infratemporal fossa

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Management of advanced gingivo-buccal complex cancers involving the masticatory space (T4b) is often managed by compartment resection. The oncological safety of the procedure is now clearly established. Based on the origin and epicenter of the tumor there are two classes of compartmental resection. Those tumors arising from the tuberosity of the maxilla and/or upper gingival sulcus region; the resection involves the tumor, posterior maxilla, and the ipsilateral infratemporal fossa. These tumors can be resected by mandibulotomy approach, preserving the mandible. This constitutes class-1 infratemporal fossa resection. The class-2 infratemporal fossa resection is applied for those tumors arising from the retromolar trigone and/or lower gingivo-buccal sulcus region. In this class, the mandible and often the overlying cheek skin needs to be sacrificed, in addition to the contents of the infratemporal fossa and the posterior maxilla. Both the classes of resections are carried out in an orderly fashion following well-defined steps. These sequential steps maximize the exposure of inaccessible structures, enables protection of critical structures as well as minimizes blood loss. This manuscript describes the surgical steps for the two classes of compartmental resection of the infratemporal fossa for advanced gingivo-buccal complex cancers involving the masticatory space.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Orthodontic purposes, such as the prevention of anterior crowding, are common and controversial indications for surgical removal of the third molar (M3) germ in young patients. A higher tooth bud position and the risk of tooth displacement in the infratemporal fossa when surgery of the maxillary M3 germ is planned makes the success of germectomy unlikely with little benefit. A rare complication of maxillary M3 germ surgery is partial tooth building after germectomy.
    METHODS: We report the case of a 14-year-old patient who was referred for germectomy of the maxillary M3 in the early development germ stadium to address space constraints and obstruction to the eruption of the second molar (M2) teeth. Computed tomography (CT) examination was used to verify the position and development of the maxillary M3 germ. The surgical procedure was performed without any complications. Eight years after the surgery, the patient presented with indefinable pain in the right upper jaw in the germectomy area. Cone-beam CT revealed a partial tooth formation in the form of a radix relict in the region of the maxillary M3.
    CONCLUSIONS: The ongoing debate surrounding germectomy revolves around its indications and timing, considering factors such as patient age, anatomical appearance, and root formation stage. Complications, like partial tooth formation postgermectomy, highlight the importance of precise timing in treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of partial tooth formation as a complication after germectomy of the M3 germ in a complete crown-formation stadium.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Infratemporal fossa (ITF) tumors are rare in children and may present with a variety of symptoms. Teratomas are neoplasms derived from the 3 germ layers and approximately 6% to 10% are within the head and neck. Our study discusses one of the first reported cases of teratoma in the ITF in a pediatric patient. A 3-year-old girl presents with 2 years of recurrent monthly left periorbital swelling accompanied by fevers, skin discoloration, and pain. Prior episodes were treated with antibiotics with incomplete resolution. Imaging revealed a cystic lesion centered in the ITF. She was taken for endoscopic endonasal biopsy of the lesion and had no complications. Pathology revealed a mature teratoma composed primarily of pancreatic tissue. Providers should consider masses such as teratoma in the differential for ITF tumors and periorbital edema unresponsive to typical treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Identify the benefits and caveats of combining minimal access approaches to the infratemporal fossa (ITF), such as the endoscopic transnasal, endoscopic transorbital, endoscopic transoral, and endoscopic sublabial transmaxillary approaches to address extensive lesions not amenable to a single approach. The study provides anatomical metrics including area of exposure and degree of surgical freedom.
    UNASSIGNED: Five human cadaveric specimens (10 sides) were dissected to expose and methodically analyze the anatomical intricacies of the ITF using the following minimal access approaches: endoscopic transnasal transpterygoid (EETA), endoscopic sublabial transmaxillary, endoscopic transorbital via infraorbital foramen, and endoscopic transoral techniques. Area of exposure at the pterygopalatine fossa and surgical freedom at the ITF were obtained for each approach.
    UNASSIGNED: The endoscopic sublabial transmaxillary sinus and the combined approach afford a significantly greater exposure than an isolated EETA. The difference in exposure (mean) between the endoscopic sublabial transmaxillary and EETA was 1.62 ± 0.85 cm2 (p < 0.001), and the difference between the combined approach and EETA was 4.25 ± 0.85 cm2 (p < 0.001).
    UNASSIGNED: Combining minimal access endoscopic approaches to the ITF can provide significantly greater exposure than an isolated EETA; thus, providing enhanced access to address lesions with extensive involvement of the ITF, especially those with superolateral and inferolateral extensions. In addition, some approaches may have an adjunctive role to the resection, such as the endoscopic transoral approach offering the potential for early control of the internal maxillary artery and its branches, some of which may be supplying the tumor in the ITF; or the endoscopic transorbital approach yielding a direct line of sight to the superior ITF and middle cranial fossa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Of all the head and neck tumors, salivary gland tumors account to 3%. Pleomorphic adenomas are one of the most common benign tumors arising from major salivary glands, although it could also develop from minor salivary glands situated at accessory sites like nasal cavity, pharynx, parapharyngeal space, lacrimal glands etc. Tumors of infratemporal fossa are quite unusual, mainly because of its hidden location in retromaxillary region. We report an unusual case of 65 years old male presenting with complaint of progressive left cheek swelling for 4 years. FNAC revealed pleomorphic adenoma of minor salivary gland tumor. Intraoperatively a giant lobulated tumor was seen occupying almost whole space of infratemporal fossa, which was removed in-toto via open approach. Patient was kept on regular follow up with no evidence of recurrence reported till date.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The endoscopic trans-eustachian approach (ETETA) is a less invasive approach to the infratemporal fossa (ITF), providing superior exposure compared to traditional transcranial approaches. The anatomy of the pharyngotympanic (eustachian) tube and adjacent neurovascular structures is complex and requires in-depth knowledge to safely perform this approach. We present a cadaveric and radiological assessment of critical anatomic considerations for ETETA.
    METHODS: Six adult cadaveric heads were dissected alongside examination of 50 paranasal sinus CT scans. Key anatomic relationships of the pharyngotympanic tube and adjacent structures were qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated. Descriptive statistics were performed for quantitative data.
    RESULTS: Anatomical and radiological measurements showed lateralization of the pharyngotympanic tube allows access to the ITF. The pharyngotympanic tube has bony and cartilaginous parts with the junction formed by the sphenoid spine and foramen spinosum. The bony part and tendon of the tensor tympani muscle were located at the posterior genu of the internal carotid artery. The anterior and inferior wall of the carotid canal was located between the horizontal segment of the internal carotid artery and petrous segment of the cartilaginous pharyngotympanic tube.
    CONCLUSIONS: The combination of preoperative radiographic assessment and anatomical correlation demonstrates a safe and effective approach to ETETA, which allowed satisfactory visualization of ITF. The morphological evaluation showed that the lateralization of the pharyngotympanic tube and related structures allowed a surgical corridor to reach the ITF. Endoscopic surgery through the pharyngotympanic tube is challenging, and in-depth understanding of the key anatomic relationships is critical for performing this approach.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The infratemporal fossa is an uncommon site for lodgement of foreign bodies. Fast-moving projectiles and displaced teeth may get impacted and have been described in the literature. However, foreign body lodgement in the retromaxillary space after transorbital passage is rare. The trajectory of the foreign bodies in such cases is difficult to predict and may not be suspected in the absence of overt clinical features. The authors present a case of a wooden splinter lodged within the infratemporal fossa after the patient sustained a lid injury with an orbital floor fracture. Imaging was equivocal; hence, endoscopic surgical exploration was undertaken, revealing the foreign body. A high index of clinical suspicion and rapid intervention is needed since unsuspected foreign bodies may cause further visual, infective or neurovascular complications. Approaches should be tailored on a case-by-case basis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma (REAH) in the head and neck is a rare benign lesion containing glandular tissue covered with ciliated respiratory epithelium. In the head and neck, REAH of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and nasopharynx have been reported in literature. Due to rareness of REAH and insufficient knowledge of its imaging features, the diagnosis can be challenging when we encounter a non-specific cystic mass at an uncommon site in the head or neck. Here, we report the case of a pathologically confirmed REAH showing a cystic mass centered at the buccal space (retromaxillary fat pad) with CT and MRI findings.
    두경부의 호흡상피 선종양 과오종은 섬모호흡상피로 둘러싸인 선조직으로 구성된 드문 양성종양이다. 두경부의 비강, 부비동 또는 비인강의 호흡상피 선종양 과오종이 현재까지 보고되었다. 호흡상피 선종양 과오종은 드물고 특징적인 영상 소견이 잘 알려져 있지 않기 때문에 흔하지 않은 위치에 비특이적인 낭성종물로 발생한 경우 영상의학적 진단을 내리기가 쉽지 않다. 저자들은 볼쪽공간(상악후방 지방층)에서 낭성종물의 형태로 나타난 병리적으로 진단된 호흡상피 선종양 과오종의 CT 및 MRI 영상 소견을 증례 보고하고자 한다.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction  The endoscopic endonasal transpterygoid approach (EETPA) with or without the addition of the endoscopic-assisted sublabial anterior transmaxillary approach (ESTA) has become increasingly utilized for lesions posterior to the pterygopalatine fossa (PPF), including infratemporal fossa (ITF), lateral recess of the sphenoid sinus, Meckel\'s cave, petrous apex, and parapharyngeal space. The main goal of this study is to develop an educational resource to learn the steps of the EETPA for trainees. Methods  EETPA and ESTA were performed in 12 specimens by neurosurgery trainees, under supervision from the senior authors. One EETPA and one ESTA were performed on each specimen on opposite sides. Dissections were supplemented with representative cases. Results  After a wide unilateral sphenoidotomy, ethmoidectomy, and partial medial maxillectomy, the anteromedial bone limits of the PPF were identified and drilled out. The pterygoid progress was modularly removed. By enlarging the opening of the posterior and lateral walls of the maxillary sinus through EETPA and ESTA, respectively, the neurovascular and muscular compartments of the PPF and ITF were better identified. The EETPA opens direct corridors to the PPF, medial ITF, middle cranial fossa, cavernous sinus, Meckel\'s cave, petrous apex, and internal carotid artery. If a more lateral exposure of the ITF is needed, the ESTA is an appropriate addition. Conclusion  Despite the steep learning curve of the EETPA, granular knowledge of its surgical anatomy and basic surgical steps are vital for those advancing their learning in complex endoscopic approaches to the ventral skull base when expanding the approach laterally in the coronal plane.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: A malignant myoepithelioma is a rare tumor, mostly arising from the salivary glands. Myoepitheliomas of the ear have rarely been reported. The manuscript reports myoepithelial carcinoma of the external auditory canal (EAC) spreading to the infratemporal fossa. A clinician must be aware of anatomical variation of the bony EAC wall, such as the foramen of Huschke. This rare defect may be a pathway for spreading pathologies between these two anatomical regions.
    METHODS: We present a case of osteoma-like stenosis of the EAC, which turned out to be an extremely rare malignant tumor. The preoperative MRI and PET/CT revealed that two parts of the tumor communicated through a defect in the antero-inferior portion of the bony ear canal. No distant metastases were detected. Subsequently, the tumor was resected from the ear canal and the infratemporal fossa en bloc. Perioperatively the defect in the EAC wall was suspected of the foramen of Huschke. After the surgery, the older scans of the patient from the past showed no presence of a congenital EAC wall defect. Therefore, the authors concluded that the tumor aggressively grew through the bone due to its biological nature.
    CONCLUSIONS: Malignant myoepithelioma of the external auditory canal is an extremely rare condition and could be misdiagnosed as other benign lesions. In cases of suspicious lesions, it is advisable to do a probatory biopsy from the EAC. Surgery is the treatment of choice in malignant myoepitheliomas, and regular follow-ups are essential to monitor for recurrence or metastatic disease. Any mass located at the antero-inferior portion of the EAC wall warrants close evaluation due to its potential for expansion from the EAC.





