consolidated framework for implementation research

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Amidst the ongoing drug poisoning crisis across North America, drug checking services (DCS) are increasingly being implemented as an intervention intended to reduce drug-related harms. This study sought to identify key opportunities and challenges influencing the implementation of DCS in British Columbia (BC), Canada.
    METHODS: Between January 2020 and July 2021, semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 21 individuals involved in the implementation of DCS across BC (i.e., policymakers, health authority personnel, community organization representatives and service providers). The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) was used to guide coding and analysis of the interviews.
    RESULTS: By bringing in a wealth of knowledge about community needs and concerns, in addition to a passion and energy for social justice and health equity, community members and organizations with a dedication for harm reduction played a critical role in the successful implementation of DCS in BC. Other significant facilitators to implementation included the preventive benefits of DCS that made the intervention compelling to policy influencers and decision makers, the provincial public health emergency regarding overdose that shifted the regulatory environment of DCS, the adaptability of DCS to meet concerns and needs in various contexts, including via ongoing processes of reflection and evaluation. Barriers to implementation included criminalization and stigmatization of drug use and people who use drugs and lack of funding for community-led implementation actions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Alongside structural reforms that address the underlying contextual factors that influence implementation (e.g., decriminalization of drugs, increased funding for DCS), centering community expertise throughout implementation is critical to the success of DCS. Our findings provide important insights into how BC can successfully implement systems-level harm reduction interventions and offer insights for other jurisdictions in their implementation of DCS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The second dose of measles-containing vaccines (MCV2) has significant programmatic relevance in the current immunisation landscape because it serves as both an opportunity to reduce measles immunity gaps and strengthen second year of life vaccination platforms. However, MCV2 coverage remains suboptimal across countries in the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region and this puts a significant number of children at risk of morbidity and mortality from measles despite the availability of an effective vaccine. There is an urgent need to strengthen the implementation of MCV2 but this requires a thorough and systematic understanding of contextual factors that influence it. The literature that describes the determinants of implementation of MCV2 in a manner that adequately accounts for the complexity of the implementation context is scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this rapid review was to explore the implementation determinants of MCV2 in the WHO African Region using systems thinking. Literature search in two databases (PubMed and Google Scholar) were conducted. After screening, a total of 17 eligible articles were included in the study. Thematic analysis of extracted data was performed to identify the implementation determinants, after which they were mapped using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). A causal loop diagram (CLD) was used to illustrate the linkages between identified determinants. We found 44 implementation determinants across the five CFIR domains, i.e., innovation, outer setting, inner setting, individual, and implementation process. The majority of identified determinants are within the individual domain followed by the inner setting domain. The CLD showed that multiple contingent connections and feedback relationships exist between the identified implementation determinants within and across CFIR domains. The linkages between the implementation determinants revealed three balancing and reinforcing loops each. The findings suggest that implementation determinants of second-dose measles vaccination in the WHO African Region are complex, with multiple interconnections and interdependencies, and this insight should guide subsequent policies. There is an urgent need for further implementation research with embedded CLD in specific settings to inform the design of tailored systemic strategies to improve the implementation effectiveness of MCV2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2012, the World Health Organization recommended screening and investigation of contacts of index tuberculosis patients as a strategy to accelerate detection of tuberculosis (TB) cases. Nine years after the adoption of this recommendation, coverage of TB contact investigations in Uganda remains low. The objective of this study was to examine health care providers\' perceptions of factors influencing coverage of TB contact investigations in three selected rural health facilities in Mbarara district, southwestern Uganda.
    METHODS: This study identified provider opinions on the barriers and facilitators to implementation of TB contact investigation using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Using an exploratory qualitative study design, semi-structured interviews with 19 health workers involved in the TB program at district, health facility and community levels were conducted from April 2020 and July 2020. Analysis was conducted inductively using reflexive thematic analysis in six iterative steps: familiarizing with the data, creating initial codes, searching for themes, reviewing themes, developing theme definitions, and writing the report.
    RESULTS: Nineteen health care workers participated in this study which translates to a 100% response rate. These included two district TB and leprosy supervisors, five nurses, five clinical officers, six village health team members and one laboratory technician. The three themes that emerged from the analysis were intervention-related, health system and contextual factors. Health system-related barriers included inadequate or delayed government funding for the TB program, shortage of human resources, insufficient personal protective equipment, and a stock-out of supplies such as Xpert MTB cartridges. Contextual barriers included steep terrain, poverty or low income, and the stigma associated with TB and COVID-19. Facilitators comprised increased knowledge and understanding of the intervention, performance review and on-the-job training of health workers.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study found that most of the factors affecting TB contact investigations in this rural community were related to health system constraints such as inadequate or delayed funding and human resource shortages. This can be addressed by strengthening the foundational elements of the health system - health financing and human resources - to establish a comprehensive TB control program that will enable the efficient identification of missing TB patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The growing concern about a dwindling healthcare workforce, exacerbated by demographic changes, calls for innovative solutions. One viable approach involves implementing new professional roles and restructuring existing healthcare teams within hospital care units.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the implementation of an innovative task-shifting concept, care-related services (CRS), from the managers\' perspective in somatic care units across the hospitals in a region in Sweden.
    METHODS: The qualitative study was conducted in 2022, after the implementation of CRS. Individual interviews were conducted with 24 key stakeholders, including 14 care unit managers, six CRS managers, and four process managers. A qualitative content analysis was performed, utilizing the Consolidated Framework of Implementation Research (CFIR).
    RESULTS: The implementation of CRS involved collaboration between care unit managers, CRS managers, and project managers, alongside CRS staff, registered nurses (RNs), and licensed vocational nurses (LVNs). In particular, their roles encompassed defining boundaries, establishing routines, and managing personnel. Throughout the implementation process, challenges emerged, stemming from undefined goals, difficulties in recruiting qualified CRS staff, and issues associated with seamlessly integrating CRS into existing work routines. These challenges arose due to a constrained timeframe, widespread team apprehension, shortcomings in the training of CRS staff, unclear task allocation, and an increased workload for care unit managers. Factors associated with successful CRS implementation included effective cooperation among managers and an open-minded approach.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the crucial role of clear communication, effective recruitment, integration of CRS staff, clarification of roles, responsibilities, and defined goals for successful CRS implementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: By addressing physical and psychosocial needs, group care (GC) improves health-related behaviours, peer support, parent-provider interactions and may improve birth outcomes. Hence, global implementation of GC is encouraged. Context analyses prior to implementation are vital to elucidate which local factors may support or hinder implementation.
    METHODS: Contextual analyses conducted in the Netherlands and Suriname were compared to identify the factors relevant to the implementability of GC as perceived by healthcare professionals (HCPs). 32 semi-structured interviews were conducted with Dutch and Surinamese healthcare professionals. Audio recordings were transcribed verbatim and coded using the Framework approach. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research guided the development of the interview guide and of the coding tree.
    RESULTS: Outer setting: Concerns regarding funding surfaced in both countries. Due to limited health insurance coverage, additional fees would limit accessibility in Suriname. In the Netherlands, midwives dreaded lower revenue due to reimbursement policies that favour one-on-one care. Inner setting: Appropriate space for GC was absent in one Dutch and three Surinamese facilities. Role division regarding GC implementation was clearer in the Netherlands than in Suriname.
    METHODS: HCPs from both countries expected increased social support, health knowledge among women, and continuity of care(r). Individuals/innovation deliverers: Self-efficacy and motivation emerged as intertwined determinants to GC implementation in both countries. Individuals/innovation recipients: Competing demands can potentially lower acceptability of GC in both countries. While Dutch HCPs prioritised an open dialogue with mothers, Surinamese HCPs encouraged the inclusion of partners.
    METHODS: Campaigns to raise awareness of GC were proposed. Language barriers were a concern for Dutch but not for Surinamese HCPs.
    CONCLUSIONS: While the most striking differences between both countries were found in the outer setting, they trickle down and affect all layers of context. Ultimately, at a later stage, the process evaluation will show if those outer setting barriers we identified prior to implementation actually hindered GC implementation. Changes to the health care systems would ensure sustained implementation in both countries, and this conclusion feeds into a more general discussion: how to proceed when contextual analyses reveal barriers that cannot be addressed with the time and resources available.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim: To explore general practitioners\' (GPs) views on implementing pharmacogenomic testing in Australian general practice. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine GPs in Australia, recruited from primary care networks. Interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. Themes were mapped onto the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research domains. Results: Barriers to implementation included lack of knowledge, education, standardized pharmacogenomic reports and national clinical guidelines and financial inaccessibility. Facilitators included positive exposure to pharmacogenomics, peer influences, interdisciplinary collaboration and proven clinical utility. Current uptake was minimal; however, GPs shared positive perceptions of clinical use. Conclusion: Recommendations for successful implementation include building and disseminating clinical evidence, developing national guidelines and standardized reports, incorporation into formal education and increasing financial accessibility.
    What is this article about? This article describes an original research study that examines the implementation of pharmacogenomic testing in Australian general practice. Pharmacogenomic testing applies personalized genomic information to medication prescribing, as genetic differences can affect how a person metabolizes certain medications. While there is excitement about the possibilities of using pharmacogenomics, the general uptake is slow. This study looked to understand the barriers and facilitators to implementation from the perspectives of general practitioners in Australia.What were the results? Through exploratory interviews with general practitioners, this study identified that barriers to implementation include a lack of knowledge, education, standardized reports and national clinical guidelines and financial inaccessibility. Facilitators include positive exposure to pharmacogenomic testing, peer influences, interdisciplinary collaboration and proven clinical utility. Current uptake was minimal; however, GPs shared positive perceptions of the potential of testing.What do the results of the study mean? Based on the results of this study, the following recommendations were generated for successful implementation: building and disseminating clinical evidence, developing national guidelines, incorporation into formal education, establishing accessible experts and improving financial accessibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identity Development Evolution and Sharing (IDEAS) reduces provider stigma, but few have been trained to implement IDEAS, highlighting a need for implementation strategies that facilitate uptake. We evaluated whether external facilitation successfully supported IDEAS implementation and whether IDEAS reduced provider stigma within and across sites irrespective of implementation barriers and facilitators. Key informants from 10 sites completed interviews and surveys of appropriateness, acceptability, and feasibility. Interviews were analyzed using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research guidelines. Intervention effectiveness was measured via paired t tests of pre-/post-quantitative data on provider stigma completed by practitioners who attended the training. Ten sites successfully implemented IDEAS via external facilitation; 58 practitioners from nine sites completed pre- and post-surveys. Data showed significant decreases in stigma after the intervention. IDEAS, supported by external facilitation, is a feasible, acceptable, and appropriate means of reducing stigma among occupational therapy practitioners.
    External Facilitation Supports the Successful Use of “Identity Development Evolution and Sharing” (IDEAS)—An Intervention That Effectively Reduces Harmful Biases Among Occupational TherapistsThis study is important for clinical managers and other change agents wishing to address provider biases in healthcare settings. The study expands an existing program for reducing healthcare provider bias called “Identity Development Evolution and Sharing” or “IDEAS.” IDEAS is a program created by an occupational therapist who sought to improve healthcare experiences for those who have been harmed by implicit biases among healthcare providers. IDEAS involves watching filmed stories of people who have been harmed by stigma within healthcare and then having a reflective discussion about the film, creating a safe space in which providers can evaluate their biases and consider ways in which they might make positive changes. This study is important for managers and other change agents because it highlights characteristics of organizations that can both support and hinder the use of IDEAS in clinical settings. These factors can be taken into consideration prior to using an intervention such as IDEAS to support the degree to which an organization succeeds at implementing the program. This study also explains how the creator of IDEAS provides external support to facilitate staff in leading an IDEAS intervention. In addition, this study will be of interest to implementation scholars and/or people who would like to learn more about methods for measuring barriers and facilitators to integrating new programs in clinical settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Black Kentuckians experience more deleterious colorectal cancer (CRC) outcomes than their White counterparts, a disparity that could be reduced by increased screening in Black communities. Previous research has shown that Black Kentuckians may not be equitably informed of different CRC screening options by health care providers, making community-based screening a potentially effective option among this disparate population. We used the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) to identify church leaders\' perspectives of contextual factors that might influence community-based screening and explore the feasibility of using church-based screening outreach.
    METHODS: Six participants were selected, based on leadership roles and interest in CRC screening, from five established Louisville-area church partners that had previously participated in community health initiatives. Data were collected, both virtually and in-person, in Summer 2021 using semi-structured interview guides developed with guidance from the CFIR Guide that focused on domains most relevant to community-based interventions. Data were transcribed verbatim, coded by two independent researchers, and member checked for accuracy.
    RESULTS: Data were aligned primarily with six CFIR constructs: key stakeholders, champions, opinion leaders, tension for change, compatibility, and culture. Participants noted a strong tension for change in their community due to perceptions of inadequacy with clinical approaches to CRC screening. Additionally, they stressed the importance of identifying individuals both within the church who could champion CRC screening and help implement program activities, as well as those outside the church who could collaborate with other local organizations to increase participant reach. Finally, participants agreed that faith-based CRC screening aligned with church culture and would also likely be compatible with overall community values.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our church partners strongly endorsed the need for, and importance of, community-based CRC screening. Given a history of successful implementation of health promotion programs within our partner churches, it is highly likely that a CRC screening intervention would also be effective. Findings from this study will be used to identify implementation strategies that might positively impact a future faith-based CRC screening intervention, as well as CFIR constructs that are most positively associated with CRC screening completion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the implementation contexts and strategies that influence the uptake and selection of alternative peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) materials and design.
    METHODS: Qualitative evaluation of end user perspectives within a randomized control trial of different PICC materials and design.
    METHODS: Semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders were undertaken via an adapted, rapid-analytic approach using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Outcomes were mapped against the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) tool for strategies to guide innovation in PICC practice.
    RESULTS: Participants (n = 23) represented a combination of users and inserters/purchasers, from adult and paediatric settings. Dominant themes included intervention characteristics (intervention source), inner setting (structural characteristics) and individuals involved (self-efficacy). Strategies emerging to support a change from ERIC mapping (n = 16) included promotion of intervention adaptability, inclusion of staff and consumer perspectives and sufficient funding. Implementation contexts such as inner setting and individuals involved equally impacted PICC success and implementation effectiveness and enabled a greater understanding of barriers and facilitators to intervention implementation in this trial.
    CONCLUSIONS: Trial evidence is important, but healthcare decision-making requires consideration of local contexts especially resourcing. Implementation contexts for Australian healthcare settings include a practical, strategic toolkit for the implementation of alternative PICC materials and designs.
    UNASSIGNED: This study adhered to COREQ guidelines.
    UNASSIGNED: No patient or public contribution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of death worldwide, and Chinese TB burden ranked the second globally. Chinese primary healthcare (PHC) sectors implement the TB Control Program (TCP) to improve active case finding, referral, treatment adherence, and health education. This study aimed to identify barriers and enablers of TCP implementation in high TB burden regions of West China.
    METHODS: We conducted a representative study using mixed-methods in 28 counties or districts in Chongqing Municipality and Guizhou Province of West China from October 2021 to May 2022. Questionnaire surveys and semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 2720 TB healthcare workers (HCWs) and 20 interviewees in PHC sectors. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to investigate TB HCWs\' characteristics, and path analysis model was utilized to analyze the impact of associated factors on TCP implementation. Thematic framework analysis was developed with the guide of the adapted Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) on factors of TCP implementation.
    RESULTS: This study found that 84.6% and 94.1% of community and village HCWs had low professional titles. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis and correlation analysis, lower TB core knowledge scores (-0.09) were identified as barriers for TCP implementation in community PHC sectors, and low working satisfaction (-0.17) and low working willingness (-0.10) are barriers for TPC implementation in village PHC sectors. The results of in-depth interviews reported barriers in all domains and enablers in four domains of CFIR. There were identified 19 CFIR constructs associated with TCP implementation, including 22 barriers such as HCWs\' heavy workload, and 12 enablers such as HCWs\' passion towards TCP planning.
    CONCLUSIONS: With the guide of the CFIR framework, complex factors (barriers and enablers) of TCP implementation in PHC sectors of West China were explored, which provided important evidences to promote TB program in high TB burden regions. Further implementation studies to translate those factors into implementation strategies are urgent needed.





