Spatial cognition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial locations can be encoded and maintained in working memory using different representations and strategies. Fine-grained representations provide detailed stimulus information, but are cognitively demanding and prone to inexactness. The uncertainty in fine-grained representations can be compensated by the use of coarse, but robust categorical representations. In this study, we employed an individual differences approach to identify brain activity correlates of the use of fine-grained and categorical representations in spatial working memory. We combined data from six functional magnetic resonance imaging studies, resulting in a sample of $155$ ($77$ women, $25 \\pm 5$ years) healthy participants performing a spatial working memory task. Our results showed that individual differences in the use of spatial representations in working memory were associated with distinct patterns of brain activity. Higher precision of fine-grained representations was related to greater engagement of attentional and control brain systems throughout the task trial, and the stronger deactivation of the default network at the time of stimulus encoding. In contrast, the use of categorical representations was associated with lower default network activity during encoding and higher frontoparietal network activation during maintenance. These results may indicate a greater need for attentional resources and protection against interference for fine-grained compared with categorical representations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Children have persistent difficulty with foundational measurement concepts, which may be linked to the instruction they receive. Here, we focus on testing various ways to support their understanding that rulers comprise spatial interval units. We examined whether evidence-based learning tools-disconfirming evidence and/or structural alignment-enhance their understanding of ruler units. Disconfirming evidence, in this context, involves having children count the spatial interval units under an object that is not aligned with the origin of a ruler. Structural alignment, in this context, involves highlighting what a ruler unit is by overlaying plastic unit chips on top of ruler units when an object is aligned with the origin of a ruler. In three experiments employing a pre-test/training/post-test design, a total of 120 second graders were randomly assigned to one of six training conditions (two training conditions per experiment). The training conditions included different evidence-based learning principles or \"business-as-usual\" instruction (control), with equal allocation to each (N = 20 for each condition). In each experiment, children who did not perform above chance level on the pre-test were selected to continue with training, which resulted in a total of 88 students for the analysis of improvement. The children showed significant improvement in training conditions that included disconfirming evidence, but not in the structural alignment or control conditions. However, an exploratory analysis suggests that improvement occurred more rapidly and was retained better when structural alignment was combined with disconfirming evidence compared to disconfirming evidence alone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial proximity to important stimuli often induces impulsive behaviour. How we overcome impulsive tendencies is what determines behaviour to be adaptive. Here, we used virtual reality to investigate whether the spatial proximity of stimuli is causally related to the supplementary motor area (SMA) functions. In two experiments, we set out to investigate these processes using a virtual environment that recreates close and distant spaces to test the causal contributions of the SMA in spatial impulsivity. In an online first experiment (N = 93) we validated and measured the influence of distant stimuli using a go/no-go task with close (21 cm) or distant stimuli (360 cm). In experiment 2 (N = 28), we applied transcranial static magnetic stimulation (tSMS) over the SMA (double-blind, crossover, sham-controlled design) to test its computations in controlling impulsive tendencies towards close vs distant stimuli. Reaction times and error rates (omission and commission) were analysed. In addition, the EZ Model parameters (a, v, Ter and MDT) were computed. Close stimuli elicited faster responses compared to distant stimuli but also exhibited higher error rates, specifically in commission errors (experiment 1). Real stimulation over SMA slowed response latencies (experiment 2), an effect mediated by an increase in decision thresholds (a). Current findings suggest that impulsivity might be modulated by spatial proximity, resulting in accelerated actions that may lead to an increase of inaccurate responses to nearby objects. Our study also provides a first starting point on the role of the SMA in regulating spatial impulsivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The behavioral, sensory, and neural bases of vertebrate navigation are primarily described in mammals and birds. However, we know much less about navigational abilities and mechanisms of vertebrates that move on smaller scales, such as amphibians. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted an extensive field study on navigation in the cane toad, Rhinella marina. First, we performed a translocation experiment to describe how invasive toads in Hawai\'i navigate home following displacements of up to one kilometer. Next, we tested the effect of olfactory and magnetosensory manipulations on homing, as these senses are most commonly associated with amphibian navigation. We found that neither ablation alone prevents homing, suggesting that toad navigation is multimodal. Finally, we tested the hypothesis that the medial pallium, the amphibian homolog to the hippocampus, is involved in homing. By comparing neural activity across homing and non-homing toads, we found evidence supporting the involvement of the medial pallium, lateral pallium, and septum in navigation, suggesting a conservation of neural structures supporting navigation across vertebrates. Our study lays the foundation to understand the behavioral, sensory, and neural bases of navigation in amphibians and to further characterize the evolution of behavior and neural structures in vertebrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Egocentric and allocentric spatial memory impairments affect the navigation abilities of older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Embodied cognition research hints that specific aids can be implemented into virtual reality (VR) training to enhance spatial memory.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, we preliminarily tested \'ANTaging\', an embodied-based immersive VR training for egocentric and allocentric memory, compared to treatment as usual (TAU) spatial training in MCI.
    UNASSIGNED: MCI patients were recruited for this controlled trial. A cognitive battery was administered at pre-test, after ten sessions of ANTaging or TAU intervention, and at 3-month follow-up (FU). The primary outcomes were spatial cognition tests (Corsi supra-span, CSS; Manikin test, MT). VR egocentric and allocentric performance was also collected.
    UNASSIGNED: We found that ANTaging significantly improved MT scores at FU compared to TAU. CSS slightly improved in both groups. Concerning secondary outcomes, auditory-verbal forgetting significantly improved at post-test in the ANTaging but not TAU group and significantly declined at FU in the TAU but not in the ANTaging group. Global cognition significantly improved at FU for TAU and remained stable for ANTaging. Other tests showed no improvement or deterioration. Clinical significance showed that ANTaging is effective for CSS. Virtual egocentric and allocentric memory performance improved across ANTaging sessions.
    UNASSIGNED: ANTaging holds the potential to be superior for improving spatial cognition in MCI compared to TAU. Embodied cognition research provides insights for designing effective spatial navigation rehabilitation in aging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Navigation is essential to life, and it is cognitively complex, drawing on abilities such as prospective and situated planning, spatial memory, location recognition, and real-time decision-making. In many cases, day-to-day navigation is embedded in a social context where cognition and behavior are shaped by others, but the great majority of existing research in spatial cognition has focused on individuals. The two studies we report here contribute to our understanding of social wayfinding, assessing the performance of paired and individual navigators on a real-world wayfinding task in which they were instructed to minimize time and distance traveled. In the first study, we recruited 30 pairs of friends (familiar dyads); in the second, we recruited 30 solo participants (individuals). We compare the two studies to the results of an earlier study of 30 pairs of strangers (unfamiliar dyads). We draw out differences in performance with respect to spatial, social, and cognitive considerations. Of the three conditions, solo participants were least successful in reaching the destination accurately on their initial attempt. Friends traveled more efficiently than either strangers or individuals. Working with a partner also appeared to lend confidence to wayfinders: dyads of either familiarity type were more persistent than individuals in the navigation task, even after encountering challenges or making incorrect attempts. Route selection was additionally impacted by route complexity and unfamiliarity with the study area. Navigators explicitly used ease of remembering as a planning criterion, and the resulting differences in route complexity likely influenced success during enacted navigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Spatial navigation deficits are reported as early symptoms of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) alongside episodic memory ones. The aim of the present study was to ascertain whether neuropsychological deficits of visuospatial long-term memory can predict behavioral alterations during the navigation of older adults in novel urban environments along the normal aging-dementia continuum of the Alzheimer\'s type.
    METHODS: A total of 24 community-dwelling patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) due to AD, 27 individuals with subjective cognitive decline (SCD), and 21 healthy controls were assessed in terms of their sequential egocentric and allocentric navigation abilities by using a modified version of the Detour Navigation Test, and neuropsychologically tested by the Corsi learning suvra-span (CLSS) test. Generalized linear models were adopted to verify whether the scores obtained by the three groups in the CLSS test predicted wrong turns and moments of hesitation during the navigation task, with the results presented as topographical disorientation scores.
    RESULTS: Higher scores in the CLSS test predicted fewer wrong turns (b = -0.05; z = -2.91; p = 0.004; net of between-groups differences) and moments of hesitation for patients with MCI due to AD (b = -0.14; z = -2.43; p = 0.015), and individuals with SCD (b = -0.17; z = -3.85; p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Since the CLSS test has been reported to be a reliable measure of ecological navigational abilities in the progression towards AD dementia, we recommend its use in clinical practice and highlight implications for future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Probucol has been utilized as a cholesterol-lowering drug with antioxidative properties. However, the impact and fundamental mechanisms of probucol in obesity-related cognitive decline are unclear. In this study, male C57BL/6J mice were allocated to a normal chow diet (NCD) group or a high-fat diet (HFD) group, followed by administration of probucol to half of the mice on the HFD regimen. Subsequently, the mice were subjected to a series of behavioral assessments, alongside the measurement of metabolic and redox parameters. Notably, probucol treatment effectively alleviates cognitive and social impairments induced by HFD in mice, while exhibiting no discernible influence on mood-related behaviors. Notably, the beneficial effects of probucol arise independently of rectifying obesity or restoring systemic glucose and lipid homeostasis, as evidenced by the lack of changes in body weight, serum cholesterol levels, blood glucose, hyperinsulinemia, systemic insulin resistance, and oxidative stress. Instead, probucol could regulate the levels of nitric oxide and superoxide-generating proteins, and it could specifically alleviate HFD-induced hippocampal insulin resistance. These findings shed light on the potential role of probucol in modulating obesity-related cognitive decline and urge reevaluation of the underlying mechanisms by which probucol exerts its beneficial effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) syndrome often report navigation difficulties, accompanied by impairments in egocentric and allocentric spatial memory. However, studies have shown that both bodily (e.g., motor commands, proprioception, vestibular information) and visual-cognitive (e.g., maps, directional arrows, attentional markers) cues can support spatial memory in MCI.
    UNASSIGNED: We aimed to assess navigation cues for innovative spatial training in aging.
    UNASSIGNED: Fifteen MCI patients were recruited for this study. Their egocentric and allocentric memory recall performances were tested through a navigation task with five different virtual reality (VR) assistive encoding navigation procedures (bodily, vision only, interactive allocentric map, reduced executive load, free navigation without cues). Bodily condition consisted of an immersive VR setup to engage self-motion cues, vision only condition consisted of passive navigation without interaction, in the interactive allocentric map condition patients could use a bird-view map, in the reduced executive load condition directional cues and attentional markers were employed, and during free navigation no aid was implemented.
    UNASSIGNED: Bodily condition improved spatial memory compared to vision only and free navigation without cues. In addition, the interactive allocentric map was superior to the free navigation without cues. Surprisingly, the reduced executive load was comparable to vison only condition. Moreover, a detrimental impact of free navigation was observed on allocentric memory across testing trials.
    UNASSIGNED: These findings challenge the notion of an amodal representation of space in aging, suggesting that spatial maps can be influenced by the modality in which the environment was originally encoded.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grid firing fields have been proposed as a neural substrate for spatial localisation in general or for path integration in particular. To distinguish these possibilities, we investigate firing of grid and non-grid cells in the mouse medial entorhinal cortex during a location memory task. We find that grid firing can either be anchored to the task environment, or can encode distance travelled independently of the task reference frame. Anchoring varied between and within sessions, while spatial firing of non-grid cells was either coherent with the grid population, or was stably anchored to the task environment. We took advantage of the variability in task-anchoring to evaluate whether and when encoding of location by grid cells might contribute to behaviour. We find that when reward location is indicated by a visual cue, performance is similar regardless of whether grid cells are task-anchored or not, arguing against a role for grid representations when location cues are available. By contrast, in the absence of the visual cue, performance was enhanced when grid cells were anchored to the task environment. Our results suggest that anchoring of grid cells to task reference frames selectively enhances performance when path integration is required.





