
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fisheries play a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems, a resource with ecological and economic importance. Measuring parasite prevalence is necessary to assess these fish species\' health and well-being. Within the Sistan region, this study sought to estimate the prevalence and intensity of infection with plerocercoid Ligula intestinalis (L. intestinalis) in seven fish species and identify factors such as fish weight, seasonality, and fishing location that might influence infection rates. 2800 fish from seven species were obtained in the Sistan region throughout four seasons. Fish samples from three weight categories (<200gr, 200-400gr, 400gr<) were examined parasitologically. Ligula intestinalis was detected in 96/2800 (3.4%) of fishs. There was a variation in prevalence among fish species. Alburnus charusini (A. charusini), Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (H. molitrix), Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (H. nobilis), and Schizocypris altidorsalis (S. altidorsalis) showed no infection. Schizothorax zarudnyi (S. zarudnyi) showed a prevalence of 1.5% (6/400), Cyprinus carpio (C. carpio) 15% (60/400), and Ctenopharyngodon idella (C. idella) 7.5% (30/400). It was found that infection prevalence was significantly influenced by fish weight in C . carpio and C . idella. A higher prevalence was found in fish with lower weight. Infection rates significantly fluctuated with season across species, but fishing locations had no significant difference. The present study highlights the significant prevalence of L. intestinalis infections in fish populations within Iran\'s Sistan region, underscoring the need for ongoing monitoring and research to inform effective fishery management strategies. Future studies should focus on long-term monitoring efforts and consider the broader global context of fish parasitology to understand parasite-host interactions better and inform conservation measures worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Schima wallichii Korth., commonly known as the needlewood tree (family Theaceae) has therapeutic uses in traditional Mizo medicine for human helminthiasis and serves as a balm against ectoparasites in animals. Although the medicinal properties have been studied experimentally, its use as a traditional anthelmintic remains unexplored. This study aimed to analyze the chemical components and antiparasitic activity of S. wallichii.
    UNASSIGNED: The chemical analysis of S. wallichi bark extracts was conducted focusing on the secondary metabolites using petroleum ether, chloroform, and methanol. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to identify the specific compounds. An anthelmintic susceptibility test was carried out against Raillietina tetragona, intestinal cestode parasite of fowl.
    UNASSIGNED: The methanol extract yielded the highest concentrations of alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, sterols, saponins, and tannins among all the extracts. Sterols were the most abundant compounds in all extracts, with flavonoids being absent. Secondary metabolites were largely absent in the petroleum ether and chloroform extracts. The GC-MS data identified cholest-22-ene-21-ol as the major steroid component. The cestode parasite was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by the plant extract. The plant extract\'s anthelmintic activity was evident through observable damage to the parasite\'s outer structure.
    UNASSIGNED: Phytosterols in S. wallichii bark are responsible for its anthelmintic properties. The mechanism and pharmaceutical properties of the anthelmintic molecule require further exploration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Gastrointestinal helminth parasitism is an important problem of livestock in many places of the globe. Despite the fact that the disease is one of the leading causes of economic losses, there is little information on the occurrence of the infection in cattle and sheep in Ethiopia.
    UNASSIGNED: A cross-sectional study was conducted from June 2022 to February 2023 in urban and peri-urban areas of the Ada\'a District with the objective of estimating the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminth parasites (GIHPs) in sheep and cattle and to assess the commercial anthelmintic utilization practices and associated risk factors in sheep and cattle. A total of 351 randomly selected fecal samples (192 cattle and 159 sheep) were collected from the rectum and examined using flotation and sedimentation. One hundred respondents were interviewed for questionnaire surveys on anthelmintic utilization practices.
    UNASSIGNED: The overall prevalence of GIHPs (61.25%) was recorded during the study. Among the animals, 55.21% and 68.55% prevalence of the infection was observed in cattle and sheep, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) in gastrointestinal helminth parasite (GIHP) infection between the study animal species, breeds, body condition of the animals, and production systems. However, there were no significant differences in gastrointestinal helminth parasite (GIHP) infection (P > 0.05) according to sex and age of the animals. A higher prevalence of strongyle (55.34%), fasciola (13.48%), and moniezia eggs (10.69%) was recorded. According to a questionnaire survey, ivermectin was found to be the most used anthelmintic drug. This study addresses the challenge of anthelmintic resistance (AR) against currently available anthelmintics; highly prevalent parasitic infections are causing tremendous economic losses to the animal industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bertiella spp. is a mite-borne cestode parasite that inhabits the small intestine of wide range of mammals, including non-human primates. In the present study, the morphological and molecular analysis of Bertiella studeri recovered from the small intestine of a bonnet macaque (Macaca radiata) from Wayanad, Kerala (South India) was performed. Acetic alum carmine staining identified the cestode morphologically based on the characters like broader proglottids, which contain irregularly alternating genital pores, single set of reproductive organs, 280 testes and a tubular transverse uterus. Molecular characterization was done using 18SrRNA, ITS1-5.8S and COX1 genes. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using MEGA X based on the Maximum Likelihood (ML) method (Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano (HKY) model). Cytochrome oxidase I gene could detect the existence of genetic variation in the parasite from two different hosts viz., monkey (Kerala, Argentina, and Kenya) and human (Sri Lanka). A minimum spanning network of haplotypes was generated by the haplotype networking with the above sequences using the popARTv1.7. Haplotype analysis based on COX1 revealed that the parasite haplotype was different in each country with highest population frequency in Sri Lanka.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 2-year-old Kunekune sow was submitted for necropsy following death after peritonitis and sepsis. In addition to peritonitis, numerous fluid-filled cysts were identified in the mesentery and hepatic parenchyma, which contained an approximately 1 cm metacestode (cysticercosis). Subsequent molecular characterization confirmed the presence of Taenia hydatigena, a non-zoonotic cestode species. To our knowledge, visceral cysticercosis caused by T. hydatigena has not been previously documented in Kunekune pigs. Taenia solium is a differential diagnosis of public health importance in cases of cysticercosis. Although Taenia solium is not commonly reported nor endemic in the United States, its zoonotic potential warrants consideration in the initial diagnostic assessment. Clinicians should be aware of the presence of T. hydatigena in its definitive and intermediate hosts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of pandemics with dramatic consequences for human health has obscured endemic diseases that continue to pose a problem for human and animal health in several regions of the world. Among these diseases, cystic echinococcosis, a zoonotic parasitic infection caused by a group of cestodes, Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato, remains a real human and animal health problem in several regions of the world, including the Mediterranean Basin. Despite the implementation of a number of governmental control programmes using several tools (dog treatment, meat inspection, etc.), this infection is still highly prevalent in North Africa. Here we present a review of the epidemiology of cystic echinococcosis in Tunisia, an analysis of the constraints limiting the effectiveness of the control programmes implemented, and finally argue for the use of the One Health framework to improve the effectiveness of future programmes.
    UNASSIGNED: L’échinococcose kystique (infection par Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato) en Tunisie, une perspective « Une seule santé » pour un futur programme de contrôle.
    UNASSIGNED: L’émergence de pandémies affectant de manière très importante la santé humaine a occulté les maladies endémiques qui continuent de représenter un problème de santé animale et humaine dans plusieurs régions du monde. Parmi ces maladies, l’échinococcose kystique, une parasitose zoonotique provoquée par un groupe de cestodes, Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato, reste un réel problème de santé humaine et animale dans plusieurs régions du monde, incluant le Bassin méditerranéen. Malgré la mise en place de nombreux programmes de lutte utilisant plusieurs outils (traitement des chiens, inspection des viandes, etc.), cette infection est encore hautement prévalente en Afrique du Nord. Nous présentons ici une revue de l’épidémiologie de l’échinococcose kystique en Tunisie, une analyse des contraintes limitant l’efficacité des programmes de lutte mis en place, et finalement nous argumentons l’utilisation du concept « Une seule santé » pour améliorer l’efficacité des programmes futurs.
    UNASSIGNED: مرض الكيس المائي (العدوى بالطفيليEchinococcus granulosus sensu lato ) في تونس، منظور صحي واحد لبرنامج مكافحة مستقبلي.
    UNASSIGNED: أدى ظهور الأوبئة التي تؤثر بشكل كبير على صحة الإنسان إلى حجب الأمراض المستوطنة التي لا تزال تمثل مشكلة لصحة الحيوان والإنسان في العديد من مناطق العالم. ومن بين هذه الأمراض، لا يزال مرض الكيس المائي، مرض طفيلي مشترك المتسبب فيه مجموعة من الديدان الشريطية، المشوكة الحبيبية بالمعنى الواسع Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato ، يمثل مشكلة حقيقية لصحة الانسان و الحيوان في العديد من مناطق العالم، بما في ذلك حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط. وعلى الرغم من تنفيذ عدد من برامج المكافحة باستخدام عدة أدوات (علاج الكلاب، فحص اللحوم، وغيرها)، إلا أن هذه العدوى لا تزال منتشرة بشكل كبير في شمال أفريقيا. نقدم هنا استعراضا لوبائيات مرض الكيس المائي في تونس، وتحليلا للقيود التي تحد من فعالية برامج المكافحة المطبقة، وأخيرا نناقش استخدام مفهوم الصحة الواحدة لتحسين فعالية البرامج المستقبلية.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our knowledge of parasites in wildlife remains limited, primarily due to restricted access to samples, especially of parasites from protected species. This present study contributes to the comprehension of the enigmatic world of helminths of African wild mammals and cestode biodiversity by combining both molecular and morphological analysis. Cestode samples were opportunistically collected from 77 individual definitive hosts in South Africa, Namibia and Ethiopia, encompassing 15 different species of wild African carnivores and additionally domestic cats. The analysis revealed 32 different cyclophyllidean species of which 21 (65.6 %) represent previously unknown genetic entities. They belong to the families Mesocestoididae, Hymenolepididae, Dipylidiidae and Taeniidae. Here we cover the non-taeniid cestodes, while the taeniids will be addressed in a separate publication. Three of the non-taeniid species uncovered in this study could be assigned to the genus Mesocestoides and were isolated from servals and domestic cats. The white-tailed mongoose was found to be a suitable host for a species belonging to the Hymenolepididae, which was identified as Pseudandrya cf. mkuzii. Both feline and canine genotypes of Dipylidium caninum were detected in domestic cats, the canine genotype also in an African wolf. In addition to these, a novel species of Dipylidium was discovered in an aardwolf. Lastly, four distinct species of Joyeuxiella were found in this study, revealing a cryptic species complex and emphasizing the need for a taxonomic reassessment of this genus. Despite the limited scope of our study in terms of geography and sample size, the results highlight that biodiversity of cestodes in African wild mammals is grossly under-researched and follow-up studies are urgently required, in particular linking morphology to gene sequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dipylidium caninum is a common tapeworm of dogs. Two cases of praziquantel resistance have been described in D. caninum in the United States. No further reports have been published to the authors’ knowledge. Here, the case of a dog imported to Switzerland from Spain with a history of chronic excretion of tapeworm proglottids and unresponsiveness to praziquantel treatments is reported. Clinical signs were mild (restlessness, tenesmus, anal pruritus, squashy feces) and flea infestation could be ruled out. Infection with D. caninum was confirmed through morphological and genetic parasite identification. Different subsequently applied anthelmintic compounds and protocols, including epsiprantel, did not confer the desired effects. Proglottid shedding only stopped after oral mebendazole administration of 86.2 mg kg−1 body weight for 5 consecutive days. Clinical signs resolved and the dog remained coproscopically negative during a follow-up period of 10 months after the last treatment. This case represents the first reported apparent praziquantel and epsiprantel resistance in D. caninum in Europe. Treatment was extremely challenging especially due to the limited availability of efficacious alternative compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Taenia solium can cause human taeniasis and/or cysticercosis. The latter can in some instances cause human neurocysticercosis which is considered a priority in disease-control strategies and the prevention of mental health problems. Glutathione transferases are crucial for the establishment and long-term survival of T. solium; therefore, we structurally analyzed the 24-kDa glutathione transferase gene (Ts24gst) of T. solium and biochemically characterized its product. The gene promoter showed potential binding sites for transcription factors and xenobiotic regulatory elements. The gene consists of a transcription start site, four exons split by three introns, and a polyadenylation site. The gene architecture is conserved in cestodes. Recombinant Ts24GST (rTs24GST) was active and dimeric. Anti-rTs24GST serum showed slight cross-reactivity with human sigma-class GST. A 3D model of Ts24GST enabled identification of putative residues involved in interactions of the G-site with GSH and of the H-site with CDNB and prostaglandin D2. Furthermore, rTs24GST showed optimal activity at 45 °C and pH 9, as well as high structural stability in a wide range of temperatures and pHs. These results contribute to the better understanding of this parasite and the efforts directed to fight taeniasis/cysticercosis.






  • 文章类型: Letter





