Sex identification

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ginkgo biloba L. is a rare dioecious species that is valued for its diverse applications and is cultivated globally. This study aimed to develop a rapid and effective method for determining the sex of a Ginkgo biloba. Green and yellow leaves representing annual growth stages were scanned with a hyperspectral imager, and classification models for RGB images, spectral features, and a fusion of spectral and image features were established. Initially, a ResNet101 model classified the RGB dataset using the proportional scaling-background expansion preprocessing method, achieving an accuracy of 90.27%. Further, machine learning algorithms like support vector machine (SVM), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and subspace discriminant analysis (SDA) were applied. Optimal results were achieved with SVM and SDA in the green leaf stage and LDA in the yellow leaf stage, with prediction accuracies of 87.35% and 98.85%, respectively. To fully utilize the optimal model, a two-stage Period-Predetermined (PP) method was proposed, and a fusion dataset was built using the spectral and image features. The overall accuracy for the prediction set was as high as 96.30%. This is the first study to establish a standard technique framework for Ginkgo sex classification using hyperspectral imaging, offering an efficient tool for industrial and ecological applications and the potential for classifying other dioecious plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    1. Male and female Chukar partridges are difficult to differentiate based on their morphology or by the Chromobox-Helicase-DNA binding (CHD) during early growth.2. The current study developed a novel, simple, low-cost and rapid sexing protocol for Chukar partridges based on the newly defined sexing gene ubiquitin-associated protein 2 (UBAP2).3. The length of polymorphism between UBAP2-W and UBAP2-Z homologous genes allows for easy sex discrimination in this species. Molecular sexing analysis was based on the simultaneous amplification of both genes, resulting in two distinct amplicons (947 bp and 535 bp) in heterogametic females and only a single band (535 bp) in homogametic males, which is easy to detect with agarose gel electrophoresis.4. This technique is simple and convenient for genetic sex determination in Chukar partridges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex identification of ducklings is a critical step in the poultry farming industry, and accurate sex identification is beneficial for precise breeding and cost savings. In this study, a method for identifying the sex of ducklings based on acoustic signals was proposed. In the first step, duckling vocalizations were collected and an improved spectral subtraction method and high-pass filtering were applied to reduce the influence of noise. Then, duckling vocalizations were automatically detected by using a double-threshold endpoint detection method with 3 parameters: short-time energy (STE), short-time zero-crossing rate (ZCR), and duration (D). Following the extraction of Mel-Spectrogram features from duckling vocalizations, an improved Res2Net deep learning algorithm was used for sex classification. This algorithm was introduced with the Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) attention mechanism and Ghost module to improve the bottleneck of Res2Net, thereby improving the model accuracy and reducing the number of parameters. The ablative experimental results showed that the introduction of the SE attention mechanism improved the model accuracy by 2.01%, while the Ghost module reduced the number of model parameters by 7.26M and the FLOPs by 0.85G. Moreover, this algorithm was compared with 5 state-of-the-art (SOTA) algorithms, and the results showed that the proposed algorithm has the best cost-effectiveness, with accuracy, recall, specificity, number of parameters, and FLOPs of 94.80, 94.92, 94.69, 18.91M, and 3.46G, respectively. After that, the vocalization detection score and the average confidence strategy were used to predict the sex of individual ducklings, and the accuracy of the proposed model reached 96.67%. In conclusion, the method proposed in this study can effectively detect the sex of ducklings and serve as a reference for automated sex identification of ducklings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sex of dioecious plants is mainly determined by genetic factors, but it can also be converted by environmental cues such as exogenous phytohormones. Gibberellic acids (GAs) are well-known inducers of flowering and sexual development, yet the pathway of gibberellin-induced sex conversion in dioecious spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) remains elusive. Based on sex detection before and after GA3 application using T11A and SSR19 molecular markers, we confirmed and elevated the masculinization effect of GA on a single female plant through exogenous applications of GA3, showing complete conversion and functional stamens. Silencing of GIBBERELLIC ACID INSENSITIVE (SpGAI), a single DELLA family protein that is a central GA signaling repressor, results in similar masculinization. We also show that SpGAI can physically interact with the spinach KNOX transcription factor SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (SpSTM), which is a homolog of the flower meristem identity regulator STM in Arabidopsis. The silencing of SpSTM also masculinized female flowers in spinach. Furthermore, SpSTM could directly bind the intron of SpPI to repress SpPI expression in developing female flowers. Overall, our results suggest that GA induces a female masculinization process through the SpGAI-SpSTM-SpPI regulatory module in spinach. These insights may help to clarify the molecular mechanism underlying the sex conversion system in dioecious plants while also elucidating the physiological basis for the generation of unisexual flowers so as to establish dioecy in plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate gender identification is crucial for the study of bird reproduction and evolution. The current study aimed to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of a noninvasive method for gender identification in Yangzhou geese. In this experiment, 600 goose eggs were collected. Hair root tissues were used for PCR amplification, molecular sequencing, and anal inversion for early sex recognition in goslings. According to the DNA amplification results for the feather pulp tissue of 2-wk-old geese, bands appeared at 436 bp (CHD1-Z) and 330 bp (CHD1-W) upon gel electrophoresis. This method considered the base of goose feathers to accelerate the process of gender recognition. By examining the sex of anatomized poultry for verification, the accuracy rate of PCR gel electrophoresis and molecular sequencing sex identification was 100%, whereas the average accuracy rate of anal inversion was 97.41%. In the comparison of feather growth trends at 0 to 18 wk of age, the feather root weight (FRW), feather root length (FRL), feather branch length (FBL), and feather shaft diameter (FSD) of Yangzhou goose of the same age were not significantly different between males and females (P > 0.05). At 6 wk of age, the FRW, FRL, and FSD in males and FRL in females increased rapidly; their growth increased by 84.43, 67.58, 45.10, and 69.42%, respectively. At 10 wk of age, the male FRL, male FBL, and female FBL increased by 37.31, 34.81, and 21.72, respectively. The Boltzmann model was found to be the best-fitting model for the feathers of male Yangzhou geese. Early sex identification based on feather growth trends between the sexes is not feasible. This study provides a convenient and reliable technical means for early sex identification of waterfowl and serves as an ecological strategy for protecting the reproduction of poultry populations.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    The kiwi plant is dioecious, and its sex is generally identified from flower morphology at blossoming, which takes several years. It is quite necessary but challenging to on-spot identify the plant sex in juvenile stage. Here the target DNA was obtained by screening the Friendly boy (FrBy) gene which is sex-related for different kiwi plant species. Its complementary sequence was divided into two parts as primer DNA and further attached to different gold nanoparticles (GNPs). The connection between target DNA and primer DNA will promote the formation of plasmonic dimers. Dark field microscopy (DFM) can distinguish particles in different aggregation states. Various conditions were optimized based on the standard of increasing the proportion of dimers while reducing that of large aggregates. Furthermore, two Raman reporters (RR) are separately labeled on the nanoprobes, and the plasmonic dimers lead to a tremendous Raman enhancement of two reporters located at the dimer nanogap. Double-blind tests proved the feasibility of this method on the actual samples of kiwi plant leaves. Our SERS method is sensitive, specific, and reliable for rapid sex identification analysis at the kiwi seeding stage, with great promise for decision-making in field management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    1. Sex chromosomes of emus are largely homomorphic. Therefore, the standard methodology for molecular sexing based on screening intron length variations in sex-linked genes is not applicable. However, emu sexing requires costly and time-consuming PCR-RFLP or multiplex PCR methods.2. This experiment used a directed PCR amplification and capillary electrophoresis sexing protocol. Two distinct peaks were observed in females (ZW), while only one peak was observed in males (ZZ).3. This sexing technique proved to be rapid, non-invasive, and highly sensitive and may be useful for verifying the sex ratio and breeding management of emus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex selection technologies have immensely impacted swine production globally. Conventional earlier embryo sex identification methods require professional technicians and sophisticated laboratory instruments. Rapid on-site gender identification of porcine embryos and pork products remains challenging. In this study, we developed a CRISPR/Cas12a-based fluorescence visualization point-of-care sex determination test that is rapid, accurate and easy to implement on-site. The CRISPR/Cas12a assay coupled with either the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) employs precisely designed primers and single-guide RNAs targeting the sex-determining region Y (SRY) and the zinc finger protein X-linked (ZFX) genes. PCR and LAMP amplicons were cleaved with the subsequent generation of fluorescing products detectable with portable blue and ultraviolet light transilluminators. Approximately two copies per microliter of the ZFX and SRY genes were detected using the RApid VIsual CRISPR (RAVI-CRISPR) assay. This method is a sensitive, inexpensive, versatile, and point-of-care test. The technology has other potential applications like determining the sex of diverse livestock species, detecting livestock disease-causing pathogens and evaluating the quality of meat products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pistacia chinensis Bunge (P. chinensis), a dioecious plant species, has been widely found in China. The female P. chinensis plants are more important than male plants in agricultural production, as their seeds can serve as an ideal feedstock for biodiesel. However, the sex of P. chinensis plants is hard to distinguish during the seedling stage due to the scarcity of available transcriptomic and genomic information. In this work, Illumina paired-end RNA sequencing assay was conducted to unravel the transcriptomic profiles of female and male P. chinensis flower buds. In total, 50,925,088 and 51,470,578 clean reads were obtained from the female and male cDNA libraries, respectively. After quality checks and de novo assembly, a total of 83,370 unigenes with a mean length of 1.3 kb were screened. Overall, 64,539 unigenes (77.48%) could be matched in at least one of the NR, NT, Swiss-Prot, COG, KEGG, and GO databases, 71 of which were putatively related to the floral development of P. chinensis. Additionally, 21,662 simple sequence repeat (SSR) motifs were identified in 17,028 unigenes of P. chinensis, and the mononucleotide motif was the most dominant type of repeats (52.59%) in P. chinensis, followed by dinucleotide (22.29%), trinucleotide (20.15%). The most abundant repeats were AG/CT (13.97%), followed by AAC/GTT (6.75%) and AT/TA (6.10%). Based on these SSR, 983 EST-SSR primers were designed, 151 of which were randomly chosen for validation. Of these validated EST-SSR markers, 25 SSR markers were found to be polymorphic between male and female plants. One SSR marker, namelyPCSSR55, displayed excellent specificity in female plants, which could clearly distinguish between male and female P. chinensis. Altogether, our findings not only reveal that the EST-SSR marker is extremely effective in distinguishing between male and female P. chinensis but also provide a solid framework for sex determination of plant seedlings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Minimally invasive sampling was used to determine the sex of Chinese giant salamanders (Andrias davidianus). Urine samples (n = 25) were collected from 6 adults in the breeding season and from 19 individuals (7 adults and 12 juveniles) in the non-breeding season. The hormone testosterone (T) and estrone-3-glucuronide (E1G) in urine were collected from Chinese giant salamanders (CGSs), and the hormone extracts were analyzed by enzyme immunoassays (EIA). The data demonstrated that the urine T concentration of the male CGSs was significantly higher than that of the females during the breeding season (p < 0.05) and even more pronounced during the non-breeding season (p < 0.01). The urine E1G concentration of the males was less pronounced than that of the females during the breeding season (p < 0.01) and significantly lower during the non-breeding season (p < 0.05). The urine T/E1G values of all the male salamanders were significantly higher than those of the females (p < 0.01) during both the breeding season and the non-breeding season. An interesting pattern was found in this study: the value of urine log10(T/E1G) of the male CGSs was higher than 1, whereas the value for the females was lower than 1, during both the breeding and non-breeding seasons, and in the adult and sub-adult age groups of CGSs. There were 25 salamanders in this study and the accuracy rate reached 100% by using a log10(T/E1G) value of 1. The results of the log10(T/E1G) value provide new insight into the future development of the sex identification of CGSs and also lay the foundation for accurate sex identification in the preparation for artificial release. This is the first study to show that the T/E1G ratio in urinary hormones is reliable for the sex identification of CGSs. Additionally, urinary hormone T/E1G measures are promising sex identification tools for amphibian or monomorphic species and for those whose secondary sex characteristics are visible only during the breeding season.





