
  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myelin-forming oligodendrocytes in the vertebrate nervous system co-express the transcription factor Sox10 and its paralog Sox8. While Sox10 plays crucial roles throughout all stages of oligodendrocyte development, including terminal differentiation, the loss of Sox8 results in only mild and transient perturbations. Here, we aimed to elucidate the roles and interrelationships of these transcription factors in fully differentiated oligodendrocytes and myelin maintenance in adults. For that purpose, we conducted targeted deletions of Sox10, Sox8, or both in the brains of two-month-old mice. Three weeks post-deletion, none of the resulting mouse mutants exhibited significant alterations in oligodendrocyte numbers, myelin sheath counts, myelin ultrastructure, or myelin protein levels in the corpus callosum, despite efficient gene inactivation. However, differences were observed in the myelin gene expression in mice with Sox10 or combined Sox8/Sox10 deletion. RNA-sequencing analysis on dissected corpus callosum confirmed substantial alterations in the oligodendrocyte expression profile in mice with combined deletion and more subtle changes in mice with Sox10 deletion alone. Notably, Sox8 deletion did not affect any aspects of the expression profile related to the differentiated state of oligodendrocytes or myelin integrity. These findings extend our understanding of the roles of Sox8 and Sox10 in oligodendrocytes into adulthood and have important implications for the functional relationship between the paralogs and the underlying molecular mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virus-induced accelerated aging has been proposed as a potential mechanism underlying the persistence of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) despite advances in access and adherence to combination antiretroviral therapies (cART). While some studies have demonstrated evidence of accelerated aging in PLWH, studies examining acute infection, and cART intervention are limited, with most studies being in vitro or utilizing small animal models. Here, we utilized FFPE tissues from Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infected rhesus macaques to assess the levels of two proteins commonly associated with aging - the cellular senescence marker p16INK4a (p16) and the NAD-dependent deacetylase sirtuin 1 (SIRT1). Our central hypothesis was that SIV infection induces accelerated aging phenotypes in the brain characterized by increased expression of p16 and altered expression of SIRT1 that correlate with increased neurodegeneration, and that cART inhibits this process. We found that SIV infection induced increased GFAP, p16, SIRT1, and neurodegeneration in multiple brain regions, and treatment with cART reduced GFAP expression in SIV-infected animals and thus likely decreases inflammation in the brain. Importantly, cART reversed SIV-induced accelerated aging (p16 and SIRT1) and neurodegeneration in the frontal lobe and hippocampus. Combined, these data suggest that cART is both safe and effective in reducing neuroinflammation and age-associated alterations in astrocytes that contribute to neurodegeneration, providing possible therapeutic targets in the treatment of HAND.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extracellular matrix (ECM) provides critical biochemical and structural cues that regulate neural development. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs), a major ECM component, have been implicated in modulating oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) proliferation, migration, and maturation, but their specific roles in oligodendrocyte lineage cell (OLC) development and myelination in vivo remain poorly understood. Here, we use zebrafish as a model system to investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of ECM deposition and CSPG localization during central nervous system (CNS) development, with a focus on their relationship to OLCs. We demonstrate that ECM components, including CSPGs, are dynamically expressed in distinct spatiotemporal patterns coinciding with OLC development and myelination. We found that zebrafish lacking cspg4 function produced normal numbers of OLCs, which appeared to undergo proper differentiation. However, OPC morphology in mutant larvae was aberrant. Nevertheless, the number and length of myelin sheaths produced by mature oligodendrocytes were unaffected. These data indicate that Cspg4 regulates OPC morphogenesis in vivo, supporting the role of the ECM in neural development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is a condition in the brain that is marked by a gradual and ongoing reduction in memory, thought, and the ability to perform simple tasks. AD has a poor prognosis but no cure yet. Therefore, the need for novel models to study its pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies is evident, as the brain poorly recovers after injury and neurodegenerative diseases and can neither replace dead neurons nor reinnervate target structures. Recently, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), particularly those from the human olfactory mucous membrane referred to as the olfactory ecto-MSCs (OE-MSCs), have emerged as a potential avenue to explore in modeling AD and developing therapeutics for the disease due to their lifelong regeneration potency and facile accessibility. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the current literature on isolating OE-MSCs and delves into whether they could be reliable models for studying AD pathogenesis. It also explores whether healthy individual-derived OE-MSCs could be therapeutic agents for the disease. Despite being a promising tool in modeling and developing therapies for AD, some significant issues remain, which are also discussed in the review.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The heterogeneity of protein-rich inclusions and its significance in neurodegeneration is poorly understood. Standard patient-derived iPSC models develop inclusions neither reproducibly nor in a reasonable time frame. Here, we developed screenable iPSC \"inclusionopathy\" models utilizing piggyBac or targeted transgenes to rapidly induce CNS cells that express aggregation-prone proteins at brain-like levels. Inclusions and their effects on cell survival were trackable at single-inclusion resolution. Exemplar cortical neuron α-synuclein inclusionopathy models were engineered through transgenic expression of α-synuclein mutant forms or exogenous seeding with fibrils. We identified multiple inclusion classes, including neuroprotective p62-positive inclusions versus dynamic and neurotoxic lipid-rich inclusions, both identified in patient brains. Fusion events between these inclusion subtypes altered neuronal survival. Proteome-scale α-synuclein genetic- and physical-interaction screens pinpointed candidate RNA-processing and actin-cytoskeleton-modulator proteins like RhoA whose sequestration into inclusions could enhance toxicity. These tractable CNS models should prove useful in functional genomic analysis and drug development for proteinopathies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wilson\'s disease (WD) is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner and is caused by pathogenic variants of the ATP7B gene, which are responsible for impaired copper transport in the cell, inhibition of copper binding to apoceruloplasmin, and biliary excretion. This leads to the accumulation of copper in the tissues. Copper accumulation in the CNS leads to the neurological and psychiatric symptoms of WD. Abnormalities of copper metabolism in WD are associated with impaired iron metabolism. Both of these elements are redox active and may contribute to neuropathology. It has long been assumed that among parenchymal cells, astrocytes have the greatest impact on copper and iron homeostasis in the brain. Capillary endothelial cells are separated from the neuropil by astrocyte terminal legs, putting astrocytes in an ideal position to regulate the transport of iron and copper to other brain cells and protect them if metals breach the blood-brain barrier. Astrocytes are responsible for, among other things, maintaining extracellular ion homeostasis, modulating synaptic transmission and plasticity, obtaining metabolites, and protecting the brain against oxidative stress and toxins. However, excess copper and/or iron causes an increase in the number of astrocytes and their morphological changes observed in neuropathological studies, as well as a loss of the copper/iron storage function leading to macromolecule peroxidation and neuronal loss through apoptosis, autophagy, or cuproptosis/ferroptosis. The molecular mechanisms explaining the possible role of glia in copper- and iron-induced neurodegeneration in WD are largely understood from studies of neuropathology in Parkinson\'s disease and Alzheimer\'s disease. Understanding the mechanisms of glial involvement in neuroprotection/neurotoxicity is important for explaining the pathomechanisms of neuronal death in WD and, in the future, perhaps for developing more effective diagnostic/treatment methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In animal models of epilepsy, cranial surgery is often required to implant electrodes for electroencephalography (EEG) recording. However, electrode implants can lead to the activation of glial cells and interfere with physiological neuronal activity. In this study, we evaluated the impact of epidural electrode implants in the pilocarpine mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain neuroinflammation was assessed 1 and 3 weeks after surgery by cytokines quantification, immunohistochemistry, and western blotting. Moreover, we investigated the effect of pilocarpine, administered two weeks after surgery, on mice mortality rate. The reported results indicate that implanted mice suffer from neuroinflammation, characterized by an early release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, microglia activation, and subsequent astrogliosis, which persists after three weeks. Notably, mice subjected to electrode implants displayed a higher mortality rate following pilocarpine injection 2 weeks after the surgery. Moreover, the analysis of EEGs recorded from implanted mice revealed a high number of single spikes, indicating a possible increased susceptibility to seizures. In conclusion, epidural electrode implant in mice promotes neuroinflammation that could lower the seizure thresholds to pilocarpine and increase the death rate. An improved protocol considering the persistent neuroinflammation induced by electrode implants will address refinement and reduction, two of the 3Rs principles for the ethical use of animals in scientific research.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multicellular organisms are composed of specialized cell types with distinct proteomes. While recent advances in single-cell transcriptome analyses have revealed differential expression of mRNAs, cellular diversity in translational profiles remains underinvestigated. By performing RNA-seq and Ribo-seq in genetically defined cells in the Drosophila brain, we here revealed substantial post-transcriptional regulations that augment the cell-type distinctions at the level of protein expression. Specifically, we found that translational efficiency of proteins fundamental to neuronal functions, such as ion channels and neurotransmitter receptors, was maintained low in glia, leading to their preferential translation in neurons. Notably, distribution of ribosome footprints on these mRNAs exhibited a remarkable bias toward the 5\' leaders in glia. Using transgenic reporter strains, we provide evidence that the small upstream open-reading frames in the 5\' leader confer selective translational suppression in glia. Overall, these findings underscore the profound impact of translational regulation in shaping the proteomics for cell-type distinction and provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms driving cell-type diversity.





