
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual field loss and visuospatial neglect are frequent consequences of cerebral stroke. They often have a strong impact on independence in many daily activities. Rehabilitation aiming to decrease these disabilities is therefore important, and several techniques have been proposed to foster awareness, compensation, or restitution of the impaired visual field. We here describe a rehabilitation intervention using adapted boxing therapy that was part of a pluridisciplinary intervention tailored for a particular case. A 58-year-old man with left homonymous hemianopia (HH) and mild visuospatial hemineglect participated in 36 sessions of boxing therapy six months after a right temporo-occipital stroke. Repeated stimulation of his blind and neglected hemifield, and training to compensate for his deficits through improved use of his healthy hemifield were performed through boxing exercises. The patient showed a stable HH before the beginning of the training. After six months of boxing therapy, he reported improved awareness of his visual environment. Critically, his HH had evolved to a left superior quadrantanopia and spatial attention for left-sided stimuli had improved. Several cognitive functions and his mood also showed improvement. We conclude that boxing therapy has the potential to improve the compensation of visuospatial impairments in individual patients with visual field loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The TsiogkaSpaeth (TS) grid is a new, low-cost, and easy to access portable test for visual field (VF) screening which could be used by clinicians in everyday clinical practice. Our study aimed to determine the validity of an innovative screening grid test for identifying neurological disease-associated VF defects.
    METHODS: We enrolled two groups of participants: We assessed the one eye of ten consecutive adult patients with different types of neurological disease associated VF defects and ten eyes of controls in each group. The TS grid test was performed in each group. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the TS grid scotoma area were assessed using the 24-2 VF Humphrey field analyzer (HFA) as the reference standard.
    RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity of the TS grid test were 100% and 90.91%, respectively. The area under curve was 0.9545 with 95% CI 0.87-1.00. There was a significant correlation between the number of missed locations on the TS grid test and the visual field index of the HFA 24-2 (r = 0.9436, P < .0001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The sensitivity and specificity of the TS grid test were high in detecting VF defects in neurological disease. The TS grid test appears to be a reliable, low-cost, and easily accessed alternative to traditional VF tests in diagnosing typical neurological patterns of visual field defects. It would be useful in screening subjects for neurologically derived ocular morbidity in everyday clinical practice and in remote areas deprived of specialized health care services.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    The redundant target effect (RTE) is the well-known effect whereby a single target is detected faster when a second, redundant target is presented simultaneously. The RTE was shown in different experimental designs and applied in various clinical contexts. However, there are also studies showing non-effects or effects in the opposite direction. Our meta-analysis aims to investigate the replicability of the RTE. Herein, we focused on the clinical context within which the RTE has been applied most often and for which it gained particular prominence: The research on blindsight and other forms of residual vision in patients with damage to the neuronal visual system. The application of the RTE in clinical contexts assumes that whenever vision is present, an RTE will be found. Put differently, the RTE as a tool to uncover residual vision presumes that the RTE is a consistent feature of vision in the healthy population. We found a significant summary effect size of the RTE in healthy participants. The effect size depended on certain experimental features: task type, target configuration in the redundant condition, and how reaction times were computed in the single condition. A specific feature combination is typically used in blindsight research. Analyzing studies with this feature combination revealed a significant summary effect size in healthy participants predicting positive RTEs for future studies. A power-analysis revealed a required sample size of 14 participants to obtain an RTE with high reliability. However, the required sample size is rarely reached in blindsight research. Rather, blindsight research is mostly based on single-case studies. In summary, the RTE is a robust effect on group level but does not occur in every single individual. This means failure to obtain an RTE in a single patient should not be interpreted as evidence for the absence of residual vision in this patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: We report results in relation to returning to driving in the UK under the exceptional cases rule for visual field loss.
    UNASSIGNED: The Hemianopia Adaptation Study is a prospective clinical study recruiting adult stroke survivors with new onset homonymous hemianopia. The mobility assessment course (MAC) was used to measure navigational scanning. Car drivers were offered a 1-year post-stroke assessment to consider referral for driving assessment.
    UNASSIGNED: Of 144 participants, 51 were eligible for driving assessment, with 13 (25.4%) accepting appointment for UK Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) referral. A statistically significant difference in gender and baseline Barthel (stroke severity) scores was found between those requesting referral and those declining (p = 0.046; p < 0.001). MAC outcomes were significantly different, with those referred having a lower percentage of target omissions (9.0%) and faster mean course completion time (46.0 s), than those not referred (28.3%/72.5 s) (p = 0.006/p < 0.001). Twelve of the 13 referred were offered a driving assessment by the DVLA. All 12 passed and returned to driving.
    UNASSIGNED: It is possible for individuals with post-stroke homonymous hemianopia to return to driving, where exceptional cases criteria are met. There is evidence to support use of the MAC as a clinical measurement of adaptation.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATIONIndividuals with post-stroke homonymous hemianopia should be fully informed regarding driving regulations that can differ between countries and sometimes different states within a country, as well as provided with the support and opportunity to consider a return to driving if appropriate.Professionals providing care within the stroke multi-disciplinary team should be aware that it is possible for patients with homonymous hemianopia to return to driving, when exceptional cases criteria are met.The mobility assessment course (MAC) should be considered as a clinical measurement of adaptation in homonymous hemianopia.A cut-off score of ≤25% omissions on MAC could be employed to determine those likely to adapt to hemianopia long-term and potentially return to driving.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To determine any factors that predict how an individual will adapt to post-stroke hemianopic visual field loss, with close monitoring of the adaptation process from an early stage.
    UNASSIGNED: The Hemianopia Adaptation Study (HAST) is a prospective observational longitudinal cohort clinical study. Adult stroke survivors (n = 144) with new onset homonymous hemianopia were monitored using standardised mobility assessment course (MAC) as the primary outcome measure of adaptation.
    UNASSIGNED: Several baseline variables were found to be good predictors of adaptation. Three variables were associated with adaptation status at 12-weeks post-stroke: inferior % visual field, % total MAC omissions, and MAC completion time (seconds). Baseline measurements of these variables can predict the adaptation at 12 weeks with moderate to high accuracy (area under ROC curve, 0.82, 95% CI 0.74-0.90). A cut-off score of ≤25% target omissions is suggested to predict which individuals are likely to adapt by 12-weeks post-stroke following gold standard care.
    UNASSIGNED: Adaptation to hemianopia is a personal journey with several factors being important for prediction of its presence, including MAC outcomes and extent of inferior visual field loss. A clinical recommendation is made for inclusion of the MAC as part of a functional assessment for hemianopia.Implications for rehabilitationThe mobility assessment course (MAC) should be considered as an assessment of mobility/scanning in the rehabilitation of patients with homonymous hemianopia.A cut-off score of ≤25% omissions on MAC could be employed to determine those likely to adapt to hemianopia long-term.Targeted support and therapy for patients with significant visual loss in the inferior visual field area should be considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess ophthalmic manifestations in patients with stroke and emphasize the importance of a formal screening for visual problems in stroke patients in hospital and rehabilitation settings.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of 50 newly diagnosed patients with stroke with Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) > 8 examined within 3 days of onset. A detailed ophthalmic examination was performed for each patient including visual acuity, fields, ocular motility, slit lamp and fundus examination, line bisection tests and cranial nerve assessment. Radiological investigations were reviewed and anatomically correlated.
    RESULTS: A total of 50 patients (41 male and nine female) were included in the study. Mean age of the stroke cohort was 51.36 years. Twenty-nine patients (58%) had a subcortical stroke, while 42% (n = 21) patients had a cortical stroke. Nineteen patients (38%) demonstrated visual field defects. Twenty-one patients (42%) had a gaze palsy. Vertical gaze palsy (n = 8) was more common in cortical stroke, while internuclear ophthalmoplegia (n = 2), horizontal gaze palsies (n = 4) and Parinaud\'s syndrome (n = 1) were seen more commonly in those with subcortical stroke. Twenty-four percent (n = 12) patients had nystagmus. Twelve percent (n = 6) patients had diplopia. Thirty-eight percent (n = 19) patients had convergence insufficiency. Sixteen patients (32%) complained of visual impairment. Retinal abnormalities were seen in 58% (n = 29) of patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ophthalmic manifestations were seen in 90% of stroke survivors. Their presence in majority of the patients in our cohort suggests that earliest routine ophthalmic examination should be mandatory in all patients with acute stroke.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relationship between attention and awareness is a topic of great interest in cognitive neuroscience. Some studies in healthy participants and hemianopic patients have shown dissociation between these two processes. In contrast, others confirmed the classic notion that the two processes are mutually exclusive. To try and cast further light on this fascinating dilemma, in the present study we have investigated the neural mechanisms of visual spatial attention when perceptual awareness is totally lacking. To do that, we monitored with steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) the neurophysiological correlates of endogenous spatial attention to unseen stimuli presented to the blind field of hemianopic patients. Behaviourally, stimulus detection (a brief change in the orientation of a gabor grating) was absent in the blind hemifield while in the sighted field there was a lower, but non-significant, performance in hit rate with respect to a healthy control group. Importantly, however, in both blind and sighted hemifield of hemianopics (as well as in healthy participants) SSVEP recordings showed an attentional effect with higher frequency power in the attended than unattended condition. The scalp distribution of this effect was broadly in keeping with the location of the dorsal system of endogenous spatial attention. In conclusion, the present results provide evidence that the neural correlates of spatial attention are present regardless of visual awareness and this is in accord with the general hypothesis of a possible dissociation between attention and awareness.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Approximately one-third of stroke patients suffer visual field impairment as a result of their strokes. However, studies using the visual pathway as a paradigm for studying poststroke recovery are limited. In this article, we propose that the visual pathway has many features that make it an excellent model system for studying poststroke neuroplasticity and assessing the efficacy of therapeutic interventions. First, the functional anatomy of the visual pathway is well characterized, which makes it well suited for functional neuroimaging studies of poststroke recovery. Second, there are multiple highly standardized and clinically available diagnostic tools and outcome measures that can be used to assess visual function in stroke patients. Finally, as a sensory modality, the assessment of vision is arguably less likely to be affected by confounding factors such as functional compensation and patient motivation. Given these advantages, and the general similarities between poststroke visual field recovery and recovery in other functional domains, future neurorehabilitation studies should consider using the visual pathway to better understand the physiology of neurorecovery and test potential therapeutics.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Damage to the primary visual cortex (V1) due to stroke often results in permanent loss of sight affecting one side of the visual field (homonymous hemianopia). Some rehabilitation approaches have shown improvement in visual performance in the blind region, but require a significant time investment.
    Seven patients with cortical damage performed 400 trials of a motion direction discrimination task daily for 5 days. Three patients received anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) during training, three received sham stimulation and one had no stimulation. Each patient had an assessment of visual performance and a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scan before and after training to measure changes in visual performance and cortical activity.
    No patients showed improvement in visual function due to the training protocol, and application of tDCS had no effect on visual performance. However, following training, the neural response in motion area hMT+ to a moving stimulus was altered. When the stimulus was presented to the sighted hemifield, activity decreased in hMT+ of the damaged hemisphere. There was no change in hMT+ response when the stimulus was presented to the impaired hemifield. There was a decrease in activity in the inferior precuneus after training when the stimulus was presented to either the impaired or sighted hemifield. Preliminary analysis of tDCS data suggested that anodal tDCS interacted with the delivered training, modulating the neural response in hMT+ in the healthy side of the brain.
    Training can affect the neural responses in hMT+ even in the absence of change in visual performance.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Homonymous hemianopia post-stroke reduces independence.
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of a standardised program versus current individualized therapy in patients with homonymous hemianopia.
    METHODS: Single-blind randomized controlled trial, 24 patients (54% male), mean age (65±4.3), mean time since stroke (51±52.3 days), recruited from rehabilitation and vision services in Adelaide, Australia. Participants were randomized to a combined standardized scanning and mobility program of 7 weeks, 3 times per week or to individualized therapy recommended by clinicians. Primary outcome was an assessment of scanning ability whilst walking. Secondary outcomes included measures of visual scanning, reading, and vision related quality of life (QOL).
    RESULTS: No significant differences were found between intervention groups for the primary outcome measure of scanning ability whilst walking at 7 weeks and at 3 months (P > 0.05). However, at 3 months significant differences were found for the QOL National Eye Institute Visual functioning Questionnaire (NEI VFQ25) total score (P = 0.03) and dependency sub-score (P = 0.03) measures.
    CONCLUSIONS: A standardized intervention of static scanning and mobility training improved QOL. Allocation of resources to visual rehabilitation services point towards the implementation of more mobility practice over a longer period of time.





