Sex identification

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lack of recovery of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Pacific Northwest has been blamed in part on predation by pinnipeds, particularly the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina). Previous work at a limited number of locations has shown that male seal diet contains more salmon than that of female seals and that sex ratios at haul-out sites differ spatiotemporally. This intrapopulation variation in predation may result in greater effects on salmon than suggested by models assuming equal spatial distribution and diet proportion. To address the generality of these patterns, we examined the sex ratios and diet of male and female harbor seals from 13 haul-out sites in the inland waters of Washington State and the province of British Columbia during 2012-2018. DNA metabarcoding was conducted to determine prey species proportions of individual scat samples. The sex of harbor seals was then determined from each scat matrix sample with the use of quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). We analyzed 2405 harbor seal scat samples using generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) to examine the factors influencing harbor seal sex ratio at haul-out sites and permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) to examine the influence of sex and haul-out site on harbor seal diet composition. We found that the overall sex ratio was 1:1.02 (female:male) with notable spatiotemporal variation. Salmoniformes were about 2.6 times more abundant in the diet of males than in the diet of females, and Chinook salmon comprised ca. three times more of the average male harbor seal\'s diet than the average female\'s diet. Based on site-specific sex ratios and diet data, we identified three haul-out sites where Chinook salmon appear to be under high predation pressure by male harbor seals: Cowichan Bay, Cutts Area, and Fraser River. Our study indicates that combining sex-specific pinniped diet data with the sex ratio of haul-out sites can help identify priority sites of conservation concern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ginkgo biloba L. is a rare dioecious species that is valued for its diverse applications and is cultivated globally. This study aimed to develop a rapid and effective method for determining the sex of a Ginkgo biloba. Green and yellow leaves representing annual growth stages were scanned with a hyperspectral imager, and classification models for RGB images, spectral features, and a fusion of spectral and image features were established. Initially, a ResNet101 model classified the RGB dataset using the proportional scaling-background expansion preprocessing method, achieving an accuracy of 90.27%. Further, machine learning algorithms like support vector machine (SVM), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and subspace discriminant analysis (SDA) were applied. Optimal results were achieved with SVM and SDA in the green leaf stage and LDA in the yellow leaf stage, with prediction accuracies of 87.35% and 98.85%, respectively. To fully utilize the optimal model, a two-stage Period-Predetermined (PP) method was proposed, and a fusion dataset was built using the spectral and image features. The overall accuracy for the prediction set was as high as 96.30%. This is the first study to establish a standard technique framework for Ginkgo sex classification using hyperspectral imaging, offering an efficient tool for industrial and ecological applications and the potential for classifying other dioecious plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pistacia lentiscus var. chia is a valuable crop for its high-added-value mastic, a resin with proven pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical properties harvested from the male tree trunk. To achieve the maximum economic benefits from the cultivation of male mastic trees, it is important to develop early sex diagnosis molecular tools for distinguishing the sex type. Thus far, the work on sex identification has focused on Pistacia vera with promising results; however, the low transferability rates of these markers in P. lentiscus necessitates the development of species-specific sex-linked markers for P. lentiscus var. chia. To our knowledge, this is the first report regarding: (i) the development of species-specific novel transcriptome-based markers for P. lentiscus var. chia and their assessment on male, female and monoecious individuals using PCR-HRM analysis, thus, introducing a cost-effective method for sex identification with high accuracy that can be applied with minimum infrastructure, (ii) the effective sex identification in mastic tree using a combination of different sex-linked ISSR and SCAR markers with 100% accuracy, and (iii) the impact evaluation of sex type on the genetic diversity of different P. lentiscus var. chia cultivars. The results of this study are expected to provide species-specific markers for accurate sex identification that could contribute to the selection process of male mastic trees at an early stage for mass propagation systems and to facilitate future breeding efforts related to sex-linked productivity and quality of mastic resin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate gender identification is crucial for the study of bird reproduction and evolution. The current study aimed to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of a noninvasive method for gender identification in Yangzhou geese. In this experiment, 600 goose eggs were collected. Hair root tissues were used for PCR amplification, molecular sequencing, and anal inversion for early sex recognition in goslings. According to the DNA amplification results for the feather pulp tissue of 2-wk-old geese, bands appeared at 436 bp (CHD1-Z) and 330 bp (CHD1-W) upon gel electrophoresis. This method considered the base of goose feathers to accelerate the process of gender recognition. By examining the sex of anatomized poultry for verification, the accuracy rate of PCR gel electrophoresis and molecular sequencing sex identification was 100%, whereas the average accuracy rate of anal inversion was 97.41%. In the comparison of feather growth trends at 0 to 18 wk of age, the feather root weight (FRW), feather root length (FRL), feather branch length (FBL), and feather shaft diameter (FSD) of Yangzhou goose of the same age were not significantly different between males and females (P > 0.05). At 6 wk of age, the FRW, FRL, and FSD in males and FRL in females increased rapidly; their growth increased by 84.43, 67.58, 45.10, and 69.42%, respectively. At 10 wk of age, the male FRL, male FBL, and female FBL increased by 37.31, 34.81, and 21.72, respectively. The Boltzmann model was found to be the best-fitting model for the feathers of male Yangzhou geese. Early sex identification based on feather growth trends between the sexes is not feasible. This study provides a convenient and reliable technical means for early sex identification of waterfowl and serves as an ecological strategy for protecting the reproduction of poultry populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Identifying skeletal remains has been and will remain a challenge for forensic experts and forensic anthropologists, especially in disasters with multiple victims or skeletal remains in an advanced stage of decomposition. This study examined the performance of two machine learning (ML) algorithms in predicting the person\'s sex based only on the morphometry of L1-L5 lumbar vertebrae collected recently from Romanian individuals. The purpose of the present study was to assess whether by using the machine learning (ML) techniques one can obtain a reliable prediction of sex in forensic identification based only on the parameters obtained from the metric analysis of the lumbar spine.
    METHODS: This paper built and tuned predictive models with two of the most popular techniques for classification, RF (random forest) and XGB (xgboost). Both series of models used cross-validation and a grid search to find the best combination of hyper-parameters. The best models were selected based on the ROC_AUC (area under curve) metric.
    RESULTS: The L1-L5 lumbar vertebrae exhibit sexual dimorphism and can be used as predictors in sex prediction. Out of the eight significant predictors for sex, six were found to be particularly important for the RF model, while only three were determined to be important by the XGB model.
    CONCLUSIONS: Even if the data set was small (149 observations), both RF and XGB techniques reliably predicted a person\'s sex based only on the L1-L5 measurements. This can prove valuable, especially when only skeletal remains are available. With minor adjustments, the presented ML setup can be transformed into an interactive web service, freely accessible to forensic anthropologists, in which, after entering the L1-L5 measurements of a body/cadaver, they can predict the person\'s sex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex assessment is a key part of forensic analysis to establish the identity of unknown deceased individuals. Previous studies have shown that canines are the most dimorphic teeth, but population-specific data are necessary for forensic methods. This study explores sex dimorphism in canine crown dimensions and morphology in a contemporary Croatian population. The material consisted of 302 dental casts (147 females, 155 males) of orthodontic patients and dental students (11-25 years). The distal accessory ridge (DAR) of the upper and lower canines was evaluated using the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System. Mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual (BL) crown dimensions were measured on 120 casts. Sex differences in MD and BL dimensions were significant (p < 0.05) for all the canines (upper and lower, left and right), while in DAR only for lower canines (p < 0.000001). When all variables were put into the model, backward stepwise discriminant function analysis isolated lower canine DAR and lower left canine MD as the two independent variables differentiating sex. Using these two variables, a discriminant function formula allowed for sex determination with an accuracy of 73.5%. This study shows that both canine crown morphology and dimensions are useful for sex determination, especially for lower canines. These methods can be applied to children, as lower canines erupt at about 9 years of age.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Deep learning artificial intelligence can determine the sex using only fundus photographs. However, the factors used by deep learning to determine the sex are not visible. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to determine whether the sex of an older individual can be determined by regression analysis of their color fundus photographs (CFPs).
    METHODS: Forty-two parameters were analyzed by regression analysis using 1653 CFPs of normal subjects in the Kumajima study. The parameters included the mean values of red, green, and blue intensities; the tessellation fundus index; the optic disc ovality ratio; the papillomacular angle; and the retinal vessel angles. Finally, the L2 regularized binomial logistic regression was used to predict the sex using all the parameters, and the diagnostic ability was assessed through the leave-one-cross-validation.
    RESULTS: The mean age of the 838 men and 815 women were 52.8 and 54.0 years, respectively. The ovality ratio and retinal artery angles in women were significantly smaller than that in men. The green intensity at all locations for the women were significantly higher than that of men (P < 0.001). The discrimination accuracy rate assessed by the area-under-the-curve was 80.4%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our methods can determine the sex from the CFPs of the adult with an accuracy of 80.4%. The ovality ratio, retinal vessel angles, tessellation, and the green intensities of the fundus are important factors to identify the sex in individuals over 40 years old.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Palatal rugae patterns are useful in the field of forensic dentistry. Ethnicity has a significant effect on the development and final morphological pattern of palatal rugae. This study focused on a morphological analysis of the palatal rugae in a Saudi population to determine if any differences based on age and gender could support identifying an individual. Materials and methods This cross-sectional study conducted at the College of Dentistry, King Saud bin Abdul Aziz University for Health Sciences, was undertaken to evaluate 496 dental casts from the participant database of Saudi nationals from Riyadh. The rugae were delineated using a sharp graphite pencil under adequate light and magnification. The rugae patterns were classified based on the length, shape, and direction of the rugae by two observers as per Thomas and Kotze\'s criteria. Results The asymptotic chi-square McNemar test indicated bilateral symmetry for all the characteristics of the palatal rugae, except for the backward and forward directions of the rugae. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a statistically significant interaction between the effects of age group and gender on the primary rugae count (F(3, 488) = 7.466, p <0.05)). In addition, age had a statistically significant effect on the fragmentary rugae (p <0.05), and gender had a statistically significant effect on the circular and backward patterns of the rugae (p<0.05). The females had a higher incidence of backward-directed rugae and the males had more circular rugae. No other significant difference was evident, based on gender. The logistic regression analyses showed a significant association between the circular (OR=1.298; 95% CI= 1.061-1.588) and backward (OR= 0.898; 95% CI= 0.828-0.975) palatal rugae and gender. Also, there was a significant association of the fragmentary palatal rugae (PR) (OR=1.274; 95% CI= 1.084-1.498) with the age group younger than 16 years. Conclusion In a Saudi Arabian ethnic group, the varying type of length of the palatal rugae patterns can be used to identify the age group while the direction and shape can be used to determine gender, although with limited accuracy. Post-mortem identification may benefit from using them along with other reliable forensic tools. There is a need to conduct continued research on diverse populations and ethnic groups in order to evaluate the PR potential in forensic dentistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus) is a popular avian species in Thailand and many other countries. The red-whiskered bulbul has a high economic value, but breeding is challenging since sex identification is difficult. The PCR method is now used for sex identification. However, PCR amplification and post-PCR analysis necessitate the use of a laboratory equipped with specialized scientific instruments, which is inconvenient for field operations. This research describes a method for amplification of DNA samples using the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) approach, which is a molecular biology methodology for isothermal amplification that is extremely sensitive, fast, and easy for post-LAMP product visualization. Herein, total of 23 blood samples were collected and DNA was extracted. Two sets of LAMP primers were designed for CHD-Z and CHD-W genes. The colorimetric assay was used to investigate the best conditions for LAMP reactions and post-LAMP product visualization. LAMP reactions for sex identification were compared to traditional PCR in terms of sensitivity and specificity. LAMP reactions were found to be 10-fold more sensitive than PCR at 1 ng of DNA. When compared to electrophoresis analysis, the visualization with colorimetric assay using GelRed® and SYTO™ 9 was 100% accurate. The optimal LAMP condition tested simple DNA extracted from bird feathers using the HotSHOT technique. The result showed that the optimal condition could distinguish the sex of red-whiskered bulbuls totally and accurately. A powerful method for red-whiskered bulbul sex identification is demonstrated in this study, which can be used in field studies because it is quick and easy to perform, has high sensitivity, and does not require advanced scientific equipment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex selection technologies have immensely impacted swine production globally. Conventional earlier embryo sex identification methods require professional technicians and sophisticated laboratory instruments. Rapid on-site gender identification of porcine embryos and pork products remains challenging. In this study, we developed a CRISPR/Cas12a-based fluorescence visualization point-of-care sex determination test that is rapid, accurate and easy to implement on-site. The CRISPR/Cas12a assay coupled with either the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) employs precisely designed primers and single-guide RNAs targeting the sex-determining region Y (SRY) and the zinc finger protein X-linked (ZFX) genes. PCR and LAMP amplicons were cleaved with the subsequent generation of fluorescing products detectable with portable blue and ultraviolet light transilluminators. Approximately two copies per microliter of the ZFX and SRY genes were detected using the RApid VIsual CRISPR (RAVI-CRISPR) assay. This method is a sensitive, inexpensive, versatile, and point-of-care test. The technology has other potential applications like determining the sex of diverse livestock species, detecting livestock disease-causing pathogens and evaluating the quality of meat products.





