Endocrine-disrupting compounds

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The occurrence of pharmaceuticals and xenoestrogen compounds (PXCs) in drinking water presents a dire human health risk challenge. The problem stems from the high anthropogenic pollution load on source water and the inefficiencies of the conventional water treatment plants in treating PXCs. This study assessed the PXCs levels and the consequential health risks of exposure to tap water from selected Ghanaian communities as well as that of raw water samples from the respective treatment plants. Thus the PXCs treatment efficiency of two drinking water treatment plants in the metropolises studied was also assessed. The study also conducted source apportionment of the PXCs in the tap water. Twenty six (26) tap and raw water samples from communities in the Cape Coast and Sekondi-Takoradi metropolises were extracted using SPE cartridges and analysed for PXCs using Ultra-fast-HPLC-UV instrument. Elevated levels of PXCs up to 24.79 and 22.02 μg/L were respectively recorded in raw and tap water samples from the metropolises. Consequently, elevated non-cancer health risk (HI > 1) to residential adults were found for tap water samples from Cape Coast metropolis and also for some samples from Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis. Again, elevated cumulative oral cancer risks >10-5 and dermal cancer risk up to 4 × 10-5 were recorded. The source apportionment revealed three significant sources of PXCs in tap water samples studied. The results revealed the inefficiency of the treatment plants in removing PXCs from the raw water during treatments. The situation thus requires urgent attention to ameliorate it, safeguarding public health. It is recommended that the conventional water treatment process employed be augmented with advanced treatment technologies to improve their efficacy in PXCs treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been emerging research linking per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to gamete viability and fertility. PFAS, prevalent in the environment and water supplies, undergo slow degradation due to their C-F bond and a long half-life (2.3-8.5 years). In females, PFAS inhibit the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, reducing follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, leading to the inhibition of androgen and estradiol production. PFAS have been found to cause detrimental effects on egg quality through impairing folliculogenesis. In males, PFAS can impair sperm motility and morphology: two fundamental qualities of successful fertilization. PFAS exposure has been proven to inhibit testosterone production, sperm capacitation, and acrosomal reaction. After fertilization, the results of PFAS exposure to embryos have also been investigated, showing reduced development to the blastocyst stage. The aim of this review is to report the main findings in the literature on the impact of PFAS exposure to gamete competency and fertilization capability by highlighting key studies on both male and female fertility. We report that there is significant evidence demonstrating the negative impacts on fertility after PFAS exposure. At high doses, these environmentally abundant and widespread compounds can significantly affect human fertility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental conditions experienced within and across generations can impact individual phenotypes via so-called \'epigenetic\' processes. Here we suggest that endocrine signalling acts as a \'sensor\' linking environmental inputs to epigenetic modifications. We focus on thyroid hormone signalling and DNA methylation, but other mechanisms are likely to act in a similar manner. DNA methylation is one of the most important epigenetic mechanisms, which alters gene expression patterns by methylating cytosine bases via DNA methyltransferase enzymes. Thyroid hormone is mechanistically linked to DNA methylation, at least partly by regulating the activity of DNA methyltransferase 3a, which is the principal enzyme that mediates epigenetic responses to environmental change. Thyroid signalling is sensitive to natural and anthropogenic environmental impacts (e.g. light, temperature, endocrine-disrupting pollution), and here we propose that thyroid hormone acts as an environmental sensor to mediate epigenetic modifications. The nexus between thyroid hormone signalling and DNA methylation can integrate multiple environmental signals to modify phenotypes, and coordinate phenotypic plasticity at different time scales, such as within and across generations. These dynamics can have wide-ranging effects on health and fitness of animals, because they influence the time course of phenotypic adjustments and potentially the range of environmental stimuli that can elicit epigenetic responses. This article is part of the theme issue \'Endocrine responses to environmental variation: conceptual approaches and recent developments\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extensive use of the parabens triclosan (TCS) and bisphenol A (BPA) has potential adverse effects on human health and aquatic organisms. However, their monitoring information in freshwater lakes is still limited. This study simultaneously summarized the concentrations, spatial distribution characteristics, and correlations of four types of parabens, TCS, and BPA in the surface water and sediment of Baiyang Lake. Finally, the potential risks of target pollutants were evaluated from two aspects: human health risks and ecological risks. The average contaminations of target compounds in surface water and sediment-BPA, TCS, and ∑4 parabens-was 33.1, 26.1, 0.7 ng/L and 24.5, 32.5, 2.5 ng/g, respectively. The total concentration of target compounds at the inlet of the upstream Fu River and Baigouyin River is significantly higher than that near Hunan and the outlet. In addition, Spearman\'s correlation analysis showed a significant positive correlation between compounds. The health hazards of target compounds in surface water were all within safe limits. However, the risk quotient results indicate that in some locations in surface water, TCS poses a high risk to algae and a moderate risk to invertebrates and fish, and appropriate attention should be paid to these areas.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Trained Immunity represents a novel revolutionary concept of the immunological response involving innate immune cells. Bisphenol A is a well-known endocrine disrupter, widely disseminated worldwide and accumulated in the human body. Due to the increased interest regarding the effects of plastic-derived compounds on the immune system, our purpose was to explore whether BPA was able to induce trained immunity in human primary monocytes in vitro using low environmental concentrations.
    We extracted BPA from the serum of 10 healthy individuals through a liquid-liquid extraction followed by a solid phase extraction and measured the concentration using an HPLC system coupled to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. In parallel, monocytes were isolated from whole blood and acutely stimulated or trained with BPA at three different concentrations (1 nM, 10 nM, 20 nM). Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-10) production were assessed after 24 hours of acute stimulation and after Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) rechallenge. A comprehensive overview of the metabolic changes after BPA acute stimulation and trained immunity induction was assessed through extracellular lactate measurements, Seahorse XFb metabolic flux analysis and ROS production.
    Monocytes primed with BPA showed increased pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine responses upon restimulation, sustained by the modulation of the immunometabolic circuits. Moreover, we proved the non-toxic effect of BPA at each experimental concentration by performing an MTT assay. Additionally, correlation analysis were performed between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines production after LPS acute stimulation or BPA-mediated trained immunity and BPA serum concentrations showing a significant association between TNF-α and BPA circulating levels.
    Overall, this study pointed out for the first time the immunological effects of an environmental chemical and plastic-derived compound in the induction of trained immunity in a healthy cohort.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endocrine-disrupting chemicals pose a growing threat to human health through their increasing presence in the environment and their potential interactions with the mammalian endocrine systems. Due to their structural similarity to hormones like estrogen, these chemicals can interfere with endocrine signaling, leading to many deleterious effects. Exposure to estrogenic endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDC) is a suggested risk factor for the development of breast cancer, one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers in women. However, the mechanisms through which EDCs contribute to breast cancer development remain elusive. To rapidly proliferate, cancer cells undertake distinct metabolic programs to utilize existing nutrients in the tumor microenvironment and synthesize macromolecules de novo. EDCs are known to dysregulate cell signaling pathways related to cellular metabolism, which may be an important mechanism through which they exert their cancer-promoting effects. These altered pathways can be studied via metabolomic analysis, a new advancement in -omics technologies that can interrogate molecular pathways that favor cancer development and progression. This review will summarize recent discoveries regarding EDCs and the metabolic reprogramming that they may induce to facilitate the development of breast cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated whether the coadministration of vitamin E (VitE) diminishes the harmful effects provoked by plasticizer bisphenol S (BPS) in the serum metabolites related to hepatic and renal metabolism, as well as the endocrine pancreatic function in diabetic male Wistar rats. Rats were divided into five groups (n = 5-6); the first group was healthy rats (Ctrl group). The other four groups were diabetic rats induced with 45 mg/kg bw of streptozotocin: Ctrl-D (diabetic control); VitE-D (100 mg/kg bw/d of VitE); BPS-D (100 mg/kg bw/d of BPS); The animals from the VitE + BPS-D group were administered 100 mg/kg bw/d of VitE + 100 mg/kg bw/d of BPS. All compounds were administered orally for 30 days. Body weight, biochemical assays, urinalysis, glucose tolerance test, pancreas histopathology, proximate chemical analysis in feces, and the activity of antioxidants in rat serum were assessed. The coadministration of VitE + BPS produced weight losses, increases in 14 serum analytes, and degeneration in the pancreas. Therefore, the VitE + BPS coadministration did not have a protective effect versus the harmful impact of BPS or the diabetic metabolic state; on the contrary, it partially aggravated the damage produced by the BPS. VitE is likely to have an additive effect on the toxicity of BPS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To understand how chronic exposure to industrial air pollution is associated with male fertility through semen parameters.
    Retrospective cohort study.
    Men in the Subfertility, Health, and Assisted Reproduction cohort who underwent a semen analysis in the two largest healthcare systems in Utah from 2005-2017 with ≥1 measured semen parameter (N = 21,563).
    Residential histories for each man were constructed using locations from administrative records linked through the Utah Population Database. Industrial facilities with air emissions of nine endocrine-disrupting compound chemical classes were identified from the Environmental Protection Agency Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators microdata. Chemical levels were linked with residential histories for the 5 years before each semen analysis.
    Semen analyses were classified as azoospermic or oligozoospermic (< 15 M/mL) using World Health Organization cutoffs for concentration. Bulk semen parameters such as concentration, total count, ejaculate volume, total motility, total motile count, and total progressive motile count were also measured. Multivariable regression models with robust standard errors were used to associate exposure quartiles for each of the nine chemical classes with each semen parameter, adjusting for age, race, and ethnicity, as well as neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage.
    After adjustment for demographic covariates, several chemical classes were associated with azoospermia and decreased total motility and volume. For exposure in the 4th relative to 1st quartile, significant associations were observed for acrylonitrile (βtotal motility = -0.87 pp), aromatic hydrocarbons (odds ratio [OR]azoospermia = 1.53; βvolume = -0.14 mL), dioxins (ORazoospermia = 1.31; βvolume = -0.09 mL; βtotal motility = -2.65 pp), heavy metals (βtotal motility = -2.78pp), organic solvents (ORazoospermia = 1.75; βvolume = -0.10 mL), organochlorines (ORazoospermia = 2.09; βvolume = -0.12 mL), phthalates (ORazoospermia = 1.44; βvolume = -0.09 mL; βtotal motility = -1.21 pp), and silver particles (ORazoospermia = 1.64; βvolume = -0.11 mL). All semen parameters significantly decreased with increasing socioeconomic disadvantage. Men who lived in the most disadvantaged areas had concentration, volume, and total motility of 6.70 M/mL, 0.13 mL, and 1.79 pp lower, respectively. Count, motile count, and total progressive motile count all decreased by 30-34 M.
    Several significant associations between chronic low-level environmental exposure to endocrine-disrupting compound air pollution from industrial sources and semen parameters were observed. The strongest associations were seen for increased odds of azoospermia and declines in total motility and volume. More research is needed to further explore additional social and exposure factors as well as expand on the risk posed to male reproductive health by the studied chemicals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infertility is a growing concerning health problem affecting around 15% of couples worldwide. Conventional semen parameters have limited accuracy for male infertility potential determination. Current advances in the understanding of male infertility indicate that environmental and occupational exposure to chemical contaminants are important etiological factors leading to infertility problems. In this context, some heavy metals (HMs) can be considered as endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs), thus altering the seminal quality. This systematic review aims to summarize the key points to detect and quantify HMs in human seminal plasma (SP) and the involved analytical tools. Our results showed that that for HM quantification, atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) were the most employed techniques while Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cr were the analytes most often detected. Fast, reliable, and sensitive quantification of EDCs in SP could be important for the development of accurate diagnostic and preventive strategies to address male infertility towards providing personalized therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For non-target residue analysis of xenoestrogens in food, sophisticated chromatographic-mass spectrometric techniques lack in biological effect detection. Various in vitro assays providing sum values encounter problems when opposing signals are present in a complex sample. Due to physicochemical signal reduction, cytotoxic or antagonistic effect responses, the resulting sum value is falsified. Instead, the demonstrated non-target estrogenic screening with an integrated planar chromatographic separation differentiated opposing signals, detected and prioritized important estrogenic compounds, and directly assigned tentatively the responsible compounds. Sixty pesticides were investigated, ten of which showed estrogenic effects. Exemplarily, half-maximal effective concentrations and 17β-estradiol equivalents were determined. Estrogenic pesticide responses were confirmed in six tested plant protection products. In food, such as tomato, grape, and wine, several compounds with an estrogenic effect were detected. It showed that rinsing with water was not sufficient to remove selected residues and illustrated that, though not usually performed for tomatoes, peeling would be more appropriate. Though not in the focus, reaction or breakdown products that are estrogenic were detected, underlining the great potential of non-target planar chromatographic bioassay screening for food safety and food control.





