consolidated framework for implementation research

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Amidst the ongoing drug poisoning crisis across North America, drug checking services (DCS) are increasingly being implemented as an intervention intended to reduce drug-related harms. This study sought to identify key opportunities and challenges influencing the implementation of DCS in British Columbia (BC), Canada.
    METHODS: Between January 2020 and July 2021, semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 21 individuals involved in the implementation of DCS across BC (i.e., policymakers, health authority personnel, community organization representatives and service providers). The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) was used to guide coding and analysis of the interviews.
    RESULTS: By bringing in a wealth of knowledge about community needs and concerns, in addition to a passion and energy for social justice and health equity, community members and organizations with a dedication for harm reduction played a critical role in the successful implementation of DCS in BC. Other significant facilitators to implementation included the preventive benefits of DCS that made the intervention compelling to policy influencers and decision makers, the provincial public health emergency regarding overdose that shifted the regulatory environment of DCS, the adaptability of DCS to meet concerns and needs in various contexts, including via ongoing processes of reflection and evaluation. Barriers to implementation included criminalization and stigmatization of drug use and people who use drugs and lack of funding for community-led implementation actions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Alongside structural reforms that address the underlying contextual factors that influence implementation (e.g., decriminalization of drugs, increased funding for DCS), centering community expertise throughout implementation is critical to the success of DCS. Our findings provide important insights into how BC can successfully implement systems-level harm reduction interventions and offer insights for other jurisdictions in their implementation of DCS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2012, the World Health Organization recommended screening and investigation of contacts of index tuberculosis patients as a strategy to accelerate detection of tuberculosis (TB) cases. Nine years after the adoption of this recommendation, coverage of TB contact investigations in Uganda remains low. The objective of this study was to examine health care providers\' perceptions of factors influencing coverage of TB contact investigations in three selected rural health facilities in Mbarara district, southwestern Uganda.
    METHODS: This study identified provider opinions on the barriers and facilitators to implementation of TB contact investigation using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Using an exploratory qualitative study design, semi-structured interviews with 19 health workers involved in the TB program at district, health facility and community levels were conducted from April 2020 and July 2020. Analysis was conducted inductively using reflexive thematic analysis in six iterative steps: familiarizing with the data, creating initial codes, searching for themes, reviewing themes, developing theme definitions, and writing the report.
    RESULTS: Nineteen health care workers participated in this study which translates to a 100% response rate. These included two district TB and leprosy supervisors, five nurses, five clinical officers, six village health team members and one laboratory technician. The three themes that emerged from the analysis were intervention-related, health system and contextual factors. Health system-related barriers included inadequate or delayed government funding for the TB program, shortage of human resources, insufficient personal protective equipment, and a stock-out of supplies such as Xpert MTB cartridges. Contextual barriers included steep terrain, poverty or low income, and the stigma associated with TB and COVID-19. Facilitators comprised increased knowledge and understanding of the intervention, performance review and on-the-job training of health workers.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study found that most of the factors affecting TB contact investigations in this rural community were related to health system constraints such as inadequate or delayed funding and human resource shortages. This can be addressed by strengthening the foundational elements of the health system - health financing and human resources - to establish a comprehensive TB control program that will enable the efficient identification of missing TB patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The growing concern about a dwindling healthcare workforce, exacerbated by demographic changes, calls for innovative solutions. One viable approach involves implementing new professional roles and restructuring existing healthcare teams within hospital care units.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the implementation of an innovative task-shifting concept, care-related services (CRS), from the managers\' perspective in somatic care units across the hospitals in a region in Sweden.
    METHODS: The qualitative study was conducted in 2022, after the implementation of CRS. Individual interviews were conducted with 24 key stakeholders, including 14 care unit managers, six CRS managers, and four process managers. A qualitative content analysis was performed, utilizing the Consolidated Framework of Implementation Research (CFIR).
    RESULTS: The implementation of CRS involved collaboration between care unit managers, CRS managers, and project managers, alongside CRS staff, registered nurses (RNs), and licensed vocational nurses (LVNs). In particular, their roles encompassed defining boundaries, establishing routines, and managing personnel. Throughout the implementation process, challenges emerged, stemming from undefined goals, difficulties in recruiting qualified CRS staff, and issues associated with seamlessly integrating CRS into existing work routines. These challenges arose due to a constrained timeframe, widespread team apprehension, shortcomings in the training of CRS staff, unclear task allocation, and an increased workload for care unit managers. Factors associated with successful CRS implementation included effective cooperation among managers and an open-minded approach.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the crucial role of clear communication, effective recruitment, integration of CRS staff, clarification of roles, responsibilities, and defined goals for successful CRS implementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim: To explore general practitioners\' (GPs) views on implementing pharmacogenomic testing in Australian general practice. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine GPs in Australia, recruited from primary care networks. Interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. Themes were mapped onto the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research domains. Results: Barriers to implementation included lack of knowledge, education, standardized pharmacogenomic reports and national clinical guidelines and financial inaccessibility. Facilitators included positive exposure to pharmacogenomics, peer influences, interdisciplinary collaboration and proven clinical utility. Current uptake was minimal; however, GPs shared positive perceptions of clinical use. Conclusion: Recommendations for successful implementation include building and disseminating clinical evidence, developing national guidelines and standardized reports, incorporation into formal education and increasing financial accessibility.
    What is this article about? This article describes an original research study that examines the implementation of pharmacogenomic testing in Australian general practice. Pharmacogenomic testing applies personalized genomic information to medication prescribing, as genetic differences can affect how a person metabolizes certain medications. While there is excitement about the possibilities of using pharmacogenomics, the general uptake is slow. This study looked to understand the barriers and facilitators to implementation from the perspectives of general practitioners in Australia.What were the results? Through exploratory interviews with general practitioners, this study identified that barriers to implementation include a lack of knowledge, education, standardized reports and national clinical guidelines and financial inaccessibility. Facilitators include positive exposure to pharmacogenomic testing, peer influences, interdisciplinary collaboration and proven clinical utility. Current uptake was minimal; however, GPs shared positive perceptions of the potential of testing.What do the results of the study mean? Based on the results of this study, the following recommendations were generated for successful implementation: building and disseminating clinical evidence, developing national guidelines, incorporation into formal education, establishing accessible experts and improving financial accessibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The etonogestrel contraceptive implant is currently approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the prevention of pregnancy up to 3 years. However, studies that suggest efficacy up to 5 years. There is little information on the prevalence of extended use and the factors that influence clinicians in offering extended use. We investigated clinician perspectives on the barriers and facilitators to offering extended use of the contraceptive implant.
    METHODS: Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), we conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews. Participants were recruited from a nationwide survey study of reproductive health clinicians on their knowledge and perspective of extended use of the contraceptive implant. To optimize the diversity of perspectives, we purposefully sampled participants from this study. We used content analysis and consensual qualitative research methods to inform our coding and data analysis. Themes arose deductively and inductively.
    RESULTS: We interviewed 20 clinicians including advance practice clinicians, family medicine physicians, obstetrician/gynecologist and complex family planning sub-specialists. Themes regarding barriers and facilitators to extended use of the contraceptive implant emerged. Barriers included the FDA approval for 3 years and clinician concern about liability in the context of off-label use of the contraceptive implant. Educational materials and a champion of extended use were facilitators.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is opportunity to expand access to extended use of the contraceptive implant by developing educational materials for clinicians and patients, identifying a champion of extended use, and providing information on extended use prior to replacement appointments at 3 years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Up to 50% of antibiotic prescriptions for upper respiratory infections (URIs) are inappropriate. Clinical decision support (CDS) systems to mitigate unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions have been implemented into electronic health records, but their use by providers has been limited.
    OBJECTIVE: As a delegation protocol, we adapted a validated electronic health record-integrated clinical prediction rule (iCPR) CDS-based intervention for registered nurses (RNs), consisting of triage to identify patients with low-acuity URI followed by CDS-guided RN visits. It was implemented in February 2022 as a randomized controlled stepped-wedge trial in 43 primary and urgent care practices within 4 academic health systems in New York, Wisconsin, and Utah. While issues were pragmatically addressed as they arose, a systematic assessment of the barriers to implementation is needed to better understand and address these barriers.
    METHODS: We performed a retrospective case study, collecting quantitative and qualitative data regarding clinical workflows and triage-template use from expert interviews, study surveys, routine check-ins with practice personnel, and chart reviews over the first year of implementation of the iCPR intervention. Guided by the updated CFIR (Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research), we characterized the initial barriers to implementing a URI iCPR intervention for RNs in ambulatory care. CFIR constructs were coded as missing, neutral, weak, or strong implementation factors.
    RESULTS: Barriers were identified within all implementation domains. The strongest barriers were found in the outer setting, with those factors trickling down to impact the inner setting. Local conditions driven by COVID-19 served as one of the strongest barriers, impacting attitudes among practice staff and ultimately contributing to a work infrastructure characterized by staff changes, RN shortages and turnover, and competing responsibilities. Policies and laws regarding scope of practice of RNs varied by state and institutional application of those laws, with some allowing more clinical autonomy for RNs. This necessitated different study procedures at each study site to meet practice requirements, increasing innovation complexity. Similarly, institutional policies led to varying levels of compatibility with existing triage, rooming, and documentation workflows. These workflow conflicts were compounded by limited available resources, as well as an implementation climate of optional participation, few participation incentives, and thus low relative priority compared to other clinical duties.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both between and within health care systems, significant variability existed in workflows for patient intake and triage. Even in a relatively straightforward clinical workflow, workflow and cultural differences appreciably impacted intervention adoption. Takeaways from this study can be applied to other RN delegation protocol implementations of new and innovative CDS tools within existing workflows to support integration and improve uptake. When implementing a system-wide clinical care intervention, considerations must be made for variability in culture and workflows at the state, health system, practice, and individual levels.
    BACKGROUND: NCT04255303;






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Alcohol screening and brief intervention (SBI) is an evidence-based intervention recommended by the World Health Organization. This study applied the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) to understand facilitators and barriers of SBI implementation in primary care settings in Hong Kong, China.
    METHODS: This was a sequential mixed-method study. In-depth interviews of 21 physicians and 20 nurses working in the primary care settings from the public and private sectors were first conducted to identify CFIR constructs that were relevant to SBI implementation in the Chinese context and potential factors not covered by the CFIR. A questionnaire was then developed based on the qualitative findings to investigate factors associated with SBI implementation among 282 physicians and 295 nurses.
    RESULTS: The in-depth interviews identified 22 CFIR constructs that were facilitators or barriers of SBI implementation in Hong Kong. In addition, the stigmatization of alcohol dependence was a barrier and the belief that it was important for people to control the amount of alcohol intake in any situation was mentioned as a facilitator to implement SBI. In the survey, 22% of the participants implemented SBI in the past year. Factors associated with the SBI implementation echoed most of the qualitative findings. Among physicians and nurses in both sectors, they were more likely to implement SBI when perceiving stronger evidence supporting SBI, better knowledge and self-efficacy to implement SBI, more available resources, and clearer planning for SBI implementation in the clinics but less likely to do so when perceiving SBI implementation to be complicated and of higher cost, and drinking approved by the Chinese culture. Participants were more likely to implement SBI when perceiving SBI fit better with the existing practice and better leadership engagement in the public sector, but not in the private sector. Perceiving a stronger need and greater importance to implement SBI were associated with higher likelihood of SBI implementation among physicians, but not among nurses. Perceiving better organizational culture supporting SBI was positively associated with SBI implementation among nurses, but not among physicians.
    CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant gap between SBI evidence and its implementation. Some strategies to improve SBI implementation may be different between physicians and nurses and between those in the public and private sectors. The CFIR is a useful framework for understanding facilitators and barriers of SBI implementation in primary care settings.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Factors in the implementation of expert standards in nursing: A qualitative study Abstract: Background: Many German health and long-term care facilities face the challenge of implementing expert standards in practice. Implementation models, such as the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), support the implementation process by identifying the relevant influencing factors that can determine the success of an implementation. Aim: The aim was to identify the factors influencing the implementation of expert standards in nursing care and their interactions. Method: The data were collected by means of guided interviews with ten facilitators of the model implementation units for the implementation of the expert standard on promotion of oral health in nursing and from the project progress records. The data were evaluated by content analysis. Results: In addition to the influencing factors according to the CFIR, two other factors were identified that can determine the success of the implementation of expert standards - local presence and knowledge of implementation theories and models. The various and complex interrelationships between the factors in the implementation of expert standards became particularly clear. Conclusion: Knowledge of the fundamentals of implementation science is helpful for the successful and sustainable implementation of expert standards and for general knowledge transfer in nursing.
    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Viele deutsche Gesundheits- und Pflegeeinrichtungen stehen vor der Herausforderung, Expertenstandards in der Praxis zu implementieren. Implementierungsmodelle, wie das Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), unterstützen den Implementierungsprozess, indem sie die relevanten Einflussfaktoren identifizieren, die den Erfolg einer Implementierung bestimmen können. Ziel: Ziel war es, die Einflussfaktoren auf die Implementierung von Expertenstandards in der Pflege und deren Wechselwirkungen zu identifizieren. Methode: Die Datenerhebung erfolgte mittels leitfadengestützter Interviews mit zehn Projektbeauftragten der modellhaften Implementierung des Expertenstandards zur Förderung der Mundgesundheit in der Pflege sowie über Projektverlaufsdokumentationen. Die Daten wurden inhaltsanalytisch ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Neben den Einflussfaktoren nach dem CFIR konnten zwei weitere Faktoren identifiziert werden, die den Erfolg in der Implementierung von Expertenstandards bestimmen können – die Präsenz vor Ort und Kenntnisse von Implementierungstheorien und -modellen. Deutlich wurden vor allem die verschiedenen und komplexen Zusammenhänge der Faktoren in der Implementierung von Expertenstandards. Schlussfolgerung: Für die erfolgreiche und nachhaltige Implementierung von Expertenstandards sowie für den generellen Wissenstransfer in der Pflege sind Kenntnisse der Implementierungsmodelle hilfreich.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to the overdose crisis, a collaborative group of two community-based organizations, a health authority and a research institute in Vancouver, Canada, implemented a pilot community-based drug checking (CBDC) intervention for sexual and gender minority (SGM) men. This study identified key factors that influenced the implementation of the CBDC intervention, including opportunities and challenges.
    We conducted semi-structured interviews with seven pertinent parties involved in the CBDC, including policymakers, researchers and representatives from community-based organizations. These interviews were coded and analyzed using domains and constructs of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research.
    While drug-related stigma was identified as a challenge to deliver drug checking services, participants described the context of the overdose crisis as a key facilitator to engage collaboration between relevant organizations (e.g., health authorities, medical health officers, community organizations) to design, resource and implement the CBDC intervention. The implementation of the CBDC intervention was also influenced by SGM-specific needs and resources (e.g., lack of information about the drug supply). The high level of interest of SGM organizations in providing harm reduction services combined with the need to expand drug checking into community spaces represented two key opportunities for the CBDC intervention. Here, SGM organizations were recognized as valued partners that fostered a broader culture of harm reduction. Participants\' emphasis that knowing the composition of one\'s drugs is a \"right to know\", particularly in the context of a highly contaminated illicit drug market, emerged as a key implementation factor. Lastly, participants emphasized the importance of involving SGM community groups at all stages of the implementation process to ensure that the CBDC intervention is appropriately tailored to SGM men.
    The context of the overdose crisis and the involvement of SGM organizations were key facilitators to the implementation of a drug checking intervention in SGM community spaces. This study offers contextualized understandings about how SGM knowledge and experiences can contribute to implement tailored drug checking interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: North America has been in an unrelenting overdose crisis for almost a decade. British Columbia (BC), Canada declared a public health emergency due to overdoses in 2016. Risk Mitigation Guidance (RMG) for prescribing pharmaceutical opioids, stimulants and benzodiazepine alternatives to the toxic drug supply (\"safer supply\") was implemented in March 2020 in an attempt to reduce harms of COVID-19 and overdose deaths in BC during dual declared public health emergencies. Our objective was to describe early implementation of RMG among prescribers in BC.
    METHODS: We conducted a convergent mixed methods study drawing population-level linked administrative health data and qualitative interviews with 17 prescribers. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) informs our work. The study utilized seven linked databases, capturing the characteristics of prescribers for people with substance use disorder to describe the characteristics of those prescribing under the RMG using univariate summary statistics and logistic regression analysis. For the qualitative analysis, we drew on interpretative descriptive methodology to identify barriers and facilitators to implementation.
    RESULTS: Analysis of administrative databases demonstrated limited uptake of the intervention outside large urban centres and a highly specific profile of urban prescribers, with larger and more complex caseloads associated with RMG prescribing. Nurse practitioners were three times more likely to prescribe than general practitioners. Qualitatively, the study identified five themes related to the five CFIR domains: 1) RMG is helpful but controversial; 2) Motivations and challenges to prescribing; 3) New options and opportunities for care but not enough to \'win the arms race\'; 4) Lack of implementation support and resources; 5) Limited infrastructure.
    CONCLUSIONS: BC\'s implementation of RMG was limited in scope, prescriber uptake and geographic scale up. Systemic, organizational and individual barriers and facilitators point to the importance of engaging professional regulatory colleges, implementation planning and organizational infrastructure to ensure effective implementation and adaptation to context.





