cell mechanics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is one of the main techniques used to characterize the mechanical properties of soft biological samples and biomaterials at the nanoscale. Despite efforts made by the AFM community to promote open-source data analysis tools, standardization continues to be a significant concern in a field that requires common analysis procedures. AFM-based mechanical measurements involve applying a controlled force to the sample and measure the resulting deformation in the so-called force-distance curves. These may include simple approach and retract or oscillatory cycles at various frequencies (microrheology). To extract quantitative parameters, such as the elastic modulus, from these measurements, AFM measurements are processed using data analysis software. Although open tools exist and allow obtaining the mechanical properties of the sample, most of them only include standard elastic models and do not allow the processing of microrheology data. In this work, we have developed an open-source software package (called PyFMLab, as of python force microscopy laboratory) capable of determining the viscoelastic properties of samples from both conventional force-distance curves and microrheology measurements.
    UNASSIGNED: PyFMLab has been written in Python, which provides an accessible syntax and sufficient computational efficiency. The software features were divided into separate, self-contained libraries to enhance code organization and modularity and to improve readability, maintainability, testability, and reusability. To validate PyFMLab, two AFM datasets, one composed of simple force curves and another including oscillatory measurements, were collected on HeLa cells.
    UNASSIGNED: The viscoelastic parameters obtained on the two datasets analysed using PyFMLab were validated against data processing proprietary software and against validated MATLAB routines developed before obtaining equivalent results.
    UNASSIGNED: Its open-source nature and versatility makes PyFMLab an open-source solution that paves the way for standardized viscoelastic characterization of biological samples from both force-distance curves and microrheology measurements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies of cell and tissue mechanics have shown that significant changes in cell and tissue mechanics during lesions and cancers are observed, which provides new mechanical markers for disease diagnosis based on machine learning. However, due to the lack of effective mechanic markers, only elastic modulus and iconographic features are currently used as markers, which greatly limits the application of cell and tissue mechanics in disease diagnosis. Here, we develop a liver pathological state classifier through a support vector machine method, based on high dimensional viscoelastic mechanical data. Accurate diagnosis and grading of hepatic fibrosis facilitates early detection and treatment and may provide an assessment tool for drug development. To this end, we used the viscoelastic parameters obtained from the analysis of creep responses of liver tissues by a self-similar hierarchical model and built a liver state classifier based on machine learning. Using this classifier, we implemented a fast classification of healthy, diseased, and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)-treated fibrotic live tissues, and our results showed that the classification accuracy of healthy and diseased livers can reach 0.99, and the classification accuracy of the three liver tissues mixed also reached 0.82. Finally, we provide screening methods for markers in the context of massive data as well as high-dimensional viscoelastic variables based on feature ablation for drug development and accurate grading of liver fibrosis. We propose a novel classifier that uses the dynamical mechanical variables as input markers, which can identify healthy, diseased, and post-treatment liver tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell mechanics are a biophysical indicator of cell state, such as cancer metastasis, leukocyte activation, and cell cycle progression. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a widely used technique to measure cell mechanics, where the Young modulus of a cell is usually derived from the Hertz contact model. However, the Hertz model assumes that the cell is an elastic, isotropic, and homogeneous material and that the indentation is small compared to the cell size. These assumptions neglect the effects of the cytoskeleton, cell size and shape, and cell environment on cell deformation. In this study, we investigated the influence of cell size on the estimated Young\'s modulus using liposomes as cell models. Liposomes were prepared with different sizes and filled with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or hyaluronic acid (HA) to mimic the cytoplasm. AFM was used to obtain the force indentation curves and fit them to the Hertz model. We found that the larger the liposome, the lower the estimated Young\'s modulus for both PBS-filled and HA-filled liposomes. This suggests that the Young modulus obtained from the Hertz model is not only a property of the cell material but also depends on the cell dimensions. Therefore, when comparing or interpreting cell mechanics using the Hertz model, it is essential to account for cell size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Desmosomes are relatives of ancient cadherin-based junctions, which emerged late in evolution to ensure the structural integrity of vertebrate tissues by coupling the intermediate filament cytoskeleton to cell-cell junctions. Their ability to dynamically counter the contractile forces generated by actin-associated adherens junctions is particularly important in tissues under high mechanical stress, such as the skin and heart. Much more than the simple cellular \'spot welds\' depicted in textbooks, desmosomes are in fact dynamic structures that can sense and respond to changes in their mechanical environment and external stressors like ultraviolet light and pathogens. These environmental signals are transmitted intracellularly via desmosome-dependent mechanochemical pathways that drive the physiological processes of morphogenesis and differentiation. This Cell Science at a Glance article and the accompanying poster review desmosome structure and assembly, highlight recent insights into how desmosomes integrate chemical and mechanical signaling in the epidermis, and discuss desmosomes as targets in human disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell mechanics is gaining attraction in drug screening, but the applicable methods have not yet become part of the standardized norm. This review presents the current state of the art for atomic force microscopy, which is the most widely available method. The field is first motivated as a new way of tracking pharmaceutical effects, followed by a basic introduction targeted at pharmacists on how to measure cellular stiffness. The review then moves on to the current state of the knowledge in terms of experimental results and supplementary methods such as fluorescence microscopy that can give relevant additional information. Finally, rheological approaches as well as the theoretical interpretations are presented before ending on additional methods and outlooks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mechanical force exerted on cancer cells by their microenvironment have been reported to drive cells toward invasive phenotypes by altering cells\' motility, proliferation, and apoptosis. These mechanical forces include compressive, tensile, hydrostatic, and shear forces. The importance of forces is then hypothesized to be an alteration of cancer cells\' and their microenvironment\'s biophysical properties as the indicator of a tumor\'s malignancy state. Our objective is to investigate and quantify the correlation between a tumor\'s malignancy state and forces experienced by the cancer cells and components of the microenvironment. In this study, we have developed a multicomponent, three-dimensional model of tumor tissue consisting of a cancer cell surrounded by fibroblasts and extracellular matrix (ECM). Our results on three different organs including breast, kidney, and pancreas show that: A) the stresses within tumor tissue are impacted by the organ specific ECM\'s biophysical properties, B) more invasive cancer cells experience higher stresses, C) in pancreas which has a softer ECM (Young modulus of 1.0 kPa) and stiffer cancer cells (Young modulus of 2.4 kPa and 1.7 kPa) than breast and kidney, cancer cells experienced significantly higher stresses, D) cancer cells in contact with ECM experienced higher stresses compared to cells surrounded by fibroblasts but the area of tumor stroma experiencing high stresses has a maximum length of 40 μm when the cancer cell is surrounded by fibroblasts and 12 μm for when the cancer cell is in vicinity of ECM. This study serves as an important first step in understanding of how the stresses experienced by cancer cells, fibroblasts, and ECM are associated with malignancy states of cancer cells in different organs. The quantification of forces exerted on cancer cells by different organ-specific ECM and at different stages of malignancy will help, first to develop theranostic strategies, second to predict accurately which tumors will become highly malignant, and third to establish accurate criteria controlling the progression of cancer cells malignancy. Furthermore, our in silico model of tumor tissue can yield critical, useful information for guiding ex vivo or in vitro experiments, narrowing down variables to be investigated, understanding what factors could be impacting cancer treatments or even biomarkers to be looking for.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The plasma membrane and the underlying skeleton form a protective barrier for eukaryotic cells. The molecules forming this complex composite material constantly rearrange under mechanical stress to confer this protective capacity. One of those molecules, spectrin, is ubiquitous in the membrane skeleton and primarily located proximal to the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane and engages in protein-lipid interactions via a set of membrane-anchoring domains. Spectrin is linked by short actin filaments and its conformation varies in different types of cells. In this work, we developed a generalized network model for the membrane skeleton integrated with myosin contractility and membrane mechanics to investigate the response of the spectrin meshwork to mechanical loading. We observed that the force generated by membrane bending is important to maintain a smooth skeletal structure. This suggests that the membrane is not just supported by the skeleton, but has an active contribution to the stability of the cell structure. We found that spectrin and myosin turnover are necessary for the transition between stress and rest states in the skeleton. Our model reveals that the actin-spectrin meshwork dynamics are balanced by the membrane forces with area constraint and volume restriction promoting the stability of the membrane skeleton. Furthermore, we showed that cell attachment to the substrate promotes shape stabilization. Thus, our proposed model gives insight into the shared mechanisms of the membrane skeleton associated with myosin and membrane that can be tested in different types of cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Living cells are out of equilibrium active materials. Cell-generated forces are transmitted across the cytoskeleton network and to the extracellular environment. These active force interactions shape cellular mechanical behaviour, trigger mechano-sensing, regulate cell adaptation to the microenvironment and can affect disease outcomes. In recent years, the mechanobiology community has witnessed the emergence of many experimental and theoretical approaches to study cells as mechanically active materials. In this review, we highlight recent advancements in incorporating active characteristics of cellular behaviour at different length scales into classic viscoelastic models by either adding an active tension-generating element or adjusting the resting length of an elastic element in the model. Summarizing the two groups of approaches, we will review the formulation and application of these models to understand cellular adaptation mechanisms in response to various types of mechanical stimuli, such as the effect of extracellular matrix properties and external loadings or deformations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mechanical phenotyping of tumors, either at an individual cell level or tumor cell population level is gaining traction as a diagnostic tool. However, the extent of diagnostic and prognostic information that can be gained through these measurements is still unclear. In this work, we focus on the heterogeneity in mechanical properties of cells obtained from a single source such as a tissue or tumor as a potential novel biomarker. We believe that this heterogeneity is a conventionally overlooked source of information in mechanical phenotyping data. We use mechanics-based in-silico models of cell-cell interactions and cell population dynamics within 3D environments to probe how heterogeneity in cell mechanics drives tissue and tumor dynamics. Our simulations show that the initial heterogeneity in the mechanical properties of individual cells and the arrangement of these heterogenous sub-populations within the environment can dictate overall cell population dynamics and cause a shift towards the growth of malignant cell phenotypes within healthy tissue environments. The overall heterogeneity in the cellular mechanotype and their spatial distributions is quantified by a \"patchiness\" index, which is the ratio of the global to local heterogeneity in cell populations. We observe that there exists a threshold value of the patchiness index beyond which an overall healthy population of cells will show a steady shift towards a more malignant phenotype. Based on these results, we propose that the \"patchiness\" of a tumor or tissue sample, can be an early indicator for malignant transformation and cancer occurrence in benign tumors or healthy tissues. Additionally, we suggest that tissue patchiness, measured either by biochemical or biophysical markers, can become an important metric in predicting tissue health and disease likelihood just as landscape patchiness is an important metric in ecology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, a novel, high content technique using a cylindrical acoustic transducer, stroboscopic fast imaging, and homodyne detection to recover the mechanical properties (dynamic shear modulus) of living adherent cells at low ultrasonic frequencies is presented. By analyzing the micro-oscillations of cells, whole populations are simultaneously mechanotyped with sub-cellular resolution. The technique can be combined with standard fluorescence imaging allowing to further cross-correlate biological and mechanical information. The potential of the technique is demonstrated by mechanotyping co-cultures of different cell types with significantly different mechanical properties.





