Rana pipiens

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) have been detected in the environment globally. The presence and persistence of these compounds in the environment may lead to chronic wildlife exposure. We used northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) tadpoles to investigate the chronic toxicity and the bioconcentration of two short-chain PFCAs, perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) and perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA). We exposed Gosner stage 25 tadpoles to PFBA and PFHxA (as individual chemicals) at nominal concentrations of 0.1, 1, 10, 100, and 1000 µg/L for 43-46 days. Tadpoles exposed to 0.1 to 100 µg/L of PFBA and PFHxA had significantly higher mean snout-to-vent lengths, mean masses, and scaled mass indexes than control tadpoles. These results indicate that exposure to short-chain PFCAs influences tadpole growth. Further investigation into the mechanism(s) causing the observed changes in tadpole growth is warranted. We observed a significantly higher proportion of males in the PFBA 1 µg/L treatment group, however further histological analyses are required to confirm visual sex identification before making concrete conclusions on the effects of PFCAs on amphibian sex ratios. PFBA concentrations in tissues were higher than PFHxA concentrations; a pattern that contrasts with previously published studies using fish, suggesting potential differences between taxa in PFBA and PFHxA bioconcentration. Bioconcentration factors were <10 L/kg wet weight, indicating low bioconcentration potential in tadpoles. Our results suggest that PFBA and PFHxA may have effects at environmentally-relevant concentrations (0.1-10 µg/L) and further investigation is required before these compounds can be deemed a \"safe\" alternative to their long-chain counterparts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This prospective, descriptive study focused on lung flukes (Hematoloechus sp., H) and their impact on systemic and individual capillary variables measured in pithed Rana pipiens, a long-standing model for studies of capillary physiology. Three groups were identified based on Hematoloechus attachment: no Hematoloechus (No H), Hematoloechus not attached (H Not Att), and Hematoloechus attached (H Att). Among 38 descriptive, cardiovascular, and immunological variables, 18 changed significantly with H. Symptoms of H included weight loss, elevated immune cells, heart rate variability, faster coagulation, lower hematocrit, and fluid accumulation. Important capillary function discoveries included median baselines for hydraulic conductivity (Lp) of 7.0 (No H), 12.4 (H Not Att), and 4.2 (H Att) × 10-7 cm·s-1·cmH2O-1 (P < 0.0001) plus seasonal adaptation of sigma delta pi [σ(πc-πi), P = 0.03]. Pro- and anti-inflammatory phases were revealed for Lp and plasma nitrite/nitrate concentration ([NOx]) in both H Not Att and H Att, whereas capillary wall tensile strength increased in the H Att. H attachment was advantageous for the host due to lower edema and for the parasite via a sustained food source illustrating an excellent example of natural symbiosis. However, H attachment also resulted in host weight loss: in time, a conundrum for the highly dependent parasite. The study increases overall knowledge of Rana pipiens by revealing intriguing effects of H and previously unknown, naturally occurring seasonal changes in many variables. The data improve Rana pipiens as a general scientific and capillary physiology model. Diseases of inflammation and stroke are among the clinical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Differences in morphology, ecology, and behavior through ontogeny can result in opposing selective pressures at different life stages. Most animals, however, transition through two or more distinct phenotypic phases, which is hypothesized to allow each life stage to adapt more freely to its ecological niche. How this applies to sensory systems, and in particular how sensory systems adapt across life stages at the molecular level, is not well understood. Here, we used whole-eye transcriptomes to investigate differences in gene expression between tadpole and juvenile southern leopard frogs (Lithobates sphenocephalus), which rely on vision in aquatic and terrestrial light environments, respectively. Because visual physiology changes with light levels, we also tested the effect of light and dark exposure.
    We found 42% of genes were differentially expressed in the eyes of tadpoles versus juveniles and 5% for light/dark exposure. Analyses targeting a curated subset of visual genes revealed significant differential expression of genes that control aspects of visual function and development, including spectral sensitivity and lens composition. Finally, microspectrophotometry of photoreceptors confirmed shifts in spectral sensitivity predicted by the expression results, consistent with adaptation to distinct light environments.
    Overall, we identified extensive expression-level differences in the eyes of tadpoles and juveniles related to observed morphological and physiological changes through metamorphosis and corresponding adaptive shifts to improve vision in the distinct aquatic and terrestrial light environments these frogs inhabit during their life cycle. More broadly, these results suggest that decoupling of gene expression can mediate the opposing selection pressures experienced by organisms with complex life cycles that inhabit different environmental conditions throughout ontogeny.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a particular need to develop conservation tools for use in amphibian populations, which are declining rapidly. Glucocorticoid hormones like corticosterone (CORT) are often used as biomarkers of amphibian stress. A relatively new method of assessing CORT in amphibians is to measure CORT concentrations in water that has held amphibians (water-borne (WB) CORT). Here, we tested whether WB CORT is a valid measure of CORT in larval and metamorphic Northern Leopard Frogs (Lithobates pipiens). We assessed whether levels of WB CORT are different among groups of animals that should have different levels of CORT due to a handling challenge, a pharmacological challenge (ACTH), or developmental stage. We also assessed whether WB CORT was correlated with plasma CORT within individuals. Results indicated that measurement of WB CORT is valid in prometamorphic tadpoles because injection with ACTH increased WB CORT, and WB CORT and plasma CORT levels were correlated within an animal in most cases. However, were unable to fully validate the use of WB CORT in metamorphic frogs (metamorphs) because although injection with ACTH elevated levels of WB CORT, WB CORT was not correlated with plasma CORT within individual metamorphs. Also, there was no correlation between WB CORT and plasma CORT in early stage (premetamorphic) tadpoles or tadpoles undergoing metamorphic climax, indicating that WB CORT is not sensitive enough to detect natural variation of organismal CORT in these groups. Together, results indicated that WB CORT is a valid method of assessing plasma CORT in Northern Leopard Frogs, but only for some life-history stages. Our results illustrate the importance of carefully validating the use of WB CORT for appropriate interpretation of results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Habitat loss, climate change, environmental contaminants, and parasites and pathogens are among the main factors thought to act singly or together in causing amphibian declines. We tested for combined effects of neonicotinoid pesticides and parasites (versus parasites-only) on mortality, growth, and white blood cell profiles of a model amphibian: the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens). We first exposed infectious stages of frog trematodes (cercariae of Echinostoma spp.) to low and high concentrations of thiamethoxam or clothianidin versus water-only controls. There were no differences in survival of trematode cercariae between treatments. For the main experiment, we exposed tadpoles to clean water versus high concentrations of clothianidin or thiamethoxam for 2 weeks and added trematode cercariae to all tanks after 1 week. Exposure of tadpoles and parasites to high concentrations of thiamethoxam or clothianidin did not affect parasite infection success. Tadpole survival was not different between treatments before or after parasite addition and there were no significant differences in tadpole snout-to-vent lengths or developmental stages between treatments. Tadpoles exposed to thiamethoxam + parasites had smaller widths than parasite-only tadpoles, whereas tadpoles exposed to clothianidin + parasites had higher eosinophil to leukocyte ratios compared to parasite-only tadpoles. Tadpoles of both neonicotinoid + parasite treatments had significantly lower monocyte to leukocyte ratios relative to parasite-only tadpoles. High concentrations of neonicotinoid combined with parasites appear to influence tadpole immune function important for further defense against parasites and pathogens. This work highlights the need for more holistic approaches to ecotoxicity studies, using multiple stressors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agricultural drainage ditches help remove excess water from fields and provide habitat for wildlife. Drainage ditch management, which includes various forms of vegetation clearing and sediment dredging, can variably affect the ecological function of these systems. To determine whether ditch conditions following dredging/vegetation clearing management affected the survival, growth, and development of embryos and tadpoles of northern leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens), we conducted three field studies using in situ cages over 2 years. We measured nutrients, pesticides, and other water quality properties in vegetated/unmanaged (i.e., no clearing or dredging) and newly cleared/dredged (i.e., treeless, then dredged), clay-bottomed drainage ditches in a river basin in Eastern Ontario, Canada. Nutrients, atrazine, and total neonicotinoid concentrations were generally lower at the cleared/dredged sites, whereas glyphosate was at higher concentrations. In contrast, water-quality variables measured in situ, particularly temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity, tended to be higher in the cleared/dredged sites. Total phosphorous and total organic carbon concentrations at all sites were above the recommended limits for amphibian assays. No significant differences were detected in the survival, hatching success, or development of embryos among the ditch management treatments, but premature hatching was observed at one vegetated/unmanaged site where high specific conductivity may have been formative. We found the cleared/dredged sites supported earlier tadpole growth and development, likely as a result of the higher water temperatures. Increased temperature may have offset other growth/development stressors, such as those related to water chemistry. However, the long-term consequences of these differences on amphibian populations requires further study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neonicotinoid pesticide use is widespread and highly debated, as evidenced by recent attention received from the public, academics and pesticide regulatory agencies. However, relatively little is known about the physiological effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on aquatic vertebrates. Amphibians (larval stages in particular) are excellent vertebrate bioindicators in aquatic systems due to their risk of exposure and sensitivity to environmental stressors. Previous work with wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles exposed to formulated products containing thiamethoxam or clothianidin in outdoor mesocosms found significant shifts in leukocyte profiles, suggesting the tadpoles were physiologically stressed. The main objective of the present study was to characterize this stress response further using complementary measures of stress after exposure to clothianidin on northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) during their aquatic larval stages. Laboratory static-renewal exposures were conducted over eight weeks with the technical product clothianidin at 0, 0.23, 1, 10 and 100 μg/L, and diquat dibromide at 532 μg/L was used as a positive control. We assessed tadpole leukocyte profiles and measures of oxidative stress as these sub-lethal alterations could affect amphibian fitness. We found changes in several types of leukocytes at 1 and 10 μg/L, suggesting that these tadpoles exhibited signs of mild physiological stress. Clothianidin also induced an oxidative stress response at 0.23, 1 and 100 μg/L. However, we found no differences in survival, growth, development time or hepatosomatic index in frogs exposed to clothianidin. Our study indicates that tadpoles chronically exposed to clothianidin have increased stress responses, but in the absence of concentration-response relationships and effects on whole-organism endpoints, the implications on the overall health and fitness of these changes are unclear.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amphibians are declining globally. Exposure to pesticides has been implicated in decreasing amphibian immune function, thus increasing their susceptibility to parasites and disease and thereby negatively affecting individuals and populations. Amphibians are likely exposed to neonicotinoids because these widely used insecticides are highly soluble in water and because amphibian freshwater habitats are often embedded in agroecosystems. Herein, we investigate the effects of long-term exposure to two individual neonicotinoids (clothianidin or thiamethoxam) at either low or high concentrations (2.5 or 250 µg/L) on northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) blood cell profiles and concentrations of corticosterone, an energy-mediating hormone associated with stress. Larval frogs from Gosner stage 25 to 46 were exposed to pesticide and control treatments in outdoor mesocosms. Corticosterone concentrations were measured after 6 d of exposure, and blood cell profiles were assessed once frogs reached Gosner stage 46 (following 8 w of exposure). No significant changes were found in erythrocyte counts, leukocyte counts, monocyte to leukocyte ratios or corticosterone concentrations between treatments. However, exposure to either 2.5 or 250 µg/L of clothianidin, or 250 µg/L of thiamethoxam decreased neutrophil to lymphocyte ratios and neutrophil to leukocyte ratios, and exposure to 2.5 µg/L of clothianidin or 250 µg/L of thiamethoxam decreased eosinophil to leukocyte ratios. Our results indicate that long-term exposure to neonicotinoids can alter leukocyte profiles, indicative of a stress response. Future studies should investigate whether chronic exposure to neonicotinoids affect multiple measures of stress differently or influences the susceptibility of amphibians to parasites and pathogens. Our work underscores the importance of continued use of multiple measures of stress for different amphibian species when undertaking ecotoxicological assessments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We studied the temperature dependence of accumulation and elimination of two polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs; PCB-70 and PCB-126) and a commercial mixture of congeners of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs; DE-71™)) in Northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) tadpoles. We reared tadpoles at 18, 23, or 27 °C for 5.3 or up to 13.6 weeks (longer at cooler temperature where development is slower) on diets containing the toxicants, each at several different toxicant concentrations, and compared tissue concentrations as a function of food concentration and rearing temperature. Following > 1 month of accumulation, tissue concentrations of all three toxicants in exposed tadpoles were linearly related to dietary concentrations as expected for first order kinetics, with no significant effect of rearing temperature.We also raised free-swimming L. pipiens tadpoles for 14 days on foods containing either toxicant at 18 or 27 °C during an accumulation phase, and then during depuration (declining toxicant) phase of 14 days we provided food without toxicants and measured the decline of toxicants in tadpole tissue. All the congeners were eliminated faster at warmer rearing temperature, as expected. Using Arrhenius\' equation, we calculated that the apparent activation energy for elimination of both PCB congeners by tadpoles was 1.21 eV (95% confidence interval 0.6-1.8 eV). We discuss how this value was within the range of estimates for metabolic reactions generally (range 0.2 - 1.2 eV), which might include metabolic pathways for biotransformation and elimination of PCBs. Furthermore, we discuss how the lack of an effect of rearing temperature on tadpole near-steady-state tissue residue levels suggests that faster elimination at the warmer temperature was balanced by faster uptake, which is plausible considering the similar temperature sensitivities (i.e., activation energies) of all these processes. Although interactions between toxicants and temperature can be complex and likely toxicant-dependent, it is plausible that patterns observed in tadpoles might apply to other aquatic organisms. Published data on depuration in 11 fish species eliminating 8 other organic toxicants indicated that they also had similar apparent activation energy for elimination (0.82 ± 0.12 eV; 95% confidence interval 0.56 - 1.08 eV), even though none of those studied toxicants were PCBs or PBDEs. Additional research on toxicant-temperature interactions can help improve our ability to predict toxicant bioaccumulation in warming climate scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pesticides are being applied at a greater extent than in the past. Once pesticides enter the ecosystem, many environmental factors can influence their residence time. These interactions can result in processes such as translocation, environmental degradation, and metabolic activation facilitating exposure to target and non-target species. Most anurans start off their life cycle in aquatic environments and then transition into terrestrial habitats. Their time in the aquatic environment is generally short; however, many important developmental stages occur during this tenure. Post-metamorphosis, most species spend many years on land but migrate back to the aquatic environment for breeding. Due to the importance of both the aquatic and terrestrial environments to the life stages of amphibians, we investigated how the route of exposure (i.e., uptake from contaminated soils vs. uptake from contaminated surface water) influences pesticide bioavailability and body burden for four pesticides (bifenthrin (BIF), chlorpyrifos (CPF), glyphosate (GLY), and trifloxystrobin (TFS)) as well as the impact on the hepatic metabolome of adult leopard frogs (Gosner stage 46 with 60-90 days post-metamorphosis). Body burden concentrations for amphibians exposed in water were significantly higher (ANOVA p < 0.0001) compared to amphibians exposed to contaminated soil across all pesticides studied. Out of 80 metabolites that were putatively identified, the majority expressed a higher abundance in amphibians that were exposed in pesticide contaminated water compared to soil. Ultimately, this research will help fill regulatory data gaps, aid in the creation of more accurate amphibian dermal uptake models and inform continued ecological risk assessment efforts.






