Prenatal stress

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prenatal maternal stress (PMS) is known to shape the phenotype of the first generation offspring (F1) but according to some studies, it could also shape the phenotype of the offspring of the following generations. We previously showed in the Japanese quail that PMS increased the emotional reactivity of F1 offspring in relation to (i) a variation in the levels of some histone post-translational modification (H3K27me3) in their brains and (ii) a modulation of the hormonal composition of the eggs from which they hatched. Here, we wondered whether PMS could also influence the behaviour of the second (F2) and third (F3) generation offspring due to the persistence of the specific marks we identified. Using a principal component analysis, we found that PMS influenced F2 and F3 quail profiles with subtle differences between generations. It increased F2 neophobia, F3 fearfulness and F3 neophobia but only in females. Interestingly, we did not find any variations in the level of histone post-translational modification in F3 brains and we observed inconsistent modulations of androstenedione levels in F1 and F2 eggs. Although they may vary over generations, our results demonstrate that PMS can have phenotypical effects into the third generation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Few longitudinal studies have investigated the mediating role of inflammation during childhood in associations between prenatal maternal stress and adolescent mental health. The objective of this study was to examine the associations between prenatal maternal stress, concentrations of immune markers at age 9, and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and depression during adolescence.
    METHODS: This study included 3723 mother-child pairs from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Prenatal maternal stress was examined using 55 items measured during pregnancy. Inflammation was assessed using serum concentrations of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) when children were 9 years old. GAD and depression were assessed when children were 16 and 18 years of age, respectively. Analyses comprised of structural equation models.
    RESULTS: Prenatal maternal stress was associated with higher concentrations of IL-6 in childhood, and with greater symptoms of depression and GAD in adolescence. However, we did not observe associations between prenatal maternal stress and CRP; also, CRP and IL-6 were not associated with depression and GAD. There was no evidence that CRP and IL-6 mediated the associations between prenatal maternal stress and either GAD or depression.
    CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal maternal stress is associated with IL-6 levels in childhood, and with GAD and depression during adolescence. Future studies should examine immune activity at multiple points during development in relation to mental health into adulthood to determine whether inflammation at different points during development could increase risk for mental health problems among children whose mothers experienced significant stressors during pregnancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Prenatal stress (PS) can adversely affect cognitive and psychological functions in the offspring. This study aimed to determine the effect of PS and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) on spatial memory, serum corticosterone, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) concentrations, and hippocampal BDNF levels in adult male offspring.
    UNASSIGNED: Female Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups (n=6): Control, Stress, ELF-EMF (exposure to ELF-EMF), and S+EMF (simultaneous exposure to stress and the ELF-EMF) groups. Animals received interven-tions for 21 days before and 21 days during pregnancy (a total of 42 days). On the offspring\'s 90th postnatal day (PND), spatial memory was tested using Morris Water Maze, serum Corticosterone and BDNF levels were measured by the ELISA method, and hippocampal BDNF levels were measured by Western blotting.
    UNASSIGNED: PS did not affect spatial memory in the adult male offspring; however, it significantly (P<0.05) increased se-rum corticosterone levels compared to the control and EMF groups. Simultaneous induction of stress with ELF-EMF disrupted the memory acquisition phase. Serum and hippocampal BDNF levels increased signifi-cantly (P<0.05) in the EMF group compared to the stress group.
    UNASSIGNED: Based on our findings, PS can increase serum corticosterone levels without affecting spatial memory. Howev-er, induction of ELF-EMF with stress has a destructive effect on spatial memory with no change in the corti-costerone levels. Compared to stress, prenatal exposure to ELF-EMF increases serum and hippocampal BDNF levels. Further studies are needed to determine the underlying mechanisms of these findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effect of stress in pregnant female Wistar rats on the behavior and lipid peroxidation (LP) in the neocortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus in the female F2 generation during the ovarian cycle was investigated. We subjected pregnant females to daily 1-hour immobilization stress from the 15th to the 19th days of pregnancy. Further, family groups were formed from prenatally stressed and control male and female rats of the F1 generation: group 1, the control female and male; group 2, the control female and the prenatally stressed male; group 3, the prenatally stressed female and the control male; group 4, the prenatally stressed female and male. The females of the F2 generation born from these couples were selected into four experimental groups in accordance with the family group. At the age of 3 months, behavior of rats was studied in the \"open field\" test in two stages of the ovarian cycle - estrus and diestrus. After 7-10 days, the rats were decapitated and the neocortex, hypothalamus and hippocampus were selected to determine the level of diene and triene conjugates, Schiff bases and the degree of lipid oxidation (Klein index). In F2 females with one prenatally stressed parent, there was no interstage difference in locomotor-exploratory activity and anxiety. If both F1 parents were prenatally stressed, female F2 rats retained interstage differences similar to the control pattern, while their locomotor-exploratory activity and time spent in the center of an \"open field\" decreased in absolute values. In the neocortex of F2 females in groups with prenatally stressed mothers, the level of primary LP products decreased and the level of Schiff bases increased in the estrus stage. In the hippocampus of F2 females in the groups with prenatally stressed fathers, the level of Schiff bases decreased in the estrus stage, and the level of primary LP products increased in group 2 and decreased in group 4. In the hypothalamus of F2 females in the groups with prenatally stressed mothers, the level of Schiff bases increased in the estrus stage and decreased in the diestrus; in addition, in group 3, the level of primary LP products in the estrus stage increased. Thus, we demonstrated the influence of prenatal stress of both F1 mother and F1 father on the behavior and the level of LP in the neocortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus in female rats of the F2 generation in estrus and diestrus.
    Исследовано влияние стресса у беременных самок крыс Вистар на поведение и показатели перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) в неокортексе, гиппокампе и гипоталамусе у поколения самок F2 в течение эстрального цикла. Беременных самок подвергали ежедневному 1-часовому иммобилизационному стрессу с 15-го по 19-й день беременности. Далее из рожденных пренатально стрессированных и контрольных самцов и самок крыс поколения F1 формировали семейные группы: группа 1 – контрольные самка и самец, группа 2 – контрольная самка и пренатально стрессированный самец, группа 3 – пренатально стрессированная самка и контрольный самец, группа 4 – пренатально стрессированные самка и самец. Рожденных от этих семейных пар самок поколения F2 отбирали в четыре экспериментальные группы в соответствии с семейной группой. В возрасте трех месяцев у крыс исследовали показатели поведения в тесте «открытое поле» в двух стадиях полового цикла – эструсе и диэструсе. Через 7–10 дней крыс декапитировали и производили отбор неокортекса, гипоталамуса и гиппокампа для определения уровня диеновых и триеновых конъюгатов, оснований Шиффа и степени окисленности липидов (индекса Клейна). У самок F2 с одним пренатально стрессированным родителем отсутствует межстадиальная разница в локомоторно-исследовательской активности и тревожности. Если оба родителя F1 являются пренатально стрессированными, самки крыс F2 сохраняют межстадиальные различия, схожие с контрольным паттерном, при этом по абсолютным значениям у них снижаются локомоторно-исследовательская активность и время нахождения в центре открытого поля. В неокортексе у самок F2 в группах с пренатально стрессированными матерями снижается уровень первичных продуктов ПОЛ и повышается уровень оснований Шиффа в стадии эструса. В гиппокампе у самок F2 в группах с пренатально стрессированными отцами снижается уровень оснований Шиффа в стадии эструса, а уровень первичных продуктов ПОЛ повышается в группе 2 и снижается в группе 4. В гипоталамусе у самок F2 в группах с пренатально стрессированными матерями уровень оснований Шиффа повышается в стадии эструса и снижается в диэструсе, кроме того, в группе 3 повышается уровень первичных продуктов ПОЛ в стадии эструса. Таким образом, выявлено влияние пренатального стресса как матери F1, так и отца F1 на показатели поведения и уровень ПОЛ в неокортексе, гиппокампе и гипоталамусе у самок крыс поколения F2 в эструсе и диэструсе.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Psychological stress during pregnancy is known to have a range of long-lasting negative consequences on the development and health of offspring. Here, we tested whether a measure of prenatal early-life stress was associated with a biomarker of physiological development at birth, namely epigenetic gestational age, using foetal cord-blood DNA-methylation data. Longitudinal cohorts from the Netherlands (Generation R Study [Generation R], n = 1,396), the UK (British Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children [ALSPAC], n = 642), and Norway (Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study [MoBa], n1 = 1,212 and n2 = 678) provided data on prenatal maternal stress and genome-wide DNA methylation from cord blood and were meta-analysed (pooled n = 3,928). Measures of epigenetic age acceleration were calculated using three different gestational epigenetic clocks: \"Bohlin\", \"EPIC overlap\" and \"Knight\". Prenatal stress exposure, examined as an overall cumulative score, was not significantly associated with epigenetically-estimated gestational age acceleration or deceleration in any of the clocks, based on the results of the pooled meta-analysis or those of the individual cohorts. No significant associations were identified with specific domains of prenatal stress exposure, including negative life events, contextual (socio-economic) stressors, parental risks (e.g., maternal psychopathology) and interpersonal risks (e.g., family conflict). Further, no significant associations were identified when analyses were stratified by sex. Overall, we find little support that prenatal psychosocial stress is associated with variation in epigenetic age at birth within the general paediatric population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prenatal stress (PNS), which alters the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in the offspring, predisposes to insulin resistance (IR) in later life and is associated with numerous disorders, including cognitive and memory impairments. At present, our main goal is to assess the effects of chronic piromelatine (Pir) administration, a melatonin analogue, on PNS-provoked IR in the periphery and the hippocampus in male and female offspring. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to chronic stress (one short-term stressor on a daily basis and one long-term stressor on a nightly basis) from the first gestation week until birth. Vehicle or Pir 20 mg/kg were administered intraperitoneally for 21 days. Plasma glucose, serum insulin levels, and the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) were determined as markers of peripheral IR. For the hippocampal IR assessment, insulin receptors (IRs) and glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) were examined. Prenatally stressed offspring of both sexes indicated enhanced plasma glucose and serum insulin concentrations, increased HOMA-IR, and decreased hippocampal GLUT4 only in male rats. The PNS-induced changes were corrected by chronic treatment with Pir. The present results suggest that the melatoninergic compound Pir exerts beneficial effects on altered glucose/insulin homeostasis in PNS-exposed offspring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) neurons play an important role in the regulation of neuroendocrine responses to stress. The excitability of CRH neurons is regulated by inhibitory GABAergic inputs. However, it is unclear when GABAergic regulation of CRH neurons is established during fetal brain development. Furthermore, the exact progression of the developmental shift of GABA action from depolarization to hyperpolarization remains unelucidated. Considering the importance of CRH neuron function in subsequent hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis regulation during this critical phase of development, we investigated the ontogeny of GABAergic inputs to CRH neurons and consequent development of chloride homeostasis. Both CRH neuron soma in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and axons projecting to the median eminence could be identified at embryonic day 15 (E15). Using acute slices containing the PVN of CRF-VenusΔNeo mice, gramicidin perforated-patch clamp-recordings of CRH neurons at E15, postnatal day 0 (P0), and P7 were performed to evaluate the developmental shift of GABA action. The equilibrium potential of GABA (EGABA) was similar between E15 and P0 and showed a further hyperpolarizing shift between P0 and P7 that was comparable to EGABA values in adult CRH neurons. GABA primarily acted as an inhibitory signal at E15 and KCC2 expression was detected in CRH neurons at this age. Activation of the HPA axis has been proposed as the primary mechanism through which prenatal maternal stress shapes fetal development and subsequent long-term disease risk. We therefore examined the impact of maternal food restriction stress on the development of chloride homeostasis in CRH neurons. We observed a depolarization shift of EGABA in CRH neurons of pups exposed to maternal food restriction stress. These results suggest that Cl- homeostasis in early developmental CRH neurons attains mature intracellular Cl- levels, GABA acts primarily as inhibitory, and CRH neurons mature and function early compared with neurons in other brain regions, such as the cortex and hippocampus. Maternal food restriction stress alters chloride homeostasis in CRH neurons of pups, reducing their inhibitory control by GABA. This may contribute to increased CRH neuron activity and cause activation of the HPA axis in pups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Stress during pregnancy adversely impacts maternal and infant health. Dysregulation of the hypothalamic pituitary axis is a mediator of the relationship between stress and health. Evidence supporting an association between prenatal chronic stress and cortisol is limited, and the majority of research published has been conducted amongst White participants, who experience less chronic stress than people of color.
    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated associations between various measures of prenatal stress and hair cortisol concentrations which is a biomarker of the integrated stress response in a sample of Latina participants during the third trimester of pregnancy.
    METHODS: Pregnant women (n=45) were surveyed with scales measuring chronic stress, perceived stress, pregnancy-related and pregnancy-specific anxiety. Hair samples were collected as an objective neuroendocrine measure of chronic stress. Linear regression analyses were performed to assess associations between stress measures and hair cortisol. Pre-pregnancy BMI, smoking during pregnancy, and steroid use during pregnancy were used as covariates in adjusted models.
    RESULTS: Chronic stress, operationalized as maternal reports of neighborhood/housing strain, daily activities and relationship strain, discrimination, and financial strain, was significantly associated with higher hair cortisol concentrations. No significant associations were found between hair cortisol and perceived stress, pregnancy-related anxiety, nor pregnancy-specific anxiety in adjusted models.
    CONCLUSIONS: Chronic stress may be a more robust correlate of physiological stress, as measured by hair cortisol in pregnancy, than other common measures of prenatal stress and anxiety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prenatal environment has long-lasting effects on offspring development and health. Research on prenatal stress identified various mechanisms of these effects, from changes in epigenetic and gene expression profiles to Maternal-Placental-Fetal (MPF) stress biology. There is also evidence for the role of additional risk and protective factors influencing the impact of prenatal stress on maternal and infant outcomes. Considering these findings, we present the study protocol of BABIP, a prospective birth cohort from Turkey. The aim of the project is to investigate the effect of prenatal stress on MPF stress biology (i.e. neuroendocrine, immune and metabolic systems), differential DNA methylation and gene expression patterns, and infant birth and developmental outcomes. We are recruiting 150 pregnant women and their babies for a longitudinal project with 4 time points: 20-24 (T1) and 30-34 (T2) weeks of pregnancy, and 1-month (T3) and 4-months (T4) after giving birth. Maternal early and prenatal environment (prenatal stress, early life stress, psychosocial resources, and health-related behaviors) are assessed during pregnancy with MPF stress biology, DNA methylation and gene expression measures. Infant birth outcomes, DNA methylation and development are assessed postpartum. BABIP is the first prospective birth cohort from Turkey with extensive measures on prenatal environment and health. Through investigating the multilevel impact of prenatal stress and related risk and protective factors during and after pregnancy, BABIP will contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms by which prenatal environment influences infant development and health. Being the first such cohort from Turkey, it may also allow identification of prenatal risk and protective factors specific to the context and population in Turkey.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exposure to social adversity has been associated with cortisol dysregulation during pregnancy and in later childhood; less is known about how prenatal exposure to social stressors affects postnatal cortisol of infants. In a secondary analysis of data from a longitudinal study, we tested whether a pregnant woman\'s reports of social adversity during the third trimester were associated with their infant\'s resting cortisol at 1, 6, and 12 months postnatal. Our hypothesis was that prenatal exposure to social adversity would be associated with elevation of infants\' cortisol. Measures included prenatal survey reports of social stressors and economic hardship, and resting cortisol levels determined from infant saliva samples acquired at each postnatal timepoint. Data were analyzed using linear mixed effects models. The final sample included 189 women and their infants (46.56% assigned female sex at birth). Prenatal economic hardship was significantly associated with infant cortisol at 6 months postnatal; reports of social stressors were not significantly associated with cortisol at any time point. Factors associated with hardship, such as psychological distress or nutritional deficiencies, may alter fetal HPA axis development, resulting in elevated infant cortisol levels. Developmental changes unique to 6 months of age may explain effects at this timepoint. More work is needed to better comprehend the complex pre- and post-natal physiologic and behavioral factors that affect infant HPA axis development and function, and the modifying role of environmental exposures.





