Renal vein

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Renal angiomyolipoma (AML) is a typically benign renal tumor that is divided into 2 classes, the classical variant and the more aggressive epithelioid variant. It is extremely rare for an AML to exhibit aggressive features such as vascular invasion. We present the case of a 36-year-old female who presented with right lower quadrant pain for 9 months and was found to have an AML with tumor extension into the renal vein and the IVC. Diagnosis was confirmed with histopathology and the patient was treated with a total nephrectomy. The epithelioid subtype of AML is a rare variant that should be considered in the differential of a renal mass with vascular invasion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Variations in renal veins are quite common, and most people do not experience issues due to them. However, these variations are important for healthcare professionals, especially in surgical procedures and imaging studies, as precise knowledge of vascular anatomy is essential to avoid complications during medical interventions. The purpose of this study was to expose the frequency of anatomical variations in the renal vein (RV) and detail their relationship with the retroperitoneal and renal regions. Methods: A systematic search was conducted in the Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, CINAHL, and LILACS databases from their inception until January 2024. Two authors independently carried out the search, study selection, and data extraction and assessed methodological quality using a quality assurance tool for anatomical studies (AQUA). Ultimately, consolidated prevalence was estimated using a random effects model. Results: In total, 91 studies meeting the eligibility criteria were identified. This study included 91 investigations with a total of 46,664 subjects; the meta-analysis encompassed 64 studies. The overall prevalence of multiple renal veins was 5%, with a confidence interval (CI) of 4% to 5%. The prevalence of the renal vein trajectory was 5%, with a CI of 4% to 5%. The prevalence of renal vein branching was 3%, with a CI of 0% to 6%. Lastly, the prevalence of unusual renal vein origin was 2%, with a CI of 1% to 4%. Conclusions: The analysis of these variants is crucial for both surgical clinical management and the treatment of patients with renal transplant and hemodialysis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nutcracker phenomenon (NCP) typically refers to the entrapment of the left renal vein (LRV) between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery. Similar to the classic NCP, the renal vein can also get entrapped between the segmental branches of the renal artery at the renal hilum, which has been referred to as \'renal hilar nutcracker phenomenon (RHNP).\' During routine dissection of a male cadaver of 67 years, the renal veins of both sides at the renal hilum were seen between the segmental branches of renal arteries, which we identified as the \'renal hilar nutcracker phenomenon.\' The disposition of the rest of the perihilar structures was normal. \'Renal hilar nutcracker phenomenon\' can have similar clinical presentation like that of the nutcracker phenomenon. Hence, knowledge of such anatomical variation at the renal hilum is desirable.
    Terminu „spragtuko fenomenas“ įprastai apibūdinamas kairiosios inkstų venos įstrigimas tarp aortos ir viršutinės mezenterinės arterijos. Panašiai į klasikinį „spragtuko fenomeno“ atvejį, inkstų vena taip pat gali įstrigti ir tarp inkstų arterijos segmentinių atšakų ties inkstų sienelėmis. Šis reiškinys vadinamas inkstų hilariniu spragtuko fenomenu ir angliškai trumpinamas RHNP. Per 67 metų vyro lavono skrodimą buvo pastebėta, kad inkstų venos abiejose pusėse ties inkstų sienelėmis buvo išsidėsčiusios tarp inkstų arterijų segmentinių atšakų. Mes tai įvardijome „inkstų hilariniu spragtuko fenomenu“. Visos likusios perihilarinės struktūros išsidėstymas buvo normalus. Inkstų hilarinis spragtuko fenomenas kliniškai gali pasireikšti panašiai į spragtuko fenomeną. Todėl būtų naudinga įgyti daugiau žinių apie šią anatominę inkstų sienelių variaciją.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Renal angiomyolipoma (AML) is a rare benign tumor of the kidney, often detected incidentally on radiological images as the presence of macroscopic fat characterizes them. In the majority of the cases, they are usually sporadic. Despite their benign nature, venous invasion, a rare occurrence in renal AMLs, poses management challenges. We present a case of bilateral renal AML in a 52-year-old female with a right renal vein and hepatic inferior vena cava invasion.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present two cases of multiple anatomical variations of the renal and gonadal vessels. The first case presented duplication of the renal vein and the presence of an accessory renal artery. However, the most interesting fact, in this case, was that the right gonadal vein emptied into the inferior right renal vein instead of ending in the inferior vena cava as would typically be the case. In the second case, we also found an accessory renal artery and the right gonadal vein emptied at the exact junction between the right renal vein and the inferior vena cava. Clinicians and surgeons should be familiar with anatomical variations to provide an accurate diagnosis during preoperative studies and to avoid surprises in abdominal surgical procedures.
    Este estudo apresenta dois casos de variação anatômica múltipla de vasos renais e gonadais. O primeiro caso apresentou uma duplicação da veia renal e a presença de uma artéria renal acessória. Porém, o fato mais interessante nesse caso foi a veia gonadal direita desembocar na veia renal direita inferior em vez de terminar na veia cava inferior, como seria o normal. No segundo caso, além de também encontrarmos uma artéria renal acessória, a veia gonadal direita desembocava no exato ponto de junção entre a veia renal direita e a veia cava inferior. Clínicos e cirurgiões devem estar familiarizados com a presença de possíveis variações dos vasos renais e gonadais, sendo um conhecimento imprescindível para obter um diagnóstico mais preciso e para evitar surpresas em procedimentos cirúrgicos abdominais.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Knowledge of the anatomical variations of the visceral branches of the abdominal aorta is important information for planning any surgeries in the region. We present here a rare constellation of variations of visceral vessels around the kidneys with a brief review of the recent literature. On the right side, an accessory renal artery was observed originating just distal to the main renal artery. The middle suprarenal artery was absent on the right side and there were two inferior suprarenal arteries originating from a branch of the main right renal artery. On the left side, the testicular artery had an arched course anterior to the left renal vein mimicking an unusual variety of nutcracker phenomenon. The right kidney was drained by two renal veins into the inferior vena cava. Knowledge of the coexistence of such complex anatomical variations might be helpful for clinicians during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
    O conhecimento das variações anatômicas dos ramos viscerais da aorta abdominal é uma informação importante para o planejamento de qualquer cirurgia nessa região. Neste relato, apresentamos um raro conjunto de variações de vasos viscerais ao redor dos rins, bem como uma breve revisão da literatura recente. No lado direito, foi observada uma artéria renal acessória originando-se distal à artéria renal principal. Não havia artéria suprarrenal média no lado direito, e havia duas artérias suprarrenais inferiores originando-se de um ramo da artéria renal direita. No lado esquerdo, a artéria testicular apresentava um curso arqueado anterior à veia renal esquerda, simulando uma variedade incomum do fenômeno do quebra-nozes. O rim direito era drenado por duas veias renais para a veia cava inferior. O conhecimento da coexistência de tais variações anatômicas complexas pode ser útil para os clínicos durante os procedimentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The gonadal veins, responsible for draining from the paired gonads (testes in males and ovaries in females), exhibit variations in anatomy. Traditionally, the right gonadal vein directs its drainage into the inferior vena cava, while the left gonadal vein typically connects to the left renal vein. However, in the case of a 45-year-old woman diagnosed with a non-functional right kidney who underwent a right nephrectomy, an intraoperative observation revealed an unusual configuration: the right gonadal vein (ovarian) was found to drain directly into the right renal vein instead of its usual route into the inferior vena cava. This case report aims to elucidate this anomalous finding and provide a literature review on the prevalence of such anomalies in the existing research. This case report aims to raise awareness about the atypical drainage patterns of gonadal veins and underscore the importance of meticulous dissection of hilar renal vessels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anatomic compression of the left renal vein in the angle between the aorta and superior mesenteric artery may be asymptomatic or may result in symptoms, including flank pain, hematuria, or pelvic pain and/or congestion. Patients can be referred to a vascular surgeon due to symptoms and/or radiologic findings. Because symptoms of nutcracker syndrome can be vague and/or nondiagnostic, careful evaluation, assessment, and counseling with patients are required before undertaking intervention, which is often an open surgical procedure. The definitive diagnosis is ideally confirmed with diagnostic venography, including pressure measurements from the left renal vein and inferior vena cava. The optimal treatment includes open decompression of the left renal vein with renal vein transposition or gonadal vein transposition, with or without concomitant management of pelvic varicosities if symptomatic. Because most patients with nutcracker syndrome are young, long-term follow-up with scheduled ultrasound examinations should be maintained.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Para-aortic lymphadenectomy is an essential part of gynecologic oncologic surgical treatment. The surgeon should be aware of the complex usual anatomy and its common variants.
    METHODS: Between January 2021 and May 2023, 58 women underwent para-aortic lymphadenectomy for gynecologic malignancies.
    RESULTS: Vascular and urinary tract anatomic variants were retrospectively reviewed from the prospective institutional database and results were compared with preoperative contrast-enhanced abdominal CT. Of these 58 women, 47 women had no vascular or urinary tract variants. One woman had a double inferior vena cava, two patients were found to have a retro-aortic left renal vein, four had accessory renal arteries, two had a double left ureter, one had a ptotic kidney in the iliac fossa, and one patient had bilateral kidney malrotation. Anatomic variants in the preoperative CT were described by a radiologist in only two patients, and additional vascular and urinary tract variants were found incidentally at the time of surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Acknowledgment of vascular and urinary tract variants is helpful for the surgeon to establish an appropriate surgical plan and to avoid iatrogenic surgical trauma.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Nutcracker syndrome is a compression of the left renal vein between the superior mesenteric artery and aorta, resulting in thrombogenesis. While renal vein thrombosis caused by renal disease is more common, solitary left renal vein thrombosis with nutcracker syndrome is rare.
    UNASSIGNED: We present the case of a patient with trauma-associated left renal vein thrombosis with nutcracker syndrome. A 24-year-old woman with low body mass index taking oral contraceptives was admitted for trauma. She had multiple injuries, including thoracolumbar fractures, for which elective spinal fusion surgery was scheduled. As the D-dimer level elevated to 82.5 μg/dL preoperatively, enhanced computed tomography was performed, which revealed a solitary left renal vein thrombus.
    UNASSIGNED: This is the report of solitary left renal vein thrombosis in a patient with nutcracker syndrome after trauma. Patients with low body mass index and coagulopathy might have solitary left renal vein thrombosis associated with nutcracker syndrome.





