantly more likely to be infected with B. conradae. Ten of 14 samples sequenced were 99-100% homologous to B. conradae, and 4 samples were 100% homologous with B. vogeli DNA indicating co-infection with both pathogens. This study demonstrates that coyotes can become infected and harbor B. conradae and B. vogeli and should be investigated as a possible source of infection in domestic dogs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Feline piroplasmids include the genera Babesia spp., Cytauxzoon spp., and Theileria spp. In Brazil, there are few reports regarding these hemoprotozoans; however, clinicopathological and molecular data are scarce. This study aimed to characterize the clinical relevance of these parasites through hematological, biochemical, and molecular approaches. For this purpose, 166 cats from Brasilia, Federal District, Midwestern Brazil, were screened using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for piroplasmids based on the LSU4 mitochondrial gene, which resulted in an overall prevalence of 36/166 (21.7%). Twelve of 166 samples (7.2%) were positive for C. felis, while 19/166 (11.4%) were positive for Babesia vogeli. No samples tested positive for Theileria spp. Babesia vogeli and Cytauxzoon spp. LSU4 sequences showed identities of 97-100% and 99.3%, respectively, to US isolates. The hematological and biochemical findings did not differ significantly between the cats that tested positive and negative for piroplasmids. Although the lack of abnormalities in clinical and laboratory parameters does not eliminate the possibility that these cats were sick and recovered, it may suggest that the Brazilian strain of Cytauxzoon spp. is not as pathogenic as that from the USA, despite the high molecular identity with North American isolates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two multiplex SYBR Green based real-time PCR assays were standardized and evaluated to detect DNA from four canine haemoparasites (Babesia gibsoni, Babesia vogeli, Ehrlichia canis and Hepatozoon canis), along with internal controls from dogs from selected districts of Punjab state, India. Amplicons of 126 bp, 337 bp, 234 bp and 106 bp corresponding to B. gibsoni (18S rRNA gene), B. vogeli (18S rRNA gene), E. canis (virB9 gene), and H. canis (18S rRNA gene) were obtained, without any non-specific amplification. Microscopic evaluation of 200 blood samples from dogs revealed the prevalence of B. gibsoni, E. canis and H. canis as 1.5%, 1.5% and 1.0%, respectively, while with the multiplex real-time PCR assays the values for B. gibsoni, B. vogeli, E. canis, and H. canis were 8.0%, 1.5%, 3.5% and 23.5%, respectively, with concurrent infections of B. gibsoni and H. canis (3.5%); E. canis and H. canis (2.0%) and B. gibsoni, B. vogeli, E. canis, and H. canis (0.5%). The diagnostic sensitivity of the multiplex real-time PCR assays with respect to microscopy in the detection of B. gibsoni, E. canis and H. canis was 100% while the specificity for B. gibsoni, B. vogeli, E. canis, and H. canis was 93%, 100%, 98% and 77%, respectively, revealing the respective strength of agreement as ″fair″, ″slight″, ″moderate″ and ″slight″ by kappa value statistics, and the data were statistically significant, for detection of B. gibsoni and E. canis infections, by Fisher\'s exact test. The analytical sensitivity of the multiplex PCR assays in detection of DNAs was 8.59 × 105 and 9.9 × 106 copies for B. vogeli and E. canis, respectively, and 1.15 × 106 and 3.41 × 105 copies for B. gibsoni and H. canis, respectively. Assessment of risk factors viz. age, sex, breed, season and locations showed no significant association with the prevalence of these haemoparasites except for B. vogeli, E. canis and H. canis where significant associations were found for location, age and breed, respectively by multiplex real-time PCR assays.





