Renal vein

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Renal angiomyolipoma (AML) is a rare benign tumor of the kidney, often detected incidentally on radiological images as the presence of macroscopic fat characterizes them. In the majority of the cases, they are usually sporadic. Despite their benign nature, venous invasion, a rare occurrence in renal AMLs, poses management challenges. We present a case of bilateral renal AML in a 52-year-old female with a right renal vein and hepatic inferior vena cava invasion.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Knowledge of the anatomical variations of the visceral branches of the abdominal aorta is important information for planning any surgeries in the region. We present here a rare constellation of variations of visceral vessels around the kidneys with a brief review of the recent literature. On the right side, an accessory renal artery was observed originating just distal to the main renal artery. The middle suprarenal artery was absent on the right side and there were two inferior suprarenal arteries originating from a branch of the main right renal artery. On the left side, the testicular artery had an arched course anterior to the left renal vein mimicking an unusual variety of nutcracker phenomenon. The right kidney was drained by two renal veins into the inferior vena cava. Knowledge of the coexistence of such complex anatomical variations might be helpful for clinicians during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
    O conhecimento das variações anatômicas dos ramos viscerais da aorta abdominal é uma informação importante para o planejamento de qualquer cirurgia nessa região. Neste relato, apresentamos um raro conjunto de variações de vasos viscerais ao redor dos rins, bem como uma breve revisão da literatura recente. No lado direito, foi observada uma artéria renal acessória originando-se distal à artéria renal principal. Não havia artéria suprarrenal média no lado direito, e havia duas artérias suprarrenais inferiores originando-se de um ramo da artéria renal direita. No lado esquerdo, a artéria testicular apresentava um curso arqueado anterior à veia renal esquerda, simulando uma variedade incomum do fenômeno do quebra-nozes. O rim direito era drenado por duas veias renais para a veia cava inferior. O conhecimento da coexistência de tais variações anatômicas complexas pode ser útil para os clínicos durante os procedimentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Variations in the pattern of urogenital vessels can arise as a single occurrence or as a combination, which may increase the risk of unexpected injury during surgical procedures. Multiple variations in the renal and testicular vessels, in a novel combination, were observed during dissection of an 87-year-old Japanese male cadaver. In the present case, the patient had two renal arteries on each side. On the right side, the superior and inferior renal arteries emerged from the abdominal aorta at the L1 and L4 vertebrae levels, respectively. On the left side, the superior renal artery originated from the abdominal aorta at the level of the L1/L2 intervertebral disc, whereas the inferior renal artery arose at L4. The right testicular artery emerged from the abdominal aorta at the level of the L2 vertebra and crossed the inferior vena cava posteriorly. The venous system also exhibited some variations. The left renal vein passed posteriorly to the abdominal aorta and opened into the inferior vena cava at the level of the L2 vertebra. On the course to the inferior vena cava, the left renal vein was connected only to the first lumbar, azygos, and hemiazygos veins; blood was not collected from the left testicular and suprarenal veins, which usually open to the left renal vein. The patient had two right testicular veins. The lateral one opened into the angle between the right renal vein and the inferior vena cava at the level of the L2 vertebra, and the medial one drained into the inferior vena cava at a level slightly lower than the lateral one. Knowledge of the possible anatomical variations may be beneficial for performing safe retroperitoneal surgery and understanding the development of these vessels.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Renal vein stenosis is uncommon following transplantation. We report acute renal vein stenosis post-transplant treated with an endovascular stent and complicated by urinary obstruction from clot formation.
    METHODS: Retrospective case report.
    RESULTS: A 16-year-old female 3 years post-transplant suffered anuria post-stenting with renal ultrasound demonstrating obstructive clot in the collecting system, a previously unreported complication. Subsequent nephroureteral JJ stent placement resulted in high-volume urine output.
    CONCLUSIONS: This article underscores the high index of suspicion required for renal vein stenosis following transplantation and the need to monitor urine output closely following stent placement.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Venous pseudoaneurysm is uncommon in blunt trauma patients, and renal venous pseudoaneurysm is especially rare, even though renal trauma occurs in approximately 8-10 % of abdominal trauma cases. There is controversy regarding the modality of treatment between surgery, conservative care, and radiologic intervention to manage renal venous pseudoaneurysms. We would like to share our experience treating blunt trauma patients having renal venous pseudoaneurysm with conservative care.
    METHODS: A 53-year-old female patient was transferred to our trauma center following a pedestrian accident. Contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography (CT) showed right renal injury (grade II) with partial infarction (approximately 30-40 %) and peri-renal hematoma confined to Gerota\'s fascia without extravasation, a 3 cm sized right renal venous pseudoaneurysm, and a liver laceration (grade III) with a small amount of perihepatic hemoperitoneum. Since her vital signs were stable, with no decrease in the hemoglobin level in the short-term follow-up laboratory test, we decided to treat the patient conservatively in the trauma intensive care unit without angioembolization or surgery. The patient was discharged on the 14th day after OR/IF surgery for a right distal tibiofibular fracture. On a CT scan performed 1 month after discharge, a peri-renal hematoma was no longer observed, and the renal venous pseudoaneurysm had nearly improved.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients with renal arterial injury with unstable vital signs require surgery or angioembolization. Even if vital signs are stable, arterial pseudoaneurysms are more likely to rupture; therefore, surgery or angioembolization is required. In contrast, venous pseudoaneurysms can be managed conservatively compared to intervention or surgery in vitally stable patients because they have a lower possibility of rupture due to relatively low pressure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Renal venous pseudoaneurysms are very rare. Surgery, conservative care, and radiologic intervention should be considered depending on the patient\'s condition. Because venous blood flow is slower than arterial blood flow, renal venous pseudoaneurysm can be treated with conservative care if there are no injuries requiring further management and if the patient\'s vital signs are stable.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava (IVC) was a rather rare disease with the characteristics of invading the adjacent viscera. Surgical resection is the only potential curative treatment, and radiation therapy and chemotherapy for leiomyosarcoma are not definite. There is few literature reporting the leiomyosarcoma of the IVC.
    UNASSIGNED: A previously healthy 64-year-old female was admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University with the complaint of right lower quadrant abdominal pain for almost three years and worsening with a radiating ache in the waist recently. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography(CT) scans revealed a large (7.8 cm*5.5 cm*5.0 cm) irregular hypodense retroperitoneal mass with heterogeneous enhancement and invasion of the IVC, and the right ureter was compressed with proximal ureteral dilatation and hydrops. Three-dimensional CT of the IVC revealed that the IVC was encircled by the tumor with moderate invasion. During the operation, the tumor was resected en bloc with the IVC (from the suprarenal to infrarenal segment), the right kidney with ureter, and the duodenum seromuscular layer. As the left renal vein was involved, it was also partly resected. IVC reconstruction was performed with the interposition of a 20 mm diameter polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) prosthesis, and the right renal vein was anastomosed between the left renal vein and the reconstructed IVC to guarantee the left renal vein reflux. The patient had an uneventful recovery process with normal renal function after the operation. However, follow-up CT indicated that the left renal vein was blocked two weeks after the surgery. The patient was discharged two weeks after the operation. She continues well and has no evidence of disease fourteen months after the surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: Wide excision of the tumor en bloc with the IVC is the main treatment for leiomyosarcoma of the IVC. IVC reconstruction with prosthetic PTFE grafts is recommended. When the left renal vein is partly resected due to involvement of the tumor, reconstruction of left renal vein should also be performed to avoid renal impairment. If the right renal vein does not show tumor involvement, the resected right renal vein can be used to reconstruct the left renal vein.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The following urogenital and vascular anomalies were observed in the left kidney of an 81-year-old female cadaver during routine dissection: three extrarenal calyces; an accessory renal artery originating directly from the abdominal aorta; and a circumaortic renal vein. The typical renal anatomical structures were identified, from anterior to posterior, as the renal vein, renal artery, and ureter appearing near the hilum of the left kidney. After closer examination, three extrarenal calyces were observed exiting from the hilum of the left kidney to form the pelvis, then narrowed and became the ureter which descended 21.5 cm to empty into the bladder. The accessory renal artery originated from the lateral aspect of the abdominal aorta 7.3 cm below the aortic origin of the left renal artery. A corresponding accessary renal vein, identified as a circumaortic vein, left the hilum 4.5 cm below the left renal vein and travelled posterior to the abdominal aorta to drain into the inferior vena cava. Extrarenal calyces are rare among urogenital tract variations. They can be associated with embryological abnormalities such as renal ectopia, horseshoe kidney or malrotation as well as clinical manifestations such as pelviureteric junction obstruction and hydronephrosis. Compression of the accessory renal artery can cause decreased blood flow to the inferior pole of the left kidney, thereby causing fibrosis, atrophy, or renal failure. The retro-aortic path of the circumaortic renal vein has been associated with posterior nutcracker phenomenon, haematuria, left renal vein thrombus formation, and renal vein hypertension. This unique combination of a collecting system anomaly and extrarenal vessel variations could have significant implications in abdominal surgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinomas (UTUC) are generally uncommon, accounting for approximately 5% of all urinary tract tumours. This report describes a unique Case of a 52-year-old-male with no known risk factors or symptoms of UTUC, who presented with bilateral sub-massive pulmonary embolus (PE). Subsequent computed tomography (CT) demonstrated a small (<2cm) right cortical based mass a discordant venous tumour thrombus (VTT) extending in the IVC, up to the level of the hepatic vein and bilateral renal veins. The patient had surgical excision in the form of right radical nephroureterectomy, IVC resection with bovine pericardial graft reconstruction and left renal autotransplant.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a 13-year-old girl who presented with a recurrent abdominal pain that started after her menarche. The abdominal palpation revealed tenderness over the left ovarian point. The laboratory study, ultrasonography, and abdominal X-ray were normal. The computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed a double left renal vein with a retroaortic component, an increased left parauterine circulation, and ipsilateral ovarian vein engorgement. A diagnostic and therapeutic phlebography allowed a selective catheterization of a group of pelvic varicose veins draining to the left ovarian and to the internal iliac veins. There were no complications during the procedure and the symptoms disappeared 2 days later. Circumaortic left renal vein may cause hematuria, proteinuria, pelvic congestion syndrome, and massive hemorrhage during surgery. A conservative treatment is recommended for patients without gynecourological/renal symptoms or with mild hematuria. The endovascular treatment by gonadal venous embolization is safe and effective.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The nutcracker syndrome is caused by compression of the left renal vein by the superior mesenteric artery and aorta and is associated with characteristic symptoms, such as lower abdominal pain, varicocele, and hematuria. Diagnosis is often difficult and, therefore, is often delayed. Invasive treatment is controversial, particularly in pediatric patients. However, it is indicated in cases of gross hematuria associated with anemia, renal function impairment, severe pelvic pain, or ineffective conservative treatment. We report the case of a 12-year-old boy presenting with severe hematuria for 12 hours, with no abnormal findings at a first evaluation, who progressed with severe anemia and urinary retention. Further investigation provided images suggestive of nutcracker syndrome, and endovascular stenting (smart control stent) followed by balloon dilatation was the treatment of choice. Hematuria ceased after the procedure, and the patient is still asymptomatic at 5-year follow-up.





