
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We are evaluating the use of metabolically competent HepaRG™ cells combined with CometChip® for DNA damage and the micronucleus (MN) assay as a New Approach Methodology (NAM) alternative to animals for follow up genotoxicity assessment to in vitro positive genotoxic response. Naphthalene is genotoxic in human TK6 cells inducing a nonlinear dose-response for the induction of micronuclei in the presence of rat liver S9. of naphthalene. In HepaRG™ cells, naphthalene genotoxicity was assessed using either 6 (CometChip™) or 12 concentrations of naphthalene (MN assay) with the top dose used for assessment of genotoxicity for the Comet and MN assay was 1.25 and 1.74 mM respectively, corresponding to approximately 45% cell survival. In contrast to human TK6 cell with S9, naphthalene was not genotoxic in either the HepaRG™ MN assay or the Comet assay using CometChip®. The lack of genotoxicity in both the MN and comet assays in HepaRG™ cells is likely due to Phase II enzymes removing phenols preventing further bioactivation to quinones and efficient detoxication of naphthalene quinones or epoxides by glutathione conjugation. In contrast to CYP450 mediated metabolism, these Phase II enzymes are inactive in rat liver S9 due to lack of appropriate cofactors causing a positive genotoxic response. Rat liver S9-derived BMD10 over-predicts naphthalene genotoxicity when compared to the negative genotoxic response observed in HepaRG™ cells. Metabolically competent hepatocyte models like HepaRG™ cells should be considered as human-relevant NAMs for use genotoxicity assessments to reduce reliance on rodents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The unexpected finding of N-nitrosamine (NA) impurities in many pharmaceutical products raised significant challenges for industry and regulators. In addition to well-studied small molecular weight NAs, many of which are potent rodent carcinogens, novel NAs associated with active pharmaceutical ingredients have been found, many of which have limited or no safety data. A tiered approach to establishing Acceptable Intake (AI) limits for NA impurities has been established using chemical-specific data, read-across, or a class-specific TTC limit. There are ∼140 NAs with some rodent carcinogenicity data, but much of it is older and does not meet current guidelines for what constitutes a \'robust\' bioassay. Nevertheless, these data are an important source of information to ensure the best science is used for assessing NA impurities and assuring consumer safety while minimizing impact that can lead to drug shortages. We present several strategies to maximize the use of imperfect data including using a lower confidence limit on a rodent TD50, and leveraging data from multiple NAs. Information on the chemical structure known to impact potency can also support development of an AI or potentially conclude that a particular NA does not fall in the cohort of concern for potent carcinogenicity.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Mutagenicity is one of the most dangerous properties from the point of view of medicine and ecology. Experimental determination of mutagenicity remains a costly process, which makes it attractive to identify new hazardous compounds based on available experimental data through in silico methods or quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR). A system for constructing groups of random models is proposed for comparing various molecular features extracted from SMILES and graphs. For mutagenicity (mutagenicity values were expressed by the logarithm of the number of revertants per nanomole assayed by Salmonella typhimurium TA98-S9 microsomal preparation) models, the Morgan connectivity values are more informative than the comparison of quality for different rings in molecules. The resulting models were tested with the previously proposed model self-consistency system. The average determination coefficient for the validation set is 0.8737 ± 0.0312.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Even though modeling is considered a valid alternative to mutagenicity testing for substances with known structures, it can be applied for mixtures only if all of the single chemical structures are identified. Within the present work, we investigate a new avenue to exploit computational toxicology for mixtures, such as plant-based food ingredients. Indeed, considering that in the absence of toxicological information, an important early consideration is whether any substance may be genotoxic through the mutagenic mechanism of action, we tried to establish a correspondence between genotoxic structural alerts (SAs) and so-called signature fragment alerts (SFAs). Once this correspondence is established, chromatograms could be screened for chemical features associated with genotoxic alerts. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), a large group of natural toxins (several of them known as genotoxic) were used as a case study because their early identification would bring significant benefits. The method was built using 56 PA pure standards, resulting in the characterization of signature fragment alerts. Finally, the approach was verified in real plant-based samples such as herbal tea and alfalfa, where the screening of signature fragment alerts allowed highlighting quickly the presence of genotoxic PAs in plant-based mixtures. Therefore, the SFA analysis can be used for risk prioritization of newly identified PAs and for their identification in mixtures, contributing to the unnecessary use of animal experimentation for genotoxicity testing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantitative relationships between carcinogenic potency and mutagenic potency have been previously examined using a benchmark dose (BMD)-based approach. We extended those analyses by using human exposure data for 48 compounds to calculate carcinogenicity-derived and genotoxicity-derived margin of exposure values (MOEs) that can be used to prioritize substances for risk management. MOEs for 16 of the 48 compounds were below 10,000, and consequently highlighted for regulatory concern. Of these, 15 were highlighted using genotoxicity-derived (micronucleus [MN] dose-response data) MOEs. A total of 13 compounds were highlighted using carcinogenicity-derived MOEs; 12 compounds were overlapping. MOEs were also calculated using transgenic rodent (TGR) mutagenicity data. For 10 of the 12 compounds examined using TGR data, the results similarly revealed that mutagenicity-derived MOEs yield regulatory decisions that correspond with those based on carcinogenicity-derived MOEs. The effect of benchmark response (BMR) on MOE determination was also examined. Reinterpretation of the analyses using a BMR of 50% indicated that four out of 15 compounds prioritized using MN-derived MOEs based on a default BMR of 5% would have been missed. The results indicate that regulatory decisions based on in vivo genotoxicity dose-response data would be consistent with those based on carcinogenicity dose-response data; in some cases, genotoxicity-based decisions would be more conservative. Going forward, and in the absence of carcinogenicity data, in vivo genotoxicity assays (MN and TGR) can be used to effectively prioritize substances for regulatory action. Routine use of the MOE approach necessitates the availability of reliable human exposure estimates, and consensus regarding appropriate BMRs for genotoxicity endpoints.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxicological risk assessment is essential in the evaluation and authorization of different classes of chemical substances. Genotoxicity and mutagenicity testing are of highest priority and rely on established in vitro systems with bacterial and mammalian cells, sometimes followed by in vivo testing using rodent animal models. Transcriptomic approaches have recently also shown their value to determine transcript signatures specific for genotoxicity. Here, we studied how transcriptomic data, in combination with in vitro tests with human cells, can be used for the identification of genotoxic properties of test compounds. To this end, we used liver samples from a 28-day oral toxicity study in rats with the pesticidal active substances imazalil, thiacloprid, and clothianidin, a neonicotinoid-type insecticide with, amongst others, known hepatotoxic properties. Transcriptomic results were bioinformatically evaluated and pointed towards a genotoxic potential of clothianidin. In vitro Comet and γH2AX assays in human HepaRG hepatoma cells, complemented by in silico analyses of mutagenicity, were conducted as follow-up experiments to check if the genotoxicity alert from the transcriptomic study is in line with results from a battery of guideline genotoxicity studies. Our results illustrate the combined use of toxicogenomics, classic toxicological data and new approach methods in risk assessment. By means of a weight-of-evidence decision, we conclude that clothianidin does most likely not pose genotoxic risks to humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Genotoxicity is an imperative component of the human health safety assessment of chemicals. Its secure forecast is of the utmost importance for all health prevention strategies and regulations.Areas covered: We surveyed several types of alternative, animal-free approaches ((quantitative) structure-activity relationship (Q)SAR, read-across, Adverse Outcome Pathway, Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment) for genotoxicity prediction within the needs of regulatory frameworks, putting special emphasis on data quality and uncertainties issues.Expert opinion: (Q)SAR models and read-across approaches for in vitro bacterial mutagenicity have sufficient reliability for use in prioritization processes, and as support in regulatory decisions in combination with other types of evidence. (Q)SARs and read-across methodologies for other genotoxicity endpoints need further improvements and should be applied with caution. It appears that there is still large room for improvement of genotoxicity prediction methods. Availability of well-curated high-quality databases, covering a broader chemical space, is one of the most important needs. Integration of in silico predictions with expert knowledge, weight-of-evidence-based assessment, and mechanistic understanding of genotoxicity pathways are other key points to be addressed for the generation of more accurate and trustable results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Existing mutagenicity tests for metazoans lack the direct observation of enhanced germline mutation rates after exposure to anthropogenic substances, therefore being inefficient. Cadmium (Cd) is a metal described as a mutagen in mammalian cells and listed as a group 1 carcinogenic and mutagenic substance. But Cd mutagenesis mechanism is not yet clear. Therefore, in the present study, we propose a method coupling short-term mutation accumulation (MA) lines with subsequent whole genome sequencing (WGS) and a dedicated data analysis pipeline to investigate if chronic Cd exposure on Chironomus riparius can alter the rate at which de novo point mutations appear. Results show that Cd exposure did not affect the basal germline mutation rate nor the mutational spectrum in C. riparius, thereby arguing that exposed organisms might experience a range of other toxic effects before any mutagenic effect may occur. We show that it is possible to establish a practical and easily implemented pipeline to rapidly detect germ cell mutagens in a metazoan test organism. Furthermore, our data implicate that it is questionable to transfer mutagenicity assessments based on in vitro methods to complex metazoans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of the present investigation is to analyze the in vivo genotoxicity dose-response data of ethylene oxide (EO) and the applicability of the derived point-of-departure (PoD) values when estimating permitted daily exposure (PDE) values. A total of 40 data sets were identified from the literature, and benchmark dose analyses were conducted using PROAST software to identify a PoD value. Studies employing the inhalation route of exposure and assessing gene or chromosomal mutations and chromosomal damage in various tissues were considered the most relevant for assessing risk from EO, since these effects are likely to contribute to adverse health consequences in exposed individuals. The PoD estimates were screened for precision and the values were divided by data-derived adjustment factors. For gene mutations, the lowest PDE was 285 parts per trillion (ppt) based on the induction of lacI mutations in the testes of mice following 48 weeks of exposure to EO. The corresponding lowest PDE value for chromosomal mutations was 1,175 ppt for heritable translocations in mice following 8.5 weeks of EO exposure. The lowest PDE for chromosomal aberrations was 238 ppt in the mouse peripheral blood lymphocytes following 48 weeks of inhalation exposure. The diverse dose-response data for EO-induced genotoxicity enabled the derivation of PoDs for various endpoints, tissues, and species and identified 238 ppt as the lowest PDE in this retrospective analysis.






