Touch Perception

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Computer haptics (CH) is about integration of tactile sensation and rendering in Metaverse. However, unlike computer vision (CV) where both hardware infrastructure and software programs are well developed, a generic tactile data capturing device that serves the same role as what a camera does for CV, is missing. Bioinspired by electrophysiological processes in human tactile somatosensory nervous system, here we propose a tactile scanner along with a neuromorphically-engineered system, in which a closed-loop tactile acquisition and rendering (re-creation) are preliminarily achieved. Based on the architecture of afferent nerves and intelligent functions of mechano-gating and leaky integrate-and-fire models, such a tactile scanner is designed and developed by using piezoelectric transducers as axon neurons and thin film transistor (TFT)-based neuromorphic circuits to mimic synaptic behaviours and neural functions. As an example, the neuron-like tactile information of surface textures is captured and further used to render the texture friction of a virtual surface for \"recreating\" a \"true\" feeling of touch.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Integrating tactile feedback through haptic interfaces enhances experiences in virtual and augmented reality. However, electrotactile systems, which stimulate mechanoreceptors directly, often yield inconsistent tactile results due to variations in pressure between the device and the finger. In this study, we present the integration of a transparent electrotactile screen with pressure-sensitive transistors, ensuring highly consistent quantitative haptic sensations. These transistors effectively calibrate tactile variations caused by touch pressure. Additionally, we explore remote-distance tactile stimulations achieved through the interference of electromagnetic waves. We validated tactile perception using somatosensory evoked potentials, monitoring the somatosensory cortex response. Our haptic screen can stimulate diverse electrotactile sensations and demonstrate various tactile patterns, including Morse code and Braille, when integrated with portable smart devices, delivering a more immersive experience. Furthermore, interference of electric fields allows haptic stimulation to facilitate diverse stimulus positioning at lower current densities, extending the reach beyond direct contact with electrodes of our screen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Tactile sensitivity and sensory overload in ADHD are well-documented in clinical-, self-, and parent- reports, but empirical evidence is scarce and ambiguous and focuses primarily on children. Here, we compare both empirical and self-report tactile sensitivity and ADHD symptomatology in adults with ADHD and neurotypical controls. We evaluate whether tactile sensitivity and integration is more prevalent in ADHD and whether it is related to ADHD symptom severity.
    METHODS: Somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) amplitudes were measured in 27 adults with ADHD and 24 controls during four conditions (rest, stroking of the own arm, stroking of the arm by a researcher, and stroking of an object). Participants also filled out questionnaires on tactile sensitivity and ADHD symptoms and performed a Qb-test as an objective measure of ADHD symptom severity.
    RESULTS: Participants with ADHD self-reported greater tactile sensitivity and ADHD symptom severity than controls and received higher scores on the Qb-test. These values correlated with one another. ADHD participants showed lower tolerable threshold for electrical radial nerve stimulus, and greater reduction in cortical SEP amplitudes during additional tactile stimuli which was correlated with ADHD symptoms.
    CONCLUSIONS: We find that ADHD symptomatology and touch sensitivity are directly linked, using both self-reports and experimental measures. We also find evidence of tactile sensory overload in ADHD, and an indication that this is linked to inattention specifically. Tactile sensitivity and sensory overload impact the functioning and life quality of many people with ADHD, and clinicians should consider this when treating their patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In tactile sensing, decoding the journey from afferent tactile signals to efferent motor commands is a significant challenge primarily due to the difficulty in capturing population-level afferent nerve signals during active touch. This study integrates a finite element hand model with a neural dynamic model by using microneurography data to predict neural responses based on contact biomechanics and membrane transduction dynamics. This research focuses specifically on tactile sensation and its direct translation into motor actions. Evaluations of muscle synergy during in -vivo experiments revealed transduction functions linking tactile signals and muscle activation. These functions suggest similar sensorimotor strategies for grasping influenced by object size and weight. The decoded transduction mechanism was validated by restoring human-like sensorimotor performance on a tendon-driven biomimetic hand. This research advances our understanding of translating tactile sensation into motor actions, offering valuable insights into prosthetic design, robotics, and the development of next-generation prosthetics with neuromorphic tactile feedback.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As robots are increasingly participating in our daily lives, the quests to mimic human abilities have driven the advancements of robotic multimodal senses. However, current perceptual technologies still unsatisfied robotic needs for home tasks/environments, particularly facing great challenges in multisensory integration and fusion, rapid response capability, and highly sensitive perception. Here, we report a flexible tactile sensor utilizing thin-film thermistors to implement multimodal perceptions of pressure, temperature, matter thermal property, texture, and slippage. Notably, the tactile sensor is endowed with an ultrasensitive (0.05 mm/s) and ultrafast (4 ms) slip sensing that is indispensable for dexterous and reliable grasping control to avoid crushing fragile objects or dropping slippery objects. We further propose and develop a robotic tactile-visual fusion architecture that seamlessly encompasses multimodal sensations from the bottom level to robotic decision-making at the top level. A series of intelligent grasping strategies with rapid slip feedback control and a tactile-visual fusion recognition strategy ensure dexterous robotic grasping and accurate recognition of daily objects, handling various challenging tasks, for instance grabbing a paper cup containing liquid. Furthermore, we showcase a robotic desktop-cleaning task, the robot autonomously accomplishes multi-item sorting and cleaning desktop, demonstrating its promising potential for smart housekeeping.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multisensory integration plays a crucial role in building the sense of body ownership, i.e., the perceptual status of one\'s body for which the body is perceived as belonging to oneself. Temporal and spatial mismatching of visual and tactile signals coming from one\'s body can reduce ownership feelings towards the body and its parts, i.e., produce disownership feelings. Here, we investigated whether visuo-tactile conflict also affects the sensorimotor representation of the body in space (i.e., body schema) and the perception of the space around the body in terms of action potentiality (i.e., reaching space). In two experiments, body schema (Experiment 1) and reaching space (Experiment 2) were assessed before and after either synchronous or asynchronous visuo-tactile stimulation. Results showed that the asynchronous condition, provoking multisensory conflict, caused disownership over one\'s hand and concurrently affected the body schema and the reaching space. These findings indicate that body schema and reaching space could be dynamically shaped by the multisensory regularities that build up the sense of body ownership.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The rubber hand illusion (RHI) is a well-established method for studying body ownership: Given adequate concordance of visual, sensory, and proprioceptive stimuli, the individual experiences a rubber hand as his or her own.
    OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of a threat to the rubber hand.
    METHODS: We created a typical RHI paradigm but added threatening pain: Both the real hand of an individual and the rubber hand were stroked with a brush, either synchronously (RHI-inducing condition) or asynchronously (control condition), but only the rubber hand was then pricked with a needle to create a threatening pain condition. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in a group of 23 typically-developed individuals. ERP effects were source-localized using low-resolution electromagnetic tomography.
    RESULTS: The individuals consistently reported experience of the RHI during the experiment when the brush strokes were applied synchronously to both the real hand and the rubber hand. ERP analysis revealed that synchronous brush stroking gave rise to higher amplitude of frontal ERPs in the 100-200 ms range than asynchronous brush stroking, which was interpreted as reflecting the RHI. In the threatening pain condition, ERPs showed a greater positivity at frontocentral electrodes, source localized in the supplementary motor area (SMA).
    CONCLUSIONS: SMA activation could reflect a control mechanism over reflexive motor activity, facilitating a possible threat-related response. Further studies should address ERP effects and the extent of the RHI to standard and threat stimuli in a correlative fashion to further elucidate the functional significance of the neurophysiological findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rodents continuously move their heads and whiskers in a coordinated manner while perceiving objects through whisker-touch. Studies in head-fixed rodents showed that the ventroposterior medial (VPM) and posterior medial (POm) thalamic nuclei code for whisker kinematics, with POm involvement reduced in awake animals. To examine VPM and POm involvement in coding head and whisker kinematics in awake, head-free conditions, we recorded thalamic neuronal activity and tracked head and whisker movements in male mice exploring an open arena. Using optogenetic tagging, we found that in freely moving mice, both nuclei equally coded whisker kinematics and robustly coded head kinematics. The fraction of neurons coding head kinematics increased after whisker trimming, ruling out whisker-mediated coding. Optogenetic activation of thalamic neurons evoked overt kinematic changes and increased the fraction of neurons leading changes in head kinematics. Our data suggest that VPM and POm integrate head and whisker information and can influence head kinematics during tactile perception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fingernails are specialized features of the primate hand, which are believed to contribute to manual dexterity. The sensorimotor functions of fingernails, however, remain poorly understood. This study investigates the ability of humans to precisely localize touches applied to the fingernail plate. Nine different locations on the fingernail were touched and participants judged the location by clicking a mouse cursor on a photograph of their finger. Performance in this condition was compared with stimuli applied to the skin of the fingertip. The results showed that participants are able to localize touch on the fingernails at substantially higher than chance levels. Moreover, the precision of this ability is not appreciably lower than that of the fingertips. These results show that the fingernail is a highly sensitive sensory organ, which is capable of providing rich spatial information about tactile stimuli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuroplastic changes appear in people with visual impairment (VI) and they show greater tactile abilities. Improvements in performance could be associated with the development of enhanced early attentional processes based on neuroplasticity. Currently, the various early attentional and cortical remapping strategies that are utilized by people with early (EB) and late-onset blindness (LB) remain unclear. Thus, more research is required to develop effective rehabilitation programs and substitution devices. Our objective was to explore the differences in spatial tactile brain processing in adults with EB, LB and a sighted control group (CG). In this cross-sectional study 27 participants with VI were categorized into EB (n = 14) and LB (n = 13) groups. They were then compared with a CG (n = 15). A vibrotactile device and event-related potentials (ERPs) were utilized while participants performed a spatial tactile line recognition task. The P100 latency and cortical areas of maximal activity were analyzed during the task. The three groups had no statistical differences in P100 latency (p>0.05). All subjects showed significant activation in the right superior frontal areas. Only individuals with VI activated the left superior frontal regions. In EB subjects, a higher activation was found in the mid-frontal and occipital areas. A higher activation of the mid-frontal, anterior cingulate cortex and orbitofrontal zones was observed in LB participants. Compared to the CG, LB individuals showed greater activity in the left orbitofrontal zone, while EB exhibited greater activity in the right superior parietal cortex. The EB had greater activity in the left orbitofrontal region compared to the LB. People with VI may not have faster early attentional processing. EB subjects activate the occipital lobe and right superior parietal cortex during tactile stimulation because of an early lack of visual stimuli and a multimodal information processing. In individuals with LB and EB the orbitofrontal area is activated, suggesting greater emotional processing.





