• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenuiviruses are a class of segmented negative-sense single-stranded RNA viruses, typically consisting of three RNA segments that encode four distinct proteins. The emergence of pathogenic phenuivirus strains, such as Rift Valley fever phlebovirus (RVFV) in sub-Saharan Africa, Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus (SFTSV) in East and Southeast Asia, and Heartland Virus (HRTV) in the United States has presented considerable challenges to global public health in recent years. The innate immune system plays a crucial role as the initial defense mechanism of the host against invading pathogens. In addition to continued research aimed at elucidating the epidemiological characteristics of phenuivirus, significant advancements have been made in investigating its viral virulence factors (glycoprotein, non-structural protein, and nucleoprotein) and potential host-pathogen interactions. Specifically, efforts have focused on understanding mechanisms of viral immune evasion, viral assembly and egress, and host immune networks involving immune cells, programmed cell death, inflammation, nucleic acid receptors, etc. Furthermore, a plethora of technological advancements, including metagenomics, metabolomics, single-cell transcriptomics, proteomics, gene editing, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines, have been utilized to further our understanding of phenuivirus pathogenesis and host immune responses. Hence, this review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of the mechanisms of host recognition, viral immune evasion, and potential therapeutic approaches during human pathogenic phenuivirus infections focusing particularly on RVFV and SFTSV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever (RVF), a mosquito-borne transboundary zoonosis, was first confirmed in Rwanda\'s livestock in 2012 and since then sporadic cases have been reported almost every year. In 2018, the country experienced its first large outbreak, which was followed by a second one in 2022. To determine the circulating virus lineages and their ancestral origin, two genome sequences from the 2018 outbreak, and thirty-six, forty-one, and thirty-eight sequences of small (S), medium (M), and large (L) genome segments, respectively, from the 2022 outbreak were generated. All of the samples from the 2022 outbreak were collected from slaughterhouses. Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian-based phylogenetic analyses were performed. The findings showed that RVF viruses belonging to a single lineage, C, were circulating during the two outbreaks, and shared a recent common ancestor with RVF viruses isolated in Uganda between 2016 and 2019, and were also linked to the 2006/2007 largest East Africa RVF outbreak reported in Kenya, Tanzania, and Somalia. Alongside the wild-type viruses, genetic evidence of the RVFV Clone 13 vaccine strain was found in slaughterhouse animals, demonstrating a possible occupational risk of exposure with unknown outcome for people working in meat-related industry. These results provide additional evidence of the ongoing wide spread of RVFV lineage C in Africa and emphasize the need for an effective national and international One Health-based collaborative approach in responding to RVF emergencies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a mosquito-borne zoonotic disease caused by RVF virus (RVFV). RVFV infections in humans are usually asymptomatic or associated with mild febrile illness, although more severe cases of haemorrhagic disease and encephalitis with high mortality also occur. Currently, there are no licensed human vaccines available. The safety and efficacy of a genetically engineered four-segmented RVFV variant (hRVFV-4s) as a potential live-attenuated human vaccine has been tested successfully in mice, ruminants, and marmosets though the correlates of protection of this vaccine are still largely unknown. In the present study, we have assessed hRVFV-4s-induced humoral and cellular immunity in a mouse model of RVFV infection. Our results confirm that a single dose of hRVFV-4s is highly efficient in protecting naïve mice from developing severe disease following intraperitoneal challenge with a highly virulent RVFV strain and data show that virus neutralizing (VN) serum antibody titres in a prime-boost regimen are significantly higher compared to the single dose. Subsequently, VN antibodies from prime-boost-vaccinated recipients were shown to be protective when transferred to naïve mice. In addition, hRVFV-4s vaccination induced a significant virus-specific T cell response as shown by IFN-γ ELISpot assay, though these T cells did not provide significant protection upon passive transfer to naïve recipient mice. Collectively, this study highlights hRVFV-4s-induced VN antibodies as a major correlate of protection against lethal RVFV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a mosquito-borne viral zoonosis caused by RVFV in humans and livestock. Currently, there are no approved vaccines or antiviral therapies available. Additionally, in Saudi Arabia, there is a lack of a routine screening system to monitor RVFV in humans and animals which hinders to design and develop the preventive measures as well as the prediction of future outbreaks and the potential re-emergence of RVFV. Hence, we have performed the cloning, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis, of nucleocapsid (N) protein gene. The sequence analysis showed high similarities with RVFV isolates reported from humans and animals. The highest similarity (99.5%) was observed with an isolate from Saudi Arabia (KU978775-Human) followed by 99.1% with four RVFV isolates (Human and Bovine) from other locations. A total of 51 nucleotides and 31 amino acid variations were observed throughout the N protein gene sequences. The phylogenetic relationship formed closed clusters with other isolates collected from Saudi Arabia. Thus, we report of the cloning, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis of the RVFV-N protein gene from Saudi Arabia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever phlebovirus (RVFV) is a zoonotic pathogen that causes Rift Valley fever (RVF) in livestock and humans. Currently, there is no licensed human vaccine or antiviral drug to control RVF. Although multiple species of animals and humans are vulnerable to RVFV infection, host factors affecting susceptibility are not well understood. To identify the host factors or genes essential for RVFV replication, we conducted CRISPR-Cas9 knockout screening in human A549 cells. We then validated the putative genes using siRNA-mediated knock-downs and CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knock-out studies. The role of a candidate gene in the virus replication cycle was assessed by measuring intracellular viral RNA accumulation, and the virus titers were analyzed using plaque assay or TCID50 assay. We identified approximately 900 genes with potential involvement in RVFV infection and replication. Further evaluation of the effect of six genes on viral replication using siRNA-mediated knock-downs revealed that silencing two genes (WDR7 and LRP1) significantly impaired RVFV replication. For further analysis, we focused on the WDR7 gene since the role of the LRP1 gene in RVFV replication was previously described in detail. WDR7 knockout A549 cell lines were generated and used to dissect the effect of WRD7 on a bunyavirus, RVFV, and an orthobunyavirus, La Crosse encephalitis virus (LACV). We observed significant effects of WDR7 knockout cells on both intracellular RVFV RNA levels and viral titers. At the intracellular RNA level, WRD7 affected RVFV replication at a later phase of its replication cycle (24 h) when compared with the LACV replication, which was affected in an earlier replication phase (12 h). In summary, we identified WDR7 as an essential host factor for the replication of two different viruses, RVFV and LACV, both of which belong to the Bunyavirales order. Future studies will investigate the mechanistic role through which WDR7 facilitates phlebovirus replication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is considered to be a high biodefense priority based on its threat to livestock and its ability to cause human hemorrhagic fever. RVFV-infected livestock are also a significant risk factor for human infection by direct contact with contaminated blood, tissues, and aborted fetal materials. Therefore, livestock vaccination in the affected regions has the direct dual benefit and one-health approach of protecting the lives of millions of animals and eliminating the risk of severe and sometimes lethal human Rift Valley fever (RVF) disease. Recently, we have developed a bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) quadruple gene mutant virus (BoHV-1qmv) vector that lacks virulence and immunosuppressive properties due to the deletion of envelope proteins UL49.5, glycoprotein G (gG), gE cytoplasmic tail, and US9 coding sequences. In the current study, we engineered the BoHV-1qmv further by incorporating a chimeric gene sequence to express a proteolytically cleavable polyprotein: RVFV envelope proteins Gn ectodomain sequence fused with bovine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GMCSF) and Gc, resulting in a live BoHV-1qmv-vectored subunit vaccine against RVFV for livestock. In vitro, the resulting recombinant virus, BoHV-1qmv Sub-RVFV, was replicated in cell culture with high titers. The chimeric Gn-GMCSF and Gc proteins expressed by the vaccine virus formed the Gn-Gc complex. In calves, the BoHV-1qmv Sub-RVFV vaccination was safe and induced moderate levels of the RVFV vaccine strain, MP12-specific neutralizing antibody titers. Additionally, the peripheral blood mononuclear cells from the vaccinated calves had six-fold increased levels of interferon-gamma transcription compared with that of the BoHV-1qmv (vector)-vaccinated calves when stimulated with heat-inactivated MP12 antigen in vitro. Based on these findings, we believe that a single dose of BoHV-1qmv Sub-RVFV vaccine generated a protective RVFV-MP12-specific humoral and cellular immune response. Therefore, the BoHV-1qmv sub-RVFV can potentially be a protective subunit vaccine for cattle against RVFV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever phlebovirus (RVFV) is a zoonotic mosquito-transmitted arbovirus, presenting a serious threat to humans and animals. Susceptible hosts are of great significance for the prevention of RVFV. Appropriate animal models are helpful to better understand the onset and development of diseases, as well as the control measures and vaccine research. This review focuses on the role of animal hosts in the maintenance of the virus, and summarizes the host range of RVFV. We list some common animal models in the process of RVFV research, which would provide some important insights into the prevention and treatment of RVFV, as well as the study of Rift Valley fever (RVF) pathogenesis and vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley Fever Virus (RVFV) is a negative sense segmented RNA virus that can cause severe hemorrhagic fever. The tri-segmented virus genome encodes for six (6) multifunctional proteins that engage host factors at a variety of different stages in the replication cycle. The S segment encodes nucleoprotein (N) and nonstructural protein S (NSs), the M segment encodes viral glycoproteins Gn and Gc as well as nonstructural protein M (NSm) and the L segment encodes the viral polymerase (L). Viral glycoproteins Gn and Gc are responsible for entry by binding to a number of host factors. Our recent studies identified a scavenger receptor, LDL receptor related protein 1 (Lrp1), as a potential pro-viral host factor for RVFV and related viruses, including Oropouche virus (OROV) infection. Coincidentally, several recent studies identified other LDL family proteins as viral entry factors and receptors for other viral families. Collectively, these observations suggest that highly conserved LDL family proteins may play a significant role in facilitating entry of viruses from several distinct families. Given the significant roles of viral and host factors during infection, characterization of these interactions is critical for therapeutic targeting with neutralizing antibodies and vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    UNASSIGNED: Rift Valley fever phlebovirus (RVFV) is a zoonotic pathogen that causes Rift Valley fever (RVF) in livestock and humans. Currently, there is no licensed human vaccine or antiviral drug to control RVF. Although multiple species of animals and humans are vulnerable to RVFV infection, host factors affecting susceptibility are not well understood.
    UNASSIGNED: To identify the host factors or genes essential for RVFV replication, we conducted a CRISPR-Cas9 knock-out screen in human A549 cells. We then validated the putative genes using siRNA-mediated knockdowns and CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knockout studies, respectively. The role of a candidate gene in the virus replication cycle was assessed by measuring intracellular viral RNA accumulation, and the virus titers by plaque assay or TCID50 assay.
    UNASSIGNED: We identified approximately 900 genes with potential involvement in RVFV infection and replication. Further evaluation of the effect of six genes on viral replication using siRNA-mediated knockdowns found that silencing two genes (WDR7 and LRP1) significantly impaired RVFV replication. For further analysis, we focused on the WDR7 gene since the role of LRP1 in RVFV replication was previously described in detail. Knock-out A549 cell lines were generated and used to dissect the effect of WRD7 on RVFV and another bunyavirus, La Crosse encephalitis virus (LACV). We observed significant effects of WDR7 knock-out cells on both intracellular RVFV RNA levels and viral titers. At the intracellular RNA level, WRD7 affected RVFV replication at a later phase of its replication cycle (24h) when compared to LACV which was affected an earlier replication phase (12h).
    UNASSIGNED: In summary, we have identified WDR7 as an essential host factor for the replication of two relevant bunyaviruses, RVFV and LACV. Future studies will investigate the mechanistic role by which WDR7 facilitates Phlebovirus replication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a mosquito-borne viral zoonosis that causes high fetal and neonatal mortality in ruminants and a mild to fatal hemorrhagic fever in humans. There are no licensed RVF vaccines for human use while for livestock, commercially available vaccines are all either live attenuated or inactivated and have undesirable characteristics. The live attenuated RVF vaccines are associated with teratogenicity and residual virulence in ruminants while the inactivated ones require multiple immunisations to induce and maintain protective immunity. Additionally, nearly all licensed RVF vaccines lack the differentiating infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA) property making them inappropriate for use in RVF nonendemic countries. To address these limitations, novel DIVA-compatible RVF vaccines with better safety and efficacy than the licensed ones are being developed, aided fundamentally by a better understanding of the molecular biology of the RVF virus and advancements in recombinant DNA technology. For some of these candidate RVF vaccines, sterilizing immunity has been demonstrated in the discovery/feasibility phase with minimal adverse effects. This review highlights the progress made to date in RVF vaccine research and development and discusses the outstanding research gaps.





