
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, the mounting integration of probiotics into human health strategies has gathered considerable attention. Although the benefits of probiotics have been widely recognized in patients with gastrointestinal disorders, immune system modulation, and chronic-degenerative diseases, there is a growing need to evaluate their potential risks. In this context, new concerns have arisen regarding the safety of probiotics as some strains may have adverse effects in humans. Among these strains, Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) exhibited traits of concern due to a pathogenic locus in its genome that produces potentially genotoxic metabolites. As the use of probiotics for therapeutic purposes is increasing, the effects of potentially harmful probiotics must be carefully evaluated. To this end, in this narrative review article, we reported the findings of the most relevant in vitro and in vivo studies investigating the expanding applications of probiotics and their impact on human well-being addressing concerns arising from the presence of antibiotic resistance and pathogenic elements, with a focus on the polyketide synthase (pks) pathogenic island of EcN. In this context, the literature data here discussed encourages a thorough profiling of probiotics to identify potential harmful elements as done for EcN where potential genotoxic effects of colibactin, a secondary metabolite, were observed. Specifically, while some studies suggest EcN is safe for gastrointestinal health, conflicting findings highlight the need for further research to clarify its safety and optimize its use in therapy. Overall, the data here presented suggest that a comprehensive assessment of the evolving landscape of probiotics is essential to make evidence-based decisions and ensure their correct use in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The assessment of mutagenicity is essential in drug discovery, as it may lead to cancer and germ cells damage. Although in silico methods have been proposed for mutagenicity prediction, their performance is hindered by the scarcity of labeled molecules. However, experimental mutagenicity testing can be time-consuming and costly. One solution to reduce the annotation cost is active learning, where the algorithm actively selects the most valuable molecules from a vast chemical space and presents them to the oracle (e.g., a human expert) for annotation, thereby rapidly improving the model\'s predictive performance with a smaller annotation cost. In this paper, we propose muTOX-AL, a deep active learning framework, which can actively explore the chemical space and identify the most valuable molecules, resulting in competitive performance with a small number of labeled samples. The experimental results show that, compared to the random sampling strategy, muTOX-AL can reduce the number of training molecules by about 57%. Additionally, muTOX-AL exhibits outstanding molecular structural discriminability, allowing it to pick molecules with high structural similarity but opposite properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olive mill wastewater (OMWW), with its high level of phenolic compounds, simultaneously represents a serious environmental challenge and a great resource with potential nutraceutical activities. To increase the knowledge of OMWW\'s biological effects, with an aim to developing a food supplement, we performed a chemical characterisation of the extract using the Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole Time-of-flight spectrometry (LC-QTOF) and an in vitro genotoxicity/antigenotoxicity assessment on HepaRG ™ cells. Chemical analysis revealed that the most abundant phenolic compound was hydroxytyrosol. Biological tests showed that the extract was not cytotoxic at the lowest tested concentrations (from 0.25 to 2.5 mg/mL), unlike the highest concentrations (from 5 to 20 mg/mL). Regarding genotoxic activity, when tested at non-cytotoxic concentrations, the extract did not display any effect. Additionally, the lowest tested OMWW concentrations showed antigenotoxic activity (J-shaped dose-response effect) against a known mutagenic substance, reducing the extent of DNA damage in the co-exposure treatment. The antigenotoxic effect was also obtained in the post-exposure procedure, although only at the extract concentrations of 0.015625 and 0.03125 mg/mL. This behaviour was not confirmed in the pre-exposure protocol. In conclusion, the present study established a maximum non-toxic OMWW extract dose for the HepaRG cell model, smoothing the path for future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whole genome duplications are implicated in genome instability and tumorigenesis. Human and yeast polyploids exhibit increased replication stress and chromosomal instability, both hallmarks of cancer. In this study, we investigate the transcriptional response of Schizosaccharomyces pombe to increased ploidy generally, and in response to treatment with the genotoxin methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). We find that treatment of MMS induces upregulation of genes involved in general response to genotoxins, in addition to cell cycle regulatory genes. Downregulated genes are enriched in transport and sexual reproductive pathways. We find that the diploid response to MMS is muted compared to the haploid response, although the enriched pathways remain largely the same. Overall, our data suggests that the global S. pombe transcriptome doubles in response to increased ploidy but undergoes modest transcriptional changes in both unperturbed and genotoxic stress conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genotoxic substances widely exist in the environment and the food supply, posing serious health risks due to their potential to induce DNA damage and cancer. Traditional genotoxicity assays, while valuable, are limited by insufficient sensitivity, specificity, and efficiency, particularly when applied to complex food matrices. This study introduces a multiparametric high-content analysis (HCA) for the detection of genotoxic substances in complex food matrices. The developed assay measures three genotoxic biomarkers, including γ-H2AX, p-H3, and RAD51, which enhances the sensitivity and accuracy of genotoxicity screening. Moreover, the assay effectively distinguishes genotoxic compounds with different modes of action, which not only offers a more comprehensive assessment of DNA damage and the cellular response to genotoxic stress but also provides new insights into the exploration of genotoxicity mechanisms. Notably, the five tested food matrices, including coffee, tea, pak choi, spinach, and tomato, were found not to interfere with the detection of these biomarkers under proper dilution ratios, validating the robustness and reliability of the assay for the screening of genotoxic compounds in the food industry. The integration of multiple biomarkers with HCA provides an efficient method for detecting and assessing genotoxic substances in the food supply, with potential applications in toxicology research and food safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency are the most important factors determining the success of mutation breeding, a coherent tool for quickly enhancing diversity in crops. This study was carried out at Lovely Professional University\'s agricultural research farm in Punjab, India, during the year 2023. The experimental design followed a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The experiment aimed to assess the effect of three chemical mutagens, sodium azide (SA), ethyl methyl sulphonates (EMSs), and methyl methane sulfonate (MMS), at three different concentrations (0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6%), in SL958 and SL744 soybean varieties to select the mutant exhibiting the highest yield. The data were collected and analysed using a two-way ANOVA test through SPSS software (version 22), and the means were separated using Duncan\'s multiple range test (DMRT) at the 5% level of significance. Between the two varieties, the highest seed germination percentage (76.0% seedlings/plot) was recorded in SL958 (0.4% SA), while the lowest (30.33% seedlings/plot) was observed in 0.6% MMS as compared to the control (53% and 76% in SL744 and SL958 at 10 days after sowing, respectively). Several weeks after sowing, the average plant height was observed to be higher (37.84 ± 1.32 cm) in SL958 (0.4% SA) and lower (20.58 ± 0.30 cm) in SL744 (0.6% SA), as compared to the controls (SL958: 26.09 ± 0.62 cm and SL744: 27.48 ± 0.74 cm). The average leaf count was the highest (234.33 ± 3.09 tetrafoliate leaves/plant) in SL958 (0.4% SA) while it was the lowest (87 leaves/plant) in 0.6% MMS as compared to the control (SL744 180.00 ± 1.63 and SL958 160.73 ± 1.05). The highest total leaf areas recorded in the SL958 and SL744 M1plants were 3625.8 ± 1.43 cm2 and 2311.03 ± 3.65 cm2, respectively. Seeds of the SL958 variety treated with 0.4% SA resulted in the development of tetrafoliate leaves with a broad leaf base and the maximum yield (277.55 ± 1.37 pods/plant) compared to the narrow pentafoliate leaves obtained through the treatment with EMS. Meanwhile, in the SL744 variety, the same treatment led to tetrafoliate leaves with a comparatively lower yield of 206.54 ± 23.47 pods/plant as compared to the control (SL744 164.33 ± 8.58 and SL958 229.86 ± 0.96). The highest protein content (47.04 ± 0.87% TSP) was recorded in the SL958 (0.4% SA) M2 seeds followed by a content of 46.14 ± 0.64% TSP in the SL744 (0.4% SA) M2 seeds, whereas the lowest content (38.13 ± 0.81% TSP) was found in SL958 (0.6% MMS). Similar observations were recorded for the lipid and fibre content. The 0.4% SA treatment in SL958 proved to be efficient in generating the highest leaf area (tetrafoliate leaves) and a reasonable yield of M1 (the first generation after mutation) plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tandem lesions, which are defined by two or more contiguously damaged nucleotides, are a hallmark of ionizing radiation. Recently, tandem lesions containing 5-formyl-2\'-deoxyuridine (5-fdU) flanked by a 5\'-8-OxodGuo or Fapy•dG were discovered, and they are more mutagenic in human cells than the isolated lesions. In the current study, we examined replication of these tandem lesions in Escherichia coli. Bypass efficiency of both tandem lesions was reduced by 30-40% compared to the isolated lesions. Mutation frequencies (MFs) of isolated 8-OxodGuo and Fapy•dG were low, and no mutants were isolated from replication of a 5-fdU construct. The types of mutations from 8-OxodGuo were targeted G → T transversion, whereas Fapy•dG predominantly gave G → T and G deletion. 5\'-8-OxodGuo-5-fdU also gave exclusively G → T mutation, which was 3-fold and 11-fold greater, without and with SOS induction, respectively, compared to that of an isolated 8-OxodGuo. In mutY/mutM cells, the MF of 8-OxodGuo and 5\'-8-OxodGuo-5-fdU increased 13-fold and 7-fold, respectively. The MF of 5\'-8-OxodGuo-5-fdU increased 2-fold and 3-fold in Pol II- and Pol IV-deficient cells, respectively, suggesting that these polymerases carry out largely error-free bypass. The MF of 5\'- Fapy•dG-5-fdU was similar without (13 ± 1%) and with (16 ± 2%) SOS induction. Unlike the complex mutation spectrum reported earlier in human cells for 5\'- Fapy•dG-5-fdU, with G → T as the major type of errors, in E. coli, the mutations were predominantly from deletion of 5-fdU. We postulate that removal of adenine-incorporated opposite 8-OxodGuo by Fpg and MutY repair proteins is partially impaired in the tandem 5\'-8-OxodGuo-5-fdU, resulting in an increase in the G → T mutations, whereas a slippage mechanism may be operating in the 5\'- Fapy•dG-5-fdU mutagenesis. This study showed that not only are these tandem lesions more mutagenic than the isolated lesions but they may also exhibit different types of mutations in different organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic toxicity testing assesses the potential of compounds to cause DNA damage. There are many genetic toxicology screening assays designed to assess the DNA damaging potential of chemicals in early drug development aiding the identification of promising drugs that have low-risk potential for causing genetic damage contributing to cancer risk in humans. Despite this, in vitro tests generate a high number of misleading positives, the consequences of which can lead to unnecessary animal testing and/or the abandonment of promising drug candidates. Understanding chemical Mode of Action (MoA) is vital to identifying the true genotoxic potential of substances and, therefore, the risk translation into the clinic. Here we demonstrate a simple, robust protocol for staining fixed, human-lymphoblast p53 proficient TK6 cells with antibodies against ɣH2AX, p53 and pH3S28 along with DRAQ5™ DNA staining that enables analysis of un-lysed cells via microscopy approaches such as imaging flow cytometry. Here, we used the Cytek® Amnis® ImageStream®X Mk II which provides a high-throughput acquisition platform with the sensitivity of flow cytometry and spatial morphological information associated with microscopy. Using the ImageStream manufacturer\'s software (IDEAS® 6.2), a masking strategy was developed to automatically detect and quantify micronucleus events (MN) and characterise biomarker populations. The gating strategy developed enables the generation of a template capable of automatically batch processing data files quantifying cell-cycle, MN, ɣH2AX, p53 and pH3 populations simultaneously. In this way, we demonstrate how a multiplex system enables DNA damage assessment alongside MN identification using un-lysed cells on the imaging flow cytometry platform. As a proof-of-concept, we use the tool chemicals carbendazim and methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) to demonstrate the assay\'s ability to correctly identify clastogenic or aneugenic MoAs using the biomarker profiles established.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemicals often require metabolic activation to become genotoxic. Established test guidelines recommend the use of the rat liver S9 fraction or microsomes to introduce metabolic competence to in vitro cell-based bioassays, but the use of animal-derived components in cell culture raises ethical concerns and may lead to quality issues and reproducibility problems. The aim of the present study was to compare the metabolic activation of cyclophosphamide (CPA) and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) by induced rat liver microsomes and an abiotic cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme based on a biomimetic porphyrine catalyst. For the detection of genotoxic effects, the chemicals were tested in a reporter gene assay targeting the activation of the cellular tumor protein p53. Both chemicals were metabolized by the abiotic CYP enzyme and the microsomes. CPA showed no activation of p53 and low cytotoxicity without metabolic activation, but strong activation of p53 and increased cytotoxicity upon incubation with liver microsomes or abiotic CYP enzyme. The effect concentration causing a 1.5-fold induction of p53 activation was very similar with both metabolization systems (within a factor of 1.5), indicating that genotoxic metabolites were formed at comparable concentrations. BaP also showed low cytotoxicity and no p53 activation without metabolic activation. The activation of p53 was detected for BaP upon incubation with active and inactive microsomes at similar concentrations, indicating experimental artifacts caused by the microsomes or NADPH. The activation of BaP with the abiotic CYP enzyme increased the cytotoxicity of BaP by a factor of 8, but no activation of p53 was detected. The results indicate that abiotic CYP enzymes may present an alternative to rat liver S9 fraction or microsomes for the metabolic activation of test chemicals, which are completely free of animal-derived components. However, an amendment of existing test guidelines would require testing of more chemicals and genotoxicity end points.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inhalation exposures to dihydroxyacetone (DHA) occur through spray tanning and e-cigarette aerosols. Several studies in skin models have demonstrated that millimolar doses of DHA are cytotoxic, yet the genotoxicity was unclear. We examined the genotoxicity of DHA in cell models relevant to inhalation exposures. Human bronchial epithelial cells BEAS-2B, lung carcinoma cells A549, cardiomyocyte Ac16, and hepatocellular carcinoma HepG3 were exposed to DHA, and low millimolar doses of DHA were cytotoxic. IC90 DHA doses induced cell cycle arrest in all cells except the Ac16. We examined DHA\'s genotoxicity using strand break markers, DNA adduct detection by Repair Assisted Damage Detection (RADD), metaphase spreads, and a forward mutation assay for mutagenesis. Similar to results for skin, DHA did not induce significant levels of strand breaks. However, RADD revealed DNA adducts were induced 24 h after DHA exposure, with BEAS-2B and Ac16 showing oxidative lesions and A549 and HepG3 showing crosslink-type lesions. Yet, only low levels of reactive oxygen species or advanced glycation end products were detected after DHA exposure. Metaphase spreads revealed significant increases in chromosomal aberrations in the BEAS-2B and HepG3 with corresponding changes in ploidy. Finally, we confirmed the mutagenesis observed using the supF reporter plasmid. DHA increased the mutation frequency, consistent with methylmethane sulfonate, a mutagen and clastogen. These data demonstrate DHA is a clastogen, inducing cell-specific genotoxicity and chromosomal instability. The specific genotoxicity measured in the BEAS-2B in this study suggests that inhalation exposures pose health risks to vapers, requiring further investigation.





