Health protection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mercury (Hg) analyses in species of fish are performed for two reasons: (1) to safeguard human health; and (2) to assess environmental quality, since different environmental changes may increase the Hg concentrations in fish. These analyses are important since both natural and human activities can increase these Hg concentrations, which can vary extensively, depending on the species, age and catching location. Hg-contaminated fish or other marine foodstuffs can be only detected by chemical analysis. If the aim of Hg analysis is to protect the health of marine food consumers, researcher workers must consider the location where the fish were caught and interpret the results accordingly. Health and environmental officials must appreciate that in specific places, local people may have a daily diet consisting entirely of fish or other marine foods, and these individuals should not be exposed to high concentrations of Hg. Regional and national health and environmental officials should follow the recent guidance of international organizations when drawing their final conclusions about whether the products are safe or unsafe to eat. Correct statistical calculations are not always carried out; so, too high Hg amounts could be presented, and fish eaters could be protected. This work has been conducted to show the differences in Hg concentrations between weighted (weighted with fish weights) and arithmetic means. Thus, the mean that is only weighted also includes the Hg content in fishes; so, the exposure to Hg can be evaluated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Our aim was to assess the level and socio-demographic correlates of the ability to maintain health among children in Albania, a post-communist country in the Western Balkans.
    UNASSIGNED: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Albania in September 2022. The study population consisted of a nationwide representative sample of 7,831 schoolchildren (≈54% girls) aged 12-15 years. A structured self-administered and anonymous questionnaire inquired about the children\'s attitudes toward health promotion (ability to maintain and improve health) and a range of key dimensions on knowledge and practices regarding healthcare services. Socio-demographic data were also collected. Binary logistic regression was used to assess the socio-demographic correlates of children\'s ability to maintain health.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, about 71% of schoolchildren exhibited the best attitudes toward health promotion (ability to maintain and improve health). In the multivariable adjusted logistic regression models, poorer attitudes toward health promotion (ability to maintain and improve health) were significantly related to older age (OR=1.2, 95% CI=1.0-1.3), middle/low maternal education (OR=1.2, 95%CI=1.1-1.3), poor/very poor economic situation (OR=1.5, 95%CI=1.2-1.8), lack of appropriate knowledge about rights to healthcare (OR=1.3, 95% CI=1.1-1.5), lack of knowledge about obtaining healthcare services (OR=1.7, 95%CI=1.4-2.2), and lack of consultations/visits with health professionals excluding vaccinations (OR=1.2, 95%CI=1.1-1.4).
    UNASSIGNED: Almost 1/3rd of Albanian schoolchildren included in this study did not exhibit the best attitudes toward health promotion (ability to maintain and improve health). The best attitudes were related to a higher socioeconomic level and adequate knowledge and practices regarding healthcare services. There is thus a need to increase health literacy levels among children in order to ultimately induce sustainable healthy behavioural/lifestyle practices.
    UNASSIGNED: Naš cilj je bil oceniti raven in sociodemografske korelate sposobnosti ohranjanja zdravja pri otrocih v Albaniji – postkomunistični državi na Zahodnem Balkanu.
    UNASSIGNED: Presečno študijo smo opravili septembra 2022 v Albaniji. Populacijo študije je sestavljal reprezentativni vzorec 7831 šolarjev (≈54 % deklic), starih 12–15, ki prihajajo iz celotne države. V strukturiranem samoocenjevalnem in anonimnem vprašalniku so otroci odgovarjali na vprašanja o odnosu do spodbujanja zdravja (sposobnosti ohranjanja in izboljšanja zdravja) in vrsti ključnih razsežnosti glede znanja in praks v zvezi z zdravstvenimi storitvami. Zbrali smo tudi sociodemografske podatke. Za ocenjevanje sociodemografskih korelatov sposobnosti otrok za ohranjanje zdravja smo uporabili binarno logistično regresijo.
    UNASSIGNED: Skupno je približno 71 % otrok izkazalo najboljši odnos do spodbujanja zdravja (sposobnosti ohranjanja in izboljšanja zdravja). V modelih multivariatne prilagojene logistične regresije je bil slabši odnos do spodbujanja zdravja (sposobnosti ohranjanja in izboljšanja zdravja) pomembno povezan z višjo starostjo (RO = 1,2, 95-% IZ = 1,0–1,3), nizko/srednjo izobrazbo matere (RO = 1,2, 95-% IZ = 1,1–1,3), slabimi/zelo slabimi gospodarskimi razmerami (RO = 1,5, 95-% IZ = 1,2–1,8), pomanjkanjem ustreznega znanja o pravicah do zdravstvenega varstva (RO = 1,3, 95-% IZ = 1,1–1,5), pomanjkanjem znanja o pridobitvi zdravstvenih storitev (RO = 1,7, 95-% IZ = 1,4–2,2) in pomanjkanjem posvetovanja z zdravstvenimi delavci ali njihovih obiskov, razen za cepljenja (RO = 1,2, 95-% IZ = 1,1–1,4).
    UNASSIGNED: Skoraj 1/3 albanskih šolarjev, ki so bili vključeni v študijo, ni izkazala najboljšega odnosa do spodbujanja zdravja (sposobnosti ohranjanja in izboljšanja zdravja). Najboljši odnos je povezan z višjo družbenogospodarsko ravnjo ter ustreznim znanjem in praksami glede zdravstvenih storitev. Treba je izboljšati raven zdravstvene pismenosti pri otrocih za spodbujanje trajnostnih zdravih vedenjskih praks in življenjskega sloga.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite their subordination in humans, to a great extent, mitochondria maintain their independent status but tightly cooperate with the \"host\" on protecting the joint life quality and minimizing health risks. Under oxidative stress conditions, healthy mitochondria promptly increase mitophagy level to remove damaged \"fellows\" rejuvenating the mitochondrial population and sending fragments of mtDNA as SOS signals to all systems in the human body. As long as metabolic pathways are under systemic control and well-concerted together, adaptive mechanisms become triggered increasing systemic protection, activating antioxidant defense and repair machinery. Contextually, all attributes of mitochondrial patho-/physiology are instrumental for predictive medical approach and cost-effective treatments tailored to individualized patient profiles in primary (to protect vulnerable individuals again the health-to-disease transition) and secondary (to protect affected individuals again disease progression) care. Nutraceuticals are naturally occurring bioactive compounds demonstrating health-promoting, illness-preventing, and other health-related benefits. Keeping in mind health-promoting properties of nutraceuticals along with their great therapeutic potential and safety profile, there is a permanently growing demand on the application of mitochondria-relevant nutraceuticals. Application of nutraceuticals is beneficial only if meeting needs at individual level. Therefore, health risk assessment and creation of individualized patient profiles are of pivotal importance followed by adapted nutraceutical sets meeting individual needs. Based on the scientific evidence available for mitochondria-relevant nutraceuticals, this article presents examples of frequent medical conditions, which require protective measures targeted on mitochondria as a holistic approach following advanced concepts of predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine (PPPM/3PM) in primary and secondary care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) have become a major global health concern. They constitute the leading cause of disabilities, increased morbidity, mortality, and socio-economic disasters worldwide. Medical condition-specific digital biomarker (DB) panels have emerged as valuable tools to manage NCDs. DBs refer to the measurable and quantifiable physiological, behavioral, and environmental parameters collected for an individual through innovative digital health technologies, including wearables, smart devices, and medical sensors. By leveraging digital technologies, healthcare providers can gather real-time data and insights, enabling them to deliver more proactive and tailored interventions to individuals at risk and patients diagnosed with NCDs. Continuous monitoring of relevant health parameters through wearable devices or smartphone applications allows patients and clinicians to track the progression of NCDs in real time. With the introduction of digital biomarker monitoring (DBM), a new quality of primary and secondary healthcare is being offered with promising opportunities for health risk assessment and protection against health-to-disease transitions in vulnerable sub-populations. DBM enables healthcare providers to take the most cost-effective targeted preventive measures, to detect disease developments early, and to introduce personalized interventions. Consequently, they benefit the quality of life (QoL) of affected individuals, healthcare economy, and society at large. DBM is instrumental for the paradigm shift from reactive medical services to 3PM approach promoted by the European Association for Predictive, Preventive, and Personalized Medicine (EPMA) involving 3PM experts from 55 countries worldwide. This position manuscript consolidates multi-professional expertise in the area, demonstrating clinically relevant examples and providing the roadmap for implementing 3PM concepts facilitated through DBs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Music educators are subjected to many physical and psychological stresses encountered in the workplace. These stresses could be counteracted by certain work-related behavior and experience patterns as personal resources to reduce the negative consequences of stress. The aim of the study was to determine the existing work-related behavioral and experiential patterns and the characteristics of the Work-Related Behavior and Experience Patterns (Arbeitsbezogenes Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster - AVEM) questionnaire dimensions in the professional group of music educators according to age group.
    METHODS: A total of 205 music educators (66.3% female) from various music schools in Germany participated in the online survey. The subjects were divided into 3 age groups (AG): AG I: ≤35 years, AG II: 36-45 years, AG III: ≥46 years. In addition to sociodemographic and occupational data, the standardized AVEM questionnaire was used according to Schaarschmidt and Fischer. The age and occupation-related data were evaluated in a correlation analysis with the expression of AVEM dimensions.
    RESULTS: A total of 71.4% of the music educators were ≥46 years old group. Another 12.8% belonged to AG II, and 15.8% belonged to AG III. The sex distribution in the 3 age groups was comparable (p = 0.261). The expression of all AVEM dimensions was within the reference range. The most pronounced dimension, with a stanine value of M±SD 5.2±2.15, was the willingness to spend. There was also no significant difference in the assignment to the 4 patterns in the 3 age groups (p = 0.669). Age showed a negative correlation with the experience of social support (ρ = -0.354).
    CONCLUSIONS: The age-independent and high intervention-requiring expressions of the AVEM risk patterns A and B led to the recommendation of workplace prevention and health promotion measures. Therefore, it seems reasonable to promote appropriate stress management measures and resilience during studies. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2024;37(2):176-93.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Understanding the factors influencing individuals\' health decisions is a dynamic research question. Particularly, after China announced the deregulation of the COVID-19 epidemic, health risks escalated rapidly. The convergence of \"no longer controlled\" viruses and the infodemic has created a distinctive social period during which multiple factors may have influenced people\'s decision-making. Among these factors, the precautionary intentions of older individuals, as a susceptible health group, deserve special attention.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine the intention of older adults to engage in preventive behaviors and the influencing factors, including social, media, and individual factors, within the context of the postepidemic era. Drawing upon the structural influence model of communication, this study tests the potential mediating roles of 3 different types of media exposure between cognitive and structural social capital and protective behavior intention, as well as the moderating role of negative emotions between social capital and media exposure.
    METHODS: In this study, a web survey was used to collect self-reported quantitative data on social capital, media exposure, negative emotions, and the intention to prevent COVID-19 among older adults aged ≥60 years (N=399) in China.
    RESULTS: The results indicate that cognitive social capital significantly influenced protective behavior intention (P<.001), with cell phone exposure playing an additional impactful role (P<.001). By contrast, newspaper and radio exposure and television exposure mediated the influence of structural social capital on protective behavior intention (P<.001). Furthermore, negative emotions played a moderating role in the relationship between cognitive social capital and cell phone exposure (P<.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that using tailored communication strategies across various media channels can effectively raise health awareness among older adults dealing with major pandemics in China, considering their diverse social capital characteristics and emotional states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conflicts, natural disasters, and complex emergencies present substantial health challenges to United Nations (UN) peacekeepers deployed in mission areas. This scoping review aims at summarizing previous research on the health of UN peacekeepers and identifies issues for further investigation.
    Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) extension for Scoping Reviews, we systematically searched Web of Science, PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) for English and Chinese literature published from April 1997 to November 2023. A data charting form was developed by two reviewers to extract relevant themes and provided narrative descriptions.
    We screened 1079 de-duplicated records and included 143 studies in this scoping review. There were 112 studies on the health status of UN peacekeepers, with more than half on mental health problems such as stress and anxiety. Many studies explored the health status of UN peacekeepers in African countries deployed from mainly U.S., Canada, U.K., China, Australia and Norway. There were 39 studies on the health risk factors of UN peacekeepers, including natural environmental, social environmental, psychological, behavioral lifestyle, biological factors and health service factors. There were 62 articles on the health protection of UN peacekeepers, mainly based on previous deployment experience, with a lack of theoretical guidance from global health perspectives. This scoping review found that health problems of UN peacekeepers are complicated, and whose impacts are cross-border. Social environmental factors were explored the most among health risk factors. Disease prevention measures, medical and health measures, and psychosocial measures were the main health protection for UN peacekeepers.
    This scoping review highlighted that health problems of UN peacekeepers were typical global health issues with complicated and cross-border health risk factors. Therefore, comprehensive strategies could be taken from global health perspectives, including multi-phases (before-deployment, during-deployment, and post-deployment), multi-disciplines (public health, medicine, politics, health diplomacy, and others), and multi-levels (the UN, host countries, troop-contributing countries, the UN peacekeeping team, and UN peacekeepers).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The effects of psychological factors on suboptimal health status (SHS) have been widely described; however, mechanisms behind the complex relationships among the Big Five personality traits and SHS are unclear. Identifying people with specific traits who are susceptible to SHS will help improve life quality and reduce the chronic disease burden under the framework of predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine (PPPM / 3PM). This study investigated the relationships among personality traits and SHS. It also explored whether perceived stress plays a mediating role in SHS development.
    UNASSIGNED: A nationwide cross-sectional survey based on multistage random sampling was conducted in 148 cities in China between June 20 and August 31, 2022. Personality traits, perceived stress, and SHS were evaluated using the Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10), the 4-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-4), and the Short-Form Suboptimal Health Status Questionnaire (SHSQ-SF), respectively. Pearson\'s correlation analysis was employed to examine the associations between personality traits, perceived stress, and SHS. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to discern the mediating role of perceived stress in the relationships among personality traits and SHS.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 22,897 participants were enrolled in this study, among whom the prevalence of SHS was 52.9%. SHS was negatively correlated with three trait dimensions (i.e., extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) but positively correlated with neuroticism. Meanwhile, stress was negatively correlated with extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness, whereas it was positively correlated with neuroticism. The SEM results showed that, when adjusting for covariates (i.e., gender, age, BMI, educational level, current residence, marital status, and occupational status), higher agreeableness (β =  - 0.049, P < 0.001) and conscientiousness (β =  - 0.103, P < 0.001) led to lower SHS prevalence, higher neuroticism (β = 0.130, P < 0.001), and openness (β = 0.026, P < 0.001) caused SHS to be more prevalent. Perceived stress played a partial mediating role in the relationships among personality traits and SHS, respectively, contributing 41.3%, 35.9%, and 32.5% to the total effects of agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism on SHS. Additionally, the mediating impact of stress was significant even though extraversion had no direct effect on SHS.
    UNASSIGNED: This study revealed a high prevalence of SHS in Chinese residents. Personality traits significantly influenced SHS rates, which perceived stress tended to mediate. From a PPPM perspective, early screening and targeted intervention for people with neuroticism (as well as stress alleviation) might contribute to health enhancement and chronic disease prevention.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13167-023-00349-x.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Communities play a crucial role in protecting the health of vulnerable populations such as the elderly, low-income groups, and high-risk individuals during cold spells. However, current strategies for responding to cold spells primarily consist of programmatic policies that lack practicality, specificity, and detailed implementation guidelines for community workers. Therefore, this study aims to identify and analyze the challenges faced by communities in responding to cold spells, review international experiences, and develop a set of practical checklists for community-level health protection. These checklists will assist community workers and volunteers in effectively preparing for, responding to, and recovering from cold spells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Respiratory tract diseases cause significant economic loss in beef cattle. This study aimed to determine whether the application of hyperimmune serum (HS) containing antibodies against selected antigens of Gram-negative bacteria would improve the health and growth of different breeds of beef calves kept on three farms. Two recombinant protein antigens (Histophilus somni rHsp60 and rOMP40) were used to immunize four cows to produce HS. Eighty seven beef calves (Charolaise n = 36, Limousine n = 34, and crossbreed n = 17) were included into study. One hundred milliliters of serum were administered subcutaneously to 43 beef calves (Charolaise n = 18, Limousine n = 17, and crossbreed n = 8) twice, between 1 and 5 and 21-28 days of life. Calves were examined three times, and blood samples were taken to evaluate immunoglobulin M, G1, and G2, fibrinogen, serum amyloid A, and haptoglobin concentrations and reactivity of these Ig classes of antibodies against H. somni rHsp60 and rOMP40. Average daily weight gain during the first month and until weaning was calculated.
    RESULTS: HS showed higher (p ≤ 0.05) reactivity in calf sera against H. somni rHsp60 and OMP40 in IgG1 and IgG2. In experimental calves, compared to control calves, the reactivity of IgG1 against rOMP40 in the second sampling was higher in Limousine calves (p ≤ 0.001) and in the other two herds (p ≤ 0.05). Serum IgG2 antibody activity against H. somni rHsp60 in the second sampling was higher in experimental calves than in control calves in charolaise (p ≤ 0.05) and limousine (p ≤ 0.001) herds. The reactivity of IgG2 against rOMP40 in the second sampling of experimental calves was higher in herds with Charolaise and Limousine calves (p ≤ 0.001) and in crossbred calves (p ≤ 0.05). In the third sampling, serum IgG1 antibody reactivity against rOMP40 in Limousine calves was higher (p ≤ 0.05) in the experimental group. Among the other evaluated parameters, only SAA in the second sampling in the herd with Charolaise calves and heart rate in the herd with Limousine calves were significantly higher in the control calves (p ≤ 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The application of HS to calves in all herds had an impact on specific reactivity in IgG1 and IgG2 classes against H. somni rOMP40 and rHsp60, antigens which were used for serum production.





