  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bimodal optical-electrical data generated when a 20 nm diameter silica (SiO2) nanoparticle was trapped by a plasmonic nanopore sensor were simulated using Multiphysics COMSOL and compared with sensor measurements for closely matching experimental parameters. The nanosensor, employed self-induced back action (SIBA) to optically trap nanoparticles in the center of a double nanohole (DNH) structure on top a solid-state nanopores (ssNP). This SIBA actuated nanopore electrophoresis (SANE) sensor enables simultaneous capture of optical and electrical data generated by several underlying forces acting on the trapped SiO2 nanoparticle: plasmonic optical trapping, electroosmosis, electrophoresis, viscous drag, and heat conduction forces. The Multiphysics simulations enabled dissecting the relative contributions of those forces acting on the nanoparticle as a function of its location above and through the sensor\'s ssNP. Comparisons between simulations and experiments demonstrated qualitative similarities in the optical and electrical time-series data generated as the nanoparticle entered and exited from the SANE sensor. These experimental parameter-matched simulations indicated that the competition between optical and electrical forces shifted the trapping equilibrium position close to the top opening of the ssNP, relative to the optical trapping force maximum that was located several nm above. The experimentally estimated minimum for the optical force needed to trap a SiO2 nanoparticle was consistent with corresponding simulation predictions of optical-electrical force balance. The comparison of Multiphysics simulations with experiments improves our understanding of the interplay between optical and electrical forces as a function of nanoparticle position across this plasmonic nanopore sensor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Analytical detection methods play a pivotal role in scientific research, enabling the identification and quantification of specific analytes in various disciplines. This scientific report aims to compare two very different methodologies for determining the Molecular Mass (MM, also known as Molecular Weight, MW) of proteins: electrophoresis gel and the Interferometric Optical Detection Method (IODM). For this purpose, several proteins with different MM were selected. The electrophoresis technique was employed to validate the structure and MM of different parts or fragments of the Matrix Metallopeptidase 9 antibody (anti-MMP9), antibody against S100 calcium binding protein A6 (anti-S100A6) and Cystatin S4 antibody (anti-CST4) by examining the presence of bands with expected sizes. The IODM was applied to study the above-mentioned proteins (part of the antibodies) together with the protein G, as a reference to correlate the MM and protein sizes with the measured signal. We report the evidence of IODM as a competitive analytical approach for the determination of the MM of proteins for the first time. This innovative method allows for accurate MM determination using minimal sample volumes and concentrations, employing a simple experimental procedure that eliminates the requirement for protein denaturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organelle heterogeneity and inter-organelle contacts within a single cell contribute to the limited sensitivity of current organelle separation techniques, thus hindering organelle subpopulation characterization. Here, we use direct current insulator-based dielectrophoresis (DC-iDEP) as an unbiased separation method and demonstrate its capability by identifying distinct distribution patterns of insulin vesicles from INS-1E insulinoma cells. A multiple voltage DC-iDEP strategy with increased range and sensitivity has been applied, and a differentiation factor (ratio of electrokinetic to dielectrophoretic mobility) has been used to characterize features of insulin vesicle distribution patterns. We observed a significant difference in the distribution pattern of insulin vesicles isolated from glucose-stimulated cells relative to unstimulated cells, in accordance with maturation of vesicles upon glucose stimulation. We interpret the difference in distribution pattern to be indicative of high-resolution separation of vesicle subpopulations. DC-iDEP provides a path for future characterization of subtle biochemical differences of organelle subpopulations within any biological system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent ocular pathology affecting mostly the elderly population. AMD is characterized by a progressive retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell degeneration, mainly caused by an impaired antioxidative defense. One of the AMD therapeutic procedures involves injecting healthy RPE cells into the subretinal space, necessitating pure, healthy RPE cell suspensions. This study aims to electrically characterize RPE cells to demonstrate a possibility using simulations to separate healthy RPE cells from a mixture of healthy/oxidized cells by dielectrophoresis.
    METHODS: BPEI-1 rat RPE cells were exposed to hydrogen peroxide to create an in-vitro AMD cellular model. Cell viability was evaluated using various methods, including microscopic imaging, impedance-based real-time cell analysis, and the MTS assay. Healthy and oxidized cells were characterized by recording their dielectrophoretic spectra, and electric cell parameters (crossover frequency, membrane conductivity and permittivity, and cytoplasm conductivity) were computed. A COMSOL simulation was performed on a theoretical microfluidic-based dielectrophoretic separation chip using these parameters.
    RESULTS: Increasing the hydrogen peroxide concentration shifted the first crossover frequency toward lower values, and the cell membrane permittivity progressively increased. These changes were attributed to progressive membrane peroxidation, as they were diminished when measured on cells treated with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine. The changes in the crossover frequency were sufficient for the efficient separation of healthy cells, as demonstrated by simulations.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates that dielectrophoresis can be used to separate healthy RPE cells from oxidized ones based on their electrical properties. This method could be a viable approach for obtaining pure, healthy RPE cell suspensions for AMD therapeutic procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a hereditary condition characterized by aberrant red blood cell morphology, leading to persistent hemolytic anemia. The consequential impact of SCD on the pulmonary vasculature can result in pulmonary hypertension (PHT), a severe complication that detrimentally affects the well-being and survival of individuals with SCD. The prevalence and risk determinants of PHT in SCD patients exhibit variations across diverse geographical regions and populations. This study aims to ascertain the prevalence of PHT among Sudanese SCD patients and identify associated factors.
    UNASSIGNED: A cohort of thirty-one adult sickle cell disease (SCD) patients, as confirmed by hemoglobin electrophoresis, were recruited for participation in this cross-sectional study. Comprehensive data encompassing demographic, clinical, and laboratory parameters were collected. Doppler echocardiography was employed to quantify pulmonary arterial systolic pressure (PASP) and evaluate right ventricular size and function.
    UNASSIGNED: Within our cohort, the prevalence of PHT was 29%. Active cigarette smoking demonstrated a significant association with PHT (P=0.042), while hydroxyurea therapy exhibited no noticeable impact on PHT (P=0.612).
    UNASSIGNED: Our investigation revealed a PHT prevalence of less than one-third in our SCD patient population, aligning with prior studies. Notably, independent of other factors, cigarette smoking emerged as a distinct risk factor for PHT in SCD patients. This highlights the potential utility of smoking cessation as an intervention to delay the onset of this condition. However, further research is imperative to elucidate the mechanisms through which smoking contributes to PHT development in individuals with SCD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measurement of cellular resting membrane potential (RMP) is important in understanding ion channels and their role in regulation of cell function across a wide range of cell types. However, methods available for the measurement of RMP (including patch clamp, microelectrodes, and potential-sensitive fluorophores) are expensive, slow, open to operator bias, and often result in cell destruction. We present non-contact, label-free membrane potential estimation which uses dielectrophoresis to determine the cytoplasm conductivity slope as a function of medium conductivity. By comparing this to patch clamp data available in the literature, we have demonstratet the accuracy of this approach using seven different cell types, including primary suspension cells (red blood cells, platelets), cultured suspension cells (THP-1), primary adherent cells (chondrocytes, human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells), and adherent (HeLa) and suspension (Jurkat) cancer cell lines. Analysis of the effect of ion channel inhibitors suggests the effects of pharmaceutical agents (TEA on HeLa; DMSO and neuraminidase on red blood cells) can also be measured. Comparison with published values of membrane potential suggest that the differences between our estimates and values recorded by patch clamp are accurate to within published margins of error. The method is low-cost, non-destructive, operator-independent and label-free, and has previously been shown to allow cells to be recovered after measurement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanopore technology is widely used for sequencing DNA, RNA, and peptides with single-molecule resolution, for fingerprinting single proteins, and for detecting metabolites. However, the molecular driving forces controlling the analyte capture, its residence time, and its escape have remained incompletely understood. The recently developed Nanopore Electro-Osmotic trap (NEOtrap) is well fit to study these basic physical processes in nanopore sensing, as it reveals previously missed events. Here, we use the NEOtrap to quantitate the electro-osmotic and electrophoretic forces that act on proteins inside the nanopore. We establish a physical model to describe the capture and escape processes, including the trapping energy potential. We verified the model with experimental data on CRISPR dCas9-RNA-DNA complexes, where we systematically screened crucial modeling parameters such as the size and net charge of the complex. Tuning the balance between electrophoretic and electro-osmotic forces in this way, we compare the trends in the kinetic parameters with our theoretical models. The result is a comprehensive picture of the major physical processes in nanopore trapping, which helps to guide the experiment design and signal interpretation in nanopore experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of genetic resources using prolamin polymorphism in wheat cultivars from countries with different climatic conditions makes it possible to identify and trace the preference for the selection of the alleles of gliadine-coding loci characteristic of specific conditions. The aim of the study was to determine the \"gliadin profile\" of the collection of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from breeding centers in Russia and Kazakhstan by studying the genetic diversity of allelic variants of gliadin-coding loci. Intrapopulation (μ ± Sμ) and genetic (H) diversity, the proportion of rare alleles (h ± Sh), identity criterion (I) and genetic similarity (r) of common wheat from eight breeding centers in Russia and Kazakhstan have been calculated. It has been ascertained that the samples of common wheat bred in Kostanay region (Karabalyk Agricultural Experimental Station, Kazakhstan) and Chelyabinsk region (Chelyabinsk Research Institute of Agriculture, Russia) had the highest intrapopulation diversity of gliadin alleles. The proportion of rare alleles (h) at Gli-B1 and Gli-D1 loci was the highest in the wheat cultivars bred by the Federal Center of Agriculture Research of the South-East Region (Saratov region, Russia), which is explained by a high frequency of occurrence of Gli-B1e (86 %) and Gli-D1a (89.9 %) alleles. Based on identity criterion (I), the studied samples of common wheat from different regions of Kazakhstan and Russia have differences in gliadin-coding loci. The highest value of I = 619.0 was found when comparing wheat samples originated from Kostanay and Saratov regions, and the lowest I = 114.4, for wheat cultivars from Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions. Some region-specific gliadin alleles in wheat samples have been identified. A combination of Gli-A1f, Gli-B1e and Gli-Da alleles has been identified in the majority of wheat samples from Kazakhstan and Russia. Alleles (Gli-A1f, Gli-A1i, Gli-A1m, Gli-A1o, Gli-B1e, Gli-D1a, Gli-D1f, Gli-A2q, Gli-B2o, and Gli-D2a) turned out to be characteristic and were found with varying frequency in wheat cultivars in eight regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. The highest intravarietal polymorphism (51.1 %) was observed in wheat cultivars bred in Omsk region (Russia) and the lowest (16.6 %), in Pavlodar region (Kazakhstan). On the basis of the allele frequencies, a \"gliadin profile\" of wheat from various regions and breeding institutions of Russia and Kazakhstan was compiled, which can be used for the selection of parent pairs in the breeding process, the control of cultivars during reproduction, as well as for assessing varietal purity.
    Изучение генетических ресурсов с использованием полиморфизма проламинов сортообразцов пшеницы из стран с различными климатическими условиями позволяет выявить и проследить предпочтительность отбора аллелей глиадинкодирующих локусов, характерных для конкретных условий. Цель исследования – определить «глиадиновый профиль» коллекции яровой мягкой пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) из селекционных центров России и Казахстана на основе изучения генетического разнообразия аллельных вариантов глиадинкодирующих локусов. Проведен расчет внутрипопуляционного (μ ± Sμ) и генетического (Н) разнообразия, доли редких аллелей (h ± Sh), критерия идентичности (I) и генетического сходства (r) яровой мягкой пшеницы из восьми селекционных центров России и Казахстана. Установлено, что наибольшим внутрипопуляционным разнообразием аллелей глиадина отличались образцы яровой мягкой пшеницы, созданные в Костанайской (Карабалыкская СХОС, Казахстан) и Челябинской (Челябинский НИИСХ, Россия) областях. Доля редких аллелей (h) по локусам Gli-В1 и Gli-D1 оказалась максимальной у сортов пшеницы селекции НИИСХ Юго-Востока (Саратовская область, Россия), что объясняется высокой частотой встречаемости аллелей Gli-В1е (86 %) и Gli-D1a (89.9 %). Статистически доказано, что изученные образцы яровой мягкой пше- ницы из разных областей Казахстана и России отличаются друг от друга по глиадинкодирующим локусам на основе критерия идентичности (I). Наибольшее значение I = 619.0 установлено при сравнении образцов пшеницы, происходящих из Костанайской и Саратовской областей, а минимальное I = 114.4 отмечено для сортов пшеницы из Тюменской и Челябинской областей. Выявлены аллели глиадина, которые были идентифицированы только образцах, созданных в определенных регионах. Сочетание аллелей Gli-А1f, Gli-B1e, Gli-Da идентифицировано у большинства образцов пшеницы Казахстана и России. Аллели Gli-A1f, Gli-A1i, Gli-A1m, Gli-A1o, Gli-B1e, Gli-D1a, Gli-D1f, Gli-A2q, Gli-B2o и Gli-D2a оказались характерными и с различной частотой встречались в сортах пшеницы восьми областей России и Казахстана. Наибольший внутрисортовой полиморфизм (51.1 %) наблюдался у сортов пшеницы селекции СибНИИСХ (Омская область, Россия), а наименьший (16.6 %) – у образцов Павлодарской СХОС (Павлодарская область, Казахстан). На основе частот встречаемости аллелей составлен «глиадиновый профиль» пшеницы из разных областей и селекционных учреждений России и Казахстана, который может быть использован для подбора родительских пар в селекционном процессе, контроле сортов при репродукции, а также для установления сортовой чистоты.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optically induced dielectrophoresis (ODEP)-based microparticle sorting and separation is regarded as promising. However, current methods normally lack the downstream process for the transportation and collection of separated microparticles, which could limit its applications. To address this issue, an ODEP microfluidic chip encompassing three microchannels that join only at the central part of the microchannels (i.e., the working zone) was designed. During operation, three laminar flows were generated in the zone, where two dynamic light bar arrays were designed to sort and separate PS (polystyrene) microbeads of different sizes in a continuous manner. The separated PS microbeads were then continuously transported in laminar flows in a partition manner for the final collection. The results revealed that the method was capable of sorting and separating PS microbeads in a high-purity manner (e.g., the microbead purity values were 89.9 ± 3.7, 88.0 ± 2.5, and 92.8 ± 6.5% for the 5.8, 10.8, and 15.8 μm microbeads harvested, respectively). Overall, this study demonstrated the use of laminar flow and ODEP to achieve size-based sorting, separation, and collection of microparticles in a continuous and high-performance manner. Apart from the demonstration, this method can also be utilized for size-based sorting and the separation of other biological or nonbiological microparticles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrophoretic transport plays a pivotal role in advancing sensing technologies. So far, systematic studies have focused on the translocation of canonical B-form or A-form nucleic acids, while direct RNA analysis is emerging as the new frontier for nanopore sensing and sequencing. Here, we compare the less-explored dynamics of noncanonical RNA:DNA hybrids in electrophoretic transport to the well-researched transport of B-form DNA. Using DNA/RNA nanotechnology and solid-state nanopores, the translocation of RNA:DNA (RD) and DNA:DNA (DD) duplexes was examined. Notably, RD duplexes were found to translocate through nanopores faster than DD duplexes, despite containing the same number of base pairs. Our experiments reveal that RD duplexes present a noncanonical helix, with distinct transport properties from B-form DD molecules. We find that RD and DD molecules, with the same contour length, move with comparable velocity through nanopores. We examined the physical characteristics of both duplex forms using atomic force microscopy, atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, agarose gel electrophoresis, and dynamic light scattering measurements. With the help of coarse-grained and molecular dynamics simulations, we find the effective force per unit length applied by the electric field to a fragment of RD or DD duplex in nanopores with various geometries or shapes to be approximately the same. Our results shed light on the significance of helical form in nucleic acid translocation, with implications for RNA sensing, sequencing, and the molecular understanding of electrophoretic transport.





