• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hematopoietic system aging is characterized by both hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) and niche degeneration resulting in myeloid lineage-biased differentiation, reduced B cell and T cell lymphopoiesis, increased HSC mobilization, and fat deposition in the bone marrow. Both alterations in RNA splicing and editing during HSC aging contribute to increased myeloid lineage skewing and inflammation-responsive transcription factors, underscoring the importance of epitranscriptomic mechanisms in the acquisition of an age-related phenotype.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SARS-CoV-2 evolves gradually to cause COVID-19 epidemic. One of driving forces of SARS-CoV-2 evolution might be activation of apolipoprotein B mRNA editing catalytic subunit-like protein 3 (APOBEC3) by inflammatory factors. Here, we aimed to elucidate the effect of the APOBEC3-related viral mutations on the infectivity and immune evasion of SARS-CoV-2. The APOBEC3-related C > U mutations ranked as the second most common mutation types in the SARS-CoV-2 genome. mRNA expression of APOBEC3A (A3A), APOBEC3B (A3B), and APOBEC3G (A3G) in peripheral blood cells increased with disease severity. A3B, a critical member of the APOBEC3 family, was significantly upregulated in both severe and moderate COVID-19 patients and positively associated with neutrophil proportion and COVID-19 severity. We identified USP18 protein, a key molecule centralizing the protein-protein interaction network of key APOBEC3 proteins. Furthermore, mRNA expression of USP18 was significantly correlated to ACE2 and TMPRSS2 expression in the tissue of upper airways. Knockdown of USP18 mRNA significantly decreased A3B expression. Ectopic expression of A3B gene increased SARS-CoV-2 infectivity. C > U mutations at S371F, S373L, and S375F significantly conferred with the immune escape of SARS-CoV-2. Thus, APOBEC3, whose expression are upregulated by inflammatory factors, might promote SARS-CoV-2 evolution and spread via upregulating USP18 level and facilitating the immune escape. A3B and USP18 might be therapeutic targets for interfering with SARS-CoV-2 evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past decade, the connection between APOBEC3 cytosine deaminases and cancer mutagenesis has become increasingly apparent. This growing awareness has created a need for biochemical tools that can be used to identify and characterize potential inhibitors of this enzyme family. In response to this challenge, we have developed a Real-time APOBEC3-mediated DNA Deamination assay. This assay offers a single-step set-up and real-time fluorescent read-out, and it is capable of providing insights into enzyme kinetics. The assay also offers a high-sensitivity and easily scalable method for identifying APOBEC3 inhibitors. This assay serves as a crucial addition to the existing APOBEC3 biochemical and cellular toolkit and possesses the versatility to be readily adapted into a high-throughput format for inhibitor discovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleoside and polynucleotide cytidine deaminases (CDAs), such as CDA and APOBEC3, share a similar mechanism of cytosine to uracil conversion. In 1984, phosphapyrimidine riboside was characterised as the most potent inhibitor of human CDA, but the quick degradation in water limited the applicability as a potential therapeutic. To improve stability in water, we synthesised derivatives of phosphapyrimidine nucleoside having a CH2 group instead of the N3 atom in the nucleobase. A charge-neutral phosphinamide and a negatively charged phosphinic acid derivative had excellent stability in water at pH 7.4, but only the charge-neutral compound inhibited human CDA, similar to previously described 2\'-deoxyzebularine (Ki = 8.0 ± 1.9 and 10.7 ± 0.5 µM, respectively). However, under basic conditions, the charge-neutral phosphinamide was unstable, which prevented the incorporation into DNA using conventional DNA chemistry. In contrast, the negatively charged phosphinic acid derivative was incorporated into DNA instead of the target 2\'-deoxycytidine using an automated DNA synthesiser, but no inhibition of APOBEC3A was observed for modified DNAs. Although this shows that the negative charge is poorly accommodated in the active site of CDA and APOBEC3, the synthetic route reported here provides opportunities for the synthesis of other derivatives of phosphapyrimidine riboside for potential development of more potent CDA and APOBEC3 inhibitors.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Over the past decade, the connection between APOBEC3 cytosine deaminases and cancer mutagenesis has become increasingly apparent. This growing awareness has created a need for biochemical tools that can be used to identify and characterize potential inhibitors of this enzyme family. In response to this challenge, we have developed a Real-time APOBEC3-mediated DNA Deamination (RADD) assay. This assay offers a single-step set-up and real-time fluorescent read-out, and it is capable of providing insights into enzyme kinetics and also offering a high-sensitivity and easily scalable method for identifying APOBEC3 inhibitors. This assay serves as a crucial addition to the existing APOBEC3 biochemical and cellular toolkit and possesses the versatility to be readily adapted into a high-throughput format for inhibitor discovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) is the most common cause of cervical cancer, but most infections are transient with lesions not progressing to cancer. There is a lack of specific biomarkers for early cancer risk stratification. This study aimed to explore the intrahost HPV16 genomic variation in longitudinal samples from HPV16-infected women with different cervical lesion severity (normal, low-grade, and high-grade). The TaME-seq deep sequencing protocol was used to generate whole genome HPV16 sequences of 102 samples collected over time from 40 individuals. Single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and intrahost SNVs (iSNVs) were identified in the viral genomes. A majority of individuals had a unique set of SNVs and these SNVs were stable over time. Overall, the number of iSNVs and APOBEC3-induced iSNVs were significantly lower in high-grade relative to normal and low-grade samples. A significant increase in the number of APOBEC3-induced iSNVs over time was observed for normal samples when compared to high-grade. Our results indicates that the lower incidence of iSNVs and APOBEC3-induced iSNVs in high-grade lesions may have implications for novel biomarkers discoveries, potentially aiding early stratification of HPV-induced cervical precancerous lesions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human APOBEC3 enzymes are a family of single-stranded (ss)DNA and RNA cytidine deaminases that act as part of the intrinsic immunity against viruses and retroelements. These enzymes deaminate cytosine to form uracil which can functionally inactivate or cause degradation of viral or retroelement genomes. In addition, APOBEC3s have deamination-independent antiviral activity through protein and nucleic acid interactions. If expression levels are misregulated, some APOBEC3 enzymes can access the human genome leading to deamination and mutagenesis, contributing to cancer initiation and evolution. While APOBEC3 enzymes are known to interact with large ribonucleoprotein complexes, the function and RNA dependence are not entirely understood. To further understand their cellular roles, we determined by affinity purification mass spectrometry (AP-MS) the protein interaction network for the human APOBEC3 enzymes and mapped a diverse set of protein-protein and protein-RNA mediated interactions. Our analysis identified novel RNA-mediated interactions between APOBEC3C, APOBEC3H Haplotype I and II, and APOBEC3G with spliceosome proteins, and APOBEC3G and APOBEC3H Haplotype I with proteins involved in tRNA methylation and ncRNA export from the nucleus. In addition, we identified RNA-independent protein-protein interactions with APOBEC3B, APOBEC3D, and APOBEC3F and the prefoldin family of protein-folding chaperones. Interaction between prefoldin 5 (PFD5) and APOBEC3B disrupted the ability of PFD5 to induce degradation of the oncogene cMyc, implicating the APOBEC3B protein interaction network in cancer. Altogether, the results uncover novel functions and interactions of the APOBEC3 family and suggest they may have fundamental roles in cellular RNA biology, their protein-protein interactions are not redundant, and there are protein-protein interactions with tumor suppressors, suggesting a role in cancer biology. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with the identifier PXD044275.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The APOBEC3 family of cytosine deaminases, which target single-stranded DNA and RNA of viruses and retroelements as part of the innate immune defense, generate mutations in many human cancers. Although the APOBEC3A paralog is a major endogenous source of these mutations, low APOBEC3A mRNA levels and protein abundance have hampered functional characterization. Extensive homology across APOBEC3 paralogs have further challenged the development of specific detection reagents. Here, we describe the isolation and use of monoclonal antibodies with specificity for APOBEC3A and the APOBEC3A/APOBEC3B/APOBEC3G proteins. We provide protocols and technical advice for detection and measurement of APOBEC3A protein across human cancer cell lines using standard immunoblotting and immunofluorescence protocols.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virion infectivity factor (Vif), an accessory protein of HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus type 1), antagonizes host APOBEC3 protein (apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 3) or A3 via proteasomal degradation, facilitating viral replication. HLA (Human leukocyte antigens) alleles, host restriction factors, and error-prone reverse transcription contribute to the global polymorphic dynamics of HIV, impacting effective vaccine design. Our computational analysis of over 50,000 HIV-1 M vif sequences from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) database (1998-2021) revealed positive selection pressure on the vif gene (nonsynonymous to synonymous ratio, dn/ds=1.58) and an average entropy score of 0.372 in protein level. Interestingly, over the years (1998-2021), a decreasing trend of dn/ds (1.68 to 1.47) and an increasing trend of entropy (0.309 to 0.399) was observed. The predicted mutational frequency against Vif consensus sequence decreased over time (slope = -0.00024, p < 0.0001). Sequence conservation was observed in Vif functional motifs F1, F2, F3, G, BC box, and CBF β binding region, while variability was observed mainly in N- and C- terminal and Zinc finger region, which were dominantly under immune pressure by host HLA-I-restricted CD8+ T cell. Computational analysis of ∆∆Gstability through protein stability prediction tools suggested that missense mutation may affect Vif stability, especially in the Vif-A3 binding interface. Notably, mutations R17K and Y44F in F1 and G box were predicted to destabilize the Vif-A3 binding interface by altering bond formations with adjacent amino acids. Therefore, our analysis demonstrates Vif adaptation with host physiology by maintaining sequence conservation, especially in A3 interacting functional motifs, highlighting important therapeutic candidate regions of Vif against HIV-1 infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have previously reported an HIV-1 mutant designated NL-Y226tac that expresses Vif at an ultra-low level, being replication-defective in high-APOBEC3G cells, such as H9. It carries a synonymous mutation within the splicing SA1 site relative to its parental clone. In order to determine whether a certain mutant(s) emerges during multi-infection cycles, we maintained H9 cells infected with a relatively low or high input of NL-Y226tac for extended time periods. Unexpectedly, we reproducibly identified a g5061a mutation in the SD2b site in the two independent long-term culture experiments that partially increases Vif expression and replication ability. Importantly, the adaptive mutation g5061a was demonstrated to enhance vif mRNA production by activation of the SA1 site mediated through increasing usage of a rarely used SD2b site. In the long-term culture initiated by a high virus input, we additionally found a Y226Fttc mutation at the original Y226tac site in SA1 that fully restores Vif expression and replication ability. As expected, the adaptive mutation Y226Fttc enhances vif mRNA production through increasing the splicing site usage of SA1. Our results here revealed the importance of the SD2b nucleotide sequence in producing vif mRNA involved in the HIV-1 adaptation and of mutual antagonism between Vif and APOBEC3 proteins in HIV-1 adaptation/evolution and survival.





