
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The military is a male-dominated environment and culture in which women veterans can experience significant institutional prejudice. Transition can be confusing and isolating for women veterans. Group programs are an important source of transition support. However, we know little about the specific group program needs of women veterans.
    UNASSIGNED: To examine mental health and well-being support group programs delivered to women veterans, to understand what they value and find most helpful.
    UNASSIGNED: Women military veterans (all types); empirical studies using any design; published between 1990 and 2022; group programs focused on transition issues (such as housing, employment, education, physical health, mental health).
    UNASSIGNED: Peer-reviewed journals and theses.
    UNASSIGNED: Six databases searched: Medline (via Ovid SP), PsycINFO (via Ovid SP), EmCare (via Ovid SP), CINAHL, Scopus, and ProQuest.
    UNASSIGNED: There was significant heterogeneity across 35 included studies in type of groups, program content and structure, length of sessions, measurement of impact, follow-up, and so forth. Most programs were delivered face to face. Physical health and preventative healthcare were important topics for women veterans, particularly reproductive health, mental health, and chronic pain. Groups that included physical activity, creative arts, and alternative therapies were beneficial to women\'s physical and mental health. Strengths-based women-only groups, facilitated by women, that created safe spaces for women veterans to share their experiences, enhanced self-expression, agency, and self-empowerment. This was particularly important for women who had experience military sexual trauma.
    UNASSIGNED: This review found a small but diverse range of group programs available for women veterans. Many program evaluations were of moderate or low quality and lacked sufficient information to determine whether benefits were sustained over time. No studies involved Australian women veterans. Despite these concerns, this review highlighted several useful lessons that could help inform improved design, delivery, and evaluation of group programs for women veterans.
    Review of women veteran transition mental health and well-being support group programsWomen veterans learn to become soldiers, sailors and aviators in a male-dominated environment and culture in which their presence is highly visible, challenged and often subject to institutional prejudice. Transition can be confusing and isolating for women veterans. We know little about the specific needs of women veterans to support them to transition successfully to civilian life. Group programs are an important source of transition and post-transition support for veterans. The aim of this review was to examine the existing literature on mental health and well-being support group programs delivered to women veterans to understand what women veterans value and find most helpful in the design and delivery of such programs. Thirty-five studies were included in this review; 33 of these were conducted in the United States. They were of mixed quality and diverse design. Women only groups were favored. Strengths-based Programs that help to build emotional strengths, agency and empowered women were valued by them. Physical health and preventative healthcare are important topics for group programs for women veterans, as are creative arts and alternative therapies that facilitate self-expression and self-empowerment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to examine how young people living with Home Mechanical Ventilation experience the transition from childhood to young adulthood in relation to everyday life, perceived health and transition into adult professional healthcare.
    UNASSIGNED: Nine young adults (three females and six males aged 18-31) were interviewed, and data was primary analysed using phenomenological hermeneutics. In the actual study, data was reworked using secondary analysis as described by Beck. Two interviewees were ventilated invasively and six non-invasively, and one was treated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).
    UNASSIGNED: The results are presented in two main categories. First; moving towards adulthood; and second, To handle changes in health and healthcare contacts. The study highlights the importance of ongoing social relations and being part of a socializing and physically active community. The transfer from paediatric to adult healthcare was solid and worked out well but was a process in which the participants struggled to find their own voice.
    UNASSIGNED: The transition into adulthood is a sensitive and challenging time for young people with HMV, but stable, close relationships and a well-organized transfer can enable this group to feel safe and able to find and use their own voice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Medical students perceive the transition to clerkship education as stressful and challenging and view themselves as novices during their rotation in clerkship education. The developmental perspective is thus important because the transition to clerkship supports rather than hinders growth. Accordingly, this study examines medical students\' transition to clerkship and their developmental features.
    METHODS: In-depth interviews were conducted with 18 medical students or graduates who had completed clerkships as medical students. Based on Straussian grounded theory, the collected data were analyzed in terms of the differences between pre- and post-clerkship education.
    RESULTS: Our data analysis revealed five stages of the transition process: \"anticipation and anxiety,\" \"reality check,\" \"seeking solutions,\" \"practical application,\" and \"transition and stability.\" The core category, that is, \"growing up from being students to being student doctors,\" was driven by patients who perceived the participants as student doctors. Meanwhile, the participants recognized that having a solution that is agreed upon by colleagues was more important than knowing the correct answer. The participants undergoing the transition to clerkship showed developmental features divided into three categories: personal, social, and professional. Specifically, they attempted to balance clerkship and life through personal development, learned to navigate around the hospital and reduced tension through social development, and developed clinical competencies focused on efficiency through professional development.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study explores the process of students\' transition to clerkship education and the developmental features that emerge during this period. The students were motivated by patients who perceived them as student doctors. Through the transition, they maintained a work-life balance and adapted to hospitals but developed an overly doctor-centered attitude by cultivating clinical competencies with a focus on efficiency. To develop them into medical professionals, it is essential to assist their transition and cultivate a patient-centered attitude.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Representative opinion polls indicate that members of the U.S. public may hold dichotomous perceptions of their veterans. While the majority of the U.S. public appreciates and honors their veterans, they are also considered to suffer from war-induced trauma and physical disabilities. Victimizing attitudes toward the veteran population may result in stigmatization and a more difficult transition into civilian society. This may be particularly problematic for U.S. veterans who were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan as this younger veteran population needs to reintegrate not only into civilian society but also into civilian workplace settings. The present study aims to uncover and unravel underlying rationalities that justify heroizing and victimizing sentiments in relation to Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. In order to delve beyond socially desirable reporting and cultural norms, in-depth semi-structured interviews with 29 individuals (20 non-veterans and 9 veterans) were conducted. Three themes were identified by thematic analysis: Theme 1 \"Individual Understandings of the Deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan\" represents an underlying framework that tainted perceptions of Theme 2 \"Conceptualizations of war, deployment, and violence\" and Theme 3 \"Evaluations of the veteran\'s personality.\" If the deployments were considered justified, then veterans were heroized, characterized with supreme altruistic traits when compared with civilians. Negative effects on health that were arbitrarily related to deployment experience were classified as short-lived. If the deployments were scrutinized, then veterans were considered as naïve victims of a deceitful government, suffering from long-term health problems. Importantly, as discussions surrounding the legitimacy of the deployments were context-dependent, the participants were able to hold perceptions of veterans as victims and as heroes side by side. In conclusion, the heroization and victimization of veterans may be the result of considering different viewpoints, elucidating diversity and access to equivocal information in an increasingly complex social world. Although the present findings may require further validation, they suggest that changing negative, stereotyping perceptions of veterans may require a coherent rationale for deployments and uniform mission objectives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Problematic anger, characterized by excessive frequency, intensity, and duration of anger which causes substantial emotional distress and functional interference, poses a marked challenge in military populations. Despite its importance, research on this topic is limited. This study contributes to the literature by exploring problematic anger in a large sample of Norwegian military personnel who served in NATO missions in Afghanistan.
    METHODS: All Norwegian military personnel who deployed to Afghanistan between 2001 and 2020 were sent a link to a cross-sectional web-based survey by the Joint Medical Services of the Norwegian Armed Forces in 2020. A total of 6205 individuals (response rate: 67.7%) participated. The cross-sectional survey assessed problematic anger, mental and physical health, war zone stressor exposure, and quality of life.
    RESULTS: Overall, 8.4% of participants reported problematic anger. Mental health disorders, deployment-related shame and guilt, chronic pain, and challenges with the military-to-civilian transition were independently associated with problematic anger. Both staying in service and maintaining a part-time connection with the military as a reservist mitigated the risk of problematic anger after deployment, compared to complete separation from military service.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings demonstrate a sizeable prevalence of problematic anger among veterans of combat deployments. Given the associations between problematic anger and mental health disorders, chronic pain, and transition challenges, interventions designed to mitigate problematic anger need to be multi-faceted, including the possibility of maintaining an ongoing connection to military service. By reducing the risk of problematic anger, occupational, interpersonal and health outcomes may be improved for service members. Future research should examine the impact of problematic anger on adjustment over time, prevention strategies, and problematic anger in other high-risk occupations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Despite the continuously rising rate of pediatric-onset inflammatory bowel diseases (PIBD), there are no consensus transitional guidelines or standardized practices.
    UNASSIGNED: We aimed to examine: (1) the determinants of a successful transfer, (2) the effects of the transfer versus transition on the disease course and patient compliance, (3) the unique characteristics of PIBD patients, that need special attention in adult care.
    UNASSIGNED: Longitudinal, follow-up, controlled study conducted between 2001 and 2022, with retrospective data collection until 2018, thence prospective.
    UNASSIGNED: Three hundred fifty-one PIBD patients enrolled in the study, of whom 152 were moved to adult care, with a mean post-transfer follow-up time of 3 years. Seventy-three patients took part in structured transition, whereas 79 self-transferred to adult care. The main outcome measures were disease activity (defined by PCDAI, PUCAI, CDAI, and Mayo-scores) and course, hospitalizations, surgeries, IBD-related complications, including anthropometry and bone density, patient compliance, medication adherence, and continuation of medical care.
    UNASSIGNED: Patients who underwent structured transition spent significantly more time in remission (83.6% ± 28.5% versus 77.5% ± 29.7%, p = 0.0339) and had better adherence to their medications (31.9% versus 16.4% non-adherence rate, p = 0.0455) in adult care, with self-transferred patients having a 1.59-fold increased risk of discontinuing their medical care and a 1.88-fold increased risk of experiencing a relapse. Post-transfer the compliance of patients deteriorated (38.5% versus 29%, p = 0.0002), with the highest lost-to-follow-up rate during the changing period between the healthcare systems (12.7%), in which female gender was a risk factor (p = 0.010). PIBD patients had experienced IBD-related complications (23.4%) and former surgeries (15%) upon arriving at adult care, with high rates of malnutrition, growth impairment, and poor bone health.
    UNASSIGNED: Structured transition plays a key role in ensuring the best disease course and lowering the lost-to-follow-up rate among PIBD patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Structured transition plays a key role in ensuring the best disease outcome among PIBD patients, as in our study it was associated with lower disease activity, fewer relapses, better medication adherence, and lower lost-to-follow-up rate as opposed to self-transfer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: \"Ultra-high risk\" for psychosis young adults are assumed to be at higher risk of developing a psychotic spectrum disorder. Predominantly, the ultrahigh-risk population is aged 18-35 years, but it may also include younger children and adolescents. Individuals in this population experience psychosis prodromes in the form of attenuated or brief psychotic symptoms (particularly perceptual abnormalities). Albeit diagnosis is made via structured interviews, such measures fail to sufficiently assess the precise form and content of perceptual abnormalities, especially as they manifest in children and adolescents.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study involved a systematic review of the literature on perceptual abnormalities (particularly hallucinations) in ultrahigh-risk children and adolescents.
    UNASSIGNED: The analysis reviewed five studies and drew conclusions about the perceptual abnormalities (ie, hallucinations) experienced by the study samples, focusing on form, content, and associations with other symptoms. Of note, 2 of the investigated studies suggested a relationship between hallucinations and experiences of childhood trauma.
    UNASSIGNED: The transition to psychosis and experiences of childhood trauma could correspond to different types of hallucinations in ultrahigh-risk children and adolescents. This knowledge could improve the identification of prodromal states in the young, ultrahigh-risk population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Little evidence is available to provide context for understanding the experiences of parents and youth from historically marginalized groups as they age into adulthood, especially in regard to the transition experiences of Black autistic transition-age youth and their family members. This commentary builds upon recent publications that inform intersectional understandings of Black autistic experiences in America, and outlines research recommendations to better address the specific needs of Black autistic transition-age youth. Given the noted deficits in transition research and the transition process in regard to the experiences of Black autistic youth, we provide recommendations for improving autism transition research. We propose changes that are necessary to achieve equitable research processes, which could inform the design of targeted interventions to improve transition experiences for Black autistic youth.
    Why is this topic important? There is little research on the experiences of Black autistic youth and young adults during the transition to adulthood. It is important to study this group of people, because they may have more unmet needs for services and supports during the transition years. They may have a harder time achieving employment or continuing their education because of the long-term effects of racism in communities. What is the purpose of this article? To add to what is known on this topic, we report on recent studies about Black autistic youth during the transition to adulthood. We provide research and practice recommendations. What personal or professional perspectives do the authors bring to this topic? The authors of this study are allistic researchers and research assistants who are members of a research team working on, or advising, autism transition research. A.M.R. is a White researcher, and a family member of autistic individuals, who studies the transition experiences of autistic youth. S.V. is a Black, nonbinary, public health social worker with experience in Black LGBTQIA+ mental health. E.-D.W. is a Black researcher who studies the mental health of Black autistic youth. H.S. is a White qualitative sociologist with experience studying the transition to young adulthood from the critical disability lens. K.A.A. is a mixed-race researcher who is White-presenting and who studies the intersectionality of autism, race, and poverty. T.M.H. is a Black researcher whose work focuses on intersecting identities, with a special focus on race and autism, and the way those intersections impact the lived experiences of individuals. L.L.S. is a White researcher with experience in studying health services disparities. The positionality of this team is that we identify as nonautistic researchers who seek to support increased focus on Black autistic youth and adults within autism research. What is already known about this topic? We know that there has been little attention given to studying how Black autistic youth and their families experience the transition to adulthood. We also know they are less likely to receive information about the transition in a timely manner. These disparities are unacceptable. What do the authors recommend? We need to find better ways to learn about the barriers that Black autistic youth face as they become adults. We also need to learn about the strengths they use to overcome these barriers. That information will help us to design ways to improve transitions. This work should be done with Black autistic youth and their families as partners. Researchers should use different approaches to invite Black youth into their studies. When researchers are designing studies they should think about the connections between people\'s identities such as being autistic, Black, or poor, because these identities combine to make discrimination worse. It would be helpful if the leaders of academic departments placed value on hiring Black and autistic scholars and encouraged more diversity within research. How will these recommendations help autistic adults now or in the future? It is possible to make changes in how Black autistic transition-age youth move through transition. However, the same solutions will not work for all communities. This is because different communities experience different barriers to receiving information and services during the transition years. We hope these recommendations will help researchers to think about how they can improve the participation of Black autistic youth and their family members.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the same health state results in the same distribution of responses on the EQ-5D youth and adult descriptive systems.
    METHODS: Adolescents aged 13-18 years with a range of health conditions and from the general school going population were recruited in South Africa (ZA) and Ethiopia (ET). In ZA participants completed the English EQ-5D-3L, EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-5L in parallel. Whereas in ET participants completed the Amharic EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-Y-5L in parallel. Analysis aimed to describe the transition between youth and adult instruments and not differences between countries.
    RESULTS: Data from 592 adolescents completing the EQ-5D-3L, EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-5L (ZA) and 693 completing the EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-Y-5L (ET) were analysed. Adolescents reported more problems on the youth versions compared to the adult version for the dimension of mental health. 13% and 4% of adolescents who reported no problems on the EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L reported some problems on the EQ-5D-Y-3L respectively. This was less notable with transition between the five level versions with 4% of adolescents reporting more problems on the EQ-5D-Y-5L than the EQ-5D-5L. Very few adolescents reported severe problems (level 3 on the EQ-5D-3L or EQ-5D-Y-3L and level 4 and level 5 on the EQ-5D-5L or EQ-5D-5L) thus there was little variation between responses between the versions. In ZA, discriminatory power, measured on the Shannon\'s Index, was higher for Y-3L compared to 3L for pain/discomfort (ΔH\'=0.11) and anxiety/depression (ΔH\'=0.04) and across all dimensions for Y-3L compared to 5L. Similarly, in ET discriminatory power was higher for Y-5L than 5L (ΔH\' range 0.05-0.09). Gwet\'s AC showed good to very good agreement across all paired (ZA) 3L and (ET) 5L dimensions. The summary score of all EQ-5D versions were able to differentiate between known disease groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite the overall high levels of agreement between EQ-5D instruments for youth and for adults, they do not provide identical results in terms of health state, from the same respondent. The differences were most notable for anxiety/depression. These differences in the way individuals respond to the various descriptive systems need to be taken into consideration for descriptive analysis, when transitioning between instruments, and when comparing preference-weighted scores.





