Olfactory Perception

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans can decode emotional states from the body odors of the conspecifics and this type of emotional communication is particularly relevant in conditions in which social interactions are impaired, as in depression and social anxiety. The present study aimed to explore how body odors collected in happiness and fearful conditions modulate the subjective ratings, the psychophysiological response and the neural processing of neutral faces in individuals with depressive symptoms, social anxiety symptoms, and healthy controls (N = 22 per group). To this aim, electrocardiogram (ECG) and HD-EEG were recorded continuously. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was extracted from the ECG as a measure of vagal tone, event-related potentials (ERPs) and event-related spectral perturbations (ERPSs) were extracted from the EEG. The results revealed that the HRV increased during the fear and happiness body odors conditions compared to clean air, but no group differences emerged. For ERPs data, repeated measure ANOVA did not show any significant effects. However, the ERPSs analyses revealed a late increase in delta power and a reduced beta power both at an early and a late stage of stimulus processing in response to the neutral faces presented with the emotional body odors, regardless of the presence of depressive or social anxiety symptoms. The current research offers new insights, demonstrating that emotional chemosignals serve as potent environmental cues. This represents a substantial advancement in comprehending the impact of emotional chemosignals in both individuals with and without affective disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is a high-risk population in the preclinical stage of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), and olfactory dysfunction is a risk factor for dementia progression. The present study aimed to explore the patterns of functional connectivity (FC) changes in the olfactory neural circuits during olfactory stimulation in SCD subjects. A total of 56 SCD subjects and 56 normal controls (NCs) were included. All subjects were assessed with a cognitive scale, an olfactory behavior test, and olfactory task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging scanning. The FC differences in olfactory neural circuits between the two groups were analyzed by the generalized psychophysiological interaction. Additionally, we calculated and compared the activation of brain regions within the olfactory neural circuits during odor stimulation, the volumetric differences in brain regions showing FC differences between groups, and the correlations between neuroimaging indicators and olfactory behavioral and cognitive scale scores. During odor stimulation, the FC between the bilateral primary olfactory cortex (bPOC) and the right hippocampus in the SCD group was significantly reduced; while the FC between the right hippocampus and the right frontal cortex was significantly increased in the SCD group. The bPOC of all subjects showed significant activation, but no significant difference in activation between groups was found. No significant differences were observed in the volume of the brain regions within the olfactory neural circuits or in olfactory behavior between groups. The volume of the bPOC and right frontal cortex was significantly positively correlated with olfactory identification, and the volume of the right frontal cortex and right hippocampus was significantly correlated with cognitive functions. Furthermore, a significant correlation between the activation of bPOC and the olfactory threshold was found in the whole cohort. These results suggested that while the structure of the olfactory neural circuits and olfactory behavior in SCD subjects remained stable, there were significant changes observed in the FC of the olfactory neural circuits (specifically, the POC-hippocampus-frontal cortex neural circuits) during odor stimulation. These findings highlight the potential of FC alterations as sensitive imaging markers for identifying high-risk individuals in the early stage of AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: An olfactory perceptual fingerprint (OPF) defines one\'s olfactory perception using perceptual descriptor ratings (such as odor pleasantness, intensity) for a set of odors. OPFs have been shown to distinguish patients with COVID-related olfactory dysfunction (OD) and healthy controls with 86% accuracy. However, all participants rated the same odorants. With the aim to evaluate whether the OPFs are indeed odorant independent, previously published dataset by Lötsch et al. was reanalyzed. Furthermore, this independent dataset was used to check whether the OPFs separate patients with OD due to various causes from controls.
    UNASSIGNED: The study included 104 controls and 42 patients, who were randomized into four odor sets with 10 odorants each. Odorants were presented using a computer-controlled olfactometer and evaluated on scales from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very) using perceptual descriptors pleasant, intensive, familiar, edible, irritating, cold/warm, and painful.
    UNASSIGNED: Permutational multivariate analysis of variance showed that the odor set did not have a significant effect on the OPFs, confirming that the OPFs are indeed odorant independent. On the other hand, both diagnosis and age affected the OPFs (p < .001) and explained around 11% and 5% of the variance of the OPFs, respectively. Furthermore, a supervised machine learning method, random forest classifier, showed that OPF can distinguish patients and controls with 80% accuracy.
    UNASSIGNED: OPFs are odorant independent. Patients perceived odors as less familiar, less intense, and less edible than controls. Other perceptual descriptors were much less important for the separation of patients and controls.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a significant concern as it is a risk factor for AD progression, and early detection is vital in order to delay dementia onset and enable potential therapeutic interventions. Olfactory impairment is recognized as a predictive biomarker in neurodegenerative processes. The aims of this study were to explore the degree of entorhinal cortical atrophy (ERICA) and the severity of MCI symptoms; to analyze magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results for the entorhinal cortex, parahippocampal gyrus, peri entorhinal cortex, and the cerebellar tentorium; and to perform a comprehensive neuropsychological and psychophysical assessment. The main results highlighted that in our sample-multidomain amnesic MCI patients with hyposmic symptomatology-we found that ERICA scores were associated with the severity of anxiety symptomatology. One possible hypothesis to explain this observation is that anxiety may contribute to neurodegenerative processes by inducing chronic stress and inflammation. Future research should consider the longitudinal development of neuropsychological scores, anxiety disorders, and brain atrophy to determine their potential predictive value for MCI progression. These findings suggest the importance of psychological factors in MCI progression and the utility of neuropsychological assessment alongside neuroimaging techniques for early detection and follow-up in MCI patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While sheep can detect and discriminate human emotions through visual and vocal cues, their reaction to human body odors remains unknown. The present study aimed to determine whether sheep (Ovis aries) can detect human odors, olfactorily discriminate stressed from non-stressed individuals, and behave accordingly based on the emotional valence of the odors. Axillary secretions from 34 students were collected following an oral examination (stress odor) or a regular class (non-stress odor). Fourteen female and 15 male lambs were then exposed to these odors through a habituation-dishabituation procedure. The habituation stimulus was presented four times for one minute, followed by the dishabituation stimulus presented once for one minute. Behavioral variables included spatiality relative to target odors, approach/withdrawal, ear positioning, sniffing, ingestion, and vocalization. Both female and male lambs more often positioned their ears backwards/forwards, and asymmetrically when exposed to the dishabituation stimulus, but regardless of their stress or non-stress value. They also changed their approach behavior when exposed to the dishabituation stimuli. Lambs displayed some behavioral signs of discrimination between the habituation and dishabituation odors, but regardless of their relation to stress or non-stress of human donors. In sum, this exploratory study suggests that young sheep respond negatively to the odor of unfamiliar humans, without showing any specific emotional contagion related to the stress odor. This exploratory study suggests young ovines can detect human body odor, a further step toward understanding the human-sheep relationship.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We examined the possibility of a cross-modal effect in naïve Cotesia vestalis, a parasitoid wasp of diamondback moth larvae, by using artificial flower models of four colours (blue, green, yellow, and red) in the absence or presence of floral scent collected from Brassica rapa inflorescences. In a four-choice test, regardless of the floral scent, non-starved female wasps visited green and yellow models significantly more often than blue and red ones, although no significant difference was observed between visits to the green and yellow models. They seldom visited blue and red models. When starved, the wasps became even more particular, visiting yellow significantly more frequently than green models, irrespective of the presence of the floral scent, indicating that they preferred to use yellow visual cues in their food search. Furthermore, a factorial analysis of variance revealed a significant effect of the interaction between model colour and floral scent on the wasps\' visits to flower models. The floral scent induced starved and non-starved wasps to visit yellow and green models about twice as often as without the scent. A cross-modal effect of olfactory perception on the use of chromatic information by wasps may allow them to search efficiently for food sources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory system plays crucial roles in perceiving and interacting with their surroundings. Previous studies have deciphered basic odor perceptions, but how information processing in the olfactory system is associated with learning and memory is poorly understood. In this review, we summarize recent studies on the anatomy and functional dynamics of the mouse olfactory learning pathway, focusing on how neuronal circuits in the olfactory bulb (OB) and olfactory cortical areas integrate odor information in learning. We also highlight in vivo evidence for the role of the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) in olfactory learning. Altogether, these studies demonstrate that brain regions throughout the olfactory system are critically involved in forming and representing learned knowledge. The role of olfactory areas in learning and memory, and their susceptibility to dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases, necessitate further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predicting olfactory perceptions from odorant molecules is challenging due to the complex and potentially discontinuous nature of the perceptual space for smells. In this study, we introduce a deep learning model, Mol-PECO (Molecular Representation by Positional Encoding of Coulomb Matrix), designed to predict olfactory perceptions based on molecular structures and electrostatics. Mol-PECO learns the efficient embedding of molecules by utilizing the Coulomb matrix, which encodes atomic coordinates and charges, as an alternative of the adjacency matrix and its Laplacian eigenfunctions as positional encoding of atoms. With a comprehensive dataset of odor molecules and descriptors, Mol-PECO outperforms traditional machine learning methods using molecular fingerprints and graph neural networks based on adjacency matrices. The learned embeddings by Mol-PECO effectively capture the odor space, enabling global clustering of descriptors and local retrieval of similar odorants. This work contributes to a deeper understanding of the olfactory sense and its mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex pheromones play a crucial role in mate location and reproductive success. Insects face challenges in finding mates in low-density environments. The population dynamics of locusts vary greatly, ranging from solitary individuals to high-density swarms, leading to multiple-trait divergence between solitary and gregarious phases. However, differences in sexual communication between solitary and gregarious locusts have not been sufficiently explored. Herein, we found that solitary locusts but not gregarious ones heavily rely on a single compound, dibutyl phthalate (DBP), for sexual communication. DBP is abundantly released by solitary female locusts and elicits strong attraction of male solitary and gregarious locusts. Solitary adult males display much higher electrophysiological responses to DBP than adult females. Additionally, LmigOr13 was identified as the DBP-specific odorant receptor expressed in neurons housed in basiconic sensilla. Male LmigOr13-/- mutants generated by CRISPR/Cas9 have low electrophysiological responses and behavioral attraction to DBP in both laboratory and field cage experiments. Notably, the attractiveness of DBP to male locusts becomes more evident at lower population densities imposed by controlling the cage size. This finding sheds light on the utilization of a sex pheromone to promote reproductive success in extremely low-density conditions and provides important insights into alternative approaches for population monitoring of locusts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As an evolutionarily ancient sense, olfaction is key to learning where to find food, shelter, mates, and important landmarks in an animal\'s environment. Brain circuitry linking odor and navigation appears to be a well conserved multi-region system among mammals; the anterior olfactory nucleus, piriform cortex, entorhinal cortex, and hippocampus each represent different aspects of olfactory and spatial information. We review recent advances in our understanding of the neural circuits underlying odor-place associations, highlighting key choices of behavioral task design and neural circuit manipulations for investigating learning and memory.





