Community mental health

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Detection and management of late-life depression largely relies on primary care. Yet in Singapore, older adults are unlikely to seek help for their mental health from their primary care providers. This qualitative descriptive study explores how late-life depression manifests to general practitioners (GPs) in the Singaporean primary care setting.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-eight private GPs practicing in Singapore were asked about their clinical experience with late-life depression during semi-structured group and individual discussions conducted online. Participants were purposively sampled across age, gender, and ethnicity (Chinese, Malay, Indian). Transcripts were analysed with reflexive thematic analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: To GPs, depression in older patients often manifests through somatic symptoms or subtle behavioural changes, only detectable through follow-ups or collateral history. GPs reported that older patients attribute depressive symptoms to normal ageing or do not mention them, particularly within an Asian culture encouraging stoic endurance. GPs perceived late-life depression as reactions to ageing-related stressors, with male, low-income, or institutionalised patients being at particular risk of insidious, severe depression. GPs noted ethnic differences regarding families\' involvement in care, which they described as helpful, but sometimes stress-provoking for patients. Fear of burdensomeness or loss of autonomy/social role could prompt rejection of diagnosis and treatment in patients. GPs considered good patient-doctor rapport as a facilitator at every step of the care process, noting more favourable prognosis in care-concordant patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Depression in older adults in Singapore can be covert, with favourable outcomes relying on GPs\' ability to pick up on subtle changes, assess patients holistically, and build rapport with patients and families.
    UNASSIGNED: This work was funded by the Division of Family Medicine Research Capabilities Building Budget under the project \"Technology and Compassion: Improving Patient Outcomes Through Data Analytics and Patients\' Voice in Primary Care\" [NUHSRO/2022/049/NUSMed/DFM].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recent reviews have highlighted the need for participatory research to design and evaluate inclusive, community-based interventions that address the diverse needs of people with lived experience of psychosis, within and beyond the health sector. The SUCCEED Africa consortium aims to co-produce a 6-year programme of research across four countries in West (Sierra Leone, Nigeria) and Southeast Africa (Zimbabwe and Malawi). This protocol describes the pilot study in which SUCCEED\'s intervention, research tools and processes will be tested on a small scale in each country in preparation for future evaluation research.
    METHODS: The SUCCEED intervention comprises peer support, case management and livelihood activities for people with lived experience of psychosis. The pilot uses a before-and-after study design investigating change in subjective quality of life in adults diagnosed with a primary psychotic disorder or another mental disorder with psychotic symptoms who are offered the SUCCEED intervention over a 4-month period. Nested within this study are the following: a baseline assessment of the feasibility, acceptability and face validity of the selected measurement tool and validity of proxy versus self-completion; and a multi-method process evaluation examining key process indicators and implementation, service and client-level outcomes. Methods include the following: baseline cognitive interviews; semi-structed observation and routine monitoring and evaluation of service delivery; endline interviews and focus group discussions; and a comparison of provider competencies at endline. At each of the four pilot sites, participants will include the following: ten people with lived experience of psychosis, recruited from either health services or community settings using purposive sampling to maximise variation; up to ten adult family members (one per participant with lived experience) involved in their care; the peer support worker, community support worker and supervisor responsible for delivering the intervention; and the data collectors. Recruitment will take place in July and August 2023.
    CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first study of a community-based intervention incorporating lay-delivered case management, formal peer support and livelihoods activities for people with lived experience of psychosis in sub-Saharan Africa. Findings will be relevant not only to SUCCEED but also to others interested in promoting rights-based approaches to community mental health in low-resource settings.
    BACKGROUND: US National Library of Medicine (, Protocol reference ID 28346. Initially registered retrospectively July 20/2023: In review.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Georgia has recently made a commendable effort to reform mental health care. The \"Concept on Mental Health Care\" adopted by the Government and the two strategic plans for 2014-2020 and 2021-2031, which aimed to develop comprehensive evidence-based, culturally appropriate, and human rights-oriented mental health care, have promoted the deinstitutionalization and development of community mental health services. Since 2018, new standards of care for mental health ambulatories and mobile teams have been imposed and implemented in the state programme and funded accordingly. The study aimed to investigate the quality of care in community mental health services. As a result, we monitored the mental health ambulatories in all major cities and regional centres of the country (in total, 16 ambulatories) and the mobile teams which had at least two years of experience (in total, 14 mobile teams). The data analyses showed that the new standards for ambulatories and mobile teams increased access to and coverage of mental health care across the country. However, further effort is still needed to achieve comprehensive treatment by mental health care services.
    В последние годы, в Грузии были предприняты большие усилия по реформированию системы охраны психического здоровья. В 2013 году правительством Грузии была утверждена «Концепция психиатрической помощи», а также разработаны два стратегических плана на 2014–2020 и 2021–2031 гг, что способствовало процессу деинституционализации и развитию внебольничных служб охраны психического здоровья. С 2018 года в государственной программе были введены новые стандарты оказания помощи для амбулаторий и мобильных бригад и соответственно изменилась система финансирования. Настоящее исследование направлено на изучение качества обслуживания внебольничных служб охраны психического здоровья. Анализ данных мониторинга амбулаторий психического здоровья во всех крупных городах и областных центрах страны (всего 16 амбулатории) и мобильных бригад, которые функционируют, не менее двух лет (всего 14 сервисов) показал, что ведение новых стандартов для внебольничных служб психического здоровья расширило доступ и охват психиатрической помощью по всей стране. Тем не менее необходимы дальнейшие усилия для развития всеобъемлющего, комплексного и основанного на биопсихосоциальном подходе системы психического здоровья в стране.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sri Lanka is a lower middle-income, small island nation in the Indian Ocean, with a multi-ethnic population of 22 million. The healthcare system of the country is well established and relatively advanced, the delivery of which is free to the consumer. The health indicators of the country are impressive compared to regional figures. Psychiatric care in Sri Lanka has witnessed a rapid development over the last four decades, as the care model transformed from an asylum-based model, established during the British colonial times, to a district-wise hospital-based, care delivery model. Gradually, the teams that provided inpatient and outpatient services at the hospitals also started to provide community-based care. The newly added community-based services include outreach clinics, residential intermediate rehabilitation centres, home-based care, community resource/support centres and telephone help lines. There is no or very little funding dedicated to community-based care services. The teams that deliver community services are funded, mostly indirectly, by the state health authorities. This is so, as these community teams are essentially the same psychiatry teams that are based at the hospitals, which are funded and run by the state health authorities. This lack of separation of the community and hospital teams without separate and dedicated funding is an impediment to service development, which needs to be addressed. However, paradoxically, this also constitutes an advantage, as the provision of care delivery from the hospital to the community is continuous, since the same team provides both hospital- and community-based care. In addition to the essential mental healthcare provision in the community with this basic infrastructure, each community service has improvised and adapted the utilization of other resources available to them, both formally as well as informally, to compensate for their financial and human resource limitations. These other resources are the community officials and the community services of the non-health sectors of the government, mainly the civil administration. Although sustainability may be questionable when services involve informal resources from the non-health sectors, these have so far proven useful and effective in a resource-poor environment, as they bring the community and various sectors together to facilitate services to support their own community.
    Шри-Ланка представляет собой небольшое островное государство в Индийском океане с доходами ниже среднего уровня и многонациональным населением в количестве 22 миллионов. Система здравоохранения в этой стране является устойчивой и относительно развитой, медицинские услуги предоставляются потребителям бесплатно. Показатели здоровья в стране являются впечатляющими в сравнении с региональными данными. Службы психиатрической помощи в Шри-Ланке быстро развивались в течение последних сорока лет, поскольку произошла смена модели психиатрической помощи: от модели на основе психиатрических лечебниц, сложившейся во времена, когда страна была колонией Британии, к модели оказания медицинских услуг на базе районных клиник. Постепенно группы специалистов, которые обеспечивали стационарное и амбулаторное лечение в клиниках, также стали оказывать медицинские услуги на территориальной основе. Новые дополнительные территориальные службы включают в себя выездные медпункты, центры промежуточной реабилитации с постоянным проживанием пациентов, уход на дому, территориальные информационные центры и центры поддержки, а также телефонные службы помощи. Специализированное финансирование территориальных медицинских услуг является очень скудным или вообще отсутствует. Финансирование групп, обеспечивающих функционирование территориальных служб, осуществляется государственными органами здравоохранения, в основном, косвенно. Это связано с тем, что такие территориальные службы, по сути, представляют собой те же службы психиатрической помощи на базе больниц, которые финансируются и управляются государственными органами здравоохранения. Отсутствие разграничения между территориальными и больничными службами и отдельного специализированного финансирования препятствует развитию таких служб, и эта проблема требует решения. Однако парадоксальным образом данная ситуация также является преимуществом, поскольку предоставление медицинских услуг на базе больниц и на территориальной основе осуществляется без перерывов, так как данные услуги оказывает одна и та же группа специалистов. Помимо оказания необходимой психиатрической помощи на территориальной основе с использованием такой базовой инфраструктуры, каждая территориальная служба приспособилась пользоваться другими доступными ресурсами, как официально, так и неофициально, чтобы компенсировать ограниченность финансовых и кадровых ресурсов. Такие ресурсы включают в себя общинных должностных лиц и территориальные правительственные службы, не связанные со здравоохранением (в основном, гражданскую администрацию). Хотя в случае привлечения неофициальных ресурсов из секторов, не связанных со здравоохранением, для оказания медицинских услуг устойчивость системы в долгосрочной перспективе вызывает сомнения, на данный момент в условиях нехватки ресурсов такая практика показала свою эффективность, поскольку она объединяет общество и различные секторы для упрощения предоставления услуг в целях поддержки региона.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thailand is an upper middle-income country located in the center of mainland Southeast Asia with a population of 66.17 million as of 2021. The aim of this review article is to illustrate the development of community mental health in our country. We have divided the article into five main sections: namely, the mental health service infrastructure, the community mental health system, human resources, mental health financing, public education, and links to other sectors. Mental health care has been integrated into primary care since 1982, resulting in a major shift in focus on mental health at the community level; however, mental health problems and the mental health gap in service accessibility remain present, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Community mental health care has been extended to networks outside the health care system, including the community authorities. It has been provided with psychiatric care and rehabilitation, together with the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental disorders for improving accessibility to services, especially during a pandemic situation. Finally, future challenges to face community mental health have been outlined, such as insufficient staff to develop rehabilitation service facilities for people with chronic, serious mental illnesses; identifying supporting funding from other stakeholders; and mental health care for persons with long COVID living in the community.
    Таиланд — страна с уровнем дохода выше среднего, расположенная в центре материковой части Юго-Восточной Азии, с населением 66,17 млн человек в 2021 году. Цель данной обзорной статьи — проанализировать этапы развития амбулаторной психиатрической службы в нашей стране. Статья разделена на пять основных разделов, а именно: система охраны психического здоровья, система амбулаторной психиатрической службы, кадровые ресурсы, финансирование психиатрической помощи, просвещение населения и связи с другими секторами. С 1982 года психиатрическая помощь интегрирована в первичную медико- санитарную помощь, что привело к значительному увеличению внимания к психическому здоровью на общественном уровне; однако проблемы в области психического здоровья и недостаточная доступность психиатрической помощи все еще существуют, особенно во время пандемии COVID-19. Амбулаторная психиатрическая служба охватила структуры, не входящие в систему здравоохранения, в том числе и органы местного самоуправления. Данная служба включает психиатрическую помощь и реабилитацию, а также укрепление психического здоровья и профилактику психических расстройств, ее задача заключается в повышении доступности помощи, особенно во время пандемии. Наконец, рассмотрены требующие решения проблемы амбулаторной психиатрической службы, такие как нехватка персонала для создания реабилитационной службы для людей с хроническими тяжелыми психическими заболеваниями, привлечение финансирования от других заинтересованных сторон, а также забота о психическом здоровье людей с постковидным синдромом в условиях привычной социальной среды.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Similar to trends in Europe, approaches to mental illness in colonial America and recorded in early United States history were commonly characterized by incarceration and the removal of individuals from communities. In the mid-20th century, a major shift began in which treatment was offered in the community with the aim of encouraging individuals to rejoin their communities. In this paper, we will provide a brief history of community mental health services in the United States, and the forces which have influenced its development. We will explore the early antecedents of community-based approaches to care, and then detail certain factors that led to legislative, peer and clinical efforts to create Community Mental Health Centers. We will then provide an overview of current community mental health practices and evolving challenges through to the present day, including the development of services which remain focused on recovery as the ultimate goal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The Sars-CoV-2 pandemic imposed unprecedented and drastic changes in health care organizations all over the world.
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate the impact of the pandemic on hospitalizations in an acute psychiatric ward.
    UNASSIGNED: We retrospectively identified and compared acute psychiatric hospitalizations in the Service for Psychiatric Diagnosis and Care (SPDC) of AUSL-Modena during the pre-pandemic (n = 1858) and pandemic period (n = 1095), from 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2022. Data were statistically analyzed using STATA12.
    UNASSIGNED: We collected 1858 hospitalizations in the pre-pandemic and 1095 in the pandemic. During the pandemic, we observed a progressively sharp reduction in voluntary hospitalizations, whereas involuntary ones remained stable with an increase in 2022 (p < 0.001), longer hospital stays (12.32 mean days vs 10.03; p < 0.001), longer periods of involuntary hospitalizations (8.45 mean days vs 5.72; p < 0.001), more frequent aggressive behaviour (16.10% vs 9.12%; p < 0.001) and referral to psychiatric communities at discharge (11.04% vs 6.13%; p < 0.001); non-Italians (p = 0.001), people with disability pension (p < 0.001) and Support Administrator (p < 0.001) were more frequently hospitalized.
    UNASSIGNED: During the pandemic, voluntary psychiatric hospitalizations decreased, but not involuntary ones, and the most vulnerable people in serious clinical conditions were hospitalized.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Research demonstrates gaps in medications for opioid use disorder uptake (MOUDs; methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone) especially among adolescents. These gaps may be partly attributable to attitudes about and training in MOUDs among youth-serving professionals. We extended prior research by conducting descriptive analyses of attitudes regarding effectiveness and acceptability of MOUDs, as well as training in MOUDs, among youth legal system (YLS) employees and community mental health center (CMHC) personnel who interface professionally with youth.
    METHODS: Using survey data from participants (n = 181) recruited from eight Midwest counties, we examined: (1) differences in MOUD attitudes/training by MOUD type and (2) by respondent demographics, and (3) prediction of MOUD attitudes/training by participant-reported initiatives to implement evidence-based practices (EBPs), workplace culture around EBPs, and workplace stress. Attitudes and training were measured in reference to five MOUD types (methadone, oral buprenorphine, injectable buprenorphine, oral naltrexone, injectable naltrexone) on three subscales (effectiveness, acceptability, training).
    RESULTS: Wilcoxon signed-rank tests demonstrated that most outcomes differed significantly by MOUD type (differences observed among 22 of 30 tests). Kruskal-Wallis tests suggested MOUD differences based on demographics. For methadone, CMHC providers endorsed greater perceived effectiveness than YLS providers and age explained significant differences in perceived effectiveness. For buprenorphine, CHMC providers viewed oral or injectable buprenorphine as more effective than YLS employees, respondents from more rural counties viewed oral buprenorphine as more effective than those from less rural counties, and age explained differences in perceived effectiveness. For naltrexone, perceived gender differed by gender. Hierarchical ordinal logistic regression analysis did not find an association between personal initiatives to implement EBPs, workplace culture supporting EBPs, or workplace stress and effectiveness or acceptability of MOUDs. However, personal initiatives to implement EBPs was associated with training in each MOUD.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results highlight a few key findings: effectiveness/acceptability of and training in MOUDs largely differ by MOUD type; setting, rurality, age, gender, and education explain group differences in perceived effectiveness of and training in MOUDs; and implementing EBPs is associated with training in MOUDs. Future research would benefit from examining what predicts change in MOUD attitudes longitudinally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to clarify the association between treatment status (untreated or treated) at the start of community mental health outreach services and service intensity.
    UNASSIGNED: This retrospective cohort study was conducted using the Tokorozawa City mental health outreach service users\' data. Treatment status at the start of service (exposure variable) and the service intensity (outcome variables) were taken from clinical records. Poisson regression and linear regression analyses were conducted. The frequency of medical or social service use 12 months after service initiation was also calculated. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (No. A2020-081).
    UNASSIGNED: Of 89 people, 37 (42%) were untreated. Family members in the untreated group were more likely to be targets or recipients of services than in the treated group (b = 0.707, p < 0.001, Bonferroni-adjusted p < 0.001). Compared to the treated group, the untreated group received fewer services themselves (b = -0.290, p = 0.005), and also fewer services by telephone (b = -0.252, p = 0.012); by contrast, they received more services at the health center (b = 0.478, p = 0.031) and for family support (b = 0.720, p = 0.024), but these significant differences disappeared after Bonferroni adjustment. At least 11% of people in the untreated group were hospitalized and 35% were outpatients 12 months after service initiation.
    UNASSIGNED: Family involvement may be a key service component for untreated people. The service intensity with and without treatment may vary by service location.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past four decades, research has underscored the significance of approaching and preventing trauma from a systemic standpoint. Trauma-informed care (TIC) methodologies offer a structure for healthcare practices, striving to convert organizations into trauma-informed systems that employ trauma-specific interventions. This review employs epidemiological and household data from Turkey to underscore the importance of integrating trauma-informed care as a means of prevention and intervention. Through a desk review, the study examines the role of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), delving into their origin from family dynamics, migration, violence, exposure to violence, juvenile delinquency, and child maltreatment. The research highlights innovative healthcare approaches that leverage data to address complex patient health issues while considering mental health needs. In contemporary times, healthcare organizations acknowledge the value of a data-driven approach to make informed clinical decisions, enhance treatment procedures, and improve overall healthcare outcomes. The reviewed research and empirical data furnish proof of the importance of effective and efficient treatment methods that prioritize trauma prevention and treatment, integrating the role of ACEs. This paper seeks to contribute to discussions on transforming the healthcare system to meet the healthcare needs of Turkish households, all the while taking into account the evolving sociopolitical factors that shape Turkey\'s population characteristics.





