
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine the genotypes of the epidemic strains of Echinococcus granulosus in livestock in Tibet, samples of E. granulosus cysts were collected from 11 yaks and 62 sheep. Genomic DNA was extracted from these samples, and gene fragments of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit I (nad1) were amplified by PCR and sequenced. DNASTAR and MAGA7.0 were employed for homology analysis and phylogenetic tree construction. Echinococcus granulosus cysts were detected in 56.2% (41/73) of the samples screened. Of these, 63.4% (26/41) were identified as E. granulosus G1 genotype (common sheep strain), 24.4% (10 /41) as G3 genotype (buffalo strain), and 12.2% (5/41) were G6 genotype (camel strain). The study concludes that yaks and sheep in Langkazi county, Tibet, carry three E. granulosus genotypes (G1, G3, and G6), with the G1 genotype the predominant genotype in the region. This study clarifies the distribution of E. granulosus genotypes, providing genetic data and insight for the surveillance and prevention of echinococcosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A survey of Ixodid tick species diversity on domestic ruminants was conducted in seven agro-climatic regions of Tamil Nadu State, India. Tick surveys were conducted on domestic ruminants such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goat in seven districts of Tamil Nadu. The overall tick infestation was 38.8%, 5.8%, 14.6%, and 40.8% on cattle, buffaloes, sheep, and goats, respectively. A total of 8068 ticks from 18 species belonging to four genera were recorded. Overall, Haemaphysalis intermedia was the predominant (51.38%) tick species which has a wide host range. The most prevalent tick species in cattle and buffalo were Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus (25.41%) and Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides (56.69%), respectively. Haemaphysalis intermedia was the most prevalent in ticks in sheep (70.35%), goat (70.35%), and dog (55.79%). In the present study, local anomalies such as the ectromely of one leg and the absence of adanal plates were observed in Rh. haemaphysaloides. The study also found that local anomaly such as protuberances in the hind tarsal and atrophy of the adanal plate was observed in Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. In addition, a general anomaly with three atrophy caudal appendages was also observed in Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. The overall prevalence of anomalies in Rh. haemaphysaloides and Rh. (B.) microplus was 0.3% (3/971) and 0.4% (3/678), respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease caused by a bacterial pathogen belonging to the genus Brucella. It is one of the most frequent bacterial zoonoses globally but unfortunately, it is still considered as a neglected disease in the developing world. Keeping in view, this study was conducted to determine the prevalence and risk determinants of brucellosis in large ruminants of peri-urban and rural areas of district Multan-Pakistan. For this purpose, blood samples (n = 490) were collected from the cattle (n = 245) and buffalo (n = 245) population of the study area and subjected to preliminary screening of brucellosis using local and imported RBPT reagents. All the samples were further analyzed using commercially available multi-specie indirect ELISA kit followed by their confirmation by PCR using genus and species-specific primers. Data obtained from lab analysis and questionnaires were subjected to statistical analysis for Pearson Chi-square, Odds Ratio and Confidence intervals (95%).
    RESULTS: The results showed that the maximum seropositivity was recorded with local RBPT reagent (VRI, Pakistan; 12.45%; 95%CI = 9.72-15.65%) followed by RBPT-IDEXX (12.24%; 95%CI = 9.52-15.45%) and (11.84%; 95%CI = 9.18-14.95%) however statistical difference was non-significant (P = 0.956). The ELISA results showed an overall seroprevalence rate of 11.22% (95%CI = 8.59-14.33%) with comparatively higher rate in cattle (12.65%; 95%CI = 8.82-17.44%) as compared to buffaloes (9.80%; 95%CI = 6.49-14.15%). The PCR analysis confirmed the presence of genus Brucella in all seropositive samples whereas frequency of B. abortus and B. melitensis in seropositive samples was 80% and 20%, respectively. The co-existence of both species was also observed in 5.45% samples. The statistical analysis showed a significant association of bovine brucellosis with herd size, breed, reproductive disorders, mode of insemination, educational status and farmers\' awareness about brucellosis (P < 0.05). Conversely, locality, age, weight, gender, pregnancy status, parity and puberty status had no associations with brucellosis (P > 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, brucellosis is prevalent in large ruminants of district Multan, Pakistan. It is suggested to devise and implement stringent policies for the effective control and prevention of brucellosis in the region. Further, the current situation also warrants the need to strengthen interdisciplinary coordination among veterinarians and physicians in one health perspective to ensure and strengthen the human and animal health care systems in the region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Lameness has been associated with compromised animal welfare and reduced productivity in dairy cattle herds worldwide. However, little is known about the prevalence of claw lesions in the dairy buffalo population in Egypt. Furthermore, the optimum measurements for claw trimming in buffalo are unknown. A cross-sectional cadaver study was conducted where 135 pair buffalo hind feet were collected from 4 slaughterhouses and examined for the presence of claw lesions. The proportion and associated 95% confidence interval (CI) of each type of lesion were calculated. A separate set of healthy claws (n = 26) underwent ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT). The agreement between US and CT measurements was assessed using Passing-Bablok regression and intraclass correlation coefficient. The CT measurements were used to calculate trimming recommendations.
    RESULTS: At least one lesion was identified in 242 claws (89.6%, 95% CI = 85.4-93.0). In healthy claws, poor to moderate agreement was identified between US and CT measurements which could be due a sample size of the study. The average ± standard deviation (SD) minimum recommended external wall length of the lateral and medial claws in heifers was 7.1 ± 0.36 cm and 7.5 ± 0.35 cm, respectively. The average ± SD minimum recommended external wall length in buffaloes over five years of age was 8.2 ± 0.27 cm and 8.4 ± 0.39 cm for the lateral and medial claws, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study found a high prevalence of claw lesions in buffalo in Egypt, the clinical significance of which requires further elucidation. Recommended measurements will help guide claw trimming in buffalo to minimise lesions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the diagnosis and treatment of various surgical salivary affections in buffaloes.
    METHODS: This study included 135 buffaloes examined at Dakahlia Governorate between 2011 and 2022 suffering from various surgical salivary affections. The recorded surgical affections had salivary fistula (n = 44), ectasia of Stenson\'s duct (n = 11), ranula/mucocele (n = 46), and cervical sialocele (n = 34). The buffaloes were sedated using an intramuscular injection of xylazine (0.05 mg/kg) and local infiltration analgesia of lidocaine for specific surgical interventions.
    RESULTS: The salivary duct fistula cases were surgically corrected using a retrograde infusion of povidone-iodine into the duct and its double ligation with Prolene following fistulectomy. Intraoral marsupialization was done in buffaloes suffering from ectasia of the parotid duct. The mucocele /ranula was surgically incised with daily flushing with povidone-iodine. The cervical sialocele was treated by giving an elliptical excision on the sialocele, and sialoadenectomy of the mandibular salivary gland was performed to facilitate dynamic fluid/saliva drainage. A 92.5% of diseased buffaloes showed an uneventful recovery without any postoperative complications after the first treatment, whereas 7.5% of animals tended to recur. The most common and almost equally distributed salivary affections recorded in adult buffaloes were parotid duct fistula, mucocele, and cervical sialocele. The Stenson\'s duct ectasia was commonly registered in calves, being congenital.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ranula was the most common salivary affection encountered in adult buffaloes, closely followed by parotid duct fistulae and cervical sialoceles. Stenson\'s duct ectasia was the least encountered salivary affection in calves and was congenital. All salivary affections were corrected easily and safely, with satisfactory outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial, Veterinary
    Dairy sector has recently focused a lot of attention on the addition of agricultural by-products as functional feed additives as an environmentally friendly and sustainable technology. Depotash vinasse (DPV) serves as a cheap source of nutrients and a binder for animal feed in dairy sector. However, there is little information available on the usage of depotash vinasse on animals. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the role of depotash vinasse as pellet binder on nutrient digestibility, blood parameters and milk production in early lactating Murrah buffaloes. Fifteen Murrah buffaloes (daily milk yield 8.5 to 9.0 kg/day) were randomly assigned to three groups, viz., control, group 1 (G1) and group 2 (G2) on the basis of milk yield and days in milk. The control group animals received a basal diet of concentrate mix, oat greens and wheat straw, G1 animals received molasses as a binder (8%), while G2 received DPV as binder (8%). Results revealed that there was no significant effect on nutrient digestibility. Blood parameters and hepatic enzymes were statistically similar (P > 0.05). Supplementation of depotash vinasse as binder had no effect on plasma minerals and was comparable to control group. There were no changes in milk production and 6% fat-corrected milk yield in treated groups as compared to control. It was concluded that depotash vinasse (8%) may be used for pellet production with no negative impact on milk yield and composition, nutrient digestibility and blood biochemical parameters in early lactating buffaloes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: According to reports, the majority of domesticated species exhibited uterine torsion. It was occasionally noted as a cause of dystocia in buffaloes. The uterus might twist more frequently late in pregnancy because of certain animal traits. The current research monitored the clinical findings and laboratory assays associated with uterine torsion cases in pregnant buffalo-cows through comparing between normal labored buffalo-cows (Norm-Labgr; n = 20), mechanically corrected uterine torsed animals without medicament interference (UtrTorsgr; n = 160), and mechanically corrected uterine torsed animals with medicament interference (UtrTors-Medgr; n = 40) through focusing on placental characterization, calves body weight, milk constituents and milk somatic cell count (SCC) in normal labored buffaloes and uterine torsed ones. Through clinical and laboratory investigations of these buffaloes (N = 220) had been conducted 3 times; 7 h pre-calving and post calving (Post uterine correction) i.e. 48 and 96 h. Uterine torsion prevalence parameters, placental characterization, calves body weight, milk constituents and milk somatic cell counts were evaluated in normal labored buffaloes and uterine torsed ones.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study concluded pre-calving remarkable variations in clinical findings, leukogram picture, calf birth weight and some placental characterization parameters between Norm-Labgr and each of UtrTorsgr and UtrTors-Medgr whereas these variations disappeared post-partum as a result to either only mechanical correction or mechanical correction plus medicaments interference. No pre-or post-calving significant changes between UtrTorsgr and UtrTors-Medgr except for the abnormal clinical findings were more representative in UtrTors-Medgr than those in UtrTorsgr particularly pre-calving. The applied pre-calving therapeutic regimen including dexamethasone-prostaglandin-receptal combination had a powerful potential efficacy that induced vaginal delivery of calves in UtrTors-Medgr as well as prepartum mechanical correction of torsed uterus approved higher efficacy in UtrTorsgr. The applied prepartum mechanical correction of torsed uterus and/or pre-calving therapeutic regimen as well as subsequent post-calving, post uterine correction applied medicament treatment accelerated rapid recovery of affected buffalo-cows through achieving rapid restoring of their physiological parameters. Buffalo-cow\'s milk composition, milk pH and milk SCC were not affected whereas no significant variations were reported between Norm-Labgr, UtrTorsgr and UtrTors-Medgr.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    GWAS helps to identify QTL and candidate genes of specific traits. Buffalo breeding has primarily focused on milk production, but its negative correlation with reproduction traits resulted in unfavorable decline of reproductive performance among buffaloes. A genome wide scan was performed on a total of 120 Murrah buffaloes genotyped by ddRAD sequencing for 13 traits related to female fertility, production, and growth. The identified 25 significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (P <1×106) are associated with age at first calving (AFC), age at first service (AFS), period from calving to 1st Artifical Insemination (AI), service period (SP) and 6 month body weight (6M). Fifteen genetic variants overlapped with different QTL regions of reported studies. Among the associated loci, outstanding candidate genes for fertility, including AQP1, TRNAE-CUC, NRIP1, CPNE4, and VOPP1, have effect in different fertility traits. AQP1 gene is expressed in ovulatory phase and various stages of pregnancy. TRNAE-CUC gene is associated with AFC and number . of calvings after 4 years of age. Glycogen content-associated gene CPNE4 regulates muscle glycogen and is upregulated during early pregnancy. NRIP1 generegulates ovulation, corpus luteum at pregnancy, and mammary gland development. The objective is to identify potential genomic regions and genetic variants associated with economic traits and to select the most significant SNP which have positive effect on all the traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Twenty apparently healthy buffaloes were withdrawn of feed and water for 48 hours. Buffaloes were administered with fluids and were subjected to endoscopy every 12 hours. Olympus™ [GIF V70] flexible video endoscope was passed through the ventral nasal meatus, the pharynx, oesophagus and then into the reticulo-rumen in physically restrained buffaloes. The entire reticulum and part of the rumen could be visualized, when the animals were off feed and water for at least 48 hours and evacuations of rumen contents were done even after 48 hours of starvation to visualize the rumen in six buffaloes. The reticulum appeared light brown to pink coloured with honeycomb shape and the rumen appeared smooth, shiny pink, with numerous papillae throughout its surface. The procedure was well tolerated by all the buffaloes and satisfactory reticular and ruminal images could be obtained including biopsy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This is the first report describing levels of APPs in European bison. Serum concentration of acute phase proteins (APPs) may be helpful to assess general health status in wildlife and potentially useful in selecting animals for elimination. Since there is a lack of literature data regarding concentration of APPs in European bisons, establishment of the reference values is also needed.
    METHODS: A total of 87 European bison from Polish populations were divided into two groups: (1) healthy: immobilized for transportation, placing a telemetry collar and routine diagnostic purposes; and (2) selectively culled due to the poor health condition. The serum concentration of haptoglobin, serum amyloid A and α1-acid-glycoprotein were determined using commercial quantitative ELISA assays. Since none of the variables met the normality assumptions, non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used for all comparisons. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using Statistica 13.3 (Tibco, USA).
    RESULTS: The concentration of haptoglobin and serum amyloid A was significantly higher in animals culled (euthanised) due to the poor condition in respect to the clinically healthy European bison. The levels of α1-acid-glycoprotein did not show statistical difference between healthy and sick animals.
    CONCLUSIONS: Correlation between APPs concertation and health status was proven, therefore the determination of selected APPs may be considered in future as auxiliary predictive tool in assessing European bison health condition.





