consolidated framework for implementation research

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The second dose of measles-containing vaccines (MCV2) has significant programmatic relevance in the current immunisation landscape because it serves as both an opportunity to reduce measles immunity gaps and strengthen second year of life vaccination platforms. However, MCV2 coverage remains suboptimal across countries in the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region and this puts a significant number of children at risk of morbidity and mortality from measles despite the availability of an effective vaccine. There is an urgent need to strengthen the implementation of MCV2 but this requires a thorough and systematic understanding of contextual factors that influence it. The literature that describes the determinants of implementation of MCV2 in a manner that adequately accounts for the complexity of the implementation context is scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this rapid review was to explore the implementation determinants of MCV2 in the WHO African Region using systems thinking. Literature search in two databases (PubMed and Google Scholar) were conducted. After screening, a total of 17 eligible articles were included in the study. Thematic analysis of extracted data was performed to identify the implementation determinants, after which they were mapped using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). A causal loop diagram (CLD) was used to illustrate the linkages between identified determinants. We found 44 implementation determinants across the five CFIR domains, i.e., innovation, outer setting, inner setting, individual, and implementation process. The majority of identified determinants are within the individual domain followed by the inner setting domain. The CLD showed that multiple contingent connections and feedback relationships exist between the identified implementation determinants within and across CFIR domains. The linkages between the implementation determinants revealed three balancing and reinforcing loops each. The findings suggest that implementation determinants of second-dose measles vaccination in the WHO African Region are complex, with multiple interconnections and interdependencies, and this insight should guide subsequent policies. There is an urgent need for further implementation research with embedded CLD in specific settings to inform the design of tailored systemic strategies to improve the implementation effectiveness of MCV2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV transmission is suboptimal in the United States, particularly among people who use drugs (PWUD). PrEP research among PWUD is scarce, and the factors that impact implementation are largely unknown. Therefore, we conducted a scoping review of implementation determinants (i.e., barriers and facilitators), as well as the change methods (implementation strategies and adjunctive interventions) that have been evaluated to increase PrEP implementation and use among PWUD. We identified 32 peer-reviewed articles assessing determinants and five that evaluated change methods. Determinants were coded using the updated Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), which is an established framework to understand the multilevel barriers and facilitators associated with implementation. Findings indicate that most research was conducted among PrEP recipients (i.e., patients), focusing on awareness and willingness to use PrEP, with less focus on factors impacting clinicians and service delivery systems. Moreover, very few change methods have been evaluated to improve clinician adoption and adherence to CDC guidelines for PrEP provision and/or recipient uptake and adherence to PrEP. Future research is needed that focuses on factors impacting implementation from a clinician standpoint as well as innovative change methods to increase PrEP awareness, reach, adoption, and sustained adherence to guidelines. Implementation Science offers a wealth of knowledge to speed up the effort to end the HIV epidemic in the United States.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to the coronavirus pandemic, telerehabilitation has become increasingly important worldwide. While the effectiveness of telerehabilitation is considered proven for many indications, there is comparatively little knowledge about the implementation conditions. Therefore, this scoping review summarises the current state of facilitating and inhibiting factors that may influence the uptake of telerehabilitation. The review follows the JBI methodology for scoping reviews. The article search was carried out in five databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane and Psyndex) in May 2022, with an update in October 2023. Two independent researchers identified relevant studies according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research served as the theoretical basis for the categorisation of the facilitating and inhibiting criteria in the organisational context. A total of 28 studies (timespan 2012 to 2023) have been included. The most relevant barriers identified are technical issues and a lack of technical skills. The factors considered most favourable for implementation are patients\' motivation and the involvement of high-level leaders. The results provide clear indications of factors that inhibit and facilitate implementation, but also show that further research is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Emerging evidence suggests pharmacy-based point-of-care (POC) testing for acute respiratory infectious diseases is beneficial, but not widely implemented. A theory-informed review to understand the factors influencing service Implementation is lacking.
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the extent, range, and nature of research available on enablers and barriers to POC testing Implementation for infectious respiratory diseases in community pharmacies and identify their underpinning theoretical constructs using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR).
    METHODS: Scoping review guided by the JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis. A comprehensive search from inception to June 28th, 2022 was conducted using Medline, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, and ProQuest dissertations without date or language restriction. Eligible articles investigated barriers and/or facilitators to strep throat, influenza, C-reactive protein, and COVID-19 POC testing in community pharmacies. Two reviewers independently performed title & abstract screening, full-text screening, and data extraction. Content analysis was conducted according to a pre-established Framework and concepts were mapped to the CFIR.
    RESULTS: Forty-three studies were included. Most originated from the USA (n = 24; 56%) and investigated strep throat. The majority were testing/initial Implementation projects (n = 23; 54%) conducted in urban centers (n = 17; 40%). Thirty-six (84%) studies used quantitative methodology, while 6 (14%) were qualitative. Only four studies (9%) used theory to guide their inquiry. The 124 identified Implementation factors mapped onto 21 CFIR constructs, covering all 5 domains. The domain \"Outer setting\" (n = 35/43; 81%) was most prevalent as were the constructs \"Patient needs and resources,\" (n = 21/43; 49%) \"External policy & incentives,\" (n = 17/43; 40%) and \"Relative advantage\" (n = 17/43; 40%).
    CONCLUSIONS: A large volume of research explores factors influencing the Implementation of pharmacy-based respiratory infectious disease POC testing services, but few studies use qualitative or theory-informed methods. Knowledge of the wide range of facilitators and barriers identified can help pharmacy managers and researchers design strategies to support successful service Implementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2019, national immunization programs in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi commenced the implementation of RTS,S/AS01 vaccination in large-scale pilot schemes. Understanding the implementation context of this malaria vaccination in the pilot countries can provide useful insights for enhancing implementation outcomes in new countries. There has not yet been a proper synthesis of the implementation determinants of malaria vaccination programs. A rapid review was conducted to identify the implementation determinants of the pilot malaria vaccination programs in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi, and describe the mechanism by which these determinants interact with each other. A literature search was conducted in November 2023 in PubMed and Google Scholar to identify those studies that described the factors affecting malaria vaccine implementation in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi. Thirteen studies conducted between 2021 and 2023 were included. A total of 62 implementation determinants of malaria vaccination across all five domains of the consolidated framework for implementation research (CFIR) were identified. A causal loop diagram showed that these factors are interconnected and interrelated, identifying nine reinforcing loops and two balancing loops. As additional countries in Africa prepare for a malaria vaccine roll-out, it is pertinent to ensure that they have access to adequate information about the implementation context of countries that are already implementing malaria vaccination programs so that they understand the potential barriers and facilitators. This information can be used to inform context-specific systems enhancement to maximize implementation success. Going forward, primary implementation studies that incorporate the causal loop diagram should be integrated into the malaria vaccine implementation program to enable immunization program managers and other key stakeholders to identify and respond to emerging implementation barriers in a timely and systematic manner, to improve overall implementation performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The European Union faces severe and worsening personnel shortages in healthcare. Coaching has emerged as a human-centred strategy to enhance sustainable employment and retention. While the number of efficacy studies on coaching continues to grow, knowledge about the barriers and facilitators to implementing coaching interventions among healthcare professionals (HCPs) remains scarce.
    OBJECTIVE: This systematic review aimed to describe common barriers and facilitators to the implementation of coaching interventions for HCPs.
    METHODS: In April 2023, five databases were searched for eligible articles. Barriers and facilitators were systematically identified and mapped onto the constructs of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Directed content analysis yielded thematic areas and a reporting frequency.
    RESULTS: A total of thirty (n = 30) studies were included in this review, representing twenty-five (n = 25) distinct coaching programmes. Implementation determinants were clustered under two CFIR domains: the Inner Setting (8 facilitators, 5 barriers) and Implementation Process (6 facilitators, 1 barrier). Barriers included (i) limited organisational capacity, (ii) lack of psychological safety, (iii) competing work demands, and (iv) insufficient leadership buy-in, while facilitators were the (i) allocation of protected time for participants and coaches, (ii) promotion through opinion leaders, (iii) embeddedness in existing Continuous Professional Development programmes, and (iv) programme co-creation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study provide practical insights to guide the future implementation of coaching interventions at an organisational level. In particular, the identified barriers and facilitators suggest, for optimal efficacy and sustainment, coaching interventions must be implemented within a safe, supportive organisational climate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Blue-collar workers generally have less healthy lifestyles, poorer health, and a lower life expectancy than white-collar workers. At least in part this may be attributed to their work and working conditions. Employers increasingly provide interventions to improve health and wellbeing and prevent musculoskeletal disorders. However, they often do not reach blue-collar workers. The aim of this scoping review was to identify the facilitators for and barriers to implementing such interventions among blue-collar workers.
    METHODS: A scoping review in which the study population of the selected studies consists of blue-collar workers (≥ 18 years old) in paid employment. Furthermore, included studies should report facilitators and barriers to implementing interventions to prevent musculoskeletal disorders. The literature search was conducted in six databases. The resulting studies were extracted with the help of the updated Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research.
    RESULTS: 15 articles were included; these were reviews, intervention studies, qualitative studies and process evaluations. A main facilitator was a participatory approach, which involves the blue-collar worker in the entire process of defining, developing, and implementing a multidimensional preventive intervention. The main barriers on the worker level were unfavorable worker characteristics and unsupportive behavior/attitudes. The main barriers on the organization level were a culture with a high production standard, a hierarchical culture, inflexible work, and an unsupportive attitude from the employer.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review showed the multifaceted nature of implementation. A tailored implementation plan that involves the stakeholders (including workers) is important.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Interprofessional primary care teams have been introduced across Canada to improve access (e.g., a regular primary care provider, timely access to care when needed) to and quality of primary care. However, the quality and speed of team implementation has not kept pace with increasing access issues. The aim of this research was to use an implementation framework to categorize and describe barriers and enablers to team implementation in primary care.
    A narrative review that prioritized systematic reviews and evidence syntheses was conducted. A search using pre-defined terms was conducted using Ovid MEDLINE, and potentially relevant grey literature was identified through ad hoc Google searches and hand searching of health organization websites. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) was used to categorize barriers and enablers into five domains: (1) Features of Team Implementation; (2) Government, Health Authorities and Health Organizations; (3) Characteristics of the Team; (4) Characteristics of Team Members; and (5) Process of Implementation.
    Data were extracted from 19 of 435 articles that met inclusion/exclusion criteria. Most barriers and enablers were categorized into two domains of the CFIR: Characteristics of the Team and Government, Health Authorities, and Health Organizations. Key themes identified within the Characteristics of the Team domain were team-leadership, including designating a manager responsible for day-to-day activities and facilitating collaboration; clear governance structures, and technology supports and tools that facilitate information sharing and communication. Key themes within the Government, Health Authorities, and Health Organizations domain were professional remuneration plans, regulatory policy, and interprofessional education. Other key themes identified in the Features of Team Implementation included the importance of good data and research on the status of teams, as well as sufficient and stable funding models. Positive perspectives, flexibility, and feeling supported were identified in the Characteristics of Team Members domain. Within the Process of Implementation domain, shared leadership and human resources planning were discussed.
    Barriers and enablers to implementing interprofessional primary care teams using the CFIR were identified, which enables stakeholders and teams to tailor implementation of teams at the local level to impact the accessibility and quality of primary care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As systematic reviews (SRs) inform healthcare decisions, it is key that they address relevant questions and use rigorous methodology. Registration of SR protocols helps researchers identify relevant topics for future reviews and aims to prevent bias and duplication of effort. However, most SRs protocols are currently not registered, despite its significance. To guide future recommendations to enhance preregistration of SRs, it is important to gain a comprehensive understanding of the perspectives within the research community. Therefore, this study aims to examine the experiences with and factors of influence (barriers and facilitators) on prospective SR registration amongst researchers, peer reviewers and journal editors.
    Two different surveys were distributed to two groups: researchers and journal editors both identified from an existing sample of SRs. Researchers who indicated to have peer reviewed a SR were surveyed on their perspectives as peer reviewers as well. Survey design and analysis were informed by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Shared and unique subthemes from the perspectives of researchers, peer reviewers and journal editors were identified and linked to the SR registration process (Innovation), to team, organisation (Inner setting) and (inter)national research community (Outer setting), and to characteristics of researchers, peer reviewers or journal editors (Individuals).
    The survey\'s response rates were 65/727 (9%) for researchers, of which 37 were peer reviewers, and 22/308 (7%) for journal editors. Most respondents (n = 76, 94%) were familiar with SR protocol registration and 81% of researchers had registered minimally one SR protocol. Shared SR registration process subthemes were the importance and advantages of SR protocol registration, as well as barriers such as a high administrative burden. Shared subthemes regarding the inner and outer setting centred on journal processes, external standards and time. Shared individual factors were knowledge, skills and awareness.
    The majority of the respondents were familiar with SR protocol registration and had a positive attitude towards it. This study identified suboptimal registration process, administrative burden and lack of mandatory SR protocol registration as barriers. By overcoming these barriers, SR protocol registration could contribute more effectively to the goals of open science.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    OBJECTIVE: To identify barriers and facilitators related to psychological help-seeking behaviors of perinatal depression from all related stakeholders (e.g., perinatal women, family members, mental health care providers, and policymakers).
    METHODS: A literature search of six English-language databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, PsycINFO, the Cochrane Library, CINAHL) and three Chinese-language databases (China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wan Fang, Chinese Biomedical Literature Databases). Studies published in English or Chinese using qualitative or mixed methods to explore the psychological help-seeking behaviors of women with perinatal depression were included. Data extraction was synthesized for common themes based on the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. The Joanna Briggs Institute Qualitative Assessment and Review Instrument was used to appraise methodologic quality.
    METHODS: Perinatal women with depression, mental health care providers (e.g., pediatricians/nurses, social workers, nurse-midwives, perinatal psychiatrists, community health workers, and administrators), partners and informal caregivers (e.g., community birth attendants, elderly mothers, and men of reproductive age) based in high, middle and low income countries.
    RESULTS: Forty-three articles were included in this review and presented according to the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research domains (in parentheses). The most common barriers to help seeking were stigma (individual characteristics), misconceptions (individual characteristics), cultural beliefs (inner setting), and lack of social support (outer setting). The most common facilitators were providing adequate support (outer setting) and perinatal health care professional training on how to detect, manage and discuss depression; establishing supportive relationships with mental health care providers; and eroding stigma (all three implementation processes).
    CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review could serve as a reference framework for health authorities to develop diverse strategies for improving the psychological help-seeking behaviors of women with perinatal depression. More high-quality studies focused on the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research characteristics of available interventions, and implementation processes are needed in future research.





