
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: As the interactions of alcohol and HIV/SIV infection and their impact on liver metabolic homeostasis remain to be fully elucidated, this study aimed to determine alcohol-mediated hepatic adaptations of metabolic pathways in SIV/ART-treated female rhesus macaques fed a nutritionally balanced diet.
    METHODS: Macaques were administered chronic binge alcohol (CBA; 13-14 g ethanol/kg/week for 14.5 months; n = 7) or vehicle (VEH; n = 8) for 14.5 months. Livers were excised following an overnight fast. Gene and protein expression, enzymatic activity, and lipid content were determined using frozen tissue and histological staining was performed using paraffin-embedded tissue.
    RESULTS: CBA/SIV macaques showed increased hepatic protein expression of electron transport Complex III and increased gene expression of glycolytic (phosphofructokinase and aldolase) and gluconeogenic (pyruvate carboxylase) enzymes and of genes involved in lipid turnover homeostasis (perilipin 1, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, carbohydrate responsive binding protein, and acetyl-CoA carboxylase B) as compared to that of livers from the VEH/SIV group. Plasma triglyceride concentration had a significant positive association with liver triglyceride content in the CBA/SIV group.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results reflect CBA-associated alterations in expression of proteins and genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism homeostasis without significant evidence of steatosis or dysglycemia. Whether these changes predispose to greater liver pathology upon consumption of a high fat/high sugar diet that is more aligned with dietary intake of PWH and/or exposure to additional environmental factors warrants further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experimental access to cell types within the mammalian spinal cord is severely limited by the availability of genetic tools. To enable access to lower motor neurons (LMNs) and LMN subtypes, which function to integrate information from the brain and control movement through direct innervation of effector muscles, we generated single cell multiome datasets from mouse and macaque spinal cords and discovered putative enhancers for each neuronal population. We cloned these enhancers into adeno-associated viral vectors (AAVs) driving a reporter fluorophore and functionally screened them in mouse. The most promising candidate enhancers were then extensively characterized using imaging and molecular techniques and further tested in rat and macaque to show conservation of LMN labeling. Additionally, we combined enhancer elements into a single vector to achieve simultaneous labeling of upper motor neurons (UMNs) and LMNs. This unprecedented LMN toolkit will enable future investigations of cell type function across species and potential therapeutic interventions for human neurodegenerative diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As humans age, some experience cognitive impairment while others do not. When impairment does occur, it is not expressed uniformly across cognitive domains and varies in severity across individuals. Translationally relevant model systems are critical for understanding the neurobiological drivers of this variability, which is essential to uncovering the mechanisms underlying the brain\'s susceptibility to the effects of aging. As such, non-human primates are particularly important due to shared behavioral, neuroanatomical, and age-related neuropathological features with humans. For many decades, macaque monkeys have served as the primary non-human primate model for studying the neurobiology of cognitive aging. More recently, the common marmoset has emerged as an advantageous model for this work due to its short lifespan that facilitates longitudinal studies. Despite their growing popularity as a model, whether marmosets exhibit patterns of age-related cognitive impairment comparable to those observed in macaques and humans remains unexplored. To address this major limitation for the development and evaluation of the marmoset as a model of cognitive aging, we directly compared working memory ability as a function of age in macaques and marmosets on the identical working memory task. Our results demonstrate that marmosets and macaques exhibit remarkably similar age-related working memory deficits, highlighting the value of the marmoset as a model for cognitive aging research within the neuroscience community.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of gamma rhythm (30-80 Hz) in visual processing is debated; stimuli like gratings and hue patches generate strong gamma, but many natural images do not. Could image gamma responses be predicted by approximating images as gratings or hue patches? Surprisingly, this question remains unanswered, since the joint dependence of gamma on multiple features is poorly understood. We recorded local field potentials and electrocorticogram from two female monkeys while presenting natural images and parametric stimuli varying along several feature dimensions. Gamma responses to different grating/hue features were separable, allowing for a multiplicative model based on individual features. By fitting a hue patch to the image around the receptive field, this simple model could predict gamma responses to chromatic images across scales with reasonably high accuracy. Our results provide a simple \"baseline\" model to predict gamma from local image properties, against which more complex models of natural vision can be tested.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Basolateral amygdala (BLA) is a key hub for affect in the brain,1,2,3 and dysfunction within this area contributes to a host of psychiatric disorders.4,5 BLA is extensively and reciprocally interconnected with frontal cortex,6,7,8,9 and some aspects of its function are evolutionarily conserved across rodents, anthropoid primates, and humans.10 Neuron density in BLA is substantially lower in primates compared to murine rodents,11 and frontal cortex (FC) is dramatically expanded in primates, particularly the more anterior granular and dysgranular areas.12,13,14 Yet, how these anatomical differences influence the projection patterns of single BLA neurons to frontal cortex across rodents and primates is unknown. Using a barcoded connectomic approach, we assessed the single BLA neuron connections to frontal cortex in mice and macaques. We found that BLA neurons are more likely to project to multiple distinct parts of FC in mice than in macaques. Further, while single BLA neuron projections to nucleus accumbens were similarly organized in mice and macaques, BLA-FC connections differed substantially. Notably, BLA connections to subcallosal anterior cingulate cortex (scACC) in macaques were least likely to branch to other medial frontal cortex areas compared to perigenual ACC (pgACC). This pattern of connections was reversed in the mouse homologues of these areas, infralimbic and prelimbic cortex (IL and PL), mirroring functional differences between rodents and non-human primates. Taken together, these results indicate that BLA connections to FC are not linearly scaled from mice to macaques and instead the organization of single-neuron BLA connections is distinct between these species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heart rate (HR) and respiration rate (RR) play an important role in the study of complex behaviors and their physiological correlations in non-human primates (NHPs). However, collecting HR and RR information is often challenging, involving either invasive implants or tedious behavioral training, and there are currently few established simple and non-invasive techniques for HR and RR measurement in NHPs owing to their stress response or indocility. In this study, we employed a frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar to design a novel contactless HR and RR monitoring system. The designed system can estimate HR and RR in real time by placing the FMCW radar on the cage and facing the chest of both awake and anesthetized macaques, the NHP investigated in this study. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods, with averaged absolute errors between the reference monitor and radar estimates of 0.77 beats per minute (bpm) and 1.29 respirations per minute (rpm) for HR and RR, respectively. In summary, we believe that the proposed non-invasive and contactless estimation method could be generalized as a HR and RR monitoring tool for NHPs. Furthermore, after modifying the radar signal-processing algorithms, it also shows promise for applications in other experimental animals for animal welfare, behavioral, neurological, and ethological research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytoarchitecture, the organization of cells within organs and tissues, serves as a crucial anatomical foundation for the delineation of various regions. It enables the segmentation of the cortex into distinct areas with unique structural and functional characteristics. While traditional 2D atlases have focused on cytoarchitectonic mapping of cortical regions through individual sections, the intricate cortical gyri and sulci demands a 3D perspective for unambiguous interpretation. In this study, we employed fluorescent micro-optical sectioning tomography to acquire architectural datasets of the entire macaque brain at a resolution of 0.65 μm × 0.65 μm × 3 μm. With these volumetric data, the cortical laminar textures were remarkably presented in appropriate view planes. Additionally, we established a stereo coordinate system to represent the cytoarchitectonic information as surface-based tomograms. Utilizing these cytoarchitectonic features, we were able to three-dimensionally parcel the macaque cortex into multiple regions exhibiting contrasting architectural patterns. The whole-brain analysis was also conducted on mice that clearly revealed the presence of barrel cortex and reflected biological reasonability of this method. Leveraging these high-resolution continuous datasets, our method offers a robust tool for exploring the organizational logic and pathological mechanisms of the brain\'s 3D anatomical structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dorsal pulvinar has been implicated in visuospatial attentional and perceptual confidence processing. Pulvinar lesions in humans and monkeys lead to spatial neglect symptoms, including an overt spatial saccade bias during free choices. However, it remains unclear whether disrupting the dorsal pulvinar during target selection that relies on a perceptual decision leads to a perceptual impairment or a more general spatial orienting and choice deficit. To address this question, we reversibly inactivated the unilateral dorsal pulvinar by injecting GABA-A agonist THIP while two macaque monkeys performed a color discrimination saccade task with varying perceptual difficulty. We used Signal Detection Theory and simulations to dissociate perceptual sensitivity (d-prime) and spatial selection bias (response criterion) effects. We expected a decrease in d-prime if dorsal pulvinar affects perceptual discrimination and a shift in response criterion if dorsal pulvinar is mainly involved in spatial orienting. After the inactivation, we observed response criterion shifts away from contralesional stimuli, especially when two competing stimuli in opposite hemifields were present. Notably, the d-prime and overall accuracy remained largely unaffected. Our results underline the critical contribution of the dorsal pulvinar to spatial orienting and action selection while showing it to be less important for visual perceptual discrimination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marburg virus infection in humans is associated with case fatality rates that can reach up to 90%, but to date, there are no approved vaccines or monoclonal antibody (mAb) countermeasures. Here, we immunized Rhesus macaques with multivalent combinations of filovirus glycoprotein (GP) antigens belonging to Marburg, Sudan, and Ebola viruses to generate monospecific and cross-reactive antibody responses against them. From the animal that developed the highest titers of Marburg virus GP-specific neutralizing antibodies, we sorted single memory B cells using a heterologous Ravn virus GP probe and cloned and characterized a panel of 34 mAbs belonging to 28 unique lineages. Antibody specificities were assessed by overlapping pepscan and binding competition analyses, revealing that roughly a third of the lineages mapped to the conserved receptor binding region, including potent neutralizing lineages that were confirmed by negative stain electron microscopy to target this region. Additional lineages targeted a protective region on GP2, while others were found to possess cross-filovirus reactivity. Our study advances the understanding of orthomarburgvirus glycoprotein antigenicity and furthers efforts to develop candidate antibody countermeasures against these lethal viruses.
    OBJECTIVE: Marburg viruses were the first filoviruses characterized to emerge in humans in 1967 and cause severe hemorrhagic fever with average case fatality rates of ~50%. Although mAb countermeasures have been approved for clinical use against the related Ebola viruses, there are currently no approved countermeasures against Marburg viruses. We successfully isolated a panel of orthomarburgvirus GP-specific mAbs from a macaque immunized with a multivalent combination of filovirus antigens. Our analyses revealed that roughly half of the antibodies in the panel mapped to regions on the glycoprotein shown to protect from infection, including the host cell receptor binding domain and a protective region on the membrane-anchoring subunit. Other antibodies in the panel exhibited broad filovirus GP recognition. Our study describes the discovery of a diverse panel of cross-reactive macaque antibodies targeting orthomarburgvirus and other filovirus GPs and provides candidate immunotherapeutics for further study and development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mapping the vascular organization of the brain is of great importance across various domains of basic neuroimaging research, diagnostic radiology, and neurology. However, the intricate task of precisely mapping vasculature across brain regions and cortical layers presents formidable challenges, resulting in a limited understanding of neurometabolic factors influencing the brain\'s microvasculature. Addressing this gap, our study investigates whole-brain vascular volume using ferumoxytol-weighted laminar-resolution multi-echo gradient-echo imaging in macaque monkeys. We validate the results with published data for vascular densities and compare them with cytoarchitecture, neuron and synaptic densities. The ferumoxytol-induced change in transverse relaxation rate (ΔR2*), an indirect proxy measure of cerebral blood volume (CBV), was mapped onto twelve equivolumetric laminar cortical surfaces. Our findings reveal that CBV varies 3-fold across the brain, with the highest vascular volume observed in the inferior colliculus and lowest in the corpus callosum. In the cerebral cortex, CBV is notably high in early primary sensory areas and low in association areas responsible for higher cognitive functions. Classification of CBV into distinct groups unveils extensive replication of translaminar vascular network motifs, suggesting distinct computational energy supply requirements in areas with varying cytoarchitecture types. Regionally, baseline R2* and CBV exhibit positive correlations with neuron density and negative correlations with receptor densities. Adjusting image resolution based on the critical sampling frequency of penetrating cortical vessels, allows us to delineate approximately 30% of the arterial-venous vessels. Collectively, these results mark significant methodological and conceptual advancements, contributing to the refinement of cerebrovascular MRI. Furthermore, our study establishes a linkage between neurometabolic factors and the vascular network architecture in the primate brain.





