Rana pipiens

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    All currently available general anesthetic agents possess potentially lethal side effects requiring their administration by highly trained clinicians. Among these agents is etomidate, a highly potent imidazole-based intravenous sedative-hypnotic that deleteriously suppresses the synthesis of adrenocortical steroids in a manner that is both potent and persistent. We developed two distinct strategies to design etomidate analogs that retain etomidate\'s potent hypnotic activity, but produce less adrenocortical suppression than etomidate. One strategy seeks to reduce binding to 11β-hydroxylase, a critical enzyme in the steroid biosynthetic pathway, which is potently inhibited by etomidate. The other strategy seeks to reduce the duration of adrenocortical suppression after etomidate administration by modifying the drug\'s structure to render it susceptible to rapid metabolism by esterases. In this chapter, we describe the methods used to evaluate the hypnotic and adrenocortical inhibitory potencies of two lead compounds designed using the aforementioned strategies. Our purpose is to provide a case study for the development of novel analogs of existing drugs with reduced side effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The appearance of new peaks in the 7.7-8.6 and 6.8-7.4 ppm regions of the postexercise (1)H spectrum of frog muscle is reported. These new peaks result from the splitting of single pre-exercise carnosine C-2 and C-4 peaks into two peaks, representing the intracellular pH (pH(I)) of oxidative and glycolytic fibers. The following data support this conclusion: 1) comparison of means and regression analysis indicates equivalence of the pH(I) measurements by (1)H and (31)P NMR; 2) the pre- and poststimulation concentrations of carnosine are equal; 3) in ischemic rat hindlimb muscles, the presence of a single, more acidic peak in the plantaris; a single, less acidic peak in the soleus; and two peaks (more and less acidic) in the gastrocnemius correspond to published values for the fiber-type composition of these muscles; and 4) in muscles treated with iodoacetate prior to and during stimulation, a second peak never appears. These data indicate that it is feasible to measure separately the pH(I) of oxidative and glycolytic fibers using (1)H NMR spectroscopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many anurans have excellent dehydration tolerance that allows endurance of the loss of up to 50-60% of total body water. One of the effects of severe dehydration is circulatory impairment due the reduced volume and increased viscosity of blood, which leads to organ hypoxia. The rehydration situation, therefore, involves a reoxygenation of tissues that may include elements of oxidative stress that resemble the injury in post-ischemic reperfusion of mammalian organs. The role of endogenous defenses against oxygen radicals in the tolerance of severe dehydration by leopard frogs, Rana pipiens, was investigated by monitoring the activities of antioxidant enzymes and glutathione levels (reduced GSH and oxidized GSSG) in leg muscle and liver of control, 50%-dehydrated, and fully rehydrated frogs. The maximal activities of muscle catalase and liver glutathione peroxidase, measured per mg soluble protein, increased significantly by 52 and 74%, respectively, after dehydration whereas muscle superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase activities responded oppositely, decreasing by 32 and 35%, respectively. Enzyme activities returned to control levels after full rehydration. Hepatic GSH and GSSG increased early in the rehydration process (30% recovery of total body water), but returned to control levels after full recovery. A similar trend was observed for liver GSSG. The elevation of antioxidant defenses against peroxides during dehydration could provide protection against post-hypoxic oxyradical stress during rehydration. Indeed, analysis of one product of lipid peroxidation, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, in frog tissues gave no indication of oxidative stress during the dehydration/rehydration cycle.





