consolidated framework for implementation research

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2012, the World Health Organization recommended screening and investigation of contacts of index tuberculosis patients as a strategy to accelerate detection of tuberculosis (TB) cases. Nine years after the adoption of this recommendation, coverage of TB contact investigations in Uganda remains low. The objective of this study was to examine health care providers\' perceptions of factors influencing coverage of TB contact investigations in three selected rural health facilities in Mbarara district, southwestern Uganda.
    METHODS: This study identified provider opinions on the barriers and facilitators to implementation of TB contact investigation using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Using an exploratory qualitative study design, semi-structured interviews with 19 health workers involved in the TB program at district, health facility and community levels were conducted from April 2020 and July 2020. Analysis was conducted inductively using reflexive thematic analysis in six iterative steps: familiarizing with the data, creating initial codes, searching for themes, reviewing themes, developing theme definitions, and writing the report.
    RESULTS: Nineteen health care workers participated in this study which translates to a 100% response rate. These included two district TB and leprosy supervisors, five nurses, five clinical officers, six village health team members and one laboratory technician. The three themes that emerged from the analysis were intervention-related, health system and contextual factors. Health system-related barriers included inadequate or delayed government funding for the TB program, shortage of human resources, insufficient personal protective equipment, and a stock-out of supplies such as Xpert MTB cartridges. Contextual barriers included steep terrain, poverty or low income, and the stigma associated with TB and COVID-19. Facilitators comprised increased knowledge and understanding of the intervention, performance review and on-the-job training of health workers.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study found that most of the factors affecting TB contact investigations in this rural community were related to health system constraints such as inadequate or delayed funding and human resource shortages. This can be addressed by strengthening the foundational elements of the health system - health financing and human resources - to establish a comprehensive TB control program that will enable the efficient identification of missing TB patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Up to 50% of antibiotic prescriptions for upper respiratory infections (URIs) are inappropriate. Clinical decision support (CDS) systems to mitigate unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions have been implemented into electronic health records, but their use by providers has been limited.
    OBJECTIVE: As a delegation protocol, we adapted a validated electronic health record-integrated clinical prediction rule (iCPR) CDS-based intervention for registered nurses (RNs), consisting of triage to identify patients with low-acuity URI followed by CDS-guided RN visits. It was implemented in February 2022 as a randomized controlled stepped-wedge trial in 43 primary and urgent care practices within 4 academic health systems in New York, Wisconsin, and Utah. While issues were pragmatically addressed as they arose, a systematic assessment of the barriers to implementation is needed to better understand and address these barriers.
    METHODS: We performed a retrospective case study, collecting quantitative and qualitative data regarding clinical workflows and triage-template use from expert interviews, study surveys, routine check-ins with practice personnel, and chart reviews over the first year of implementation of the iCPR intervention. Guided by the updated CFIR (Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research), we characterized the initial barriers to implementing a URI iCPR intervention for RNs in ambulatory care. CFIR constructs were coded as missing, neutral, weak, or strong implementation factors.
    RESULTS: Barriers were identified within all implementation domains. The strongest barriers were found in the outer setting, with those factors trickling down to impact the inner setting. Local conditions driven by COVID-19 served as one of the strongest barriers, impacting attitudes among practice staff and ultimately contributing to a work infrastructure characterized by staff changes, RN shortages and turnover, and competing responsibilities. Policies and laws regarding scope of practice of RNs varied by state and institutional application of those laws, with some allowing more clinical autonomy for RNs. This necessitated different study procedures at each study site to meet practice requirements, increasing innovation complexity. Similarly, institutional policies led to varying levels of compatibility with existing triage, rooming, and documentation workflows. These workflow conflicts were compounded by limited available resources, as well as an implementation climate of optional participation, few participation incentives, and thus low relative priority compared to other clinical duties.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both between and within health care systems, significant variability existed in workflows for patient intake and triage. Even in a relatively straightforward clinical workflow, workflow and cultural differences appreciably impacted intervention adoption. Takeaways from this study can be applied to other RN delegation protocol implementations of new and innovative CDS tools within existing workflows to support integration and improve uptake. When implementing a system-wide clinical care intervention, considerations must be made for variability in culture and workflows at the state, health system, practice, and individual levels.
    BACKGROUND: NCT04255303;






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There is growing evidence supporting the use of mobile health (mHealth) interventions in low- and middle-income countries to address resource limitations in the delivery of health information and services to vulnerable populations. In parallel, there is an increasing emphasis on the use of implementation science tools and frameworks for the early identification of implementation barriers and to improve the acceptability, appropriateness, and adoption of mHealth interventions in resource-limited settings. However, there are limited examples of the application of implementation science tools and frameworks to the formative phase of mHealth design for resource-limited settings despite the potential benefits of this work for enhancing subsequent implementation, scale-up, and sustainability.
    OBJECTIVE: We presented a case study on the use of an implementation science framework in mHealth design. In particular, we illustrated the usability of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) for organizing and interpreting formative research findings during the design of the mobile Inspección Visual con Ácido Acético (mIVAA) system in Lima, Peru.
    METHODS: We collected formative data from prospective users of the mIVAA intervention using multiple research methodologies, including structured observations, surveys, group and individual interviews, and discussions with local stakeholders at the partnering organization in Peru. These activities enabled the documentation of clinical workflows, perceived barriers to and facilitators of mIVAA, overarching barriers to cervical cancer screening in community-based settings, and related local policies and guidelines in health care. Using a convergent mixed methods analytic approach and the CFIR as an organizing framework, we mapped formative research findings to identify key implementation barriers and inform iterations of the mIVAA system design.
    RESULTS: In the setting of our case study, most implementation barriers were identified in the CFIR domains of intervention characteristics and inner setting. All but one barrier were addressed before mIVAA deployment by modifying the system design and adding supportive resources. Solutions involved improvements to infrastructure, including cellular data plans to avoid disruption from internet failure; improved process and flow, including an updated software interface; and better user role definition for image capture to be consistent with local health care laws.
    CONCLUSIONS: The CFIR can serve as a comprehensive framework for organizing formative research data and identifying key implementation barriers during mHealth intervention design. In our case study of the mIVAA system in Peru, formative research contributing to the CFIR domains of intervention characteristics and inner setting elicited the most key barriers to implementation. The early identification of barriers enabled design iterations before system deployment. Future efforts to develop mHealth interventions for low- and middle-income countries may benefit from using the approach presented in this case study as well as prioritizing the CFIR domains of intervention characteristics and inner setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Food insecurity (FI), the limited access to healthy food to live an active and healthy life, is a social determinant of health linked to poor dietary health and difficulty with disease management in the United States (U.S.). Healthcare experts support the adoption of validated screening tools within primary care practice to identify and connect FI patients to healthy and affordable food resources. Yet, a lack of standard practices limits uptake. The purpose of this study was to understand program processes and outcomes of primary care focused FI screening initiatives that may guide wide-scale program implementation.
    This was an embedded multiple case study of two primary care-focused initiatives implemented in two diverse health systems in Chicago and Suburban Cook County that routinely screened patients for FI and referred them to onsite food assistance programs. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research and an iterative process were used to collect/analyze qualitative data through semi-structured interviews with N = 19 healthcare staff. Intended program activities, outcomes, actors, implementation barriers/facilitators and overarching implementation themes were identified as a part of a cross-case analysis.
    Programs outcomes included: the number of patients screened, identified as FI and that participated in the onsite food assistance program. Study participants reported limited internal resources as implementation barriers for program activities. The implementation climate that leveraged the strength of community collaborations and aligned internal, implementation climate were critical facilitators that contributed to the flexibility of program activities that were tailored to fill gaps in resources and meet patient and clinician needs.
    Highly adaptable programs and the healthcare context enhanced implementation feasibility across settings. These characteristics can support program uptake in other settings, but should be used with caution to preserve program fidelity. A foundational model for the development and testing of standard clinical practice was the product of this study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a prevalent chronic disease that requires comprehensive approaches to manage; it accounts for a significant portion of Canada\'s annual healthcare spending. Interprofessional teams are effective at providing chronic disease management that meets the needs of patients. As part of an ongoing initiative, a COPD management program, the Best Care COPD program was implemented in a primary care setting. The objectives of this research were to determine site-specific factors facilitating or impeding the implementation of a COPD program in a new setting, while evaluating the implementation strategy used.
    METHODS: A qualitative case study was conducted using interviews, focus groups, document analysis, and site visits. Data were deductively analyzed using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) to assess the impact of each of its constructs on Best Care COPD program implementation at this site.
    RESULTS: Eleven CFIR constructs were determined to meaningfully affect implementation. Five were identified as the most influential in the implementation process. Cosmopolitanism (partnerships with other organizations), networks and communication (amongst program providers), engaging (key individuals to participate in program implementation), design quality and packaging (of the program), and reflecting and evaluating (throughout the implementation process). A peer-to-peer implementation strategy included training of registered respiratory therapists (RRT) as certified respiratory educators and the establishment of a communication network among RRTs to discuss experiences, collectively solve problems, and connect with the program lead.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a practical example of the various factors that facilitated the implementation of the Best Care COPD program. It also demonstrates the potential of using a peer-to-peer implementation strategy. Focusing on these factors will be useful for informing the continued spread and success of the Best Care COPD program and future implementation of other chronic care programs.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    BACKGROUND: Comprehensive policies are becoming common for addressing wicked problems in health and social care. Success of these policies often varies between target organizations. This variation can often be attributed to contextual factors. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the conditions for successful policy implementation and how context influences this process. The aim of this study was to investigate county-level actors\' perspectives on the implementation of a comprehensive national policy in three Swedish counties. The policy focused on developing quality of care for elderly based on the use of national quality registries (NQRs) and to improve coordination of care.
    METHODS: A comparative case study approach was used. Data was collected longitudinally through documents and interviews. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) guided the analysis.
    RESULTS: All three counties shared the view that the policy addressed important issues. Still, there was variation regarding how it was perceived and managed. Adaptable features-i.e., NQRs and improvement coaches-were perceived as relevant and useful. However, the counties differed in their perceptions of another policy component-i.e., senior management program-as an opportunity or a disturbance. This program, while tackling complex issues of collaboration, fell short in recognizing the counties\' pre-existing conditions and needs and also offered few opportunities for adaptations. Performance bonuses and peer pressure were strong incentives for all counties to implement the policy, despite the poor fit of policy content and local context.
    CONCLUSIONS: Comprehensive health policies aiming to address wicked problems have better chances of succeeding if the implementation includes assessments of the target organizations\' implementation capacity as well as the implicit quid pro quos involved in policy development. Special attention is warranted regarding the use of financial incentives when dealing with wicked problems since the complexity makes it difficult to align incentives with the goals and to assess potential consequences. Other important aspects in the implementation of such policies are the use of collaborative approaches to engage stakeholders with differing perspectives, and the tailoring of policy communication to facilitate shared understanding and commitment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite a growing policy push for the provision of services based on evidence, evidence-based treatments for children and youth with mental health challenges have poor uptake, yielding limited benefit. With a view to improving implementation in child behavioral health, we investigated a complementary implementation approach informed by three implementation frameworks in the context of implementing motivational interviewing in four child and youth behavioral health agencies: the Active Implementation Frameworks (AIF) (process), the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (factors), and the Implementation Outcomes Framework (evaluation). The study design was mixed methods with embedded interrupted time series and motivational interviewing (MI) fidelity was the primary outcome. Focus groups and field notes informed perspectives on the implementation approach, and a questionnaire explored the salience of Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) factors. Findings validate the process guidance provided by the AIF and highlight CIFR factors related to implementation success. Novel CFIR factors, not elsewhere reported in the literature, are identified that could potentially extend the framework if validated in future research. Introducing fidelity measurement in practice proved challenging and was not sustained beyond the study. A complementary implementation approach was successful in implementing MI in child behavioral health agencies. In contrast with the typical train and hope approach to implementation, practice change did not occur immediately post-training but emerged over a 7 month period of consultation and practice following a discrete interactive training period. The saliency of CFIR constructs aligned with findings from studies conducted in other contexts, demonstrating external validity and highlighting common factors that can focus planning and measurement.







  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    Veterans Health Affairs (VA) home-based primary care (HBPC) is an evidence-based interdisciplinary approach to non-institutional long-term care that was developed in urban settings to provide longitudinal care for vulnerable older patients. Under the authority of a Memorandum of Understanding between VA and Indian Health Service (IHS) to improve access to healthcare, 14 VA medical centers (VAMC) independently initiated plans to expand HBPC programs to rural American Indian reservations and 12 VAMC successfully implemented programs. The purpose of this study is to describe barriers and facilitators to implementation in rural Native communities with the aim of informing planners and policy-makers for future program expansions.
    A qualitative comparative case study approach was used, treating each of the 14 VAMC as a case. Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) to inform an open-ended interview guide, telephone interviews (n = 37) were conducted with HBPC staff and clinicians and local/regional managers, who participated or oversaw implementation. The interviews were transcribed, coded, and then analyzed using CFIR domains and constructs to describe and compare experiences and to identify facilitators, barriers, and adaptations that emerged in common across VAMC and HBPC programs.
    There was considerable variation in local contexts across VAMC. Nevertheless, implementation was typically facilitated by key individuals who were able to build trust and faith in VA healthcare among American Indian communities. Policy promoted clinical collaboration but collaborations generally occurred on an ad hoc basis between VA and IHS clinicians to optimize patient resources. All programs required some adaptations to address barriers in rural areas, such as distances, caseloads, or delays in hiring additional clinicians. VA funding opportunities facilitated expansion and sustainment of these programs.
    Since program expansion is a responsibility of the HBPC program director, there is little sharing of lessons learned across VA facilities. Opportunities for shared learning would benefit federal healthcare organizations to expand other medical services to additional American Indian communities and other rural and underserved communities, as well as to coordinate with other healthcare organizations. The CFIR structure was an effective analytic tool to compare programs addressing multiple inner and outer settings.





