Social dominance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals with low social status are at heightened risk of major depressive disorder (MDD), and MDD also influences social status. While the interrelationship between MDD and social status is well-defined, the behavioral causality between these two phenotypes remains unexplored. Here, we investigated the behavioral relationships between depressive and dominance behaviors in male mice exposed to chronic restraint stress and the role of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) astrocytes in these behaviors. Chronic restraint stress induced both depressive and submissive behaviors. Chemogenetic mPFC astrocyte activation significantly enhanced dominance in chronic stress-induced submissive mice by increasing the persistence of defensive behavior, although it did not affect depressive behaviors. Notably, repetitive winning experiences following mPFC astrocyte stimulation exerted anti-depressive effects in chronic restraint stress-induced depressive mice. These data indicate that mPFC astrocyte-derived winning experience renders anti-depressive effects, and may offer a new strategy for treating depression caused by low status in social hierarchies by targeting mPFC astrocytes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social interactions can sometimes be a source of stress, but social companions can also ameliorate and buffer against stress. Stress and metabolism are closely linked, but the degree to which social companions modulate metabolic responses during stressful situations-and whether such effects differ depending on social rank-is poorly understood. To investigate this question, we studied Neolamprologus pulcher, a group-living cichlid fish endemic to Lake Tanganyika and measured the metabolic responses of dominant and subordinate individuals when they were either visible or concealed from one another. When individuals could see each other, subordinates had lower maximum metabolic rates and tended to take longer to recover following an exhaustive chase compared with dominants. In contrast, metabolic responses of dominants and subordinates did not differ when individuals could not see one another. These findings suggest that the presence of a dominant individual has negative metabolic consequences for subordinates, even in stable social groups with strong prosocial relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social living affords primates (including humans) many benefits. Communication has been proposed to be the key mechanism used to bond social connections, which could explain why primates have evolved such expressive faces. We assessed whether the facial expressivity of the dominant male (quantified from the coding of anatomically based facial movement) was related to social network properties (based on social proximity and grooming) in nine groups of captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) housed in uniform physical and social environments. More facially expressive dominant male macaques were more socially connected and had more cohesive social groups. These findings show that inter-individual differences in facial expressivity are related to differential social outcomes at both an individual and group level. More expressive individuals occupy more beneficial social positions, which could help explain the selection for complex facial communication in primates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Horse users and caretakers must be aware of the risks of mixing social groups. The current study investigated whether eight equine practitioners can assess the social dominance rank of 20 horses. The horses\' feeding time and agonistic/aggressive and submissive behaviours were observed during the feed confrontation test, and the dominance index (DI) was calculated. Kendal\'s W, Spearman correlations and factor analysis were applied to test the raters\' agreement, the relationship between dominance ranks and the behavioural variables, and to determine the clustered behaviours. The agreement between all raters in the classification of dominance order ranged from moderate to perfect. The ranking by every rater was strongly and negatively correlated with the time of eating in feed confrontation tests and with the DI, evidencing shorter feeding times for more submissive horses. The withdrawal of the horse when threatened was the behavioural variable that was most often correlated with raters\' ranking. The current study confirmed the abilities of practitioners to categorise the horses under their care according to their social interactions. Additionally, rolling when denied access to feed was proposed as frustration-releasing (redirected) behaviour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A variety of evidence shows that social categorization of people based on their race can lead to stereotypical judgements and prejudicial behaviour. Here, we explore the extent to which trait judgements of faces are influenced by race. To address this issue, we measured the reliability of first impressions for own-race and other-race faces in Asian and White participants. Participants viewed pairs of faces and were asked to indicate which of the two faces was more dominant or which of the two faces was more trustworthy. We measured the consistency (or reliability) of these judgements across participants for own-race and other-races faces. We found that judgements of dominance or trustworthiness showed similar levels of reliability for own-race and other-race faces. Moreover, an item analysis showed that the judgements on individual trials were very similar across participants from different races. Next, participants made overall ratings of dominance and trustworthiness from own-race and other-race faces. Again, we found that there was no evidence for an ORE. Together, these results provide a new approach to measuring trait judgements of faces and show that in these conditions there is no ORE for the perception of dominance and trustworthiness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social stress is a negative emotional experience that can increase fear and anxiety. Dominance status can alter the way individuals react to and cope with stressful events. The underlying neurobiology of how social dominance produces stress resistance remains elusive, although experience-dependent changes in androgen receptor (AR) expression is thought to play an essential role. Using a Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) model, we investigated whether dominant individuals activate more AR-expressing neurons in the posterior dorsal and posterior ventral regions of the medial amygdala (MePD, MePV), and display less social anxiety-like behavior following social defeat stress compared to subordinate counterparts. We allowed male hamsters to form and maintain a dyadic dominance relationship for 12 days, exposed them to social defeat stress, and then tested their approach-avoidance behavior using a social avoidance test. During social defeat stress, dominant subjects showed a longer latency to submit and greater c-Fos expression in AR+ cells in the MePD/MePV compared to subordinates. We found that social defeat exposure reduced the amount of time animals spent interacting with a novel conspecific 24 h later, although there was no effect of dominance status. The amount of social vigilance shown by dominants during social avoidance testing was positively correlated with c-Fos expression in AR+ cells in the MePV. These findings indicate that dominant hamsters show greater neural activity in AR+ cells in the MePV during social defeat compared to their subordinate counterparts, and this pattern of neural activity correlates with their proactive coping response. Consistent with the central role of androgens in experience-dependent changes in aggression, activation of AR+ cells in the MePD/MePV contributes to experience-dependent changes in stress-related behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans have undergone a long evolutionary history of violent agonistic exchanges, which would have placed selective pressures on greater body size and the psychophysical systems that detect them. The present work showed that greater body size in humans predicted increased knockout power during combative contests (Study 1a-1b: total N = 5,866; Study 2: N = 44 openweight fights). In agonistic exchanges reflective of ancestral size asymmetries, heavier combatants were 200% more likely to win against their lighter counterparts because they were 200% more likely to knock them out (Study 2). Human dominance judgments (total N = 500 MTurkers) accurately tracked the frequency with which men (N = 516) knocked out similar-sized adversaries (Study 3). Humans were able to directly perceive a man\'s knockout power because they were attending to cues of a man\'s body size. Human dominance judgments-which are important across numerous psychological domains, including attractiveness, leadership, and legal decision-making-accurately predict the likelihood with which a potential mate, ally, or rival can incapacitate their adversaries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Loss-of-function mutations in the progranulin (GRN) gene are an autosomal dominant cause of Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). These mutations typically result in haploinsufficiency of the progranulin protein. Grn+/- mice provide a model for progranulin haploinsufficiency and develop FTD-like behavioral abnormalities by 9-10 months of age. In previous work, we demonstrated that Grn+/- mice develop a low dominance phenotype in the tube test that is associated with reduced dendritic arborization of layer II/III pyramidal neurons in the prelimbic region of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), a region key for social dominance behavior in the tube test assay. In this study, we investigated whether progranulin haploinsufficiency induced changes in dendritic spine density and morphology. Individual layer II/III pyramidal neurons in the prelimbic mPFC of 9-10 month old wild-type or Grn+/- mice were targeted for iontophoretic microinjection of fluorescent dye, followed by high-resolution confocal microscopy and 3D reconstruction for morphometry analysis. Dendritic spine density in Grn+/- mice was comparable to wild-type littermates, but the apical dendrites in Grn+/- mice had a shift in the proportion of spine types, with fewer stubby spines and more thin spines. Additionally, apical dendrites of Grn+/- mice had longer spines and smaller thin spine head diameter in comparison to wild-type littermates. These changes in spine morphology may contribute to altered circuit-level activity and social dominance deficits in Grn+/- mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In group-living species, reproductive variation among individuals of the same sex is widespread. By identifying the mechanisms underlying this reproductive skew, we gain fundamental insights into the evolution and maintenance of sociality. A common mechanism, social control, is typically studied by quantifying dominance, which is one of many attributes of sociality that describes how individuals exert influence on others and is an incomprehensive measure of social control as it accounts only for direct relationships. Here, we use the global reaching centrality (GRC), which quantifies the degree of hierarchy in a social network by accounting for both direct and indirect social relationships. Using a wild, free-living population of adult female yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), we found a positive relationship between the reproductive skew index and GRC: more despotic social groups have higher reproductive skew. The GRC was stronger predictor for skew than traditional measures of social control (i.e. dominance). This allows deeper insights into the diverse ways individuals control other group members\' reproduction, a core component in the evolution of sociality. Future studies of skew across taxa may profit by using more comprehensive, network-based measures of social control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The attachment and caregiving domains maintain proximity and care-giving behavior between parents and offspring, in a way that has been argued to shape people\'s mental models of how relationships work, resulting in secure, anxious or avoidant interpersonal styles in adulthood. Several theorists have suggested that the attachment system is closely connected to orientations and behaviors in social and political domains, which should be grounded in the same set of familial experiences as are the different attachment styles. We use a sample of Norwegian twins (N = 1987) to assess the genetic and environmental relationship between attachment, trust, altruism, right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), and social dominance orientation (SDO). Results indicate no shared environmental overlap between attachment and ideology, nor even between the attachment styles or between the ideological traits, challenging conventional wisdom in developmental, social, and political psychology. Rather, evidence supports two functionally distinct systems, one for navigating intimate relationships (attachment) and one for navigating social hierarchies (RWA/SDO), with genetic overlap between traits within each system, and two distinct genetic linkages to trust and altruism. This is counter-posed to theoretical perspectives that link attachment, ideology, and interpersonal orientations through early relational experiences.





