  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bimodal optical-electrical data generated when a 20 nm diameter silica (SiO2) nanoparticle was trapped by a plasmonic nanopore sensor were simulated using Multiphysics COMSOL and compared with sensor measurements for closely matching experimental parameters. The nanosensor, employed self-induced back action (SIBA) to optically trap nanoparticles in the center of a double nanohole (DNH) structure on top a solid-state nanopores (ssNP). This SIBA actuated nanopore electrophoresis (SANE) sensor enables simultaneous capture of optical and electrical data generated by several underlying forces acting on the trapped SiO2 nanoparticle: plasmonic optical trapping, electroosmosis, electrophoresis, viscous drag, and heat conduction forces. The Multiphysics simulations enabled dissecting the relative contributions of those forces acting on the nanoparticle as a function of its location above and through the sensor\'s ssNP. Comparisons between simulations and experiments demonstrated qualitative similarities in the optical and electrical time-series data generated as the nanoparticle entered and exited from the SANE sensor. These experimental parameter-matched simulations indicated that the competition between optical and electrical forces shifted the trapping equilibrium position close to the top opening of the ssNP, relative to the optical trapping force maximum that was located several nm above. The experimentally estimated minimum for the optical force needed to trap a SiO2 nanoparticle was consistent with corresponding simulation predictions of optical-electrical force balance. The comparison of Multiphysics simulations with experiments improves our understanding of the interplay between optical and electrical forces as a function of nanoparticle position across this plasmonic nanopore sensor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analytical detection methods play a pivotal role in scientific research, enabling the identification and quantification of specific analytes in various disciplines. This scientific report aims to compare two very different methodologies for determining the Molecular Mass (MM, also known as Molecular Weight, MW) of proteins: electrophoresis gel and the Interferometric Optical Detection Method (IODM). For this purpose, several proteins with different MM were selected. The electrophoresis technique was employed to validate the structure and MM of different parts or fragments of the Matrix Metallopeptidase 9 antibody (anti-MMP9), antibody against S100 calcium binding protein A6 (anti-S100A6) and Cystatin S4 antibody (anti-CST4) by examining the presence of bands with expected sizes. The IODM was applied to study the above-mentioned proteins (part of the antibodies) together with the protein G, as a reference to correlate the MM and protein sizes with the measured signal. We report the evidence of IODM as a competitive analytical approach for the determination of the MM of proteins for the first time. This innovative method allows for accurate MM determination using minimal sample volumes and concentrations, employing a simple experimental procedure that eliminates the requirement for protein denaturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Two-thirds of patients with immunoglobulin light chain (AL) amyloidosis have renal involvement. The biochemical profile of kidney damage is poorly described.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving patients diagnosed with AL amyloidosis and renal involvement between January 1, 2010, and April 30, 2022 at the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Participants were retrospectively identified from the Institutional Amyloidosis Registry. Patients diagnosed with AL amyloidosis and evidence of renal involvement were included. Individuals with other types of amyloidosis were excluded. The selection process involved a thorough review of medical records and registry data to ensure accurate identification and inclusion of eligible participants.
    RESULTS: Seventy-seven patients were included. At diagnosis, 90% of the subjects had proteinuria, with a median of 4.3 g/24 h, 61% had renal failure, and 47% presented nephrotic syndrome. Semi-automated urinary electrophoresis revealed 55% with non-selective and 21% with moderately selective glomerular proteinuria. Urine immunofixation indicated 64% with lambda monoclonal free light chains and 12% with kappa. Serum immunofixation demonstrated 48% with lambda monoclonal type and 25% with lambda IgG. At the time of diagnosis of AL amyloidosis, the median age was 66 years (IQR 53-72) and 49% were men. In addition to kidney involvement, other organs were also affected: heart in 53%, gastrointestinal system in 19%, peripheral nervous system in 16%, and liver in 16% of patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides a biochemical profile in renal amyloidosis due to immunoglobulin light chains in a Latin American population. Proteinuria emerged as the most common finding in this cohort with frequent multiorgan involvement.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The assessment of von Willebrand factor (VWF) multimer distribution, particularly following the implantation of circulatory support devices, is a crucial parameter in hemostasis. Our study aimed to evaluate the semi-automated quantification of VWF multimers using the Sebia Hydrasys analyzer. Our analysis focused on quantifying high molecular weight, intermediate weight, and low molecular weight VWF multimers. Electrophoretic migration was performed using the Hydrasys 2 scan, and interpretation was carried out using densitometric analysis with the Phoresis software. The Hydrasys scan 2 successfully separated all the expected VWF multimer profiles based on the type of von Willebrand disease. The analysis revealed that in patients with circulatory support devices, elevated levels of plasma VWF rendered multimer migration unanalyzable using the methodology recommended by the manufacturer. Therefore, adjustment to a 100 % VWF antigenic level improved gel precision. We also suggest using as a standardized control the Cryocheck™ plasma, and have established reference values. Overall, this semi-automated, standardized, and optimized VWF multimer analysis system allows for an effective assessment of the VWF multimeric profile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organelle heterogeneity and inter-organelle contacts within a single cell contribute to the limited sensitivity of current organelle separation techniques, thus hindering organelle subpopulation characterization. Here, we use direct current insulator-based dielectrophoresis (DC-iDEP) as an unbiased separation method and demonstrate its capability by identifying distinct distribution patterns of insulin vesicles from INS-1E insulinoma cells. A multiple voltage DC-iDEP strategy with increased range and sensitivity has been applied, and a differentiation factor (ratio of electrokinetic to dielectrophoretic mobility) has been used to characterize features of insulin vesicle distribution patterns. We observed a significant difference in the distribution pattern of insulin vesicles isolated from glucose-stimulated cells relative to unstimulated cells, in accordance with maturation of vesicles upon glucose stimulation. We interpret the difference in distribution pattern to be indicative of high-resolution separation of vesicle subpopulations. DC-iDEP provides a path for future characterization of subtle biochemical differences of organelle subpopulations within any biological system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Iontophoresis therapy (IPT) is a noninvasive technique that uses electrical impulses to deliver charged molecules into the skin for controlled and targeted drug delivery. IPT has been explored as a noninvasive treatment option for Peyronie\'s disease (PD), but the current literature in this regard is still scarce.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to systematically review the current literature on the application of IPT in the management of PD to provide a comprehensive evaluation and holistic outlook on the subject.
    METHODS: A comprehensive search strategy was implemented in the following databases to retrieve research articles: PubMed (MEDLINE), Scopus, and Web of Science. Google Scholar was also manually searched. The search results were imported into Rayyan reference management for assessment based on the predefined inclusion criteria. The quality of the articles was evaluated by the proper JBI checklist (ie, per the study design), and the JBI grades of recommendation were used for grading the evidence.
    RESULTS: A systematic search yielded 451 publications, 11 of which met the criteria to be included in this systematic review. The results demonstrated that IPT, usually with verapamil and dexamethasone, has shown promising results in treating PD. These methods can reduce pain, plaque size, and penile curvature while improving sexual function and quality of life with no serious adverse events. However, most studies had moderate to low quality, indicating a weak recommendation for a certain health management strategy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the extant literature, there is currently insufficient evidence to support the use of IPT for the management of PD. Placing it in the forefront of research can facilitate the management choices for PD even further, given its therapeutic potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spread of metastatic cancer cells poses a significant challenge in cancer treatment, making innovative approaches for early detection and diagnosis essential. Dielectrophoretic impedance spectroscopy (DEPIS), a powerful tool for cell analysis, combines dielectrophoresis (DEP) and impedance spectroscopy (IS) to separate, sort, cells and analyze their dielectric properties. In this study, we developed and built out-of-plane inkjet-printed castellated arrays to map the dielectric properties of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell subtypes across their metastatic potential. This was realized via modulating the expression of connexin 43 (Cx43), a marker associated with poor breast cancer prognosis and increased metastasis. We employed DEP-based trapping, followed by EIS measurements on bulk cell population, for rapid capture and differentiation of the cancer cells according to their metastatic state. Our results revealed a significant correlation between the various MDA-MB-231 metastatic subtypes and their respective dielectrophoretic and dielectric properties. Notably, cells with the highest metastatic potential exhibited the highest membrane capacitance 16.88 ± 3.24 mF m-2, followed by the less metastatic cell subtypes with membrane capacitances below 14.3 ± 2.54 mF m-2. In addition, highly metastatic cells exhibited lower crossover frequency (25 ± 1 kHz) compared to the less metastatic subtypes (≥27 ± 1 kHz), an important characteristic for cell sorting. Finally, EIS measurements showed distinct double layer capacitance (CDL) values at 1 kHz between the metastatic subgroups, confirming unique dielectric and dielectrophoretic properties correlated with the metastatic state of the cell. Our findings underscore the potential of DEPIS as a non-invasive and rapid analytical tool, offering insights into cancer biology and facilitating the development of personalized therapeutic interventions tailored to distinct metastatic stages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Through a large parameter space, electric fields can tune colloidal interactions and forces leading to diverse static and dynamical structures. So far, however, field-driven interactions have been limited to dipole-dipole and hydrodynamic contributions. Nonetheless, in this work, we propose that under the right conditions, electric fields can also induce interactions based on local chemical fields and diffusiophoretic flows.
    METHODS: Herein, we present a strategy to generate and measure 3D chemical gradients under electric fields. In this approach, faradaic reactions at electrodes induce global pH gradients that drive long-range transport through electrodiffusiophoresis. Simultaneously, the electric field induces local pH gradients by driving the particle\'s double layer far from equilibrium.
    RESULTS: As a result, while global pH gradients lead to 2D focusing away from electrodes, local pH gradients induce aggregation in the third dimension. Evidence points to a mechanism of interaction based on diffusiophoresis. Interparticle interactions display a strong dependence on surface chemistry, zeta potential and diameter of particles. Furthermore, pH gradients can be readily tuned by adjusting the voltage and frequency of the electric field. For large Péclet numbers, we observed a collective chemotactic-like collapse of particles. Remarkably, such collapse occurs without reactions at a particle\'s surface. By mixing particles with different sizes, we also demonstrate, through experiments and Brownian dynamics simulations, the emergence of non-reciprocal interactions, where small particles are more drawn towards large ones.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A high protein walnut flour (HPWF) was obtained by defatting walnut flour (WF), which is a by-product of the oil industry. The objective of this study was the chemical and techno-functional characterization of HPWF. Composition, amino acid content, protein secondary structure, protein solubility and thermal transitions were measured. Besides, the techno-functional properties, emulsion activity and stability, and water holding and oil absorption capacities, of HPWF were evaluated. Also, the molecular mass of proteins under denaturing conditions and the microstructure of HPWF were evaluated by electrophoresis and confocal scanning laser microscopy, respectively. HPWF had 55.4% protein content and 21.5% total dietary fibre. In terms of HPWF amino acid composition, the limiting amino acids were the sulphurated cysteine and methionine. By FTIR analysis, the main secondary structures were β-sheet (49%) followed by α-helix (24%); both structures are considered to be ordered. Likewise, HPWF soluble proteins increased at basic pH and HPWF proteins were separated in 11 bands with molecular masses ranging from 97 kDa to 18 kDa by electrophoresis. With respect to techno-functional properties, HPWF presented good emulsion activity (51%) and high thermal emulsion stability (46%). In addition, HPWF retained 571% and 242% of water and oil by weight, respectively. Finally, the micrograph showed the predominance of protein structures and fibre fragments, and the presence of few lipids mostly trapped. These results showed that HPWF is an interesting source of plant-based proteins and walnut flour can be used to obtain high protein ingredients from non-traditional sources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent ocular pathology affecting mostly the elderly population. AMD is characterized by a progressive retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell degeneration, mainly caused by an impaired antioxidative defense. One of the AMD therapeutic procedures involves injecting healthy RPE cells into the subretinal space, necessitating pure, healthy RPE cell suspensions. This study aims to electrically characterize RPE cells to demonstrate a possibility using simulations to separate healthy RPE cells from a mixture of healthy/oxidized cells by dielectrophoresis.
    METHODS: BPEI-1 rat RPE cells were exposed to hydrogen peroxide to create an in-vitro AMD cellular model. Cell viability was evaluated using various methods, including microscopic imaging, impedance-based real-time cell analysis, and the MTS assay. Healthy and oxidized cells were characterized by recording their dielectrophoretic spectra, and electric cell parameters (crossover frequency, membrane conductivity and permittivity, and cytoplasm conductivity) were computed. A COMSOL simulation was performed on a theoretical microfluidic-based dielectrophoretic separation chip using these parameters.
    RESULTS: Increasing the hydrogen peroxide concentration shifted the first crossover frequency toward lower values, and the cell membrane permittivity progressively increased. These changes were attributed to progressive membrane peroxidation, as they were diminished when measured on cells treated with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine. The changes in the crossover frequency were sufficient for the efficient separation of healthy cells, as demonstrated by simulations.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates that dielectrophoresis can be used to separate healthy RPE cells from oxidized ones based on their electrical properties. This method could be a viable approach for obtaining pure, healthy RPE cell suspensions for AMD therapeutic procedures.





