
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Invasive alien species implications in ecological threats are attributed to their unique characteristics that are linked to their invasion. Veronica persica (Plantaginaceae family) is an alien weed species in Egypt. Regardless of its widespread globally in various regions, the growth traits and behavior of V. persica remain poorly understood. The comprehensive analysis, reveals the optimal germination (Gmax) was detected at 10/20 °C, 15/20 °C, and 20/25 °C at the moderate temperature regimes. The rapid germination rate (G rate) peaked at 10/20 °C regime, with a rate of 0.376 per day. Furthermore, under stress conditions, V. persica has 50% germination inhibition (G50) and 50% of growth inhibition occurred at - 0.91 MPa and 0.75 MPa of osmotic pressure and 3225.81 ppm and 2677.1 ppm of salt stress (NaCl) respectively. The germination ranged from 6 to 9 pH, with the highest germination percentage occurring at a pH of 7 & 8, reaching 88.75% compared to the control group. There is a strong interaction effect between habitats and plant stages, the plant stages and habitats have significant effects (p ≤ 0.00) on V. persica growth. There was high and moderate plasticity in the response of morphological and growth features between stages. During the seedling-juvenile interval and the juvenile-flowering stages, respectively, there was a noticeable increase in both Relative Growth Rate and Net Assimilation Rate. Demographic surveys identified approximately 24 species across 11 families associated with V. persica in invaded areas. The Sorenson indices of qualitative index exhibited high similarity values in the invaded sites by (82.35%) compared to (72.72%) in non-invaded sites. However, interactions with native communities were reflected in lower richness, diversity, and evenness, displaying slightly higher Simpson index 1 (λ) values compared to invaded and non-invaded sites (0.043 and 0.0290) vs. (0.0207 and 0.268), in rangelands and F. carica orchards respectively. These results emphasize the substantially higher adaptability of V. persica to variable environmental conditions and abilities to invade a new community. This knowledge about invasive V. persica weeds germination and growth is itemized as the consistent predictive base for future invasion and informs strategic management priorities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracts from Veronica species (speedwells) are known for the various biological activities they show, such as cytotoxic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. Also, the plants from this genus are known as medicinal plants used in traditional medicine worldwide. Phenolic compounds are specialized metabolites that contribute to biological activity the most. Therefore, the aim of this research is identification and quantification of phenolic compounds present in three Veronica species (Veronica anagallis-aquatica L., Veronica persica Poir., and Veronica polita Fr.) using the liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) technique. All extracts were tested for antioxidant activity with two methods: DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity). Also, standards for compounds that were detected in the highest amount in all species were also tested for antioxidant activity. Three different solvents (pure methanol, 80% ethanol, and water) were used for the extraction of phenolic components and their comparison in order to test their antioxidant activity as a final goal. The main compounds present in the tested Veronica extracts were: p-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, gentisic acid, and apigenin. V. anagallis-aquatica contained the highest amount of phenolic components in comparison with the two other tested species, V. persica and V. polita. Caffeic acid showed the highest antioxidant activity in both studied methods with an IC50 value for DPPH activity of 1.99 µg/mL. For the plant extracts, in general, methanolic/ethanolic extracts showed higher activity than water extracts in both methods which was expected, as organic solutions extract more phenolic compounds. This research points to the potential application of extracts of different Veronica species for antioxidant activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), a molecular cytogenetic technique that enables the visualization and identification of specific DNA sequences within chromosomes, has emerged as a pivotal tool in plant breeding programs, particularly in the case of Veronica species. Veronica, a genus with a complex reproductive system, often poses challenges in accurately identifying hybrids because of its tendency to hybridize, which leads to intricate genetic variation. This study focused on the use of FISH as a prescreening method to identify true hybrids in Veronica breeding programs. FISH analysis was first performed on the parents to identify their 45S and 5S rDNA signals, along with their respective chromosome numbers. The signals were then compared with those of the twenty progenies with reference to their supposed parents. Five true hybrids, seven self-pollinated progenies, and eight false hybrids were identified through FISH. The findings highlight the significance of FISH as a screening method that contributes significantly to the efficiency of Veronica breeding programs by ensuring the preservation of desired genetic traits and minimizing the inadvertent inclusion of misidentified hybrids. To conclude, this study underscores the vital role of FISH in enhancing the precision and success of breeding programs and opens new avenues for improved breeding strategies and crop development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Polyploidy has become a central factor in plant evolutionary biological research in recent decades. Methods such as flow cytometry have revealed the widespread occurrence of polyploidy; however, its inference relies on expensive lab equipment and is largely restricted to fresh or recently dried material.
    UNASSIGNED: Here, we assess the applicability of infrared spectroscopy to infer ploidy in two related species of Veronica (Plantaginaceae). Infrared spectroscopy relies on differences in the absorbance of tissues, which could be affected by primary and secondary metabolites related to polyploidy. We sampled 33 living plants from the greenhouse and 74 herbarium specimens with ploidy known through flow cytometrical measurements and analyzed the resulting spectra using discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) and neural network (NNET) classifiers.
    UNASSIGNED: Living material of both species combined was classified with 70% (DAPC) to 75% (NNET) accuracy, whereas herbarium material was classified with 84% (DAPC) to 85% (NNET) accuracy. Analyzing both species separately resulted in less clear results.
    UNASSIGNED: Infrared spectroscopy is quite reliable but is not a certain method for assessing intraspecific ploidy level differences in two species of Veronica. More accurate inferences rely on large training data sets and herbarium material. This study demonstrates an important way to expand the field of polyploid research to herbaria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The composition of free volatile compounds of essential oils (EO) and hydrosols (Hy) from four different localities of the species Veronica austriaca ssp. jacquinii (Baumg.) Eb. Fisch. were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. In the EOs, the most abundant compounds identified were hexahydrofarnesyl acetone (23.34-52.56%), hexadecanoic acid (palmitic acid, 26.71-58.91%) and octadecanol acetate (0-6.24%). The hydrosols were characterized by high abundance of methyl eugenol (23.35-57.93%), trans-p-mentha-1(7),8-dien-2-ol (5.24-7.69%) and thymol (3.48-9.45%). Glandular trichomes were analyzed using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), as they are the sites of synthesis of free volatile compounds. We have detected glandular trichomes, consisting of a one stalk cell and two elliptically shaped head cells, and non-glandular (unbranched, bi-cellular to multicellular) trichomes on stems, leaves and the sepals. Data for volatile compounds from EOs and hydrosols were analyzed using Principal Component Analyses (PCA) to demonstrate variations in the composition of the volatile compounds identified. Isolated samples of EO and hydrosols were analyzed for their antioxidant activity using two methods, DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). The essential oils showed higher antioxidant activity than the hydrosols in ORAC method, but lower activity by the DPPH method. The isolates were also tested for their antiproliferative activity on different types of cancer cells and also on two lines of healthy cells, and the results showed that the extracts were not toxic to the cell lines tested. Total polyphenols, total tannins, total flavonoids and total phenolic acids were also analyzed and determined spectrophotometrically. The free volatile compounds of Veronica austriaca ssp. jacquinii can be considered as a safe natural product.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Micropropagation of rare Veronica caucasica M. Bieb. was achieved by successful in vitro cultivation of mono-nodal segments on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg L-1 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and then transferring the regenerated plants on hormone free basal MS medium for root development. In vitro multiplicated plants were successively acclimated in a growth chamber and a greenhouse with 92% survival. The number of plastid pigments and the total phenolics content in in vitro cultivated and ex vitro adapted plants were unchanged, and no accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was detected by staining with 3-3\'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) and 2\',7\'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCF-DA). Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) fingerprinting allowed for the identification of the major alterations in metabolome of V. caucasica plants during the process of ex situ conservation. Iridoid glucosides such as verproside, aucubin and catalpol were characteristic for in vitro cultivated plants, while in ex vitro acclimated plants phenolic acid-protocatechuic acid and caffeic acid appeared dominant. The successful initiation of in vitro and ex vitro cultures is an alternative biotechnological approach for the preservation of V. caucasica and would allow for further studies of the biosynthetic potential of the species and the selection of lines with a high content of pharmaceutically valuable molecules and nutraceuticals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of whole-genome duplication (WGD) in facilitating shifts into novel biomes remains unknown. Focusing on two diverse woody plant groups in New Zealand, Coprosma (Rubiaceae) and Veronica (Plantaginaceae), we investigate how biome occupancy varies with ploidy level, and test the hypothesis that WGD increases the rate of biome shifting. Ploidy levels and biome occupancy (forest, open and alpine) were determined for indigenous species in both clades. The distribution of low-ploidy (Coprosma: 2x, Veronica: 6x) versus high-ploidy (Coprosma: 4-10x, Veronica: 12-18x) species across biomes was tested statistically. Estimation of the phylogenetic history of biome occupancy and WGD was performed using time-calibrated phylogenies and the R package BioGeoBEARS. Trait-dependent dispersal models were implemented to determine support for an increased rate of biome shifting among high-ploidy lineages. We find support for a greater than random portion of high-ploidy species occupying multiple biomes. We also find strong support for high-ploidy lineages showing a three- to eightfold increase in the rate of biome shifts. These results suggest that WGD promotes ecological expansion into new biomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent, rapid radiations present a challenge for phylogenetic reconstruction. Fast successive speciation events typically lead to low sequence divergence and poorly resolved relationships with standard phylogenetic markers. Target sequence capture of many independent nuclear loci has the potential to improve phylogenetic resolution for rapid radiations.
    Here we applied target sequence capture with 353 protein-coding genes (Angiosperms353 bait kit) to Veronica sect. Hebe (common name hebe) to determine its utility for improving the phylogenetic resolution of rapid radiations. Veronica section Hebe originated 5-10 million years ago in New Zealand, forming a monophyletic radiation of ca 130 extant species.
    We obtained approximately 150 kbp of 353 protein-coding exons and an additional 200 kbp of flanking noncoding sequences for each of 77 hebe and two outgroup species. When comparing coding, noncoding, and combined data sets, we found that the latter provided the best overall phylogenetic resolution. While some deep nodes in the radiation remained unresolved, our phylogeny provided broad and often improved support for subclades identified by both morphology and standard markers in previous studies. Gene-tree discordance was nonetheless widespread, indicating that additional methods are needed to disentangle fully the history of the radiation.
    Phylogenomic target capture data sets both increase phylogenetic signal and deliver new insights into the complex evolutionary history of rapid radiations as compared with traditional markers. Improving methods to resolve remaining discordance among loci from target sequence capture is now important to facilitate the further study of rapid radiations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) disease is an extremely ruinous disease in rice, caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). Although various chemicals are available to manage BLB, they are toxic to the environment as well as humans. Hence there is a need to develop new pesticides as alternatives to hazardous chemicals. Therefore, a study was carried out to discover new potent natural pesticides against Xoo from different solvent extracts of Vernonia cinerea. Among all the fractions, the methanolic extract showed the highest inhibition zone. Further, to gain mechanistic insight of inhibitory action, 40 molecules of methanolic extracts were subjected for in silico study against two enzymes D-alanine-D-alanine ligase (Ddl) and Peptide deformylase (PDF). In silico study showed Rutin and Methanone, [1,4-dimethyl-7-(1- methylethyl)-2- azulenyl]phenyl have a good binding affinity with Ddl while Phenol, 2,4-bis(1-phenylethyl)- and 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diisooctyl ester showed an excellent binding affinity to PDF. Finally, the system biology approach was applied to understand the agrochemical\'s effect in the cell system of bacteria against both the enzymes. Conclusively, these four-hit compounds may have strong potential against Xoo and can be used as biopesticides in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple carlaviruses infect various ornamental plants, often having limited host ranges and causing minor symptoms, yet often reducing yield or quality. In this study we have identified a mixed infection of butterbur mosaic virus (ButMV) and helenium virus S (HelVS) from a plant of veronica (Veronica sp.) showing foliar mosaic and distortion. Carlavirus-like particles were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and RNA from partially purified virions was amplified by random RT-PCR, yielding clones of 439-1,385 bp. Two partially overlapping clones including coat protein (CP) sequence, and two of four partial replicase clones, were closely related to ButMV-J (AB517596), previously reported only from butterbur (Petasites japonicus) in Japan. Two other partial replicase clones showed lower identity to multiple carlaviruses. Generic primers which amplify the 3\'-terminal region of multiple carlaviruses yielded clones of three distinct sequences: (1) with 98% nt identity to HelVS; (2) ButMV-A, showing 82% nt identity to ButMV-J; and (3) ButMV-B, with 78% nt identity to each of ButMV-J and ButMV-A. Further amplification of upstream fragments revealed that ButMV-B had an internal deletion in TGB1, confirmed using isolate-specific primers. Near-complete genomes of both ButMV-A and ButMV-B were obtained from next-generation sequencing (NGS), confirming the deletion within ButMV-B, which is presumably maintained through complementation by ButMV-A. HelVS was previously reported only from Helenium hybrids and Impatiens holstii. A near-complete HelVS genome was obtained for the first time by NGS from the same sample. Additional Veronica hybrids infected with HelVS were identified by TEM and RT-PCR, including cv. \'Sunny Border Blue\' which was also subjected to NGS. This resulted in assembly of an 8,615 nt near-complete HelVS genome, with high identity to that from the mixed infection. The predicted CP sequence has 96% amino acid (aa) identity to HelVS from helenium (Q00556). Other ORFs show a maximum of 54% (TGB3) to 68% (NABP) aa identity to the equivalent ORFs of other carlaviruses. These results demonstrate for the first time maintenance by complementation of a carlavirus isolate with a major deletion in an essential gene, and confirm that HelVS is a distinct species in the genus Carlavirus.






