
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basic function of the tongue in pronouncing diadochokinesis and other syllables is not fully understood. This study investigates the influence of sound pressure levels and syllables on tongue pressure and muscle activity in 19 healthy adults (mean age: 28.2 years; range: 22-33 years). Tongue pressure and activity of the posterior tongue were measured using electromyography (EMG) when the velar stops /ka/, /ko/, /ga/, and /go/ were pronounced at 70, 60, 50, and 40 dB. Spearman\'s rank correlation revealed a significant, yet weak, positive association between tongue pressure and EMG activity (ρ = 0.14, p < 0.05). Mixed-effects model analysis showed that tongue pressure and EMG activity significantly increased at 70 dB compared to other sound pressure levels. While syllables did not significantly affect tongue pressure, the syllable /ko/ significantly increased EMG activity (coefficient = 0.048, p = 0.013). Although no significant differences in tongue pressure were observed for the velar stops /ka/, /ko/, /ga/, and /go/, it is suggested that articulation is achieved by altering the activity of both extrinsic and intrinsic tongue muscles. These findings highlight the importance of considering both tongue pressure and muscle activity when examining the physiological factors contributing to sound pressure levels during speech.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While many studies focus on segmental variation in Parkinsonian speech, little is known about prosodic modulations reflecting the ability to adapt to communicative demands in people with Parkinson\'s disease (PwPD). This type of prosodic modulation is important for social interaction, and it involves modifications in speech melody (intonational level) and articulation of consonants and vowels (segmental level). The present study investigates phonetic cues of prosodic modulations with respect to different focus structures in mild dysarthric PwPD as a function of levodopa. Acoustic and kinematic speech parameters of 25 PwPD were assessed in two motor conditions. Speech production data from PwPD were collected before (medication-OFF) and after levodopa intake (medication-ON) by means of 3-D electromagnetic articulography. On the acoustic level, intensity, pitch, and syllable durations were analyzed. On the kinematic level, movement duration and amplitude were investigated. Spatio-temporal modulations of speech parameters were examined and compared across three different prosodic focus structures (out-of-focus, broad focus, contrastive focus) to display varying speech demands. Overall, levodopa had beneficial effects on motor performance, speech loudness, and pitch modulation. Acoustic syllable durations and kinematic movement durations did not change, revealing no systematic effects of motor status on the temporal domain. In contrast, there were spatial modulations of the oral articulators: tongue tip movements were smaller and lower lip movements were larger in amplitude under levodopa, reflecting a more agile and efficient articulatory movement under levodopa. Thus, respiratory-phonatory functions and consonant production improved, while syllable duration and tongue body kinematics did not change. Interestingly, prominence marking strategies were comparable between the medication conditions under investigation, and in fact, appear to be preserved in mild dysarthric PwPD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, a computer-driven, phoneme-agnostic method was explored for assessing speech disorders (SDs) in children, bypassing traditional labor-intensive phonetic transcription. Using the SpeechMark® automatic syllabic cluster (SC) analysis, which detects sequences of acoustic features that characterize well-formed syllables, 1952 American English utterances of 60 preschoolers were analyzed [16 with speech disorder present (SD-P) and 44 with speech disorder not present (SD-NP)] from two dialectal areas. A four-factor regression analysis evaluated the robustness of seven automated measures produced by SpeechMark® and their interactions. SCs significantly predicted SD status (p < 0.001). A secondary analysis using a generalized linear model with a negative binomial distribution evaluated the number of SCs produced by the groups. Results highlighted that children with SD-P produced fewer well-formed clusters [incidence rate ratio (IRR) = 0.8116, p ≤ 0.0137]. The interaction between speech group and age indicated that the effect of age on syllable count was more pronounced in children with SD-P (IRR = 1.0451, p = 0.0251), suggesting that even small changes in age can have a significant effect on SCs. In conclusion, speech status significantly influences the degree to which preschool children produce acoustically well-formed SCs, suggesting the potential for SCs to be speech biomarkers for SD in preschoolers.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Twice-exceptionality is characterized as the presence of high performance concomitantly with deficiencies or incompatible conditions. An example is when giftedness manifest associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. This study is a clinical case report referring to the evaluative and interventional process of a 9- year-old child with the paradoxical combination of giftedness associated with dyslexia. It aims to compare the performance in phonological processing, reading and writing before and after phonological remediation. In the first assessment, the child demonstrated alphabetic level in reading, a transition phase between syllabic-alphabetic and alphabetical writing levels, and below-expected performance in phonological processing skills. After intervention, the results showed consistent improvements in phonological processing, the consolidation of alphabetical writing and orthographic reading level. In general, children with isolated dyslexia have persistent difficulties in several skills after intervention. The evolution shown after phonological remediation, especially at reading level, shows different characteristics than expected. Thus, it can be concluded that twice-exceptionality may have favored the overcoming of some of the shown difficulties more successfully. Studies on these combined conditions can contribute to a better understanding of this framework during the development of learning and to formulate specialized interventions.
    A dupla-excepcionalidade é caracterizada pela presença de alto desempenho concomitante a deficiências ou condições incompatíveis, como é o caso de altas habilidades associadas a transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento. Esse estudo é um relato de caso clínico referente ao processo avaliativo e interventivo de uma criança de 9 anos com a combinação paradoxal de altas habilidades associadas à dislexia. O objetivo foi comparar o desempenho nas tarefas de processamento fonológico, leitura e escrita pré e pós remediação fonológica. Na primeira avaliação, a criança apresentou nível alfabético na leitura, fase de transição entre os níveis silábico-alfabético e alfabético na escrita e desempenho abaixo do esperado nas habilidades do processamento fonológico. Após a intervenção, houve melhora em habilidades do processamento fonológico, consolidação da escrita alfabética e do nível ortográfico de leitura. Em geral, crianças com dislexia isolada apresentam dificuldades persistentes em várias habilidades após intervenção. A evolução demonstrada após a remediação fonológica, principalmente no nível de leitura, mostra características diferentes do esperado. Assim, pode-se concluir que a dupla-excepcionalidade pode ter favorecido a superação de algumas de suas dificuldades de forma mais exitosa. Estudos sobre estas condições combinadas podem contribuir para a melhor compreensão deste quadro durante o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem e para a formulação de intervenções especializadas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Voice quality has been defined variously in the literature ranging from states or postures of the glottis and vocal tract in general most broadly, to a narrower definition which refers to characteristics of vocal fold vibration during voiced phonation. Linguists have traditionally broken the voicing continuum into five basic categories based on roles they play in a language\'s phonology: (spread) voiceless, breathy, modal, creaky, (constricted) voiceless. Of these, the three central states, breathy, modal, creaky, are relevant to voice quality as discussed in this work. Voice qualities can be modelled as an interaction between subglottal pressure, degree of vocal fold approximation (aperture), longitudinal tension of the vocal folds (stiffness), and medial compression of the vocal folds (thickness). Breathy voicing is achieved with high glottal aperture, low stiffness, and low thickness, resulting in noise, low pitch, and increased spectral tilt. Creaky voicing has differing realizations depending on its linguistic role, prototypical creaky voice has low aperture, low stiffness, and high thickness, resulting in irregular and lower pitch, and decreased spectral tilt. Several other types of creaky voice quality exist including: 1) glottal fry, 2) multiply pulsed voice, and 3) nonconstricted creak. In this paper, we focus on creaky voice broadly-defined and concentrate on its distribution in North American English. While not contrastive, it plays an important role in phonology and a wide variety of other discourse, pragmatic, and social functions. In this context we present some of our current research into segmental and social factors relating to creaky voicing. We find a correlation between vowel height and creaky voicing. We also find evidence that voice quality is used by men to index gender in conversational speech. Our findings bear on the debate about the sociolinguistic uses of voice quality.
    La qualité de voix a été définie de multiples façons dans la littérature spécialisée. Certains l’identifient, de manière très générale, aux diverses configurations de la glotte et de l’appareil phonatoire, alors que d’autres la restreignent aux modes de vibration des replis vocaux lors des épisodes de phonation voisée. Les linguistes considèrent traditionnellement que le continuum de la phonation recouvre cinq catégories principales, définies en fonction du rôle qu’elles remplissent dans la phonologie des langues du monde : la phonation nulle avec replis vocaux écartés, la voix soufflée, la voix modale, la voix craquée et la phonation nulle avec replis vocaux resserrés. Parmi ces cinq catégories, les trois états centraux : la voix soufflée, la voix modale et la voix craquée relèvent du domaine de la qualité de voix telle que traitée dans cet article. Les différentes qualités de voix peuvent se modéliser selon une interaction entre pression subglottique et degré d’ouverture, tension longitudinale et compression médiane des replis vocaux. La voix soufflée est produite en conférant un haut degré d’ouverture, un faible degré de tension longitudinale et un faible degré de compression médiane aux replis vocaux. La conjonction de ces ajustements engendre un bruit de friction, des fréquences basses et une élévation de l’inclinaison spectrale. La voix craquée se décline en diverses variétés en fonction de la fonction qu’elle remplit sur le plan linguistique. La voix craquée prototypique se définit par un faible degré d’ouverture des replis vocaux, un faible degré de tension longitudinale et un haut degré de compression médiane. La combinaison de ces ajustements résulte en des fréquences basses et irrégulières ainsi qu’en un abaissement de l’inclinaison spectrale. Il existe plusieurs autres types de voix craquées, au nombre desquels : 1) la « friture » glottique (glottal fry), 2) la voix pulsée (multiply pulsed voice) et 3) le craquement sans constriction (nonconstricted creak). Dans cet article, nous nous concentrons sur la voix craquée définie dans son acception la plus large et nous intéressons à sa distribution en anglais nord-américain. Bien que la voix craquée ne possède pas un statut contrastif, elle joue un rôle prépondérant en phonologie et remplit une gamme étendue de fonctions sociales, discursives et pragmatiques. C’est dans cette perspective que nous présentons une partie de l’état actuel de notre recherche sur les facteurs sociaux et les caractéristiques segmentales corrélés à la production de la voix craquée. Nous mettons ainsi en lumière le rapport observé entre hauteur des voyelles et usage de la voix craquée ainsi que certains éléments empiriques indiquant que les locuteurs hommes utilisent la qualité de voix pour marquer leur masculinité. Ces résultats sont de nature à enrichir le débat sur les fonctions sociolinguistiques de la qualité de voix.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mathematical models explaining production effects assume that production leads to the encoding of additional features, such as phonological ones. This improves memory with a combination of encoding strength and feature distinctiveness, implementing aspects of propositional theories. However, it is not clear why production differs from other manipulations such as study time and spaced repetition, which are also thought to influence strength. Here we extend attentional subsetting theory and propose an explanation based on the dimensionality of feature spaces. Specifically, we suggest phonological features are drawn from a compact feature space. Deeper features are sparsely subselected from a larger subspace. Algebraic and numerical solutions shed light on several findings, including the dependency of production effects on how other list items are encoded (differing from other strength factors) and the production advantage even for homophones. This places production within a continuum of strength-like manipulations that differ in terms of the feature subspaces they operate upon and leads to novel predictions based on direct manipulations of feature-space properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonhuman great apes have been claimed to be unable to learn human words due to a lack of the necessary neural circuitry. We recovered original footage of two enculturated chimpanzees uttering the word \"mama\" and subjected recordings to phonetic analysis. Our analyses demonstrate that chimpanzees are capable of syllabic production, achieving consonant-to-vowel phonetic contrasts via the simultaneous recruitment and coupling of voice, jaw and lips. In an online experiment, human listeners naive to the recordings\' origins reliably perceived chimpanzee utterances as syllabic utterances, primarily as \"ma-ma\", among foil syllables. Our findings demonstrate that in the absence of direct data-driven examination, great ape vocal production capacities have been underestimated. Chimpanzees possess the neural building blocks necessary for speech.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although language depends on storage and composition, just what is stored or (de)composed remains unclear. We leveraged working memory load limitations to test for composition, hypothesizing that decomposed forms should particularly tax working memory. We focused on a well-studied paradigm, English inflectional morphology. We predicted that (compositional) regulars should be harder to maintain in working memory than (non-compositional) irregulars, using a 3-back production task. Frequency, phonology, orthography, and other potentially confounding factors were controlled for. Compared to irregulars, regulars and their accompanying -s/-ing-affixed filler items yielded more errors. Underscoring the decomposition of only regulars, regulars yielded more bare-stem (e.g., walk) and stem affixation errors (walks/walking) than irregulars, whereas irregulars yielded more past-tense-form affixation errors (broughts/tolded). In line with previous evidence that regulars can be stored under certain conditions, the regular-irregular difference held specifically for phonologically consistent (not inconsistent) regulars, in particular for both low and high frequency consistent regulars in males, but only for low frequency consistent regulars in females. Sensitivity analyses suggested the findings were robust. The study further elucidates the computation of inflected forms, and introduces a simple diagnostic for linguistic composition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From sequences of speech sounds1,2 or letters3, humans can extract rich and nuanced meaning through language. This capacity is essential for human communication. Yet, despite a growing understanding of the brain areas that support linguistic and semantic processing4-12, the derivation of linguistic meaning in neural tissue at the cellular level and over the timescale of action potentials remains largely unknown. Here we recorded from single cells in the left language-dominant prefrontal cortex as participants listened to semantically diverse sentences and naturalistic stories. By tracking their activities during natural speech processing, we discover a fine-scale cortical representation of semantic information by individual neurons. These neurons responded selectively to specific word meanings and reliably distinguished words from nonwords. Moreover, rather than responding to the words as fixed memory representations, their activities were highly dynamic, reflecting the words\' meanings based on their specific sentence contexts and independent of their phonetic form. Collectively, we show how these cell ensembles accurately predicted the broad semantic categories of the words as they were heard in real time during speech and how they tracked the sentences in which they appeared. We also show how they encoded the hierarchical structure of these meaning representations and how these representations mapped onto the cell population. Together, these findings reveal a finely detailed cortical organization of semantic representations at the neuron scale in humans and begin to illuminate the cellular-level processing of meaning during language comprehension.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advancing age is associated with decreased sensitivity to temporal cues in word segments, particularly when target words follow non-informative carrier sentences or are spectrally degraded (e.g., vocoded to simulate cochlear-implant stimulation). This study investigated whether age, carrier sentences, and spectral degradation interacted to cause undue difficulty in processing speech temporal cues. Younger and older adults with normal hearing performed phonemic categorization tasks on two continua: a Buy/Pie contrast with voice onset time changes for the word-initial stop and a Dish/Ditch contrast with silent interval changes preceding the word-final fricative. Target words were presented in isolation or after non-informative carrier sentences, and were unprocessed or degraded via sinewave vocoding (2, 4, and 8 channels). Older listeners exhibited reduced sensitivity to both temporal cues compared to younger listeners. For the Buy/Pie contrast, age, carrier sentence, and spectral degradation interacted such that the largest age effects were seen for unprocessed words in the carrier sentence condition. This pattern differed from the Dish/Ditch contrast, where reducing spectral resolution exaggerated age effects, but introducing carrier sentences largely left the patterns unchanged. These results suggest that certain temporal cues are particularly susceptible to aging when placed in sentences, likely contributing to the difficulties of older cochlear-implant users in everyday environments.





