Touch Perception

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The rubber hand illusion (RHI) is a well-established method for studying body ownership: Given adequate concordance of visual, sensory, and proprioceptive stimuli, the individual experiences a rubber hand as his or her own.
    OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of a threat to the rubber hand.
    METHODS: We created a typical RHI paradigm but added threatening pain: Both the real hand of an individual and the rubber hand were stroked with a brush, either synchronously (RHI-inducing condition) or asynchronously (control condition), but only the rubber hand was then pricked with a needle to create a threatening pain condition. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in a group of 23 typically-developed individuals. ERP effects were source-localized using low-resolution electromagnetic tomography.
    RESULTS: The individuals consistently reported experience of the RHI during the experiment when the brush strokes were applied synchronously to both the real hand and the rubber hand. ERP analysis revealed that synchronous brush stroking gave rise to higher amplitude of frontal ERPs in the 100-200 ms range than asynchronous brush stroking, which was interpreted as reflecting the RHI. In the threatening pain condition, ERPs showed a greater positivity at frontocentral electrodes, source localized in the supplementary motor area (SMA).
    CONCLUSIONS: SMA activation could reflect a control mechanism over reflexive motor activity, facilitating a possible threat-related response. Further studies should address ERP effects and the extent of the RHI to standard and threat stimuli in a correlative fashion to further elucidate the functional significance of the neurophysiological findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The threshold values of two-point discrimination (TPD) provide a numerical measure of tactile acuity. Normal reference values are needed to decide whether sensory variability is within normal sensorial limits. The study aimed to determine the upper extremity and face threshold values in healthy young adults.
    METHODS: Static TPD thresholds of 67 healthy young adults aged 18-35 years were assessed. Eight skin areas in the face and upper extremity on the dominant side were assessed using a \"method of limits\" approach with an aesthesiometer. Differences between genders were examined with the Mann-Whitney U test. The Spearman correlation analysis investigated the relationship between age and TPD measurements.
    RESULTS: TPD values ranged between 4.66 and 19.16 mm and 1.33-68.66 mm in the face and upper extremity, respectively, in the participants with a mean age of 23.83 ± 4.66 years. Fingertips and the area over the lateral mandibula showed the greatest sensitivity. The threshold values of TPD showed both interindividual and intraindividual variability. There was no statistical difference in the TPD values according to gender in any of the measured areas, and there was no relationship between age and TPD test values.
    CONCLUSIONS: The threshold values of TPD have clinical applicability in various diseases affecting the sensation of the upper extremity and/or face. These data may help the detection of early sensory loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuroplastic changes appear in people with visual impairment (VI) and they show greater tactile abilities. Improvements in performance could be associated with the development of enhanced early attentional processes based on neuroplasticity. Currently, the various early attentional and cortical remapping strategies that are utilized by people with early (EB) and late-onset blindness (LB) remain unclear. Thus, more research is required to develop effective rehabilitation programs and substitution devices. Our objective was to explore the differences in spatial tactile brain processing in adults with EB, LB and a sighted control group (CG). In this cross-sectional study 27 participants with VI were categorized into EB (n = 14) and LB (n = 13) groups. They were then compared with a CG (n = 15). A vibrotactile device and event-related potentials (ERPs) were utilized while participants performed a spatial tactile line recognition task. The P100 latency and cortical areas of maximal activity were analyzed during the task. The three groups had no statistical differences in P100 latency (p>0.05). All subjects showed significant activation in the right superior frontal areas. Only individuals with VI activated the left superior frontal regions. In EB subjects, a higher activation was found in the mid-frontal and occipital areas. A higher activation of the mid-frontal, anterior cingulate cortex and orbitofrontal zones was observed in LB participants. Compared to the CG, LB individuals showed greater activity in the left orbitofrontal zone, while EB exhibited greater activity in the right superior parietal cortex. The EB had greater activity in the left orbitofrontal region compared to the LB. People with VI may not have faster early attentional processing. EB subjects activate the occipital lobe and right superior parietal cortex during tactile stimulation because of an early lack of visual stimuli and a multimodal information processing. In individuals with LB and EB the orbitofrontal area is activated, suggesting greater emotional processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) is an effective means to elicit sensation for rehabilitation of people with loss of a limb or limb function. While most current PNS paradigms deliver current through single electrode contacts to elicit each tactile percept, multi-contact extraneural electrodes offer the opportunity to deliver PNS with groups of contacts individually or simultaneously. Multi-contact PNS strategies could be advantageous in developing biomimetic PNS paradigms to recreate the natural neural activity during touch, because they may be able to selectively recruit multiple distinct neural populations. We used computational models and optimization approaches to develop a novel biomimetic PNS paradigm that uses interleaved multi-contact (IMC) PNS to approximate the critical neural coding properties underlying touch. The IMC paradigm combines field shaping, in which two contacts are active simultaneously, with pulse-by-pulse contact and parameter variations throughout the touch stimulus. We show in simulation that IMC PNS results in better neural code mimicry than single contact PNS created with the same optimization techniques, and that field steering via two-contact IMC PNS results in better neural code mimicry than one-contact IMC PNS. We also show that IMC PNS results in better neural code mimicry than existing PNS paradigms, including prior biomimetic PNS. Future clinical studies will determine if the IMC paradigm can improve the naturalness and usefulness of sensory feedback for those with neurological disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pain and somatosensory impairments are commonly reported following stroke. This study investigated the relationship between somatosensory impairments (touch detection, touch discrimination and proprioceptive discrimination) and the reported presence and perception of any bodily pain in stroke survivors. Stroke survivors with somatosensory impairment ( N  = 45) completed the Weinstein Enhanced Sensory Test (WEST), Tactile Discrimination Test, and Wrist Position Sense Test for quantification of somatosensation in both hands and the McGill Pain Questionnaire, visual analog scale and the Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI) for reporting presence and perception of pain. No relationship was observed between somatosensory impairment (affected contralesional hand) of touch detection, discriminative touch or proprioceptive discrimination with the presence or perception of pain. However, a weak to moderate negative relationship between touch detection in the affected hand (WEST) and perception of pain intensity (NPSI) was found, suggesting that stroke survivors with milder somatosensory impairment of touch detection, rather than severe loss, are likely to experience higher pain intensity [rho = -0.35; 95% confidence interval (CI), -0.60 to -0.03; P  = 0.03]. Further, a moderate, negative relationship was found specifically with evoked pain (NPSI) and touch detection in the affected hand (rho = -0.43; 95% CI, -0.72 to -0.02; P  = 0.03). In summary, our findings indicate a weak to moderate, albeit still uncertain, association, which prevents making a definitive conclusion. Nevertheless, our findings contribute to our understanding of the complexities surrounding the experience of pain in survivors of stroke and provide direction for future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated whether self-administered tactile stimulation could act as a temporary restorative mechanism for body ownership disorders, both implicitly and explicitly. We tested this hypothesis in a patient with somatoparaphrenia, who displayed increased accuracy in explicitly recognizing their left hand during self-touch. Furthermore, the patient implicitly perceived their hand and the experimenter\'s hand as more belonging to their own body compared to conditions where vision was the sole sensory input. These findings highlight the importance of self-touch in maintaining a coherent body representation, while also demonstrating the potential dissociation between the recovery of explicit and implicit perceptions of body ownership.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although active touch in rodents arises from the forepaws as well as whiskers, most research on active touch only focuses on whiskers. This results in a paucity of tasks designed to assess the process of active touch with a forepaw. We develop a new experimental task, the Reach-to-Grasp and Tactile Discrimination task (RGTD task), to examine active touch with a forepaw in rodents, particularly changes in processes of active touch during motor skill learning. In the RGTD task, animals are required to (1) extend their forelimb to an object, (2) grasp the object, and (3) manipulate the grasped object with the forelimb. The animals must determine the direction of the manipulation based on active touch sensations arising during the period of the grasping. In experiment 1 of the present study, we showed that rats can learn the RGTD task. In experiment 2, we confirmed that the rats are capable of reversal learning of the RGTD task. The RGTD task shared most of the reaching movements involved with conventional forelimb reaching tasks. From the standpoint of a discrimination task, the RGTD task enables rigorous experimental control, for example by removing bias in the stimulus-response correspondence, and makes it possible to utilize diverse experimental procedures that have been difficult in prior tasks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Finger-counting plays a crucial role in grounding and establishing mathematics, one of the most abstract domains of human cognition. While the combination of visual and proprioceptive information enables the coordination of finger movements, it was recently suggested that the emergence of finger-counting primarily relies on visual cues. In this study, we aimed to directly test this assumption by examining whether explicit finger-counting training (through tactile stimulation) may assist visually impaired children in overcoming their difficulties in learning mathematics. Two visually impaired participants (2 boys of 8.5 and 7.5 years) were therefore trained to use their fingers to calculate. Their pre- and post-training performance were compared to two control groups of sighted children who underwent either the same finger counting training (8 boys, 10 girls, Mage = 5.9 years; 10 kindergarteners and eight 1st graders) or another control vocabulary training (10 boys, 8 girls, Mage = 5.9 years; 11 kindergarteners and seven 1st graders). Results demonstrated that sighted children\'s arithmetic performance improved much more after the finger training than after the vocabulary training. Importantly, the positive impact of the finger training was also observed in both visually impaired participants (for addition and subtraction in one child; only for addition in the other child). These results are discussed in relation to the sensory compensation hypothesis and emphasize the importance of early and appropriate instruction of finger-based representations in both sighted and visually impaired children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Digital neuropsychological tools for diagnosing neurodegenerative diseases in the older population are becoming more relevant and widely adopted because of their diagnostic capabilities. In this context, explicit memory is mainly examined. The assessment of implicit memory occurs to a lesser extent. A common measure for this assessment is the serial reaction time task (SRTT).
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to develop and empirically test a digital tablet-based SRTT in older participants with cognitive impairment (CoI) and healthy control (HC) participants. On the basis of the parameters of response accuracy, reaction time, and learning curve, we measure implicit learning and compare the HC and CoI groups.
    METHODS: A total of 45 individuals (n=27, 60% HCs and n=18, 40% participants with CoI-diagnosed by an interdisciplinary team) completed a tablet-based SRTT. They were presented with 4 blocks of stimuli in sequence and a fifth block that consisted of stimuli appearing in random order. Statistical and machine learning modeling approaches were used to investigate how healthy individuals and individuals with CoI differed in their task performance and implicit learning.
    RESULTS: Linear mixed-effects models showed that individuals with CoI had significantly higher error rates (b=-3.64, SE 0.86; z=-4.25; P<.001); higher reaction times (F1,41=22.32; P<.001); and lower implicit learning, measured via the response increase between sequence blocks and the random block (β=-0.34; SE 0.12; t=-2.81; P=.007). Furthermore, machine learning models based on these findings were able to reliably and accurately predict whether an individual was in the HC or CoI group, with an average prediction accuracy of 77.13% (95% CI 74.67%-81.33%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that the HC and CoI groups differed substantially in their performance in the SRTT. This highlights the promising potential of implicit learning paradigms in the detection of CoI. The short testing paradigm based on these results is easy to use in clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To date, a number of studies on migraine have cross-sectionally evaluated sensory sensitivity with aversion thresholds/scores along the migraine cycle, reporting a decreased tolerance to sensory stimuli in different sensory modalities. Our hypothesis was that patients with migraine would exhibit heightened sensitivity to sound, light, touch and smell on days where they reported greater headache intensity.
    METHODS: This is an exploratory, longitudinal study, carried out over the course of 27 days. Aversion thresholds or scores to sound, light, touch and smell were quantified in six patients with migraine (11.33 ± 6.53 headache days/month).
    RESULTS: Patients reported an increased sensitivity to light (padj = 0.0297), touch (padj = 0.0077), and smell (padj = 0.0201) on days with higher headache intensity. However, a greater sensitivity to sound on days with higher headache intensity was only reported when anxiety levels were high (padj = 1.4e-06). Interestingly, variable levels of tolerance to bothersome light over time can also influence the correlation between light sensitivity and headache intensity (padj = 1.4e-06).
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the present findings, future longitudinal studies evaluating sensory threshold changes along the migraine cycle in patients with migraine should account for the increased tolerance to bothersome light over time as well as the effect of anxiety on auditory sensitivity.





