Health protection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to develop and validate the Climate Change Health Protection Behaviors Scale for adolescents. A total of 1036 adolescents were recruited from middle and high schools. The development of the assessment scale was carried out in three steps: item generation, content validity evaluation, and psychometric evaluation. Psychometric testing was conducted to determine the relationship between the resulting factors and the Healthy Lifestyle Belief Scale and Climate Change Awareness Scale. A 28-item scale was developed, consisting of four factors that account for 65.0% of the variance. The Cronbach\'s alpha value was 0.874. Additionally, a positive correlation was observed between the Climate Change Health Protection Behaviors Scale and both the Climate Change Awareness Scale and the Healthy Lifestyle Belief Scale for adolescents. These results suggest that the Climate Change Health Protection Behaviors Scale is a reliable and valid tool for evaluating health protection behaviors related to climate change in adolescents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Understanding the factors influencing individuals\' health decisions is a dynamic research question. Particularly, after China announced the deregulation of the COVID-19 epidemic, health risks escalated rapidly. The convergence of \"no longer controlled\" viruses and the infodemic has created a distinctive social period during which multiple factors may have influenced people\'s decision-making. Among these factors, the precautionary intentions of older individuals, as a susceptible health group, deserve special attention.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine the intention of older adults to engage in preventive behaviors and the influencing factors, including social, media, and individual factors, within the context of the postepidemic era. Drawing upon the structural influence model of communication, this study tests the potential mediating roles of 3 different types of media exposure between cognitive and structural social capital and protective behavior intention, as well as the moderating role of negative emotions between social capital and media exposure.
    METHODS: In this study, a web survey was used to collect self-reported quantitative data on social capital, media exposure, negative emotions, and the intention to prevent COVID-19 among older adults aged ≥60 years (N=399) in China.
    RESULTS: The results indicate that cognitive social capital significantly influenced protective behavior intention (P<.001), with cell phone exposure playing an additional impactful role (P<.001). By contrast, newspaper and radio exposure and television exposure mediated the influence of structural social capital on protective behavior intention (P<.001). Furthermore, negative emotions played a moderating role in the relationship between cognitive social capital and cell phone exposure (P<.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that using tailored communication strategies across various media channels can effectively raise health awareness among older adults dealing with major pandemics in China, considering their diverse social capital characteristics and emotional states.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Variant Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease (vCJD) arose from dietary contamination with bovine-spongiform-encephalopathy (BSE). Because of concerns that vCJD-cases might be missed in the elderly, a feasibility study of enhanced CJD surveillance on the elderly was begun in 2016. Recruitment was lower than predicted. We describe a review of the challenges encountered in that study: identification, referral, and recruitment, and the effects of actions based on the results of that review.
    Review was conducted in 2017. Study data for all eligible cases identified and referred from one participating service (Anne Rowling clinic (ARC)) was curated and anonymised in a bespoke database. A questionnaire was sent out to all the clinicians in medicine of the elderly, psychiatry of old age and neurology (including ARC) specialties in NHS Lothian, exploring possible reasons for low recruitment.
    Sixty-eight cases were referred from the ARC (March 2016-September 2017): 25% were recruited. Most cases had been referred because of diagnostic uncertainty. No difference was seen between those recruited and the non-recruited, apart from age and referrer. Twelve of 60 participating clinicians completed the questionnaire: only 4 had identified eligible cases. High workload, time constraints, forgetting to refer, unfamiliarity with the eligibility criteria, and the rarity of eligible cases, were some of the reasons given. Suggestions as to how to improve referral of eligible cases included: regular email reminders, feedback to referrers, improving awareness of the study, visible presence of the study team, and integration of the study with other research oriented services. These results were used to increase recruitment but without success.
    Recruitment was lower than predicted. Actions taken following a review at 21 months did not lead to significant improvement; recruitment remained low, with many families/patients declining to take part (75%). In assessing the failure to improve recruitment, two factors need to be considered. Firstly, the initial referral rate was expected to be higher because of existing patients already known to the clinical services, with later referrals being only newly presenting patients. Secondly, the unplanned absence of a dedicated study nurse. Searching digital records/anonymised derivatives to identify eligible patients could be explored.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kickboxing is a combat sport that encompasses various forms of competition. K1 kickboxing is conducted without any restrictions on the force of strikes, and the bout can end prematurely through a knockout. Headgear has been introduced in amateur kickboxing to safeguard the head. However, scientific studies have shown that despite their use, serious head injuries can still occur. The aim of this study was to evaluate the temporal structure of the bout by calculating the number of head strikes in K1 kickboxing bouts with and without headgear.
    Thirty K1 kickboxing bouts were analyzed, with 30 participants included in the study. The fights were conducted according to the World Association Kickboxing Organization (WAKO) rules. The bouts consisted of three rounds of 2 min each, with a 1 min break between rounds. Sparring pairs were arranged according to weight categories. The first bouts were conducted without headgear, and two weeks later, the fights were repeated with WAKO-approved headgear. The number of head strikes was assessed retrospectively by analyzing video recordings of the bouts, categorizing strikes as hand or foot strikes, and differentiating between strikes that hit the head directly or indirectly.
    The results showed statistically significant differences between bouts with and without headgear in terms of the number of strikes to the head (p = 0.002), strikes directly to the head (p < 0.001), all hand strikes to the head (p = 0.001), hand strikes directly to the head (p = 0.003), and foot strikes directly to the head (p = 0.03). Higher values were observed in bouts with headgear.
    Headgear increases the probability of direct strikes to the head. Therefore, it is important to familiarize kickboxers with the use of headgear in their sport to minimize head injuries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To compare the effectiveness of molnupiravir, nirmatrelvir-ritonavir, and sotrovimab with no treatment in preventing hospital admission or death in higher-risk patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the community.
    Retrospective cohort study of non-hospitalized adult patients with COVID-19 using the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank.
    A real-world cohort study was conducted within the SAIL Databank (a secure trusted research environment containing anonymised, individual, population-scale electronic health record (EHR) data) for the population of Wales, UK.
    Adult patients with COVID-19 in the community, at higher risk of hospitalization and death, testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 between 16th December 2021 and 22nd April 2022.
    Molnupiravir, nirmatrelvir-ritonavir, and sotrovimab given in the community by local health boards and the National Antiviral Service in Wales.
    All-cause admission to hospital or death within 28 days of a positive test for SARS-CoV-2.
    Cox proportional hazard model with treatment status (treated/untreated) as a time-dependent covariate and adjusted for age, sex, number of comorbidities, Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation, and vaccination status. Secondary subgroup analyses were by treatment type, number of comorbidities, and before and on or after 20th February 2022, when omicron BA.1 and omicron BA.2 were the dominant subvariants in Wales.
    Between 16th December 2021 and 22nd April 2022, 7013 higher-risk patients were eligible for inclusion in the study. Of these, 2040 received treatment with molnupiravir (359, 17.6%), nirmatrelvir-ritonavir (602, 29.5%), or sotrovimab (1079, 52.9%). Patients in the treatment group were younger (mean age 53 vs 57 years), had fewer comorbidities, and a higher proportion had received four or more doses of the COVID-19 vaccine (36.3% vs 17.6%). Within 28 days of a positive test, 628 (9.0%) patients were admitted to hospital or died (84 treated and 544 untreated). The primary analysis indicated a lower risk of hospitalization or death at any point within 28 days in treated participants compared to those not receiving treatment. The adjusted hazard rate was 35% (95% CI: 18-49%) lower in treated than untreated participants. There was no indication of the superiority of one treatment over another and no evidence of a reduction in risk of hospitalization or death within 28 days for patients with no or only one comorbidity. In patients treated with sotrovimab, the event rates before and on or after 20th February 2022 were similar (5.0% vs 4.9%) with no significant difference in the hazard ratios for sotrovimab between the time periods.
    In higher-risk adult patients in the community with COVID-19, those who received treatment with molnupiravir, nirmatrelvir-ritonavir, or sotrovimab were at lower risk of hospitalization or death than those not receiving treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pathogen sequencing guided understanding of SARS-CoV-2 evolution during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many health systems developed pathogen genomics services to monitor SARS-CoV-2. There are no agreed guidelines about how pathogen genomic information should be used in public health practice. We undertook a modified Delphi study in three rounds to develop expert consensus statements about how genomic information should be used. Our aim was to inform health protection policy, planning and practice. Participants were from organisations that produced or used pathogen genomics information in the United Kingdom. The first round posed questions derived from a rapid literature review. Responses informed statements for the subsequent rounds. Consensus was accepted when 70 % or more of the responses were strongly agree/agree, or 70 % were disagree/strongly disagree on the five-point Likert scale. Consensus was achieved in 26 (96 %) of 27 statements. We grouped the statements into six categories: monitoring the emergence of new variants; understanding the epidemiological context of genomic data; using genomic data in outbreak risk assessment and risk management; prioritising the use of limited sequencing capacity; sequencing service performance; and sequencing service capability. The expert consensus statements will help guide public health authorities and policymakers to integrate pathogen genomics in health protection practice.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Exposure to PM2.5 will accelerate the progression of cardiovascular diseases. Air purifier can reduce the PM2.5 exposure and theoretically alleviate the influence of PM2.5 on patients with stable coronary artery disease (SCAD). However, few studies of the protective effect showed significant results because the interferent effects of routine medication had not been taken into account. In order to explore the actual effect on patients with SCAD, we conducted a randomized single-blind crossover air purifier intervention trial.
    Levels of PM2.5 exposure during intervention and cardiovascular indicators (inflammation, coagulation, plaque stability, and blood lipids) after intervention were detected, meanwhile the information of drug use was obtained by questionnaire. The kinds of drug used by more than 20% of the subjects were sorted out. And the influence of these drugs on cardiovascular indicators was summarized through literature review. Based on that, the drug use was included as a variable in linear mixed effects models that used to analyze the associations between PM2.5 exposure reduction by air purifier and cardiovascular indicators.
    The result revealed that the interpretation contribution rate of drug use was more than that of PM2.5 exposure. The level of C-reactive protein significantly decreased by 20.93% (95%CI: 6.56%, 33.10%), 23.44% (95%CI: 2.77%, 39.39%) and 24.11% (95%CI: 4.21%, 39.69%) on lag1, lag01 and lag02 respectively, while the level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol significantly increased by 5.10% (95%CI: 0.69%, 9.05%), 3.71% (95%CI: 0.92%, 6.60%) and 6.48% (95%CI: 2.58%, 10.24%) respectively on lag0, lag1 and lag01 associated with an interquartile range decrease of 22.51 μg/m3 in PM2.5 exposure.
    The study shows positive effects of air purifier on SCAD, and also provides methodological reference for future related research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olive oil phenols (OOPs) are associated with the prevention of many human cancers. Some of these have been shown to inhibit cell proliferation and induce apoptosis. However, no systematic comparative study exists for all the investigated compounds under the same conditions, due to difficulties in their isolation or synthesis. Herein are presented innovative methods for large-scale selective extraction of six major secoiridoids from olive oil or leaves enabling their detailed investigation. The cytotoxic/antiproliferative bioactivity of these six compounds was evaluated on sixteen human cancer cell lines originating from eight different tissues. Cell viability with half-maximal effective concentrations (EC50) was evaluated after 72 h treatments. Antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effects were also assessed for the most bioactive compounds (EC50 ≤ 50 μM). Oleocanthal (1) showed the strongest antiproliferative/cytotoxic activity in most cancer cell lines (EC50: 9−20 μM). The relative effectiveness of the six OOPs was: oleocanthal (1) > oleuropein aglycone (3a,b) > ligstroside aglycone (4a,b) > oleacein (2) > oleomissional (6a,b,c) > oleocanthalic acid (7). This is the first detailed study comparing the bioactivity of six OOPs in such a wide array of cancer cell lines, providing a reference for their relative antiproliferative/cytotoxic effect in the investigated cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) is primarily associated with dietary exposure to bovine-spongiform-encephalopathy. Cases may be missed in the elderly population where dementia is common with less frequent referral to specialist neurological services. This study\'s twin aims were to determine the feasibility of a method to detect possible missed cases in the elderly population and to identify any such cases.
    A multi-site study was set-up in Lothian in 2016, to determine the feasibility of enhanced CJD-surveillance in the 65 + population-group, and undertake a clinicopathological investigation of patients with features of \'atypical\' dementia.
    Thirty patients are included; 63% male, 37% female. They were referred because of at least one neurological feature regarded as \'atypical\' (for the common dementing illnesses): cerebellar ataxia, rapid progression, or somato-sensory features. Mean-age at symptom-onset (66 years, range 53-82 years), the time between onset-of-symptoms and referral to the study (7 years, range 1-13 years), and duration-of-illness from onset-of-symptoms until death or the censor-date (9.5 years, range 1.1-17.4 years) were determined. By the censor-date, 9 cases were alive and 21 had died. Neuropathological investigations were performed on 10 cases, confirming: Alzheimer\'s disease only (2 cases), mixed Alzheimer\'s disease with Lewy bodies (2 cases), mixed Alzheimer\'s disease with amyloid angiopathy (1 case), moderate non-amyloid small vessel angiopathy (1 case), a non-specific neurodegenerative disorder (1 case), Parkinson\'s disease with Lewy body dementia (1 case), and Lewy body dementia (2 cases). No prion disease cases of any type were detected.
    The surveillance approach used was well received by the local clinicians and patients, though there were challenges in recruiting sufficient cases; far fewer than expected were identified, referred, and recruited. Further research is required to determine how such difficulties might be overcome. No missed cases of vCJD were found. However, there remains uncertainty whether this is because missed cases are very uncommon or because the study had insufficient power to detect them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Performance success or failure in athletics (Track and Field) and the capacity to succeed are driven at the adult level, like in other sports, by many factors, injury being one of them. More information regarding the potential relationships between performance and injuries in athletics is needed.
    UNASSIGNED: To analyse the potential association between performance and occurrence of injuries in national-level athletics athletes from sprints, jumps and combined events through several seasons.
    UNASSIGNED: We performed a retrospective analysis of performance and injury data collected prospectively in 8 national-level athletics athletes followed during at least five consecutive seasons from 2009 to 2019. For each athlete, injuries data [total injuries (injuries) and time-loss injuries (TLI)] were collected by the same sports medicine physician throughout the study period using a medical attention injury definition. Performances during official competitions were collected on the French Federation of Athletics website, and included (i) any participation in national championships, (ii) any participation in an international competition (i.e., being national team member for an international competition), (iii) any podium at the national championships, (iv) any podium at an international competition, and (v) performance metrics normalised to the world record (WR) of the respective athletics speciality (%WR). For each athlete, we performed a descriptive analysis of the performances and injuries. We also performed four binomial logistic regressions with (1) national championships participation (yes/no) or (2) international competition participation (yes/no) as dependent variables, and injuries (yes/no) or TLI (yes/no) as independent variables, adjusted for individual athlete and number of seasons, and in models on participation in international competitions, was also adjusted for national championship participation (yes/no), with Odd Ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI).
    UNASSIGNED: Among the 8 national-level athletics athletes included in the present study, cumulated 155 injuries, including 52 TLI (33.5%). There was an average of 2.7 ± 1.7 injuries and 0.9 ± 0.6 TLI per athlete per season over the study period. The occurrence of injuries was significantly associated with higher odds of national championships participation (OR = 4.85 [95% CI 3.10 to 3050.5], p = 0.021). The occurrence of TLI was significantly associated with higher odds of national championships participation (OR = 133.6 [95% CI 4.92 to 14251.5], p = 0.013). The occurrence of injuries or TLI were associated with insignificantly lower odds of international championships participation.
    UNASSIGNED: Our present pilot study confirms that injuries are part of an athletes\' life. The occurrence of at least one injury was associated with higher odds of participation in a national championship, whereas the absence of at least one injury was associated with higher odds of participation in an international championship. We hypothesised that the length of the season can play a role in the risk of injury occurrence, but if the athlete wants to reach his/her highest level, decreasing the risk of injuries seems to be of importance. Despite the caution that should be taken in the interpretation of our results, our present study confirms the interest and relevance of injury risk reduction approach in athletics.





