universal vaccination

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rotavirus (RV) vaccines were first introduced in 2011 and adopted for universal vaccination in 2020 in Japan. However, the effectiveness of RV vaccines after being adopted for universal vaccination in 2020 has not been reported. Because of the easy accessibility of clinics in Japan, many children are not usually hospitalized for RV gastroenteritis (RVGE). Therefore, in order to evaluate the impact of the RV vaccine since 2008, we investigated the incidence of hospitalization for RVGE as well as the frequency of children aged < 5 years who received medical treatment for severe RVGE at clinics in Shibata City, Japan. The RV vaccine coverage rate was 94.0% (1,046/1,113) in Shibata City after universal vaccination in 2020; this was a significant increase from previous rates. The incidence per 1000 person - years for RVGE hospitalization and severe RVGE at clinics were significantly higher among children aged < 3 years than in previous time periods. The incidence in children with all acute gastroenteritis (AGE) decreased significantly after universal vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic. The proportion of severe RVGE among all AGE cases also decreased significantly after universal vaccination among children aged < 3 years (0.0%) and those aged 3-4 years (0.6%). There were significant differences in the distribution of RV genotypes isolated from the feces of children with RVGE between different eras divided by RV vaccination rates, especially G1P[8], which was the major genotype before it recently almost disappeared. Further studies are warranted to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been a reticence to introduce universal varicella zoster virus (VZV) vaccines in the UK because of a theoretical concern of increased herpes zoster infections. However, this has not been borne out in real-world data. Here, I argue that, in reality, many parents are vaccinating their children privately and, thus, we do not know the degree of inequity that this creates. The fairest option going forward is to introduce universal VZV vaccination in the UK.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The United Kingdom (UK) switched from using the 4-valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (Gardasil®) to the 9-valent vaccine (Gardasil 9®) in 2021. Objective: To estimate and compare the health and economic outcomes of 2 HPV vaccination programs in the UK targeting girls and boys aged 12-13 years from the perspective of the UK National Health Service. The 2 vaccination strategies were (1) universal vaccination 4-valent (UV4V), using the 4-valent HPV vaccine (4vHPV), and (2) universal vaccination 9-valent (UV9V), using the 9-valent HPV vaccine (9vHPV). Methods: A deterministic heterosexual compartmental disease transmission model was used to track health and economic outcomes over a 100-year time horizon. Outcomes were discounted at an annual rate of 3.5% and 1.5%. All costs were adjusted to 2020 British pounds (£). Health outcomes were measured in quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), and the summary results were presented as incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (£/QALY gained) when comparing UV4V with UV9V. Results: Using the same vaccine coverage for both programs, the total cumulative cases of HPV-related health outcomes tracked over the 100-year horizon indicated that the relative number of cases averted (UV9V vs UV4V) ranged from 4% (anal male cancers and deaths) to 56% (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN1]). Assuming that 9vHPV cost £15.18 more than 4vHPV (a cost differential based on discounted list prices), the estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was £8600/QALY gained when discounted at 3.5%, and £3300/QALY gained when discounted at 1.5%. The estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratios from the sensitivity analyses remained <£28000/QALY over a wide range of parameter inputs and demonstrated that disease utilities, discount rate, and vaccine efficacy were the 3 most influential parameters. Discussion: Consistent with other published studies, the results from this study found that the 9vHPV vaccine prevented a substantial number of cases when compared with the 4vHPV vaccine and was highly cost-effective. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that replacing universal 4vHPV with 9vHPV can prevent a substantial additional number of HPV-related cases/deaths (in both women and men) and remain cost-effective over a range of 9vHPV price premiums.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Different quickly-developed vaccines are introduced against COVID-19 with inconclusive results especially against some recent variants. Eventually, somewhere COVID-19 cases decline and in some countries it revived with some new mutant-variants (i.e. D614G, Delta and Omicron).
    OBJECTIVE: Proposing a universal vaccination strategy by screening globally-conserved SARS-CoV-2 spike-epitopes.
    METHODS: Presently, several conserved (186-countries) sequences including multiple-variants (ClustalX2) epitopic-regions (SVMTriP and IEDB) and in-silico mutants of SARS-CoV-2 spike-protein-fragments (Cut1-4) were screened for their stability against proteases, antigenicity (VaxiJen V2.0 and for glycosylation effects NetOGlyc-NetNGlyc), MHCI/II reactivity (IEDB-TOOLS) and CD4+ responses by molecular-docking (Haddock2.4/PatchDock). We also examined Molecular-Dynamic-Simulation (myPresto verson-5) of MHC-II 3LQZ with 3-Cuts and T-cell 2-molecules (1KGC/4JRX) with SM3-Cut. The MD-simulation was run with 5000-cycles after 300 k-heating/1-atm pressure adjustment for the system-equilibration. Finally, 1000 fs production was run.
    RESULTS: The cut4-mutant (SRLFRKSNLKPFERD) showed the highest combined-score 48.23548 and Immunogenicity-Score of 92.0887. The core-sequence SRLFRKSNL showed the highest Median-Percentile-Rank (7-HLA-allele) of 19. CD4+ immunogenicity also confirms the representation of the CUT4TM2 epitope SRLFRKSNL by MHC Class II. The epitope YNYKYRLFR from CUT4 showed an IC50 of ∼30 nM with allele HLA-DRB1*11:01 and HLA-DRB5*01:01 with plenty H-bonding. Cut4 double-mutants strongly interact with the exposed T-cell surface and are facilitated by its receptors. The MD-simulation data suggest that TM2 has a maximum RMSD value of 1.7 Å, DM2 is at 1.55 Å and SM3 is at 1.5 Å. These variations correspond to structural adjustments and involve binding/unbinding chemical interactions. The RMSD plot shows that 1KGC T-cell molecule is at 2.2 Å and the 4JRX is at 1.2 Å, which increases with the simulation time.
    CONCLUSIONS: Screening of conserved SARS-CoV-2 spike fragments helps to find the most stable antigenic-determinant which with some mutations showed better antigenicity. Further studies are necessary to develop global vaccination strategies against COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This report describes a rare horizontal transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) from an unvaccinated 6-year-old boy to his father. The father had been diagnosed with acute hepatitis B 1 month earlier; therefore, when the child visited the clinic with fever, he was screened for HBV markers and diagnosed as an asymptomatic carrier. Neither the child nor his father was vaccinated against HBV, whereas the child\'s mother and sister, having received the HBV vaccination as they were medical staff and a nursing student, respectively, tested negative for the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and positive for anti-HBs. We performed a phylogenetic analysis of HBV in the child and his father, and identified 100% homologous strains of identical genotype C. At diagnosis, the father tested positive for IgM anti-hepatitis B core with a high titer, whereas the child tested negative for this marker. These data strongly indicated a child-to-father transmission. In this case, the HBV infection route was speculated as close contact including saliva-based transmission between the child and father, mainly attributed to their daily food habits. When clinicians diagnose patients with acute or chronic HBV infection, the household members should have been examined for HBV markers immediately. If some household members are susceptible to HBV infection, all members should be vaccinated against HBV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The World Health Organization recommends the implementation of universal hepatitis B (HB) vaccination, and global coverage for this vaccine reached 84% in 2015. In Japan, the policy aimed at preventing mother-to-child transmission of HB virus (HBV) initially commenced as a specific vaccination program for infants born to mothers who were positive for HB surface antigen. In 2016, universal HB vaccination was implemented in this country to cover unvaccinated individuals at risk of horizontal HBV transmission. Although HB vaccination has been shown to be highly efficacious and safe, the issues of vaccine non-responders and of the loss of antibodies directed against HB surface antigen (anti-HBs) in HB vaccine recipients remain. To gain better insight into these problems, we previously performed an immunological analysis on adult vaccine recipients after they received an initial HB vaccination. We found that the course of successful HB vaccination is composed of the following distinct phases: 1) acquisition of anti-HBs antibody, 2) attainment of high anti-HBs antibody titers, and 3) maintenance of acquired anti-HBs antibody levels. In this review, we describe the significance of HB vaccination and suggest a potential means of improving the impact of HB vaccination based on our immunological analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Risk-group HBV vaccination for men who have sex with men (MSM) was introduced in the Netherlands in 2002, followed by universal infant vaccination in 2011, that will enable termination of risk-group vaccination over time. The introduction of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention might result in increased HBV testing and vaccination against HBV. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the transition from risk-group to universal HBV vaccination, accounting for improvements in HBV testing and treatment, as well as the introduction of PrEP.
    We developed a mathematical model for HBV transmission among MSM. Universal vaccination was modelled by assigning some MSM (5-15% in 2028 increasing to 80-90% in 2033 and thereafter) to be vaccinated when they become sexually active. We investigated different scenarios assuming 0.5% extra vaccination rate and 0.5% extra testing rate due to PrEP consultations; and 5% of HIV-negative MSM on PrEP, that will reduce the probability of HBV acquisition by 88%.
    Universal vaccination resulted in a reduction of 24% (interquartile range; 22-25%) of the total number of HBV infections among MSM estimated to occur from 2020 to 2070. With universal vaccination, terminating risk-group vaccination in 2030 or 2040 resulted in 30% or 10% more HBV infections over 2020-2070, respectively, compared to continuation of risk-group vaccination until 2070. With PrEP and continued risk-group vaccination, the total number of HBV infections over 2020-2070 was reduced by 13%.
    Universal HBV vaccination can lead to a major reduction in HBV incidence among MSM in the future. The reduction becomes smaller when ending risk-group HBV vaccination, but larger by PrEP use for HIV prevention. Efforts to keep high levels of HBV vaccination, testing, and treatment have to be continued in the coming decades in order to eliminate HBV as a health threat for MSM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Histories of medicine and vaccinology routinely reference the Ottoman Empire with regard to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, her children\'s variolation, and the transmission of this knowledge throughout Britain and thereafter Europe. Few, however, follow the empire\'s ongoing relationship with vaccination after the Montagu family\'s departure. This article examines this aspect of Ottoman medical history by noting how Jenner\'s advances diffused back into the empire and then presenting and analyzing how imperial, medical, and even community leaders began to both educationally condition the population and gradually enact legislation that mandated vaccination. Owing to severe infrastructural, personnel, and financial deficits, instability, and popular fears and trepidation, the empire\'s aspirations to achieve universal vaccination were far from realized by the time of its early 1920s demise-especially throughout largely rural Anatolia. Ottoman institutional, educational, and legislative advances, however, collectively prepared the ground for the succeeding Turkish republic and its public health agenda. Given the republic\'s promotion of its efforts to modernize Turkey amid its mutual initiatives of nation-building, the empire\'s histories of providing this foundation are also sometimes overlooked.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hepatitis B (HB) vaccination is the most effective method for preventing HB virus (HBV) infection. Universal HB vaccination containing recombinant HB surface antigens (HBsAg) is recommended. Our data revealed that human monoclonal HB surface antibody (anti-HBs) from individuals inoculated with genotype C-based HB vaccine induced cross-protection against HBV genotype A infection. An in vitro infection model demonstrated anti-HBs-positive sera from individuals inoculated with genotype A- or C-based HB vaccine harbored polyclonal anti-HBs that could bind to non-vaccinated genotype HBV. However, because there were low titers of anti-HBs specific for HBsAg of non-vaccinated genotype, high anti-HBs titers would be required to prevent non-vaccinated genotype HBV infection. Clinically, the 2015 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines state that periodic monitoring of anti-HBs levels after routine HB vaccination is not needed and that booster doses of HB vaccine are not recommended. However, the American Red Cross suggests that HB-vaccine-induced immune memory might be limited; although HB vaccination can prevent clinical liver injury (hepatitis), subclinical HBV infections of non-vaccinated genotypes resulting in detectable HB core antibody could not be completely prevented. Therefore, monitoring anti-HBs levels after routine vaccination might be necessary for certain subjects in high-risk groups.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    BACKGROUND: Effects of universal varicella vaccination on the herpes zoster (HZ) incidence have not been elucidated. Universal varicella vaccination was introduced in Japan in October 2014.
    OBJECTIVE: We investigated the effects of universal varicella vaccination on HZ epidemiology.
    METHODS: Patients with HZ have been monitored by the Miyazaki Dermatologist Society since 1997, and the effects of universal vaccination on the HZ incidences have been analyzed to determine which generation is most affected.
    RESULTS: The number of HZ patients increased 1.54 times, and the gradual increase in the HZ incidence was observed in not only patients >60 years, but also other generations during the period from 1997 to 2017. The number of varicella patients was gradually reduced from 2010 to 2017 before introduction of universal varicella vaccination, and the HZ incidence in yearly change significantly increased from 2014 to 2016 in the total population associated with the significant decrease in varicella incidence. The HZ incidence significantly increased for individuals aged 20 to 49 years from 2014 to 2015 and most for individuals age 20-29 years (odds ratio [OR], 1.270; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.071-1.505, P<0.001). We identified the child-rearing generation of age 20 to 49 years (OR, 1.270; 95% CI, 1.071-1.505, P<0.001) as the generation most influenced by universal varicella vaccination, when the HZ incidence increased gradually by approximately 2% per year.
    CONCLUSIONS: Universal vaccination increased the HZ incidence in the child-rearing generation among the generations, possibly by reduced chance of boosting their immunity by exposure to varicella.





