
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) is the etiologic agent of high mortality epizootics of chronic respiratory disease in American bison (Bison bison). Despite the severity of the disease, no efficacious commercial vaccines have been licensed for the prevention of M. bovis infection in bison. Elongation factor thermal unstable (EFTu) and Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70, DnaK) are highly conserved, constitutively expressed proteins that have previously been shown to provide protection against M. bovis infection in cattle. To assess the suitability of EFTu and Hsp70 as vaccine antigens in bison, the immune response to and protection conferred by an injectable, adjuvanted subunit vaccine comprised of recombinantly expressed EFTu and Hsp70 was evaluated. Vaccinates developed robust antibody and cellular immune responses against both EFTu and Hsp70 antigens. To assess vaccine efficacy, unvaccinated control and vaccinated bison were experimentally challenged with bovine herpes virus-1 (BHV-1) 4 days prior to intranasal infection with M. bovis. Vaccinated bison displayed reductions in joint infection, lung bacterial loads, and lung lesions compared to unvaccinated controls. Together, these results showed that this subunit vaccine reduced clinical disease and bacterial dissemination from the lungs in M. bovis challenged bison and support the further development of protein subunit vaccines against M. bovis for use in bison.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycoplasma bovis is an important emerging pathogen of cattle and bison, but our understanding of the genetic basis of its interactions with its host is limited. The aim of this study was to identify genes of M. bovis required for interaction and survival in association with host cells. One hundred transposon-induced mutants of the type strain PG45 were assessed for their capacity to survive and proliferate in Madin-Darby bovine kidney cell cultures. The growth of 19 mutants was completely abrogated, and 47 mutants had a prolonged doubling time compared to the parent strain. All these mutants had a similar growth pattern to the parent strain PG45 in the axenic media. Thirteen genes previously classified as dispensable for the axenic growth of M. bovis were found to be essential for the growth of M. bovis in association with host cells. In most of the mutants with a growth-deficient phenotype, the transposon was inserted into a gene involved in transportation or metabolism. This included genes coding for ABC transporters, proteins related to carbohydrate, nucleotide and protein metabolism, and membrane proteins essential for attachment. It is likely that these genes are essential not only in vitro but also for the survival of M. bovis in infected animals.
    OBJECTIVE: Mycoplasma bovis causes chronic bronchopneumonia, mastitis, arthritis, keratoconjunctivitis, and reproductive tract disease in cattle around the globe and is an emerging pathogen in bison. Control of mycoplasma infections is difficult in the absence of appropriate antimicrobial treatment or effective vaccines. A comprehensive understanding of host-pathogen interactions and virulence factors is important to implement more effective control methods against M. bovis. Recent studies of other mycoplasmas with in vitro cell culture models have identified essential virulence genes of mycoplasmas. Our study has identified genes of M. bovis required for survival in association with host cells, which will pave the way to a better understanding of host-pathogen interactions and the role of specific genes in the pathogenesis of disease caused by M. bovis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coronaviruses have been confirmed to infect a variety of species, but only one case of associated winter dysentery of European bison has been described. The study aimed to analyze the prevalence, and define the impact on the species conservation, the source of coronavirus infection, and the role of the European bison in the transmission of the pathogen in Poland. Molecular and serological screening was performed on 409 European bison from 6 free-ranging and 14 captive herds over the period of 6 years (2017-2023). Presence of coronavirus was confirmed in one nasal swab by pancoronavirus RT-PCR and in 3 nasal swab samples by bovine coronavirus (BCoV) specific real time RT-PCR. The detected virus showed high (> 98%) homology in both RdRp and Spike genes to BCoV strains characterised recently in Polish cattle and strains isolated from wild cervids in Italy. Antibodies specific to BCoV were found in 6.4% of tested samples, all originating from free-ranging animals. Seroprevalence was higher in adult animals over 5 years of age (p = 0.0015) and in females (p = 0.09). Our results suggest that European bison play only a limited role as reservoirs of bovine-like coronaviruses. Although the most probable source of infections in the European bison population in Poland is cattle, other wild ruminants could also be involved. In addition, the zoonotic potential of bovine coronaviruses is quite low.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hematological and biochemical blood parameters are important tools for evaluating animals\' health. They might be crucial in assessing the health of entire populations of wild animals, such as European bison (Bison bonasus). The aim of this study was to establish hematological and biochemical values for healthy European bison and to determine whether there were significant relations with age and sex. Blood samples were collected from 79 animals and tested according to generally accepted standards and the results were subjected to statistical analysis. Most of the age and gender-related correlations found in our study were predictable based on previous reports. Due to bone growth, juvenile animals have typically higher ALP and P concentrations relative to adults. Several age-related dependencies were surprising, like higher Na concentration in younger European bison. Determination of hematological and biochemical blood parameters of healthy European bison may significantly contribute to the further restitution of this endangered species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Buffaloes have the highest potential for production due to a promising gene pool that is being enhanced and upgraded. Mastitis is a significant health impediment that greatly diminishes milk yield and quality, affecting rural farmers\' livelihoods. The traditional gold standard used for diagnosing mastitis or subclinical mastitis is CMT, but it has the drawback of false positive or negative results. Subclinical mastitis, if not treated promptly, can lead to mammary tumors. To address the gap in early diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in CMT-negative milk of buffaloes, we performed a retrospective analysis and evaluated the milk miRNA expression profiles as potential biomarkers.
    RESULTS: Thirty buffalo milk samples based on clinical signs and CMT were divided into normal, subclinical, and clinical mastitis. SCC evaluation showed significant differences between the groups. The data analysis demonstrated that the elevation of miR-146a and miR-383 differed substantially between normal, subclinical, and clinical mastitis milk of buffaloes with 100% sensitivity and specificity. The relationship of SCC with miR-146a and miR-383 in normal/healthy and subclinical mastitis was positively correlated.
    CONCLUSIONS: The overexpression of miR-146a and miR-383 is associated with inflammation. It can be a valuable prognostic and most sensitive biomarker for early mastitis detection in buffaloes with SCC below 2 lakhs and CMT-ve, enhancing the accuracy of subclinical mastitis diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal welfare is the state of an animal\'s body and mind and the level to which its requirements are satisfied. Animal welfare is affected by human decisions and actions. Numerous decisions concerning animals are driven by human desires to enhance their own lives, and some of these decisions may be influenced by self-interest or a strong emphasis on economic factors. How to assess the welfare state of animals is a central issue in animal welfare science. Two critical questions can be used to address animal welfare: first, is the animal healthy, and second, does the animal have what it needs? Both of these questions can potentially be answered using the study of animal behavior. The development of behavioral methodologies is crucial for evaluating welfare in contexts where concern for animal welfare is often highest, such as on intensive modern farms and sites where working animals are used. Herein, we discuss animal welfare by focusing on some of its major concepts and explanations. Later, to illustrate key aspects of animal welfare, we chose to examine the information that is available for some \'neglected\' livestock species, which are commercially important on a global basis and found in large numbers: buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis), camels (Camelus dromedarius), donkeys (Equus asinus), mules (Equus asinus × Equus caballus), and lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus). We chose these species because there are major ongoing concerns about their welfare, and more research is required to help solve the various problems. Overall, there are strong imbalances in terms of the species that are usually studied in terms of animal welfare research, and we call for greater attention to those that have traditionally been neglected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a viral disease of cattle and water buffalo characterized by cutaneous nodules, biphasic fever, and lymphadenitis. LSD is endemic in Africa and the Middle East but has spread to different Asian countries in recent years. The disease is well characterized in cattle while little is known about the disease in buffaloes in which no experimental studies have been conducted. Six buffaloes and two cattle were inoculated with an Albanian LSD virus (LSDV) field strain and clinically monitored for 42 days. Only two buffaloes showed fever, skin nodules, and lymphadenitis. All samples collected (blood, swabs, biopsies, and organs) were tested in real-time PCR and were negative. Between day 39 and day 42 after inoculation, anti-LSDV antibodies were detected in three buffaloes by ELISA, but all sera were negative by virus neutralization test (VNT). Cattle showed severe clinical signs, viremia, virus shedding proven by positive real-time PCR results, and seroconversion confirmed by both ELISA and VNT. Clinical findings suggest that susceptibility in buffaloes is limited compared to in cattle once experimentally infected with LSDV. Virological results support the hypothesis of buffalo resistance to LSD and its role as an accidental non-adapted host. This study highlights that the sensitivity of ELISA and VNT may differ between animal species and further studies are needed to investigate the epidemiological role of water buffalo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to elaborate Doppler ultrasonographic scan, genetic resistance and serum profile of markers associated with endometritis susceptibility in Egyptian buffalo-cows. The enrolled animals were designed as; twenty five apparently healthy buffalo-cows considered as a control group and twenty five infected buffalo with endometritis. There were significant (p < 0.05) increased of cervical diameter, endometrium thickness, uterine horn diameter, TAMEAN, TAMAX and blood flow through middle uterine artery with significant decrease of PI and RI values in endometritis buffalo-cows. Gene expression levels were considerably higher in endometritis-affected buffaloes than in resistant ones for the genes A2M, ADAMTS20, KCNT2, MAP3K4, MAPK14, FKBP5, FCAMR, TLR2, IRAK3, CCl2, EPHA4, and iNOS. The RXFP1, NDUFS5, TGF-β, SOD3, CAT, and GPX genes were expressed at substantially lower levels in endometritis-affected buffaloes. The PCR-DNA sequence verdicts of healthy and affected buffaloes revealed differences in the SNPs in the amplified DNA bases related to endometritis for the investigated genes. However, MAP3K4 elicited a monomorphic pattern. There was a significant decrease of red blood cells (RBCs) count, Hb and packed cell volume (PCV) with neutrophilia, lymphocytosis and monocytosis in endometritis group compared with healthy ones. The serum levels of Hp, SAA, Cp, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, NO and MDA were significantly (P˂0.05) increased, along with reduction of CAT, GPx, SOD and TAC in buffalo-cows with endometritis compared to healthy ones. The variability of Doppler ultrasonographic scan and studied genes alongside alterations in the serum profile of investigated markers could be a reference guide for limiting buffalo endometritis through selective breeding of natural resistant animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tsetse flies, the sole biological vectors of trypanosomiasis, are predominantly controlled using visual traps and targets baited with attractant lures. Formulation of the lures is informed by compositions of odors from vertebrate hosts preferred by specific tsetse species. However, there are no effective lures for Glossina austeni, a major vector of trypanosomiasis along eastern-coastal region of Africa. Formulation of the lure can be informed by knowledge of G. austeni, preferred vertebrate hosts. We thus sought to understand these hosts by assessment of putative bloodmeal sources of this tsetse fly in Arabuko Sokoke National Reserve where this species is naturally present. We sampled tsetse flies using NGU traps, isolated non-teneral G. austeni flies based on their feeding status, and identified vertebrate source of bloodmeals in their midgut contents using vertebrate 16S rRNA-PCR High-Resolution Melting analysis. We analyzed the relative vertebrate species frequencies in the bloodmeals using Fisher\'s exact tests. Overall, we trapped 122 flies, most of which (66.39%) were non-teneral, among which we successfully identified the vertebrate bloodmeals in 30 samples. Specifically, we detected putative suni antelope (Neotragus moschatus), harnessed bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus), buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and cattle (Bos taurus) derived bloodmeals. Putative suni antelope bloodmeals were significantly more frequent (63.22%), than those of the harnessed bushbuck (23.33%), buffalo (10.00%) or cattle (3.33%) (p < 0.05 Fisher\'s exact tests) among the samples analyzed. Suni antelope thus appears to predominate vertebrate bloodmeal source for G. austeni in the reserve, coincident with findings reported elsewhere, and is therefore a viable candidate for bioprospecting for G. austeni responsive attractants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The African buffalo, Syncerus caffer, is a key species in African ecosystems. Like other large herbivores, it plays a fundamental role in its habitat acting as an ecosystem engineer. Over the last few centuries, African buffalo populations have declined because of range contraction and demographic decline caused by direct or indirect human activities. In Mozambique, historically home to large buffalo herds, the combined effect of colonialism and subsequent civil wars has created a critical situation that urgently needs to be addressed. In this study, we focused on the analysis of genetic diversity of Syncerus caffer caffer populations from six areas of Mozambique. Using genome-wide SNPs obtained from ddRAD sequencing, we examined the population structure across the country, estimated gene flow between areas under conservation management, including national reserves, and assessed the inbreeding coefficients. Our results indicate that all studied populations of Syncerus caffer caffer are genetically depauperate, with a high level of inbreeding. Moreover, buffaloes in Mozambique present a significant population differentiation between southern and central areas. We found an unexpected genotype in the Gorongosa National Park, where buffaloes experienced a dramatic population size reduction, that shares a common ancestry with southern populations of Catuane and Namaacha. This could suggest the past occurrence of a connection between southern and central Mozambique and that the observed population structuring could reflect recent events of anthropogenic origin. All the populations analysed showed high levels of homozygosity, likely due to extensive inbreeding over the last few decades, which could have increased the frequency of recessive deleterious alleles. Improving the resilience of Syncerus caffer caffer in Mozambique is essential for preserving the ecosystem integrity. The most viable approach appears to be facilitating translocations and re-establishing connectivity between isolated herds. However, our results also highlight the importance of assessing intraspecific genetic diversity when considering interventions aimed at enhancing population viability such as selecting suitable source populations.





