
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Migrants\' subjective sense of home deserves further research attention. In the particular context of the United Kingdom\'s (UK\'s) decision to leave the European Union (\'Brexit\'), we interviewed 10 European citizens living in the UK about their sense of home, using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). In our analysis, we identified themes of (1) having more than one home, (2) making and finding a new home, (3) being permanently different from the non-migrant population and (4) a concern about feeling safe and welcome. Migration and sense of home involved building and rebuilding personal and social identity. Making a new home was effortful, and neither the old home nor the difference from the native population ever disappeared psychologically. This adds an experiential aspect to the idea of \'integration\' in acculturation. Different notions of home were linked to different experiences of the impact of the Brexit referendum. We discuss the connections between acculturation, sense of home and lived experience and propose lived identity as a fruitful subject matter for social psychology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Examine the feasibility and acceptability of a social identity-informed, online delivered, running and walking group program to support low-active post-secondary students\' exercise behavior and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    METHODS: A two-arm, non-blinded, parallel pilot randomized controlled trial was conducted whereby low-active post-secondary students at a Canadian university were equally randomized to an online delivered running/walking group program or an attention control condition. Primary feasibility and acceptability outcomes included program interest, study enrolment and retention, questionnaire completion, program attendance, program satisfaction, and affective exercise attitudes. Post-program interviews were conducted to ascertain participants\' experiences with the program. Secondary outcomes included well-being, exercise behavior, social identity, social support, and exercise identity.
    RESULTS: Ninety-two individuals were screened for eligibility, and 72 were equally randomized to the online group program or attention control condition. Recruitment exceeded the target sample size (60), study adherence and questionnaire completion were above 90%, program attendance was moderate (M = 5.03/8), self-report program satisfaction was moderate-to-high (M = 4.13/5), and there was no condition effect for affective attitudes. During interviews, participants expressed satisfaction with the program. They also discussed challenges with developing a shared sense of identity and social connection with group members via online platforms. There were small condition effects for exercise-related well-being and exercise identity and no condition effects for the remaining secondary outcomes. Social identity scores were moderate (M = 4.63/7).
    CONCLUSIONS: The STRIDE program was feasible and acceptable but should be delivered and piloted in-person before a full-scale efficacy trial is conducted.
    BACKGROUND: NCT04857918; 2021-04-20.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study critically examines the public\'s perception of Florence Nightingale\'s legacy through a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of digital media, specifically podcasts and YouTube. Nightingale, who is often remembered as \"The Lady with the Lamp\", holds a complex identity within modern narratives that is celebrated for her pioneering contributions to nursing and public health, even if there are some disagreements about her, given the colonialist setting that may have shaped some of her opinions and decisions. This research employed CDA to analyze 25 podcasts and 18 YouTube videos, which were systematically included according to a priori inclusion criteria. The study synthesized how these media products portray Nightingale and, by extension, shape public discourse about the nursing profession. The findings reveal five thematic representations of Nightingale: as a legendary figure, a modern feminist, a dedicated statistician, a pioneer in public health, and a pivotal STEM contributor. These portrayals challenge traditional nursing stereotypes by emphasizing Nightingale\'s role as a rigorous scientist and reformer, suggesting broader perceptions of nurses that encompass leadership, analytical skills, and strategic thinking. The study supports the hypothesis that digital narratives significantly influence the public\'s understanding and appreciation of nursing, advocating for a more nuanced professional identity that integrates traditional caregiving roles with critical and analytical capabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transgender individuals face challenges to identity as they transition from their sex assigned at birth to their affirmed gender. Memories may support a sense of self through the recall of events with more phenomenological detail than others, making them feel closer to the current self. Autobiographical memories of 90 transgender and 90 cisgender adults were compared on self-reported memory phenomenology. Memory phenomenology was more variable in transgender individuals, with a larger difference between phenomenological ratings of recent and distant memories. Memory phenomenology specifically varied in relation to the timing of coming out to a parent. High points reported after this time were rated with higher phenomenological quality and these ratings were linked to positive well-being. Results affirm the relevance of phenomenological continuity to the identity of transgender individuals, suggesting that events from before coming out are recalled with less phenomenological quality than events after coming out.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To understand how the Donor Conception Identity Questionnaire (DCIQ) correlates with mental health and explore differences on the DCIQ between donor conceived people who were actively searching for donor connections to those who were not and those who had found their donor connections to those who had not.
    METHODS: Cross sectional survey.
    METHODS: 88 donor conceived adults ranging in age from 18 to 70 (Mean = 34.27 years, median = 31 years). 39 participants were actively searching for their donor connections, and 49 were not.
    METHODS: Donor conception identity was measured using a questionnaire and scores were correlated with existing measures of mental health.
    METHODS: Participants completed the DCIQ and measures of wellbeing, satisfaction with life, identity, pride and stigma.
    RESULTS: Factor analysis of items from the DCIQ identified four domains: 1. Concern and preoccupation, 2. Internalised stigma, 3. Pride and acceptance, and 4. Openness and understanding. The identified factors correlated with scales of psychological and social wellbeing. Active searchers scored higher than non-active searchers on \'Concern and preoccupation\' F(1, 79) = 7.543, p = .007 and \'internalised stigma\' (F(1, 79) = 4.355, p = .040). Donor conceived individuals who had found their donor connections scored lower on \'internalised stigma\' F(1, 79) = 7.071, p =.009 and higher on \'openness and understanding\' (F(1, 79) = 6.083, p = 0.016) compared to those who had not found their donor connections.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the present study show that cores on the DCIQ correlate with existing measures of psychological and social wellbeing. Furthermore, donor conceived individuals searching for their donor connections differ from those not actively searching on key domains of the DCIQ. Implications for future avenues of study, and for support for donor conceived people are discussed.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Advanced incurable diseases are often accompanied by numerous losses and burdens as the disease progresses, leading to a loss of autonomy, self-determination, and dignity for those affected, all of which can subsequently promote feelings of loneliness at the end of life. Declining health, increasing symptom burden, loss of social roles, and the fear of death and dying are among the key risk factors for loneliness towards the end of life. In this article, we provide an overview of the different dimensions of loneliness experienced at the end of life. We discuss existential loneliness alongside emotional and social loneliness, explore causes and health implications of loneliness at the end of life, suggest diagnostic tools for assessing loneliness, and finally provide recommendations for addressing emotional, social, and existential loneliness at the end of life. The loneliness of caregivers is also discussed. We suggest that addressing social and emotional loneliness early in the course of a terminal illness is crucial. Palliative, psychological, and spiritual support can strengthen interpersonal relationships, foster a sense of meaning and purpose, and alleviate the adverse effects of loneliness on mental and physical health as well as quality of life. In contrast, existential loneliness is considered an expression of profound emotional maturity and can offer opportunities for inner growth, contributing to a more refined sense of self while reinforcing identity, dignity, and transcendence at the end of life.
    UNASSIGNED: Fortgeschrittene unheilbare Erkrankungen gehen aufgrund des zunehmenden Krankheitsprogresses mit zahlreichen Verlusten und Belastungen einher, welche die Autonomie und Selbstbestimmung sowie das Würdegefühl der Betroffenen erheblich beeinträchtigen und Einsamkeitsgefühle fördern können. Der gesundheitliche Abbau, die zunehmende Symptomlast, der Verlust von sozialen Rollen sowie die Angst vor dem Tod und dem Sterben zählen zu den wichtigsten Risikofaktoren für Einsamkeit am Lebensende. Dieser Artikel bietet einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Dimensionen der Einsamkeit am Lebensende. Die existentielle Einsamkeit wird in Abgrenzung zur emotionalen und sozialen Einsamkeit am Lebensende beleuchtet, Ursachen und gesundheitliche Auswirkungen von Einsamkeit am Lebensende werden diskutiert, auf diagnostische Instrumente wird hingewiesen und Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit der emotionalen, sozialen und existentiellen Einsamkeit am Lebensende werden ausgesprochen. Auch die Einsamkeit pflegender Angehöriger wird thematisiert. Im Artikel weisen wir darauf hin, wie wichtig es ist, der emotionalen und sozialen Einsamkeit am Lebensende frühzeitig entgegenzuwirken. Palliative, psychologische und spirituelle Unterstützung können dabei helfen, zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen zu stärken, Sinn und Bedeutung zu fördern und die negativen Auswirkungen von Einsamkeitsgefühlen auf die Gesundheit und die Lebensqualität zu reduzieren. Im Gegensatz dazu wird die existentielle Einsamkeit als Ausdruck hoher emotionaler Reife betrachtet und kann als entwicklungsfördernde Erfahrung zu einer besseren Verortung des Selbst sowie zur Stärkung von Identität, Würde und Transzendenz am Lebensende beitragen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite significant advances in long COVID research, many aspects of the condition remain unknown. There is a persisting need for further research to improve the management of long COVID symptoms. This study aimed to explore the experiences and psychological needs of patients who were previously hospitalised with COVID-19, and who subsequently developed long COVID symptoms. Twelve patients with long COVID were interviewed between October 2021 and June 2022. Transcripts were analysed thematically. An overarching theme of \'Existential Crisis\' was developed, incorporating three interconnecting sub-themes: \'Facing Psychological Threat\', \'Seeking Legitimisation\' and \'Forging a Path Through Uncertainty\'. Findings suggest that the psychological impact of emergency hospitalisation for COVID-19 can be severe, particularly for those with ongoing long COVID symptoms, and that early psychological intervention should be available. Our findings also suggest the importance of further planning for future pandemics to ensure the presence of patient advocates during hospitalisation at points of critical decision-making.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The problem of medicine expiration presents a notable obstacle, resulting in considerable financial losses. Nevertheless, there is currently limited data indicating that certain medications do not experience a significant decrease in effectiveness after their expiration date. Therefore, the aim of the study was to assess the physico-chemical quality of expired fluoroquinolone antibiotics.
    UNASSIGNED: The expired samples of fluoroquinolone antibiotics were purposively collected from public hospitals in the Jimma zone of the Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. A World Health Organization quality evaluation sampling strategy was employed. Then, simple random sampling techniques were utilized for the selection of tablets for the laboratory quality control test. The assay, identification, and dissolution were performed in accordance with the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) guidelines, as well as failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) techniques.
    UNASSIGNED: The finding revealed that about 100% (7/7) expired samples passed pharmacopeia quality specifications for identity and assay tests. However, of the seven expired brands, about 14.3% (1/7) of the sample (Code-002) was unable to release its API content within the USP criteria of 30 min. The risk-based quality evaluation revealed that assay was the most critical quality attributed to ciprofloxacin tablets (RPN = 189), followed by identity (RPN = 100). Assay was also the most critical quality attribute (RPN = 378), followed by identity (RPN = 100) for Norfloxacin tablets. The risk-based desirability function approach showed that 75% (3/4) of ciprofloxacin products were of good quality, and 25% (1) were found to be of acceptable quality, while the desirability function of norfloxacin tablets was found to be excellent 1 (33.3%), good 1 (33.3%), and acceptable 1 (33.3%).
    UNASSIGNED: The study revealed that medications can maintain their quality beyond their labeled expiration date. By combining pharmacopeial standards with risk-based approaches like failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), the study provides a comprehensive evaluation framework. This approach not only confirms the continued effectiveness of expired fluoroquinolone antibiotics but also underscores the potential waste reduction and cost-saving benefits. This could significantly contribute to addressing healthcare challenges in low-resource settings, promoting more efficient pharmaceutical resource utilization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interventions that aim to address equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within the health professions often strive to promote the retention, recruitment, and success of individuals from historically underrepresented groups, who often belong to the same groups experiencing underservicing in health care. A pilot study aimed to examine the impact of ongoing EDI initiatives at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada by exploring sense of belonging and curricular inclusion/representation from the perspectives of enrolled students. Intersectionality Theory was operationalized by way of considering the relational and contextual nature of marginalization. Results showed differences in perceptions of impacted sense of belonging and curricular inclusion/representation of diverse groups between respondents in the underrepresented subgroup as compared to their overrepresented counterparts. Differences in underrepresented and overrepresented subgroups\' perceptions of impacted sense of belonging and curricular inclusion/representation suggest a need for further research to better understand the impact of EDI interventions on nursing students.





