
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Occipital lobe epilepsies (OLEs) are a subset of epileptic disorders manifesting predominantly with visual and oculomotor abnormalities that are often misdiagnosed due to similarities with migraines with visual aura and other central nervous system (CNS) pathologies. This case study describes an 88-year-old male with a three-week history of intermittent kaleidoscopic visual phenomena, accompanied by blurring of vision and altered level of consciousness. Neurological examination revealed right homonymous hemianopsia and focal neurological deficits, including forced right gaze preference and nystagmus. Diagnostic modalities, MRI and MRA, ruled out ischemic stroke but indicated mild to moderate cerebral atrophy and chronic microvascular ischemic changes. The patient exhibited a seizure episode characterized by right-sided gaze preference and altered consciousness. Postictally, transient right homonymous hemianopsia was observed, consistent with Todd\'s phenomenon. Treatment with intravenous levetiracetam and lorazepam led to a reduction in seizure frequency. This case highlights the importance of comprehensive evaluation in distinguishing OLEs from other conditions with similar visual presentations like migraine with aura or occipital lobe stroke being more predominant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to read is important for daily life functioning. Individuals with homonymous visual field defects (iwHs) after brain injury experience frequent reading difficulties. The current study presents a novel self-report questionnaire aimed at measuring the wide variety of reading difficulties iwHs can experience: the Hemianopia Reading Questionnaire (HRQ). The 24-item HRQ was developed with help from clinical experts and experts by experience and was inspired by existing reading questionnaires for adults. The three tested subscales of the HRQ assess the relationship to reading, reading skills and daily life functional reading. The factor structure, reliability, convergent validity and divergent validity were examined in a large community sample (i.e., individuals without homonymous visual field defects) with a comparable distribution of age, gender and level of education to those who have suffered a stroke (N = 998). Two competing hypothesized models were tested and a good fit was found for a three-bifactor model of the HRQ. The reliability of the three subscales was found to be good (ω range 0.93-0.99), as well as the convergent and divergent validity (9 out of 12 Spearman\'s correlations, according to expectations). The results support further use of the HRQ in iwHs, especially in the context of reading rehabilitation. Suggestions for clinical and scientific use and future psychometric research on the HRQ are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Stroke damage to the primary visual cortex induces large, homonymous visual field defects that impair daily living. Here, we asked if vision-related quality of life (VR-QoL) is impacted by time since stroke.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective meta-analysis of 95 occipital stroke patients (female/male = 26/69, 27-78 years old, 0.5-373.5 months poststroke) in whom VR-QoL was estimated using the National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ) and its 10-item neuro-ophthalmic supplement (Neuro10). Visual deficit severity was represented by the perimetric mean deviation (PMD) calculated from 24-2 Humphrey visual fields. Data were compared with published cohorts of visually intact controls. The relationship between VR-QoL and time poststroke was assessed across participants, adjusting for deficit severity and age with a multiple linear regression analysis.
    RESULTS: Occipital stroke patients had significantly lower NEI-VFQ and Neuro10 composite scores than controls. All subscale scores describing specific aspects of visual ability and functioning were impaired except for ocular pain and general health, which did not differ significantly from controls. Surprisingly, visual deficit severity was not correlated with either composite score, both of which increased with time poststroke, even when adjusting for PMD and age.
    CONCLUSIONS: VR-QoL appears to improve with time postoccipital stroke, irrespective of visual deficit size or patient age at insult. This may reflect the natural development of compensatory strategies and lifestyle adjustments. Thus, future studies examining the impact of rehabilitation on daily living in this patient population should consider the possibility that their VR-QoL may change gradually over time, even without therapeutic intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A timely detection of visual hemifield deficits (VHFDs; hemianopias or quadrantanopias) is critical for both the diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients. The present study determined the sensitivity and specificity of four qualitative visual field tests, including face description, confrontation tests (finger wiggle), and kinetic boundary perimetry, to screen large and dense VHFDs in right-brain-damaged (RBD) stroke patients. Previously, the accuracy of qualitative visual field tests was examined in unselected samples of patients with heterogeneous aetiology, in which stroke patients represented a very small fraction. Building upon existing tests, we introduced some procedural ameliorations (incl. a novel procedure for kinetic boundary perimetry) and provided a scoresheet to facilitate the grading. The qualitative visual field tests\' outcome of 67 consecutive RBD stroke patients was compared with the standard automated perimetry (SAP; i.e., reference standard) outcome to calculate sensitivity and specificity, as well as positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV), both for each individual test and their combinations. The face description test scored the lowest sensitivity and NPV, while the kinetic boundary perimetry scored the highest. No test returned false positives. Combining the monocular static finger wiggle test (by quadrants) and the kinetic boundary perimetry returned the highest sensitivity and specificity, in line with previous studies, but with higher accuracy (100% sensitivity and specificity). These findings indicate that the combination of these two tests is a valid approach with RBD stroke patients, prompting referral for a formal visual field examination, and representing a quick, easy-to-perform, and inexpensive tool for improving their care and prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Homonymous visual field defects (HVFDs) following acquired brain lesions affect independent living by hampering several activities of everyday life. Available treatments are intensive and week- or month-long. Transcranial Direct current stimulation (tDCS), a plasticity-modulating non-invasive brain stimulation technique, could be combined with behavioral trainings to boost their efficacy or reduce treatment duration. Some promising attempts have been made pairing occipital tDCS with visual restitution training, however less is knows about which area/network should be best stimulated in association with compensatory approaches, aimed at improving exploratory abilities, such as multisensory trainings.
    UNASSIGNED: In a proof-of-principle, sham-controlled, single-blind study, 15 participants with chronic HVFDs underwent four one-shot sessions of active or sham anodal tDCS applied over the ipsilesional occipital cortex, the ipsilesional or contralesional posterior parietal cortex. tDCS was delivered during a compensatory multisensory (audiovisual) training. Before and immediately after each tDCS session, participants carried out a visual detection task, and two visual search tasks (EF and Triangles search tests). Accuracy (ACC) and response times (RTs) were analyzed with generalized mixed models. We investigated differences in baseline performance, clinical-demographic and lesion factors between tDCS responders and non-responders, based on post-tDCS behavioral improvements. Lastly, we conducted exploratory analyses to compare left and right brain-damaged participants.
    UNASSIGNED: RTs improved after active ipsilesional occipital and parietal tDCS in the visual search tasks, while no changes in ACC were detected. Responders to ipsilesional occipital tDCS (Triangle task) had shorter disease duration and smaller lesions of the parietal cortex and the superior longitudinal fasciculus. On the other end, on the EF test, those participants with larger damage of the temporo-parietal cortex or the fronto-occipital white matter tracts showed a larger benefit from contralesional parietal tDCS. Overall, the visual search RTs improvements were larger in participants with right-sided hemispheric lesions.
    UNASSIGNED: The present result shows the facilitatory effects of occipital and parietal tDCS combined with compensatory multisensory training on visual field exploration in HVFDs, suggesting a potential for the development of new neuromodulation treatments to improve visual scanning behavior in brain-injured patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The existence of unconscious visually triggered behavior in patients with cortical blindness (e.g., homonymous hemianopia) has been amply demonstrated and the neural bases of this phenomenon have been thoroughly studied. However, a crosstalk between the two hemispheres as a possible mechanism of unconscious or partially conscious vision has not been so far considered. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the relationship between structural and functional properties of the corpus callosum (CC), as shown by probabilistic tractography (PT), behavioral detection/discrimination performance and level of perceptual awareness in the blind field of patients with hemianopia. Twelve patients were tested in two tasks with black-and-white visual square-wave gratings, one task of movement and the other of orientation. The stimuli were lateralized to one hemifield either intact or blind. A PT analysis was carried out on MRI data to extract fiber properties along the CC (genu, body, and splenium). Compared with a control group of participants without brain damage, patients showed lower FA values in all three CC sections studied. For the intact hemifield we found a significant correlation between PT values and visual detection/discrimination accuracy. For the blind hemifield the level of perceptual awareness correlated with PT values for all three CC sections in the movement task. Importantly, significant differences in all three CC sections were found also between patients with above-vs. chance detection/discrimination performance while differences in the genu were found between patients with and without perceptual awareness. Overall, our study provides evidence that the properties of CC fibers are related to the presence of unconscious stimulus detection/discrimination and to hints of perceptual awareness for stimulus presentation to the blind hemifield. These results underline the importance of information exchange between the damaged and the healthy hemisphere for possible partial or full recovery from hemianopia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The TsiogkaSpaeth (TS) grid is a new, low-cost, and easy to access portable test for visual field (VF) screening which could be used by clinicians in everyday clinical practice. Our study aimed to determine the validity of an innovative screening grid test for identifying neurological disease-associated VF defects.
    METHODS: We enrolled two groups of participants: We assessed the one eye of ten consecutive adult patients with different types of neurological disease associated VF defects and ten eyes of controls in each group. The TS grid test was performed in each group. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the TS grid scotoma area were assessed using the 24-2 VF Humphrey field analyzer (HFA) as the reference standard.
    RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity of the TS grid test were 100% and 90.91%, respectively. The area under curve was 0.9545 with 95% CI 0.87-1.00. There was a significant correlation between the number of missed locations on the TS grid test and the visual field index of the HFA 24-2 (r = 0.9436, P < .0001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The sensitivity and specificity of the TS grid test were high in detecting VF defects in neurological disease. The TS grid test appears to be a reliable, low-cost, and easily accessed alternative to traditional VF tests in diagnosing typical neurological patterns of visual field defects. It would be useful in screening subjects for neurologically derived ocular morbidity in everyday clinical practice and in remote areas deprived of specialized health care services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Severe acquired brain injury (sABI) encompasses a range of neurological impairments. Visual dysfunction, particularly homonymous visual field defects (HVFDs) and homonymous hemianopia (HH), commonly afflicts sABI survivors, affecting their cognitive and motor rehabilitation. This study presents the FunctionaL Assessment Scale of Hemianopia (FLASH), developed to analyze the most common postural behaviors exhibited by sABI patients with hemianopia during activities of daily living. A comparison to traditional static automated perimetry for diagnosing visual field deficits (VFDs) to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the FLASH was used. Additionally, this study also aimed to assess its reliability.
    METHODS: Fifty-six patients (25 F, 31 M, mean age 60.59 ± 14.53) with strokes in the sub-acute phase (<6 months from the onset) were assessed with both FLASH and a Humphrey Field Analyzer.
    RESULTS: After removing two items found to be less reliable than others, FLASH showed high sensitivity (81%) and specificity (77%) when compared to static automated perimetry. Inter-rater reliability was also high, with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.954, as well as the internal consistency computed by Cronbach\'s alpha, equal to 0.874.
    CONCLUSIONS: FLASH could offer a valuable and cost-effective screening tool for VFD in sABI patients during neurorehabilitation, with potential implications for healthcare cost reduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hemianopia is a common consequence of unilateral damage to visual cortex that manifests as a profound blindness in contralesional space. A noninvasive cross-modal (visual-auditory) exposure paradigm has been developed in an animal model to ameliorate this disorder. Repeated stimulation of a visual-auditory stimulus restores overt responses to visual stimuli in the blinded hemifield. It is believed to accomplish this by enhancing the visual sensitivity of circuits remaining after a lesion of visual cortex; in particular, circuits involving the multisensory neurons of the superior colliculus. Neurons in this midbrain structure are known to integrate spatiotemporally congruent visual and auditory signals to amplify their responses, which, in turn, enhances behavioral performance. Here we evaluated the relationship between the rehabilitation of hemianopia and this process of multisensory integration. Induction of hemianopia also eliminated multisensory enhancement in the blinded hemifield. Both vision and multisensory enhancement rapidly recovered with the rehabilitative cross-modal exposures. However, although both reached pre-lesion levels at similar rates, they did so with different spatial patterns. The results suggest that the capability for multisensory integration and enhancement is not a pre-requisite for visual recovery in hemianopia, and that the underlying mechanisms for recovery may be more complex than currently appreciated.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Gonadotropinoma is the most common non-functional pituitary adenoma comprising 10%-30% of all pituitary adenomas. They are benign slow-growing tumours originating from adenohypophysis and rarely become malignant. Its presentation can be atypical, such as visual disturbance, and most patients presenting to an ophthalmologist for visual correction are eventually found to have a field defect. Here, we report a case of a 59-year-old patient who presented with a left-sided visual disturbance, which progressed over the years due to a left temporal hemianopia. The patient was referred to us by an ophthalmologist and was diagnosed with a giant non-functional gonadotropinoma. The patient was surgically treated. Postoperative follow-up magnetic resonance imaging after 3 months showed near complete resection of the tumour.





